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50% Shadows of the Abyss / Chapter 1: Dreamer Part One
Shadows of the Abyss Shadows of the Abyss original

Shadows of the Abyss

Author: Unis_DeadLast

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Dreamer Part One

Galaharus expected to feel the rain on his face, expected it to shower on his tired form, soaking him to the bone after exhausting himself from tearing and dispatching the filth before him yet he did not understand why there was Warmth upon his face and the breeze upon his locks lochs of hair. To have roused from his slumber he found himself alone at a place he would presume would have been a ridge of sorts facing to his left a forest and to his front a riverbank. He carefully pushed himself up with a small wobble before correcting his balance on the balls of his feet to the heels.

The Last of the von Abbysons took note of his appearance having the Royal blue hood, coat, or whatever it was on his neck still, as he owned overlapping pieces of armor that clung to his form giving a few whirls on his shoulder they felt light if that made any sense at all. Sighing as he looked around for his Sword he last used to slay the Duke expecting it to be covered in the pig's blood only to find it to have been maintained and clean, he found it around a meter or so away from where he slumbered.

His hands began to shake as small pieces of his abused kin's memories flashed in his vision, hesitating for a moment until he made his way to grasp his Sword." Barathrum," recalling its name as he easily lifted the five foot eleven inches tall double-edged greatsword. A weapon that he recalled in the wide arrays of memories that would acknowledge him alone. Hefting the Large Sword into a two-handed overhead diagonal swing then a horizontal slash and a lunge to end it he nodded to his satisfaction. The next step was his one-handed handling of the Sword. Starting with his non-dominant hand he took the stance of the Fool and swung a wide arc upward then seemingly hurled himself forward using the One Hundred forty-nine Kilogram weapon's Momentum to fuel his front flip to end in a swift downward slash. Taking now his dominant hand he took hold of the Ira stance laying the flat of the blade on his nape as he swung forward ever so vigorously until he embedded the Blade on the ground slightly flushed on the face smiling to himself." I still got it."

Hefting the Large blade onto his shoulders he walked to the riverbank running water and drink from it, knowing that running water is safe to drink after a few gulps of cool water. Now he was looking at his reflection; the scars he had adorned and removed the Falcon shaped Half Helm he stared at his reflection, electric blue eyes that shone unnaturally, washing his face in an attempt to clear the non-existent grime on him after being satisfied with his complexion he decided to follow the origin of the current in hopes to find some form of Civilization through the Forest staying as vigilant as he possibly can.


The Last born of Abbyson walked along the Way foraging for edible Mushrooms and Plants along the riverbank keeping his guard up as he would always, with an ever knowing glint in his eyes as he located some berries, Golden Raspberries by the bushes near the banks to be precise, double-taking and confirming the berries were edible he took half a handful to eat whilst carrying a few more when he needed to replenish his energy. He silently smiled as he Located a vital plant for his survival, a Giant Hogweed, whose white flowers and tall stems make them valuable for a forager like Galaharus.

With a swift swipe with Barathrum, he fell the plant as he slowly dragged the 4-foot tall plant on its stem opposite to the open fibers with his non-dominant hand, and along his footsteps, it was a multitool of a plant as its leaves would cover his trail and the sap would mask his scent for any would-be predatory animals. Smiling almost like a madman as this was his key to live on.

Moments had passed as he collected a Mushroom he knew was edible to a fault, The Hen of the Woods mushrooms are easy to distinguish versus other mushrooms because their fruiting body is made up of clustered leaf-like fronds. Taking a bite first to adjust to the earthy spicy and weirdly enough fruity taste. All the while listening in his area for any traces of movement on the ground or treeline if he did he would make a break for it in a wide-paced area. After having his fill he made his way carefully into a clearing with his Hogweed at hand and sword on the other. He was not so much unnerved by how peaceful his trek was but how he did not see any forms of predatory animal markings along the way. No tracks, droppings, markings, nor smell of piss all he had was fresh air.

His instincts were telling him there was wrong in that area itself. He readied himself in the Stance of the Fool with Barathrum's tip pointed downwards and low to the ground. Galaharus was no fool when it came to his instincts as it had saved him countless times in his life.

As if fate had willed it an arrow flew from the leaves of the trees barely scratching Galaharus' pauldron as a volley followed through. Galaharus knew better than to panic so with a swift swipe with the Cutdown Giant Hogweed its sap spread itself among the canopies of the forest resulting in pained wails until a body fell. The Giant Hogweed did its job and disabled an attacker, he knew of this due to the memories of his whole bloodline that had melded with his own, the sap from the plant would irritate the skin and make it sensitive to sunlight simulating the pains of a storybook vampire when introduced to sunlight.

The Scion of the Abbysons approached the knocked-out body removing its hood to reveal angular ears. An Elf? but those were just rumors but how would one be here? He continued to survey the form of his aggressor to be genuinely surprised to be a Woman as it seemed. Golden hair that was tied to a Celtic braid of all things along with wearing leather vambraces and a Brigadine breastplate and that was excluding the dark green tunic and brown pants and boots they wore.

Galaharus made sure that they were unconscious before he ripped a piece of his Royal blue hood to use as a makeshift binding material for the Elf's wrists and ankles before carefully lifting her onto his shoulder as he found his way into a clearing.


The sun was setting, kissing the sky leaving a vermillion umbral dyed horizon in its wake a clear sign to make camp for the night which the Lad decided to be near a tree depositing the unconscious elf on it. Galaharus made haste in collecting dried wood and large stones around the clearing still holding on to Barathrum on his dominant hand as he made way to the river to pick more of the raspberries and to the woods to collect more of the mushrooms, Hen of the Woods, all the while searching for flint on the ground staying vigilant as the sky grew darker.

By the time he had returned to the clearing the Man used his Metallic gauntlets and scraped it against Barathum's blade sparking multiple times until the piece of wood slowly ignited to which he slowly broke off some of his collected firewood to feed the small flame up until it was a roaring fire. Placing the Large stones around the fire to make a makeshift hearth protecting the heart of the fire from the possible winds all the while doubling as a way to cook food and a projectile as his Gauntlets more or less insulated the heat to a degree.

Galaharus laid his back against the trunk of the tree with Barathrum in his arms as he slowly ate his berries and Mushrooms in peace as he listened to the sounds of the forest as he knew and understood if the sounds were to be silent there would be a threat nevertheless he kept his guard up as he looked at the flames occasionally looking around for any signs of both Humanoid and Predatory animal entering the Clearing.


The Night was clear and the scenery itself was becoming tiresome especially with his Whole Bloodline speaking through his mind in an almost animated fashion.

"So Why art we in a forest clearing? Were we not in the torrential rain moments ago?" A sleepy feminine voice echoed in Galaharus' mind.

"Ah, a Bonfire, quite the memory to retell, What say You Lad?" A Bellowing voice chattered.

"Quiet Elder, canst thou does not understand the situation we are in?" What seemed to be a young man's voice spoke." Galaharus, would you be so kind?"

The Last Abbyson sighed as he steadied himself to stand." All I know is that We woke up near a ridge, I had hoped we would find civilization or any form of it by following the origin of the river and fate is kind for we found a possible denizen of whatever town or small settlement there is in this location. I had spared them for now for they cannot harm us."

A Large chorus of voices battled in his head; some ridiculing his decision, others panicking, and the rest defending him.

"Why not Ravage her now whilst she climbers?" A Voice echoed until it was silenced by the brutal beatings in the mindscape of Galaharus. This was Troublesome as it is. Had it not for the fact that the Lady was slowly rousing from her slumber this would have been a peaceful night.

"Y-you Bastard!"

Oh How Fate Loathes me so. The lad thought to himself.

Unis_DeadLast Unis_DeadLast

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