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Seven minutes in heaven Seven minutes in heaven original

Seven minutes in heaven

Author: https_alfx

© WebNovel

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Hey there! I am Liz. I am a student of PARADIS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. I am currently 21 and obviously, I am single. I live with my one and only friend, Hanji. She and I've been friends since we were 4. Well, I am the nerd one and she is the hot one you could say.

I was chilling on my bed with my coffee mug on the nightstand and my laptop on top of my thighs, researching for my holiday project. As it is winter holiday. I took a sip of my coffee and that's when I heard a loud thud. I looked at the door with the corner of my eyes.

Hanji : LIZZZ! I am homee!

Hanji screamed, as she entered the house, throwing her shoes on top of the shoe stand. She jumped on top of me, not noticing the coffee mug and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. And that's when she regretted. The coffee splashed all over my dress and my bed. I looked at her with wide eyes. She looked at me with the most scared and guilty look. She instantly got up and ran into her room screaming.

Hanji : SORRYYYY!!!!!

I sighed and got up. I changed the sheet and took out a pair of clothes. I took my towel and got into the shower.


A warm shower through the winter night felt marvellous. I stood infront of a mirror, drying up my hair with the hair dryer, while my thoughts were taking over me. As I was deep in my thoughts, Hanji peeked through the door. I turned off my hair dryer and looked at her through the mirror, brushing my hair.

Me : What is it?

Hanji : Well, I want to confess something to you.

Me : Mhm, you may do so.

I stopped brushing my hair and put down the hair brush. I sat on my bed and she did the same. I looked at her curiously and asked her about her confession.

Me : Spill it!

Hanji : Umm, alright so. Remember I told you about that guy?

Me : The brunette?

Hanji : Yes! Jean asked me out today at work!

Me : WHAT??! Did he actually?!

She squealed and nodded indicating a 'Yes'. I squealed loudly and asked her.

Me : Did you answer him yet?!

Hanji : I accepted him! We are official.

Me : Oh my god! Congratulations Hanjiii!!

Hanji : Thank you!

I grinned at her. She was about to leave but she turned back, looking at me. I looked at her, frowning.

Hanji : Oh yeah! I almost forgot. There is a party tomorrow at one of my friend's house, you should probably join.

Me : Well, I never received a invitation.

Hanji : Don't worry, he is one of my close friend. And besides, everyone from our university is invited. It's a 'Last year' party I assume.

Knowing about her reputation, she is pretty popular. I didn't bother asking the host's name because I wouldn't know anyways.

Me : I'll think about it.

Hanji : NO! I don't care about your excuses, you HAVE to join!

She pouted and started doing little stomps.

Me : But-

She cut me off.

Hanji : Ain't got no time for your silly excuses. You are coming, and that's final.

She crossed her arms and left without letting me utter a word. I sighed, kind of frustrated because I have no dress to wear. I probably have to ask Hanji. I did my night care routine and went to bed.


It was 8 in the morning. I turned off my alarm, and got up yawning. I freshened up and got into the kitchen to make breakfast for me and Hanji. I screamed across the kitchen while cooking.


That's when I heard a loud thud. She fell off her bed, Hanji groaned in pain.

Hanji : OWW! What the fuck Liz, why are you screaming! It's 8 in the morning!

Me : Exactly! Get up. We have to get ready before 9, my boss is going to kill me!

Hanji : Ugh! Fine.

She freshened up and sat on a chair, right beside the counter. I set the table and sat at the opposite side. We ate and got ready for work.


I twisted the knob as I entered my house. I was tired as hell! I took a nice pair of nighty and was about to get in shower when I heard the door closing. I screamed across my room.

Me : Is that you Hanji?

Hanji : YEAH! Today was so tiring!

Me : Same for me.

Hanji : Well, atleast I'll get to enjoy the party!

As she squealed loudly, excited. 'Oh shit! I almost forgot about the party.' I thought. I entered Hanji's room.

Me : Hanji, I don't have any dress for today's party, Can I borrow one from you?

Hanji : I usually don't lend any but sure.

Me : Thank you, love!

I winked at her and got into the shower.


'That was a nice shower!' I thought. I was wearing my robe and I peeked through Hanji's door. It looked like she just got out of the shower too. I got closer to her and put my palm on her shoulder. She flinched and turned towards me.

Hanji : Damn, you startled me.

Me : Haha! Well, did you find any dress for me?

Hanji : Fortunately, yes.

I looked towards her bed and saw two sexy dresses. 'ooo, which one is mine?' I wondered. She took one of the dresses and handed it over to me. It was a black short dress with a triangular cut on the cleavage, with long net hands. I grabbed the dress and rushed towards my room. I closed the door and quickly put on the dress, and it was the perfect size! I checked myself out at the mirror and head towards Hanji's room. I entered her room, astounded. 'She is looking so hot!' I thought. She diverted her eyes towards me.

Hanji : OH MY GOD! You look stunning Lizzz!

Me : Thank you, you look so hot too!

Hanji winked at me and pulled me by my wrist. She made me sit right infront of her vanity mirror. She started applying make-up on my face.


We were done with ourselves and we looked at each other smiling. I took the perfume and sprayed it on my neck, behind my ears and wrists. We took our purse and got in my car. We turned on the radio and started driving to her friend's house.


I parked my car infront of a huge mansion, I was flabbergasted. We got out of the car and head towards the mansion. I was astonished, the house was full of people. When I entered the interior of the house, I could see people dancing in one room, drinking, making out, grinding against each other, and packed back to back like sardines. Sensing my mild discomfort again at the sheer size of the party, Hanji moved to hook her arm around mine and leaned in.

Hanji : Don't worry, these aren't the people we're partying with. Luckily for us, I know the host. He doesn't even bother being up here half the time.

She frowned as the two of us walked past a couple who looked like they were trying to swallow each other's faces. A few more passes between crowds of people, and Hanji finally led me to a space in the back of the house that was closed off for entrance. Standing outside the door was a big, braulic blonde guy who looked like he could crush someone's head with one hand. Hanji gave me a sly wink as the two of us got closer, and unlooped her arm from mine.

Hanji : Hey Reiner, tell Jean I'm here. I brought a friend, too.

Hanji tilted her shoulders towards him, letting her fingers dance across his bicep all while she spoke. I couldn't even hold in my laugh, especially because the guy called Reiner folded for her so easily and the stern look on his face faded away. He unclipped the walkie talkie hanging from his belt loop and phoned in for Jean, whoever that was.

Hanji : President.

Hanji whispered in my ear, reading my mind.

Me : Of course.

I giggled.

Hanji : What? We hooked up once or twice.

She shrugged.

Hanji : It was good, too. Obviously trying to get some again tonight. Oh my god, I have to tell you about this one time when he ate my-

Reiner : You girls can head in.

Reiner said, interrupting Hanji and jerking his head towards the door. The two of us stepped past him and I could see stairs leading down to what looked like the basement. Hanji led me down the entire time, refusing to let go of my hand out of support. If I thought the upstairs of the frat house was huge, I underestimated how big the rest of the house was. The basement was just as spacious, with a living room, its own individual kitchen, what looked like two bathrooms, and a few closed doors I assumed to be bedrooms. The music down here was a lot softer and chill, a mix of R&B and alternative. Not to mention there were way less people. It seemed as if this space was reserved for those higher up in the fraternity hierarchy and their friends.

Hanji : President and VP live down here.

She giggled, reading my mind again.

https_alfx https_alfx

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter ;)

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