Ella took the first car to the brand launch and Sam took the second one to the nightclub. They had agreed that since the Recluse brand event would end early, she would go to Nicky's place first for the small party they were throwing for Lisas arrival. He would also go to the nightclub and try to see the possible threats there before his partners arrive.
Ella got to the Brand event forty minutes later and made her way inside. They had already secured an invitation from the person they were here to meet and he also provided them with all the information they needed before the mission.
After showing her invitation, she was led to the front role right beside her target. A young heiress who had been cheated off without knowing what was really going on. Her boyfriend had gained access to her signature making deals that wouldn't help her. He had tried cooperating with the shipping company to import illegal materials which would land her into trouble later.