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Chapter 2: Press Start

I really don't want to wake up now but there are a few things I need to check. Man I'm tired, even still I slowly open my eyes.

As soon as I see the room around me my memories of this life come back to me. I then take my time as I organize through the two and a half years of memories.

First of are my Mom and Dad. My Dad is the one who is usually home with me. My Mom on the other had works quite a lot but when she is home we always spend time together.

My parents also seem to love each other very much. I'm very thankful for that, though it can get embarrassing at times.

My house is mostly made of wood but has all the modern things of other houses. Though a few of the rooms are especially modern like my room and the kitchen. Most of the house though reminds me of a cabin.

It seems my desires came true. Though I now have to address the slightly glowing translucent dark purple screen in front of me. As I take a closer look at it I realize it has words on it.

"Hello this is your new system courtesy of your old worlds system. If you would like to activate it Press Start." And to my surprise there was a start button on the screen.

Realizing what I had to do I press start. The system window then shows a loading bar that slowly fills.

After waiting for about a minute it finishes loading and a new message appears.

"Successfuly activated system. Now the basic commands for the system. These commands are all mental.

On-To show system window

Off-To hide system window

Info- To show more information on something

More information can be found in the help section." With that the screen disappears.

I mentally command "on" and the screen reappears. This time it has three options Stats, Shared, and Help.

Just for fun I decide to use the info command on the help option. The window the changes to display the information.

"This option once selected will allow you to ask questions and receive a truthful answer. It can also be used to gain information on proper care for your Pokémon.

PS. The last feature was added by your new worlds system because I let her choose your new appearance."- Written by Phantom

With the last tidbit I have to worry how I might look when I'm older. It's probably worth it though, even if I turn out weird looking. The screen then returns to normal.

I decide that using the info command on the other options would be a good idea. The next thing I do is use the info command on the Shared option. The screen changes again.

"The Shared option allows you to see who you shared your system with and the ability to share your system. The system will only provide the passive benefits if shared."

I immediately decide to figure out what the passive benefits are. And with using the info command I again get my answer.

"The passive benefits of the system consists of. Maximizes the user's ability to improve and allows for increased chance to unlock special traits for Pokémon. PS the system can't be forced to be shared, you're welcome." Phantom

I find it interesting that they seemed to pick up on my name for them. But after reading that the only thing left Is the Status option. With just a thought the screen changes to what I want.

"Status is a way to check yours and other things status. One does not need to have the system In order for you to check their status. But information will be limited based on the difference in ability. Mus lt also be in contact to use."

I have to say even if it is limited that is a fantastic ability to have. The downside of having to touch could lead to some troublesome situations.

With that out of the way I would like to see my own stats.

Name: Zechariah Erlanger

Condition: Heathy

Title: (None)

Abilities: None


Ghost:True Genius

Aura:True Genius

Psychic:True Genius

Dark:True Genius

Bug:True Genius

Dragon:True Genius

Poison:True Genius



Basic: Every other Type

I have to say I'm very surprised by just my elemental talents. Not only because I'm True Genius in more than I requested but I ended up getting not just one but four.

I'll have to do research on how to train those later. If I'm lucky that information might have been included in the help section. For now though I'll look at the rest of my status.

Talents: Mental

Comprehension: True Genius

Memory: Supreme Genius

Mental Capacity: Genius


Growth rate: True Genius

Energy Capacity: True Genius

Energy compatibility: True Genius

That seems to be the rest of my status. Though with that I do have a few questions. With that I go to the help option. And mentally ask my first question.

"Why am I so talented in things I didn't ask for?" Without any wait I get an answer as the screen is filled with text.

"The user was granted more talents then they initially requested due to the family they chose and by pure luck. Your family genetics are attuned greatly with several different elements.

Due to the systems function to enhance all training and other improvements to the maximum they can, your talents gained from your lineage were enhanced."

Now I have to wonder who my parents are related to in order for my talents to be enhanced that much.Though it probably doesn't impact me that much.

My next question though is going to have to be about what the physical talents mean. And with that thought the system replies.

"Growth rate: is how fast one grows to the limit. This also determines weather a being limit in each level is.

Energy Capacity: This determines how much energy a person is able to hold at their max. This also determines physical durability to elemental attacks.

Energy Compatibility: This determines how many different types of energy one may hold in the body and how many they can use at once. The limits are also influenced by training.

Current type capacity limit is 4.

Current ability to use multiple energies at once is 1."

Okay definitely good info to know. Especially when I use it to study different people. My hope though is that I won't ever have to use it like that.

Now that I'm done checking myself out I should start working though my memories both new and old. I spend a total of 2 hours sorting my memories when suddenly the door is gently swung open.

I look over to see my father with his sharp black hair and square glasses. As he is frozen in place by what I guess is surprise I take the time better study him.

Something I notice right away is his bright teal eyes and his strong straight nose. His jaw is not as angular and it has a little scruff on it.

I look to his body now that I studied his face. And what I see is a surprise. He is not built like the average office worker but instead like a well built athlete.

In my observation it seems he finally recovered from his shock and approached me. In a moment he then picks me up and starts to talk to me.

"Hey Zechy, your up early. Usually daddy comes and wakes you up. I hope your okay."

After th last sentence he holds me out in front of him to look me over for non existent injuries or illness.

He suddenly starts to tickle me unde my arms which causes me to start giggling wildly. This seems to put my father at ease as he stops ticking me and brings me to his shoulder to carry me.

Eventually after I recover from my embarrassment I notice how my dad was carrying me to the kitchen.

As we enter I notice a face I usually don't get to see. Toriel my mothers gardivoir is cooking breakfast in the kitchen. My mothers gardivoir was her first Pokémon and was also a shiny.

My dad seems to notice my confusion as he starts to talk to me.

"Mama's not home right now because she's on a trip. She'll be back home soon, I promise." I quickly register what my father said and simply nod.

My father is not very surprised by my understanding, because based on my memories I was a very quick learner. So me understanding what he just said was not a big deal. I could probably even show my new abilities to read and write and only get a small reaction. I personally don't want to tests that theory now that I think of it.

That train of thought makes me realize I need to figure out how to train my abilities. So as my father sets me down into my seat for breakfast, I use the systems help function to ask the question. As always the reply is instant.

"On what elemental ability would you like information on first?" I instantly command it to bring up the info for Aura, Psychic, and Ghost training methods. It then lists all the methods for each but I'm currently eating so I can't really read it. I have to wonder is there an audio option.

Suddenly a screen apears before asking something.

"Would you like to activate text to speech?." Without a second thought I mentally command yes. As it starts to read off the ways for me to improve my abilities I think, this system is so convenient and useful.

"Aura is pure life energy that is present in all living things. It can be trained in many ways. The best is to create an area in the body to store it. The best place to do so is the heart. Aura can be hard to sense at first, the same goes for other energies. It may take a while to sense based on luck and talent. You will have to sense aura in the body first.

The heart is the best place to store aura due to the abundant life energy that already flows through it but also because aura flows better through veins and arteries than it does through energy pathways."

It suddenly stops and another window apears in front of me. Saying that in order to get more information I have to get to the stateless stage of aura training. That causes me to have two questions.

First, what are stages? Second, what am I eating? I ignore the window that pops up In favor of figuring out what this strange food is.

I have memories of eating it before but it is still very different compared to anything in my previous world. I look at the label and it reads (Oran berry yogurt). It is surprising for a moment but I realize I'm now in the Pokémon world.

The taste though is fantastic. It reminds me of a mango surprisingly, it also has a hint of spice. It's absolutely delicious though. This makes me think of all the things that could be made with it.

I finish eating my yogurt as soon as my dad and Toriel finish theirs. With that my dad starts the dishes as Toriel picked me up and gently brings me to the living room.

She sets me down in my designated play area. It has all my toys and is covered in a play mat. I instinctively reach for my favorite toy, a shuppet plushie. It makes me giggle when I realize that shuppets are made when a loved toy is lost or forgotten. I don't really want to play with baby toys but I got to keep some doubts about if I'm a child or not.

I finally decide to resume learning about my different abilities as I gently play with my plush. And with just that thought the strangely familiar voice starts to talk.

"Psychic energy is pure mental energy that is produced by all conscious things. The way to train psychic energy is to first make a place to store it. The brain is the best place to store it due to psychic energy naturally being produced there. This means that trying to sense it in that area will be most productive.

Ghost energy is quite fickle to grasp. The exception is if someone died temporarily. This is due to it being the energy of the soul. Ghost energy can be sensed anywhere due to it always being present in living things. Ghost energy is evenly stored in the body and is instead improved by increasing its density.

To help I would suggest meditation in order to help sense energies."

After that explanation I decide that training ghost energy will be the easiest due to already dying once.

But with that said I have to figure out what the ranks mean now. With that the voice that I finally realize as the Pokédex's starts the explanation.

"Ran are the different levels of mastery and power a person has over its energies. This also relates to Pokémon and their power. Pokémon and people rank up faster based on their potential. This will also decide the max power one can reach. Each rank also has three sub ranks of Low, Middle, and High before they rank up.

The ranks consist of stageless, Bronze, Iron, Silver, Gold, and that is the highest rank you are able to see at the moment. You may know of higher ranks when you or your Pokémon rank up."

It sucks that I can't learn about all the levels yet but I guess that's fine. More importantly I want to know about what the Pokémon talents are. It takes less than a second before the system responds.

"Pokémon Talent is how quickly one can learn something and the maximum of growth. Each has a sub grade of light/just the color/deep. The talents rarity is listed below.

Red- Not great

Orange- Ok

Yellow- Above average

Green- Good

Blue- Great

Purple- Perfect

Maroon- Never before seen by humans

Void- Legendary

Celestial- God level

Potential of Pokémon can be improved by rigorous training to above normal limits and then ranking up. Or through specific items during evolution."

That was definitely helpful and I'm very happy to finally get all the information about something at once. Though I have noticed I've been jumping from topic to topic constantly. My best guess for the cause would have to be me having the brain of a child.

It's not too annoying and it will probably go away soon, I hope. If it doesn't then I might start to get lost in lalaland more often than not.

Though with this new information I can start to set some goals. The first one Is going to be to get a Pokémon to celestial potential. The second is to get to the highest rank in all my abilities.

Now that we're done with the grand goals I should start with immediate ones. I think getting to bronz stage in my main three attributes is a good start.

The next will be to get my first Pokémon of course. Thankfully I don't have to wait till then in order to interact with one. I look up from my shuppet plushy to Toriel, who is in fact a Pokémon.

With that confirmation out the way I carry my plushy and myself over to her. She is sitting in a wooden rocking chair and silently watching me. I eventually waddle my way over to her and gently place my hand on her knee.

As soon as I make contact I try to check her status. It doesn't reveal much besides her name, species, gender, and talent. My guess is she is at least above gold rank. Which is scary to think about.




Potential:Light Purple




As I see her potential I have a mini heart attack. She is pretty much a perfect specimen of her species. She is also near the top percentage of Pokémon in the world just based on her potential.

Toriel seems to notice my freeze up and gently picks me up and sets me on her lap. She then sends me calm and safe feelings. I forgot Gardivoir are known as the emotion Pokémon.

I'm used to feeling others emotions through empathy, so having them felt like this is strange. It's not a bad thing to be honest. And it makes me think that maybe I could do something similar one day with my powers.

After what feels like half an hour of sitting with Toriel, my dad who apparently left to get groceries came back. He looked over to me and Toriel before quickly putting down the groceries and coming over.

Instead of coming over to pick me up he instead pulled out his phone so we could take a picture together.

Toriel seemed to understand what my dad was trying to do and instead used her psychic powers to lift the phone up and take a picture.

After the shared moment it was apparently time for lunch. That meant Toriel gently sent me down as she went to prepare food for us.

My dad at this point decided it was time for me to do some learning and brought out my work book. It wasn't to advance just writing basic letters and som "new" words here or there.

What was really endearing was that my father was pretending to be learning this with me. And when he wasn't doing that he would ask me questions to see my understanding of a word or two.

I couldn't show I already knew these words but I felt like I was putting up a convincing child. And based on my dads expression, I seemed to be doing well.

Eventually after "practicing" in my workbook for half an hour lunch was ready. This time I got to eat the same thing as everyone else. But the meal was a lot mor common. It was just noodles and beef.

After lunch it was apparently nap time for me. I wasn't too opposed to the idea either. My plan was to use the time in order to train my ghost type energy.

As I was set in to my bed by my dad he quickly waved me goodbye and left the room. I then waited a few minutes to make sure no one was around before I started to meditate.

I tried to do it sitting up first but that wasn't really comfortable. I then tried laying down on my back but that to was slightly uncomfortable. Finally I layed belly down and head to the side.

With that over with, I tried to sense the Ghost energy in me. And to no one's surprise nothing happened. I wasn't to disappointed because the system said it would be hard. The only thing I could do now was just try.

I ended up falling asleep at one point. I don't remember when I did, but it doesn't really matter to much. I'll just have to try again tonight.

Now that I was done sleeping it was time for some exercise. I was getting annoyed at how uncooperative my body was, and now seemed like a good time to start fixing that.

Honestly a child's body can't do much without hurting itself. So my exercises were restricted to pretty much just stretching and picking up light objects.

I personally started doing all the different stretches I knew. And promptly fell in several different ways. Though it was satisfying and strange to be able to do things like the splits. I was never able to stretch my body in so many different ways.

The problem was I had very little control over how my body moved. My guess was the lack of muscle memory. Another problem would be having not enough strength to perform multiple of the stretches I knew.

I suddenly heard the click of a camera. I looked over to the door to see my father with his phone. I immediately got embarrassed. My father either not noticing or ignoring my embarrassment picked me up. He then hugged Mew close to his chest and then spoke.

"I'm glad to see you moving Zech. You had me worried. You slept from yesterday's nap time to tomorrow morning. For now though we should get you something to eat."

I was quite surprised to hear that. And now that he mentions it I'm starving. I decide to ask the system about what happened. The system as usual opens and replies.

"The user was sent into a comatose state temporarily due to trying to access their energy during a short rest. It would be recommended that the user does the training before long periods of rest instead of short, to gain maximum benefits and the least side effects."

That definitely sounds like it could be an issue. That reaffirmes my decision to ask my next question.

'System what are the side effects of training at this age both physical and using energy.' The system then replies.

"The physical training of your current intensity will have no adverse side effects. Any increase in exercise may cause harm so it is not recommended for more physical training.

Energy training will induce fatigue on the physical and mental energies. It is recommended to train it before long periods of rest due to the user's age."

So no actual issues thankfully, but any more training than the little I'm doing now could be harmful. It sucks I can't do more than currently, but if it's better for me, than I can't argue.

I then notice the small plate of food in front of me. My dad has a worried look on his face. It's probably due to me getting lost in my thoughts. I ignore it though and start devouring my food. That seems to relieve him some.

The next thing I do after eating is get placed In my play area. I instinctively again grab my shuppet plushy. This time though I take the time to inspect it.

The plushy is surprisingly quite soft to the touch. I would think the texture would be mor similar to cloth but instead it's fluffy. I then gently stuff it in my left arm holding it close to my chest.

Speaking of the plushy it does remind me that I should probably do some research on Pokémon. It takes no time for me to bring up the help section of the system. My first question I decide should be about the connection between Pokémon and people.

Without needing to voice my question the system replies.

"Pokémon and people have a very strong compatibility with each other. This has allowed for both when working in unison bring out the best in each other.

The bond between trainer and Pokémon can be incredibly strong. And having this bond helps both parties. A bond will allow both parties to live longer and become more powerful.

Through this bond, people may be able to receive traits from their Pokémon. Pokémon usually are unable to gain this benefit due to most people not having powers. The lifespan increases Pokémon get compared to people is much greater.

Though bonds can weaken if both parties don't care for one another. This can eventually lead to a bond breaking. If the bond is weak that is usually not to much of a problem.

A strong bond breaking usually requires a death of either the person or the Pokémon. If a person dies before the Pokémon with a strong bong it will be debilitating and sometimes lethal. The other way around it is usually just debilitating.

This is why most of the time Pokémon will sacrifice themselves in order to protect their trainer, because if they don't all the Pokémon under that trainer that had a strong bond would suffer greatly.

Pokémon and people are the only known beings to be able to bond like this. Pokémon can't even bond like this together, that also goes for people."

Then like usual the "You may not know more information until you increase your rank" message is heard. It's annoying but I guess the phantom had to put a few restrictions to make it "fair".

Suddenly I see Toriel move and go outside. My father quickly takes her place of watching me. Though this does peak my curiosity. And using my limited vocabulary that I'm "supposed" to use I ask a simple question.

"Why Toriel Leave?" it was my best attempt to properly ask my question. My father looks up from the book he was reading and gently answered my question.

"Toriel left to go train." I quickly reply with a simple question.

"Why?" The answer I thought would be just a simple "to become stronger" was not what I got but instead my father just sat their contemplating for a full minute before he spoke.

"You know how Toriel and your Mother have a very strong bond right?" I nod, wondering where he is going with this.

"Good, that will make this easier to explain. Your Mother,s and Toriel's bond is very strong, so strong in fact that it allows Toriel to unlock a special form.

This is usually only a temporary transformation, but if Toriel becomes strong enough they could make it permanent." My dad stops for a second to see if I am paying attention, once he sees I am he continues.

"This special transformation is called Mega Evolution. This is what most consider the peak of Pokémon form. And to make it permanent help both trainer and Pokémon to fully understand each other.

But there is another key component to Mega evolution. That is the mega stone. It's the pretty stone your Mom wears around her wrist like a bracelet.

The other important thing is the Mega stone for specifically Toriel. Toriel stone that she wears around her neck is specific for Toriels species of Gardivoir. Any other stone wouldn't work for the Mega evolution.

So if you were to somehow find a mega stone for any other Pokémon it wouldn't work for any other Pokémon besides that one." My Dad done with his explanation gently pats me on the head before going back to reading.

That definitely opens a lot more possibilities in my future for sure. It could even mean that any Pokémon could Mega evolve. That might not be true but it does give me hope.

Mega evolution seems to also be a lot less detrimental to the Pokémon compared to the dex entries that I remember.

Though this also brings up the matter that my Mom can even mega evolve her Pokémon. From my Dads explanation that means my mom and Toriel are incredibly powerful and connected. That is a scary thought.

I definitely have memories of my Mom, but now I can't wait to meet her with all my memories back.

The day continues to progress normally, until I'm left alone in my bed for the night. I get into a comfortable position and try to find my energy. It's like meditation but more about trying to figure bring out pieces of yourself.

Even then it's not a proper description. I also still have pretty muchness's no idea what I'm doing. Hopefully I figure it out soon. I want to properly start training.

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