When Jack reached his quest quotas for the Gnomes and Gremlins, the area nearby was mainly devoid of monsters. The drops from these kills were plentiful: many copper coins, some silver coins, several pickaxes, and some trophy loots. The trophy from the Gnomes was their red pointy hat, while from Gremlins, he got their teeth. After picking up all the loot from the monsters, he was about to leave the rocky area when Peniel called him over.
Peniel had been in the open since Jack left the vicinity of the capital; without other Players around, she didn't bother to hide in her pocket dimension. Even when Jack was combatting with the Gremlins and Gnomes, Peniel flew around without a care. The monsters didn't bother her, and she did not provide any assistance to Jack. She acted like a bystander just passing through.
Jack went over to her.
Edited by OneFellSwoop