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78.57% Sealed With Blood / Chapter 22: Chapter 21 The Beginning (19)

Chapter 22: Chapter 21 The Beginning (19)

Zach looked at Brent. This jerk had gone over to Emily, bothered her, was too stuck up to understand she was refusing him, then decided he wouldn't take no as an answer and tried to turn things around to his favor. He was an honest idiot. Zach loved the way Emily rejected him, he felt like he could almost breathe a bit easier after hearing her refuse him. He realeased a small breath he didn't realize he was holding. He definitely didn't think of Emily in the way Brent was describing her, and he realized that most people didn't think of her that way too. He noticed how most of the girls were somewhat disgusted by Brent's actions and all of Emily's friends looked like they were about to attack. He also noticed Emily's curious gaze.

She was genuinely interested at what he had to say, he was kind of torn as to how to react. Part of him liked the way she was genuinely curious but still seemed confident enough to get herself out of the situation if needed. While the other part didn't like the thought of her not needing his help and the fact that she didn't know for a fact he would never talk her down. He decided that as a form of punishment due to her lack of trust, and a way to prove to her that he was there for her, he was going to tease her. He might even give a way a little bit of how he feels, but not much because was going to save that for later.

He said, "Well.... I think it really depends. I mean, I don't really know her, but I do know a few things about people. I also trust my judgement so I'm always confident in how I view people. One thing I know is first impressions are important. I also know the way people act and dress reflect on their character, at least a bit." I take a but of a pause, so when I wipe the smirk that is starting to form off of Brent's face it will be even better. Then I continue.

"I also know that I hope to get to know Emily better, because the first impression I have on her is that she is an amazing person who is super innocent, she's sweet, smart, active, fun to be around, and she has a lot of friends who she cares about and who care about her. So no, I don't think she is a Slu* is any way possible even if she is uniquely beautiful. In fact, I believe a lot of people saw and heard her rejecting you, quite bluntly, so if a girl rejecting you makes her a Slu*in your book then you can have your opinion, but you've heard mine."

By now basically all the color had left his idiotic face, and he seemed to be at a loss. Zach heard people whispering and he looked at Brent's panicked self while wondering if it was wrong that he was having way too much fun with this. Then as he glanced around he saw Emily looking at him and he remembered just how much it was worth it. He smirked at her and chuckled when she rolled her eyes and looked away, because he still saw the slight blush and faint smile on her face.

Then he heard Brent call out one last time to try to save himself. "Whatever, obviously she seduced you or you two slept together already. I'm not gonna judge, but woah man, uh, good for you I guess. I'm sorry I didn't known she is your Bit***" Brent said.

Zach turned towards Brent barely able to control the raw anger on his face, but before he did anything Emily rushed past him and went to Brent. As Brent saw Emily walking towards him he smirked and said, "Calm down girl, no need to come over and beg me to stop or fix your image. Let your Man handle that." He especially pronounced Man to have a hidden message in it.

Emily surprised everyone by walking right up to Brent, she grabbed his collar and pulled him down to look straight into his eyes. She looked at him coldly, with no other emotion on her face. Then she said, "While I appreciate Zach's help, it wasn't his job in any sort of way. He wasn't SupPosEd to help me nor did he NeEd to. He did because you are in the wrong, and anyone can see how much of a conceited As* you are. I am not a Slu* and of all things I don't need a MaN, I don't need to seduce or sleep with anybody to help me. I don't need any boy to help with fighting my battles, make me feel needed, tie me down, break my heart, make me feel or look weak, come in my life and mess it up. Get this through your head. I. DON'T. NEED. A. MAN. TO. MAKE. ME. FEEL. NEEDED. I will never let anyone take away my freedom and I've survived without a single man in my life for 7 years, I have never had a boyfriend and I am doing just fine. Just because someone decides to help me and tell the obvious truth, DOES. NOT. MAKE. ME. ANYONE'S. BIT***!!" Then Emily shoves him away and walks towards her friends leaving everyone in shock.

Zach smirked as he watched her walk away, he liked seeing Emily angry, he liked seeing her fiesty spirit. He liked seeing all of her and seeing the unexpected many sides of her, he wanted to be there to see more sides of her and to be there for her in general. But the first thing he wanted to do was to break that barrier he could clearly see was surrounding her heart. He could see something happened to her, and she was a bit guarded, he wanted to help with that and open her up to him. Zach knew it wouldn't happen instantaneously and he was going to take it slow, first he was going to gain her trust.


~Later that Night~

Zach headed to where Emily was sitting beside the fire. He walked beside her and asked, "Is this seat taken."

Emily looked up at him for a second before looking back and the fire and answering him "No" in an emotionless tone.

Zach sat down but was a bit worried about her tone, this was the first time that night that he got to hang out with her and he wanted to make the best of it. "I hope you don't take what Brent said to heart. I was helping you because I think you are a good person and wanted to help, I hope to get to know you better. I am sorry if the others actually believed Brent's desperate words, you aren't my B**** or my girl." He said, but he was thinking *You might not be my girl yet, but I hope that one day you can be my baby girl and no one elses.*

Emily listened to what Zach said, and while she knew that her being his girl was just Brent's way of twisting things. The way he said the last part made it sound like he was almost disgusted with the idea of her being his girl, and while she didn't want to be his girl, he wasn't exactly polite. Especially since she was the one who was being put down, not him. So she just answered with, "Thanks for your help back there. Don't worry, I know I'm not your girl nor am I interested in being anyone's girl, and don't worry, you are no exception." Emily said as she kept her gaze on the fire.

Zach realized he was probably too harsh, so he apologized and said, "I didn't mean to sound that harsh. I just wanted you to know that I didn't think of you as my girl because we just met, and we wouldn't be at the dating stage of our relationship yet. I do want to get to know you, so could we maybe be friends?"

Emily realized that Zach didn't mean to be rude and he did help her out earlier. She also thought he was a pretty cool guy. She didn't really have any guy friends and never really did, but he was popular so they probably wouldn't hang out much and their friendship would be pretty easy. Emily also thought he sounded really genuine, so she agreed.

They talked for the rest of the night and Emily had a lot of fun, Zach was a really nice guy. He chose all of his words carefully, which she thought was really sweet, he was also really funny. Zach had a lot of fun too, he loved making her laugh. Her laugh made him feel happy inside and it was so pure and beautiful. He had told Zane to make it so they wouldn't be bothered and he secretly gave a death glare to any other guys that got too close. He had to fight the urge to lean in and kiss her, he really wanted to hold her in his lap by the fire. He wanted her to be his, but he knew that he wasn't close to being at that point and he was going to make sure things with Emily went perfect.

Pretty soon it was almost 10:00 pm. and people had started to leave the beach. Emily and her friends decided that it was time to head to Lizzie's house. Emily still did not know that Zach was the friend that was staying at her house with Zane, so when he walked over with Zane and got engaged in the conversation they were having about transportation to Lizzie's house, she was definitely surprised. She asked him, "Are you the friend Zane is bringing to Lizzie's?"


I am so sorry it took me so long to update this chapter guys! I am so so so so so sorry! This chapter took me like 2 or 3 weeks to finish, I don't really know why, I just never had the chance or motivation to sit down and finish it at one time. I have also been dealing with classwork and the coronavirus quarantine and such. I am writing this because I made the Authors Note when I started writing this chapter and I ran out of space and there have been new things that I need to address since I made the Authors Note.

1. I have still not gotten any comments from anybody

2. I am at a stand still with this book, I am losing motivation and until I get a comment or two, I cannot and will not post any more chapters. At least for now.

3. I have found motivation and an idea for another book called Coincidentally Fated. So while the ideas are still fresh in my head, and nothing big is happening with this book, I am working on that. I have not published anything yet, but I am planning on having at least two chapters published within the next two days.

4. I hope that everyone is staying safe and staying inside during this pandemic. I hope everyone is healthy, and am ready for things to get back to normal.

I hope you guys will stay patient with me, even though I understand that I am not being a diligent Author with this book right now. I purposely made this chapter longer than many of my chapters as a small form of an apology, and I really want to know whether you guys like the individual POV chapters or you are ok with or like the third person chapters. Have a Great Night!

aimlessly_inspired aimlessly_inspired

I am really really sorry that I have not updated in so long. I still have not gotten any comments, at all, about your opinions. Honestly, I really want some opinions, even if just one person commented. I can't really wait much longer so if I don't get any comments I am just going to ask one of my friends and then I am going to use her thoughts.

If I can get 7 comments on this chapter, I will give a mass release in the format people want the most. So be sure to comment!

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