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Chapter 244: The Twelve Clan Heads Kowtow

Spanning over ten meters, the scroll was densely packed with nearly two hundred thousand names written in blood red, delivering a visually striking shock factor.

This was Konoha's prepared petition.

Additionally, the required three billion ryo in war reparations had also been promptly pooled together overnight.

Thereafter, Konoha's twelve clan patriarchs brought the petition and funds under Kakashi's lead, departing the village on a journey towards the Mountain's Graveyard.

One week later, Kakashi's party successfully reached their destination.

The legendary earth-shaking battle between Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha permanently altered the valley's terrain, creating a magnificent waterfall at what became known as the Final Valley.

Similarly, Dan's confrontation against the Allied Shinobi Forces also left an indelible scar upon the land -

A two kilometer wide giant crater.

Peering down the hundreds of meters deep pit was like gazing into the gaping bloody maw of a colossal beast, enough to turn one's legs soft and trigger heart-stopping dread with but a glance.

Buried inside were the ashes of tens of thousands of Allied shinobi.

Whenever the wind blew, this mass grave would emit sounds akin to wailing ghosts, as if the spirits of countless dead were screaming and keening. It was bone-chillingly eerie.

The Konoha group's expressions paled as they gingerly skirted the crater's rim on their way to the mountaintop. Under Kakashi's guidance they successfully entered the Uchiha's settlement, eventually arriving outside the clan council hall.

What a coincidence. The council members had just concluded their meeting and were chatting lightheartedly amongst themselves as they exited the conference room one by one.

"Kakashi, who are..." Catching sight of the large Konoha contingent behind him gave Fugaku slight pause. "What brings all of you here?" he inquired.

Upon learning Konoha had prepared both the full amount of reparations and delivered in person by twelve clan chieftains no less, Fugaku was pleasantly surprised. He also sensed there was more to their visit than just money collection.


Kakashi exchanged a look and nod with Hiashi Hyūga. Hiashi along with several other clan heads then carried forth an enormous scroll almost two meters tall, slowly unfurling it before the Uchihas.

Countless names in dark crimson bled into view, accompanied by the faint metallic tang of blood, shocking all who saw it.

"This is..." Even Fugaku was astonished.

"Fugaku-sama. The names upon this scroll were all signed in blood by tens of thousands of Konoha villagers. It is a petition," Kakashi explained gravely.

"A petition for what?" Fugaku pressed.

After taking a deep breath, Kakashi continued:

"The entire populace of Konoha hereby requests for the honorable Uchiha clan to return and become our village's leadership!

Following the coup staged by the twelve clan leaders behind me which overthrew Danzō, all unanimously agree that none but the Uchihas are fit to be Hokage.

Today on behalf of all villagers, they have come to offer their apologies and plea for aid to the esteemed Uchiha clan."

No sooner had he finished speaking when...

Swish swish swish!

Konoha's twelve chieftains simultaneously knelt in a ninety-degree bow of utmost respect before Fugaku and company.

This is...

The Uchihas couldn't help exchanging surprised looks.

To be honest, seeing the densely packed sanguine names elicited considerable impact. After all, the Uchiha were a proud folk. Though they chose to break from Konoha with no intention of ever returning, the Uchiha psyche also contained an aspect that enjoyed eating soft fare but not hard stuff*.

[*idiom meaning they respond better to gentle persuasion vs brute force]

This exceptionally unique petition did much to stroke the Uchiha clan's vanity.

The blood parchment filled with tens of thousands of Konoha citizens' names was tantamount to acknowledging the Uchihas as Konoha's rightful overlords with dominion over all those lives - to live or die by the Uchiha's command as they saw fit.

Faced with such sincerity, whose heart wouldn't be moved?

Izumi, Tetsuhi, Izumi and others broke into hushed discussion.

"I thought with Danzō's escape, the old geezer got off cheap. Who knew he'd still get toppled by his own men upon returning to Konoha and thrown into prison."

Tetsuhi was clearly gloating at Danzō's reversal in fortune.

"What are your thoughts, Itachi?" Izumi curiously asked, noting his pensive expression.

"I was thinking...everything is still going according to uncle's plans."

Itachi murmured.

From initially refusing Konoha then deliberately releasing Danzō, to Danzō's subsequent overthrow and now Konoha's clan leaders personally petitioning the Uchihas -

Had this entire chain of events already been foreseen by uncle Dan?

Realizing this, Itachi once more recognized his own short-sighted impulsiveness contrasted by Uncle's unfathomable scheming, filling him with deep veneration for the latter.

Fugaku's brows knitted together as he pondered silently for a spell. Eventually he addressed Kakashi's group:

"While I am clan head, such grand issues still require Dan's input. If you can convince him, everything will go smoothly. Otherwise no amount of effort will help."

Dan happened to be absent from today's council meeting staying home to attend his expectant wife Samui.

Kakashi's eyes lit up hearing this. Fugaku's words implied the Uchiha side was already moved by Konoha's sincerity. They just had to get through Dan's inspection and their mission would end perfectly.

"I understand. Thank you Fugaku-sama."

With those parting words Kakashi departed alongside Konoha's twelve clan heads towards Dan's residence.

The estate gates were shut tight. As Kakashi's party hesitated on whether to knock, the entrance creaked open on its own.

Shiho stepped forth. She already seemed aware of their purpose here and immediately relayed:

"Kakashi-senpai, Master Dan doesn't wish any distractions so close to his wife's due date. Please leave at once."

Her announcement caused the colour to drain from the Konoha group's faces. They traded conflicted looks.

None had expected rejection before even meeting Uchiha Dan. What should they do now?

Naturally no one dared force their way in. That was courting death! In fact merely raising their voices carried huge risk. Any disturbances distressing the expectant mother might incurred Dan's unimaginable wrath. So the group scarcely breathed aloud.

After much internal debate Hiashi steeled himself to address Shiho:

"Please convey this for me - on behalf of the Hyūga clan I sincerely apologize to Lord Dan and the Uchihas for past misconduct. Konoha is nothing without the Uchihas. My Hyūga clan pledges utmost support for Lord Dan as Rokudaime Hokage!

I will await his decision right here."

Having declared thusly...thump! To everyone's shock Hiashi promptly knelt down, pressing both palms flat to the ground. His body slowly tilted forth until forehead eventually met earth in a full kowtow.

The depth of Hiashi's deferential bow expressed the profoundest remorse and heartfelt appeal. Entrusting even his life under the Uchiha's judgment illustrated total submission.

"Hiashi-sama you..." Shiho started in surprise. After all in her mind the Hyūgas were equally prideful, once even rivaling the Uchiha in prestige. Now their leader surrendered all dignity by kneeling at Dan's doorstep.

Yet beyond Shiho's expectations...

Thump thump thump! Echoing sounds followed as seeing Hiashi's example, the remaining clan heads swiftly followed suit in collective kowtow formation, faces to the dirt and not a peep uttered between them.


Witnessing this prompted Kakashi to sigh helplessly. If only these fools had such foresight beforehand. But then again, had he not also been biased against the Uchihas himself? As an Anbu agent no less perpetually monitoring them on Konoha's behalf?

For the village then...

Kakashi resignedly went to his knees.

"You too, Senpai..." Shiho felt awful seeing this but suppressed her pleas for them to rise, swiftly fleeing inside and shutting the door without another word.

Rushing through the yard she headed for the living quarters. There the enormously pregnant Samui sat on the couch undergoing Tsunade's examination while Dan stood to the side, casually admiring a wall scroll and looking quite free of worries.

"Master Dan..." After preparing herself, Shiho had barely began speaking when Dan interjected:

"I already know. Let them kneel." Without even turning his head, Dan uttered aloofly.

Shiho could only swallow back her intended appeal for leniency upon hearing Dan's response.


No one expected Kakashi's party would remain kneeling for a full day and night continuously.

From dawn till dusk then dusk back to dawn.

In the gloaming sunset's fading glow, Konoha's twelve clan leaders and Kakashi swayed unsteadily on the verge of toppling over, barely persevering.

To kowtow for over twenty four hours straight would drain even Jōnin stamina dry. By now all their faces were waxen, skin parched and legs entirely numb yet still they painfully endured without anyone abandoning the effort.

Only the shut door before them hadn't budged an inch.

As time passed their incredible prostration gradually attracted observers from other Uchiha clansmen.

The sight of kneeling Konoha chieftains elicited complicated feelings among the Uchiha, sparking assorted comments:

"Maybe returning isn't a bad idea after all. Konoha still has Lady Uzume's shrine left behind by the Sage of Six Paths himself, not to mention the Naka River is deeply intertwined with Uchiha origins...Though the shrine is likely quite dilapidated without maintenance all this time."

"Ah, I wonder if the Fitness Corps building is still around? I miss our joyful days working out together."

"Let's wait for Chief's decision."

Within the room...

Dan sat by the bedside, his face pressed against Samui's bulging belly listening to their baby's steady heartbeat - thump thump thump, hale and strong. It was a girl, healthy and robust.

"Ow, the little one just kicked again. Why's she being especially naughty today?" Samui murmured helplessly.

Dan gave a satisfied nod. "As expected of my daughter. She's already started training from the womb."

Samui rolled her eyes at his nonsense.

Tsunade shook her head walking over to clasp Samui's hand in reassurance. "Your due date is in two weeks. Don't worry, I'll personally help with the birth myself. You'll feel much better afterward, dear."

Samui smiled back. "Thank you Tsunade-sama."

"By the way..." Tsunade's gaze casually flicked towards Dan as if just recalling by chance, "Kakashi and his bunch have already knelt a whole day and night outside. Isn't this too much? You can't be planning on leaving them like that until everyone starves unconscious right."

"What, Kakashi and the rest haven't left yet?" Samui asked, surprised.

Dan suddenly queried her, "What do you think I should do?"

Under his intent gaze, Samui hesitated yet just then she noticed Tsunade's meaningful look seemingly conveying a hidden plea.

The room fell silent for a spell before Samui carefully responded:

"Dan, I hope that after our child is born, we can baptize her with water from the Naka River. Would...would that be alright?"

Samui nervously awaited Dan's reaction having uttered her cautious request.

Rather than answer immediately, Dan stared pointedly at Tsunade instead. The Sannin promptly averted her eyes while feigning total disinterest.

Regarding Samui's plea...

Dan slowly shook his head. Two words finally left his mouth:

"Very well."

No sooner spoken, he got up and exited the room.


The courtyard gates opened once more.

"Chief is coming out!" At the Uchiha observers' reminder, the prostrated Hiashi and company hurriedly lifted their heads, peering up at Dan's towering form fearfully.

Over two meters tall, Dan looked like a divine sentinel gazing down at the Konoha party - his sheer presence emitting nearly suffocating pressure without need for speech.

Thump thump thump. All their heartbeats raced wildly while nerves tensed in anxiety and trepidation.

Dan's eyes slowly roved over them, finally interlocking gazes with Kakashi whom he addressed:

"Kakashi. Tell them to go home."

His words instantly drained all colour from the group's faces. It was as if their hearts cratered into an abyss.

Surely they had still failed in the end?

Looked like Dan had no intentions of pardoning Konoha or claiming the Hokage seat after all.

Sensing this painful truth, crestfallen expressions marred the visages of Konoha's clan leaders yet no one dared defy Dan's command.

"Y-yes, Dan-sama." Hiashi choked out the bitter words.

He tried getting up but his numb legs caused him to immediately collapse right back down. Hiashi had to slowly push himself repeatedly with both palms braced on the ground before barely managing to stand, much less walk in coordination just yet.

The other family heads also ended up mutually supporting each other, limping away one halting step at a time towards the village exit.

Watching their dejected backs, Kakashi grappled with conflicting emotions but ultimately sighed resignedly to follow after them in the end. Konoha would just have to rise from the ashes by their own strength now...

Unexpectedly however, Dan's voice suddenly called out right as they took their first few steps:

"The Uchiha Clan sets off after one week."

Leaving them with just that, Dan turned and went back inside, pulling the doors shut with a loud bang.

His words elicited a full body jolt from Hiashi's group rendering them speechless.

"I didn't mishear that right?" Hiashi wondered briefly if he was hallucinating before snapping back to lucidity, face immediately lighting up with elation.

"Everyone listen! You heard correctly - Lord Dan has accepted our request!" Kakashi happily confirmed the good news for them.

In that instant the Konoha party was moved to tears of joy.

"Hurry back quick to spread this great news with all villagers! We must also carefully prepare a grand ceremonious welcome filled with utmost pomp and protocol to receive the glorious Uchiha clan upon their return!" Hiashi exclaimed excitedly.


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