Ganod Technology, a groundbreaking company who suddenly started releasing top tier weapons and gadgets that may seem too over the top for others. That was in my original past, but now by the looks of it and the fact that this is undeniably some other future timeline, they've been here for quite a while now and they are powerful.
Da da da da da da da!
Bullets flew left and right as I crouched behind this metal door, who's great idea was it to buzz a guard in plain vision of other guards like it was some normal thing to do?! Me, undeniably.
"Those are some low tech guns for a high-tech company, did they run out of budget due to how much they spend torturing slaves and such?~"
You could say I was jinxing myself, but out of nowhere the bullets stopped and what came next was the sound of screeching and a loud 'Pew' that melted the metal door I was hiding behind on to splithereens. If that was just it then by all means, It's all ok but no it's only that and a few more screeches made their presence known. I had two choices again but this time I didn't even need to think, I picked myself up and ran out of the door as my drones went out to fire sparky sparks at those violent plasma using bunch.
Agonizing screams were filling my ears with pleasure as I was running away from the princess door area. Along the way several guards came to intercept me, but my drones really are too much for this place and they all got fried or so It's supposed to go.
"Subject 576-666S...Orders are to get rid of you now for mass murd-"
Who would spend a second of their life listening to random guards giving me reason to die? Not me for sure. I took the chance to run and try frying them again but I guess they are smart and their clothes doesn't allow sparky sparks, it's... whatever it was, insoluble or some shit. It was however enough to distract them and give me a way ahead.
Pant Pant Pant
"Running is too much for me~ but if I don't 15 guards would do me dirty and holesome..."
I shifted my vision to a certain thing, it was about 6 meters long and the tip would certainly remind me of some organ but judging from was beside it, it was a water hose.
"No, no, no, no wait what's a hose gonna do for me?!"
Was my initial thought but it seems mama luck really did more than just kiss me, now looking at my surroundings there were incomplete cars about 2 to 4 meters tall it seems that I was in some sort of garage or vehicle testing area but seeing as this is underground and a garage just doesn't seem any useful for it I'm guessing the latter.
"I wonder if those things can blow up?"
I immediately locked the door behind me using the card that I got from that guy whatever his name was and went near a hulking big monster truck like motorcycle to see if it can blow people.
"Hm... it looks like it won't blow up~ Oh well~"
I stared at the hose behind me and just beside it was something even better, it looks like the hose but the tip was more full of tiny holes, why? Because it's gas, the blowing up with a spark type of gas, now you would probably ask what's a gas that can blow up, doing in a place where sparks would happen due to melding and the likes~ answer? I don't know, maybe they knew I was going to escape, who knows? After figuring out how the hose works I unlocked the door and laughed so loud even a S-Class villain would feel ashamed. Next second a massive amount of guards compiled in front of me, you would think that as many as they are they'd immediately start shooting to get it done and dealt.
"Subject 576-666S you are now a high priority target and the instructions are to shoot at sig-!?"
I sent my drones to momentarily distract the doofus and blasted them with sparky boom gas. I stared at them for quite a bit as they covered their noses and shouted "Poison!" and slowly a grin, smirk, whatever it is made it's way to my mouth and I started laughing at them. The armed men looked at me and one of them was about to shoot a plasma gun when my precious Dominoes sparked it.
One moment it was the guards aiming.
The next moment it was the sound of flames erupting.
And then I was flung away by the shockwave of an explosion and everything went black...
A female scientist with magenta hair and part of it covering her face was staring at a tube and affectionately placed her palms in the cylinder.
"I'm sorry I can't do anything to ease your pain"
An earthquake made it's presence felt and the female scientist grabbed unto a table in a effort not to fall down, soon after several guards opened the door and asked her to get out.
"Professor Biancha, an escapee from B6 has somehow found something explosive and we are currently looking for him. We advise you to get to higher grounds!"
The guards escorted her to the elevator and she reluctantly left.
"An escapee..? Is that even possible? Aren't all the test subjects brain dead as the point of the experiments are to find a way to awaken power through different scenarios?"
The guards didn't answer at first and looked at each other before telling her about what happened.
"Subject 576-666S somehow became an irregularity and had a drone for no reason at all, the scientist in charge of him is now dead
Biancha stared at the buttons and tapped B6 much to the guard's surprise. They grabbed her to stop her but she bit one of their hands and made her dash to the elevator as the others let go in fear of being bitten.
"Let her, we're only guards. We have nothing to do with it if she wants to die"
Is this how hangovers feel like? Damn good thing my drones shielded be somehow. I stood up groggily and scouted my surroundings dead bodies, guns and burnt parts it's an absolute mess.
"Now that's an interesting result~"
I kicked a nearby dead body and started laughing.
"Wow, they're really dead shockwaves are the loudest killers"
I walked away from the room like it wasn't anyone's business when I noticed that footsteps were coming near me. I hurriedly hid behind the door and my dominoes were ready to fry the unsuspecting guard when a female voice came instead.
"Dynamo! Stop!"
I walked out the door and glared at the magenta haired breeding machine
The girl who is apparently named Biancha nodded her head and placed her arms on her chest.
"I'm here to ask you a favor Dynamo"
I kept staring at her and I can feel the wind blowing just like when other people meet someone important, noted that there is no wind in this place. I kept glaring at the breeding machine and it made her shiver for s bit when I suddenly laughed.
"No, first of all who are you?"
Biancha had a particularly stunned look with her jaws hanging and she could only reply one word.
What? Am I supposed to know her?
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