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100% Saga Of a Djinn / Chapter 1: chapter-1
Saga Of a Djinn Saga Of a Djinn original

Saga Of a Djinn

Author: Rohan_Sarkar_9560

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: chapter-1

My name is Maria ...currently on my deathbed.when my cancer was detected it was already at the final stages .....i only had a few months to live .so i decided to not prolong my pain by trying to treat it and discharged myself from hospital.after about 3 months later ...which is at this moment ...i am pretty sure that my moment has come feet is getting cold sister and my parents are trying their hard to encourage me but i know ..this is it .....i slowly kissed my lil sister forehead and tried to sleep.

i woke up after who knows how long .....a little dizzy ...i heard a voice....welcome to reincarnation system...hello ..i said....could you please explain whats going on and whats gonna happen ?? the reincarnation system answered here is the realm of reincarnation ...dead souls come here to start their new only get to meet me if you have enough karma points to select your next incarnation got a lot of karma points due to inventing the COVID-19 medicine ....although it is not a vaccine will still cure COVID-19 if some one is administered that medicine have saved a lot of lives and because of you invented the medicine your family will enjoy the income from it you can rest assured and move on. now come what you want to be in your next incarnation so choose well.

first thing i checked that i have about 50000000 karma points.first i asked that may i keep my memories intact ??? system replied that you need to spend 50000 karma point on that .i next i tried to select immortal incarnations ....and surprise surprise.....immortal races starts from 10000000 points. then i suddenly thought that the reincarnation system has so many races .....if i try to check all by myself it will take me forever.....rather why don't i ask the system to sort out some suitable races for me then i will pick out among them .so i did. the system sorted out ten or so options that suits me but there was one surprise there .it seems i can choose to be a true Djinn who can grant wishes within their power ...i can even customize what kind of wish i can grant like i can materialize the superpowers of the fiction works from earth and grant them to anyone i want. i selected the Djinn race for 15000000 karma points without hesitation and started the reincarnation process.

I slowly came to senses ...this time i was in a small about 10 feet by 10 feet white room...i instantly knew this is my divine realm...this is currently its basic state.....i heard a ding in my mind ....ding.....Djinn system online .....hello host i am the djinn system who manages all true djinn . you currently have 35000000 karma points left in your account can exchange them for djinn magic power to grant wishes or manifest fiction works in reality.i first checked my panel..

Race : Djinn

Name : unknown.....i selected name Lamiah

State-level 1 [state dictates how many person you can contract and grant gain level by earning xp...xp is earned when the person who asked wishes from you interacts with his or her own world using the gift they received from you ]

Synthesize gift : use this skill to synthesize any gift you need to gift the one who asked wishes from you .

there was also many other divine skills on my skill panel .i got used to them very soon.

next i created a small planet with ample flora and fauna on it along with a house for me to operate from.and created a divine crystal ball to search for potential candidates.

i was surprised at first ...there was too many people asking for wishes but how do i choose??....i saw a filter option according to my preferences .....then i first filtered the people who are asking for a long term contract with me .....this shortened the list by i put another for people who have the capability to affect their world a lot and arrange them in a descending order.....this shortened the list by 90% . there was only about 100 or so on the list..after becoming a divine my intelligence has increased a lot .i promptly got used to the circumstances and details of these 100 plus people .....however there was one particular case that caught my attention. this was a a lady about 30 year old ....a princess in a soon to be annexed kingdom. their civilization is based on swords and magic.....princess's kingdom known as Kralan Kingdom is facing the threat of crusade against church of light. the church of light declares this kingdom as kingdom of demons coz of two reasons ....first they have refused to worship the light god and let them spread the so called glory of god in their kingdom and second they have the custom that every generation of prince or princess will have to contact a spirit by the age of 18 which will help them grow in power and help their kingdom.....but the current princess is well past the age of ideal contracting age but no sign of contract has ever been the kingdom is in unease ....and the reason for none contracted this princess is that particular light god has issued a decree that whoever helps that kingdom will have to withdraw from light god's lobby.

well like hell i care .so i first i watched this princess till she went into her bedroom at night to sleep ..i contacted her.she was surprised at first then there was mistrust in her eyes....why would you choose to help me now ??? we are almost doomed at this point ...the church has prepared for years to attack us and at this point their spies are everywhere and their army is invincible for us...our mages have all defected to their side as have almost all our warriors.....what can be done at this point.

well...first of all ...i am a newborn divinity ..i don't care who the hell is light gods church is and i certainly don't care about his i will ask you one thing ....DO you WANT to even TRY changing your DESTINY ??....if the answer is YES then i MAY have something to help you out.

she went silent for some time ...then said while gritting her teeth ...that yes ...i do want to change my kingdom for better.AT ANY COST. so what should i do ???

first we bonded through contract that throughout her life i will help her when ever she is in need as much as possible by return i will earn xp through her actions.after we signed contracts i summoned her in my realm by opening a portal in her room....come here ...we have a lot of work to do.

first I materialized the marvel universe all powers in the form of character cards and all the small and big cost me about 2000000 karma points.all items can be replicated as many times i want after manifesting it does not cost karma anymore. next i manifested Dragon ball z world powers inform of cards ,manifested the skills and items available cost me about 1500000 karma points. and third i manifested the one piece fiction all powers and skills and items by now princess has arrived ...i got to know her first her name is Eliza.she was curiously watching what i was doing . in front of her i materialized a shop ...modern looking shop.....Eliza was amazed ..i invited her into the shop.the gave her a brief introduction of the function of the shop...and asked if she would like me to recommend powers for her or she would choose powers for seems princess chose to trust me ans asked me to select powers for herself.

i asked her combat style seems she is a pugilist . she was not talented in any of weapons so the only thing she has is her fists and legs.

i selected skills seems i can put several bloodlines in it as a card game and mix and merge them any way i like ...i can even modify the final result but that would take extra karma points.

1---from mutant saber tooth bloodline ,the powers are as follows...

Superhuman strength, stamina, speed, durability, reflexes, agility, senses and animal-like attributes.------- upgraded their potential as much as possible which took me about 5000 karma points

Sonic roar and perception .------upgraded their possible potential to max using 1000 karma points

Extended longevity via regenerative healing factor----upgraded to maximum potential mental and physical healing possible .will not die even if disintegrated to dust ...will instantly regenerate

Slowed aging.-----upgraded to eternal youth using 10000 karma points

Resistance to diseases, viruses, poisons, and illnesses----upgraded to max using 1000 karma points

Retractable claws and sharp teeth-----upgraded the bone structure and bone quality and density to max possible using 15000 karma points

2-from mutant Professor x-

Genius intellect Powerful psychic abilities, including ESP, telepathy, and mental-manipulation powers Telekinesis,mental projection.....all was upgraded to max potential possible using 50000 karma points possible.

3-from mutant Cyclops-

ability to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from his eyes. Cyclops's eyes are no longer the complex organic jelly that utilizes the visible spectrum of light to see the world around it. Instead, they are inter-dimensional apertures between this universe and another, non-Einsteinian universe, where physical laws as we know them do not pertain. This non-Einsteinian universe is filled with particles that resemble photons, yet they interact with this universe's particles by transferring kinetic energy in the form of gravitons (the particle of gravitation). These particles generate great, directional concussive force when they interact with the objects of this universe.Iron Man once took a reading of two Gigawatts emanating from Cyclops, which is the output of a large nuclear power plant. He was also able to hold the entire Phoenix Force within his body for a period of time which is one of, if not the most powerful entity in the universe, that even Galactus and his Power Cosmic cannot withstand.if this bloodline is merged in eliza there will be a special organ born in her brain that will let her control this blast completely at will.

Cyclops's mind has a particular psionic field that is attuned to the forces that maintain the apertures that have taken the place of his eyes. Because his mind's psionic field envelops his body, it automatically shunts the other-dimensional particles back into their point of origin when they collide with his body. Thus, his body is protected from the effects of the particles, and even the thin membrane of his eyelids is sufficient to block the emission of energy. The synthetic ruby quartz crystal used to fashion the lenses of Cyclops's eyeglasses and visor is resonant to his mind's psionic field and is similarly protected.

then i detected a flaw in this combination....that is after all the upgrades done if i merge the upgraded powers into Eliza's bloodline she along will be enough to match individuals like hulk and juggernaut but she wont be a match to entities like Cytorrak . Cytorrak is an immensely powerful entity described as being both a god and a demon. Cytorrak was at one time worshiped on Earth until he was banished to the Crimson Cosmos due to unrevealed circumstances.1,000 years ago, Cyttorak participated in the Wager of the Octessence, a contest between himself, Watoom, Valtorr, Balthakk, Farallah, Ikonn, Krakkan, and Raggadorr, to determine which of them was the most powerful. Each being would use a magical artifact to create avatars out of the first human to touch it. Once one human had been transformed, others would be drawn to the remaining artifacts. These humans, called Exemplars, would conquer humanity and fight each other to the death until only one was left standing. Whoever's avatar was left standing would be the winner. Cyttorak created the Crimson Gem as his artifact and placed it in his temple in what would one day become Korea, guarded by a demon called Xorak . Centuries ago, an order of monks attempted to summon Cyttorak to Earth but mistakenly summoned his destructive aspect instead. A pair of rival sorcerers, Gomurr and Tar, succeeded in sealing this aspect within the Crimson Gem.

i have both the crimson gem and cyttoraks bloodline itself ..but i can't grant her those for now too much power together will explode for now i summoned the hyperbolic time chamber modified it in a way that it will automatically bring about the best potential combat and survival ability out of anyone who enters it .....condition is unlike the original one where two person could enter it only one person can enter at a time ...except me .....i can enter and exit any time in case of emergency.

so i asked Eliza to get ready ...under my synthesize skill all three cards merged with Eliza in a digital the same time Eliza's mutation began.

Eliza P.O.V-i suddenly felt a warm current flowing through out my body ....then came a pleasurable feeling and it kept on going ....i could not help but moan...i don't know how long it lasted but one by one ...ideas of incredible powers kept coming in my mind .....powers strong enough that it made my mind shiver in can i handle this kind of power ....slightest mistake will turn me into a mass murderer....i have never heard of seen powers like these ....this is no magic.....this is Gods power....for the first time in my life ...after my failure of summoning a contract spirit i felt so confident . after some time my mind started swelling ....i could feel my mind coming under my control .....heh ...i never knew my own mind was not under my control...with these abilities i received some instinctual control ...but i knew that this is only the tip of the iceberg.i will have to train in that chamber alone till i am at my peak. the process of merging ended when i did not know ..i was in my own world enjoying the power...i know hard time is ahead ...but at least for now please let me enjoy this feeling .

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