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66.4% RWBY: GAMER PATH / Chapter 169: Chapter 169: Domain of Light

Chapter 169: Chapter 169: Domain of Light

Chapter 169: Domain of Light

~Jack POV~

Viewing it sure is a beauty that's for sure.

Entering its path ahead I see it's surrounded by a form of barrier and getting curious about it I used <Observe> to tell me.

[Barrier of Light]

[This barrier was created by Ozma using his magic power once he fell to Salem in one of his reincarnated lives. When they lost their kids Ozma feared that the Domain of Light will be targeted by others and thus created a magic barrier for only those with the Relics could pass through.]


The old wizard sure has his means of keeping everything safe and hidden.

I didn't expect I would ever find this place if it wasn't for Jinn providing me the coordinates of this place since it was hidden off the maps of Remnant.

Should've expected that wizard to keep everything a secret.

The Domain of Light is the former home of the God of Light and the antithesis of the Land of Darkness.

The Fountain of Life is located there at the God of Light's Shrine… it's one of the reasons why I needed to go here in a safety failsafe to get the water I need to even up with Salem.


The Domain of Light is a sacred place and was the domain of the God of Light. Humans used to come to pray to God for his blessings, who would emerge from his Fountain of Life.

It is set in a small canyon, walled off on all sides save for one point of terrestrial access via a tan set of stone stairs.

The area is filled with brilliantly golden-yellow flowers broken up only by patches of gray rock. In the center is the Fountain of Life, at the back of which is an immense tree with dark gold leaves. It is a serene location that emanates a sense of life and power about it.

The Domain of Light appears to have been located in a mountainous region, as snow-capped peaks can be seen behind the Fountain of Life and from the area leading to the entrance.

The Fountain has magical properties imbued by the God of Light, as being submerged in it granted Salem immortality.

After she is submerged, the surface of the water supports her body as land would. It is unclear whether this is a general property of the Fountain or a result of the God of Light.

Might be the fact of the God of Light wanting to get her out.

Heading towards the steps of the Fountain of Life with no one to stop me while I make my way to the water itself supposedly gave Salem her own immortality.

Leading towards the water I began to take out any canisters and bottles grabbing them all up and filling them each time while I used <Observe> on them to see what they can do, and I was extremely happy to see.

[Item: Water of Life

Descriptions: This water is extremely potent with remnants of the Brother of Light power inside undisturbed with magical healing properties that allow the user to keep themselves alive with no one means to destroy them. Drinking the water will grant the unique skill <Nigh-Absolute Immortality> to be given when drunk always coming back even if the user is turned to dust.]

Nodding at this useful and powerful item I was totally down to get these skills right away.

Time to take a quick dip inside.

Getting enough of the Water of Life inside my <Deep Pockets> I began to jump into the fountain of life.


Making a big splash with my whole entire body feeling the water enter my own skin I felt my aura begin to change up immediately opening my eyes and gaining a new form of power in my own soul and body.


[You have been exposed to the Water of Life granting your soul and body incredible health!]

[You gain the skill <Nigh-Absolute Immortality> via Water of Life!]

Being submerged in the God of Light's pool, drowning in the Water of Life as an aura-like shimmer covers my body. Suddenly, she finds herself on the surface of the water, catching my breath and getting back to the surface.

Getting up I could only grin getting those skills because I essentially become busted in healing factors of the likes of Salem now.

Salem was cursed with immortality by the Gods, making it impossible to destroy her. When the God of Darkness vaporized all of Humanity, her immortality allowed her to remain unaffected. This was further shown during her battle with Ozma, where she was reduced to a pile of ash, but reformed instantly.

The time it takes for her to regenerate can vary, with the longest being a few hours.

But the fact remains even if I'm ever vaporized, I only need to return back in an instant or few hours to return up again.

Now then…

Skill List.


<Nigh-Absolute Immortality> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: Users possess immortality, a state where they can never die. Usually, users never age, never get sick, are completely self-sustaining, free from all bodily necessities, and can shrug off virtually any kind of decay or harm. Any damage done to the user would either be regenerated or just remain but not be fatal to them.

The user possesses near-complete immortality: they don't age, can rapidly heal from wounds, and will essentially live forever. However, there are exceptions to their immortality, with some factors being able to harm and ultimately kill them. Not even the vaporization of atoms is enough to destroy them.



Really Salem <Nigh-Absolute Immortality> is really busted as fucking hell.

I can see why Ozpin is having a hard time against her also add the fact that she has the wisdom and knowledge through the years to become a threat to humanity.

Not going to lie that's pretty hard to beat…

If only she was able to handle the heroes here but not for someone like me though.

Now that there is another immortal like me in play it won't matter how much Salem does it will only end for the both of us in a draw… or the possibility of one of us being sealed.

Cursed by the gods, Salem is immortal and invulnerable to all mortal and supernatural threats, only able to die by learning and accepting the importance of life and death…


I wonder if I can just implant a false memory of it to resolve that issue to understand the importance of life would that trick the Gods or not?


Probably not but for the time being though it's time I should go ahead and get that other skill using <Fusion>.

[-Choose the following Skills to Fuse into a new one-]

[-Deep Pockets-]


[-Aura Amp-]

[-Kindred Link-]

[-Power Augmentation-]

[-If the following -Deep Pockets-, -Telekinesis-, -Aura Amp-, -Kindred Link-, and -Power Augmentation- fused result in: <Space Manipulation>-]

[-Notice if fuse you lose the materials used to fuse-]


[Using the materials of -Deep Pockets-, -Telekinesis-, -Aura Amp-, -Kindred Link-, and -Power Augmentation- will begin fusion!]

[<Fusion> LEVEL UP!]x15

[Fusion Complete!]

[Skills <Deep Pockets>, <Telekinesis>, <Aura Amp>, <Kindred Link>, and <Power Augmentation> have been lost.]

[The Skill <Space Manipulation> has been learned from <Fusion>!]

[<Soul Archive> LEVEL UP!]

[<Soul Archive> LEVEL UP!]

[<Soul Archive> LEVEL UP!]

[<Soul Archive> LEVEL UP!]


[Using the skill <Soul Archive> activated your soul has begun to relearn what was saved from the soul…]

[The Skill <Deep Pockets> Lv.69 has been relearned!]

[The Skill <Aura Amp> Lv.62 has been relearned!]

[The Skill <Telekinesis> Lv.31 has been relearned!]

[The Skill <Power Augmentation> Lv.26 has been relearned!]

[The Skill <Kindred Link> Lv.8 has been relearned!]

Skill List.


<Space Manipulation> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

AP Cost: Varies

Description: Users can create, distort, and manipulate space, the boundless three-dimensional extent to which objects and events have relative position and direction, within an area of one's choosing, including an area and whatever is inside of that area.

Most commonly, users can use this ability to teleport by depleting the space from point A to point B, simply choosing to occupy a different space, or by creating portals. At a higher level, users can 'pull' space together apart, effectively generating a magnetic pull that causes anything of the user's choosing to diverge upon or to rip apart any object by tearing away the space that it occupies.

They can also do the opposite: 'pushing' space, which is essentially the expansion of space in a certain area to push away objects. Depending on how strong the 'push force', it can act as an unstoppable cannon that launches space and anything that occupied it.

Users can utilize this ability offensively by erasing or rupturing space, obliterating anything that occupied that space as well. If the user's control of space is precise enough, they can selectively tear off limbs or vital organs from their opponents by manipulating and separating the space that they occupy. By pulling and folding space around an object, users can also prevent it from moving or crushing it.

Users can use this ability defensively as well by erasing space in front or around themselves to create a vacuum for which nothing can enter, effectively creating an impenetrable shield around the user. Otherwise, the user can achieve the same effect by infinitely dividing the space between themselves and the opponent, making it impossible for the aggressor to reach the space manipulator.

Advanced users can move objects as if they were telekinetic by controlling the space that they occupy, which also can be used to enhance their own physical abilities, such as strength and speed. Users would also be capable of creating subspaces that can trap objects or be used as powerful projectiles.

They can also use this ability to levitate in the air. At an ultimate level, users would be able to generate spatial paradoxes (i.e. a room appearing bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, a never-ending corridor), phenomena, and other distortions that affect things at a universal level.

They would also be able to manipulate other forms of esoteric space that has properties completely different from space in the real world, allowing them to achieve a plethora of effects, some even on nigh-omnipotent levels.


Smirking a bit with the power of space and time fully registered into my <Soul Archive> and skills ready to use I can't wait till the end of all enemies are done with and enjoy my time with my friends.


I would soon have to deal with their deaths one day or would they join me…

Honestly with the weapon and idea I have in my head I probably won't need my <Nigh-Absolute Immortality> when I create 'that' weapon after my <Dream Image Training>.


Opening up a portal using <Kindred Link> to Koromaru back at my home base it's time I deal with Salem forces along with other things.

I better hope 2B completes the Power Ring soon enough.

A lot of plans and so little time to spare.


Better get back to work then.

next chapter

Chapter 170: Chapter 170: SMG4 ‘What if Mario Bugs Atlas’?

Chapter 170: SMG4 'What if Mario Bugs Atlas'?

~Jack POV~


Using my time wisely already asleep I began to use up two of my <Dream Image Training> to use up the two imaginary opponents I want to face.

I need this one the most first since his knowledge could be key to what I need.

Picking up my opponent this time I needed a weapon that will challenge the Gods of Darkness and Light before they were even born.

They aren't omniscient or omniscience to know everything happening just happen to be very powerful God-like beings.

If they knew of this then I would've died on the spot.

But since they haven't come once then that means they can be killed.

With <Nigh-Absolute Immortality> they can't even kill me physically anymore with their power as proven by Salem standing here today against the Brother God Darkness attack that vaporized Remnant.

I can stand against them.

Then it comes what weapon could harm them?

The Power Ring could but that's a huge gamble since even then the Power Ring won't be enough to defeat a God like how one of the Green Lanterns of DC has the balls to arrest God from Earth.

But I digress what I'm doing is absorbing the knowledge of this being that created a weapon that can basically handle a Cthulhu-like being in his own home universe only to have the one weapon be used against it and sealed them or stole his power.

Pure genius of his time.

Well… more like a couple of galaxies honestly.

The being in question stood in front of me a few distances away.

The small being is elderly, approximately 5 inches tall. He resembles an anthropomorphic grey frog, with gills and sticky skin. He has bulbous green eyes with rectangular black pupils and eyelids that open and close horizontally. Four thin tendrils grow out of his lower jaw, while two longer ones grow out of his upper jaw, giving him the appearance of having a beard.


What I choose was Azmuth from the Ben 10 series.

Azmuth is the creator of the Omnitrix, along with numerous other inventions and creations. He is a Galvan from the planet Galvan Prime. Azmuth's scientific creations and achievements have made him a very respected scientist throughout the universe.

Professor Paradox calls him the smartest being in the universe, but Azmuth demurred, saying he is the smartest being in three arguably five galaxies.



Name: Azmuth

Class: Researcher Genius

Race: Galvan

Semblance: [LOCKED]

Level: 9999

HP: 100/100


STR: 10

AGI: 50

VIT: 20

INT: ????

WIS: ????




That seems about right.

Physically they aren't much of a threat but their minds, however… that's a different question altogether.

Readying myself I let the fight happen while I used <Telekinesis> to stop Azmuth in his place while I began to use <Soul Archive> to read into his mind getting certain memories I need…

What I need is the brilliant mind of his inventions he created one that will allow me to stand against the Gods of Remnant.

What I'm reading through his head was the blueprints to create my own universal weapon and the blueprints needed…


The Ascalon is a weapon created by Azmuth centuries ago, before the creation of his greatest invention the Omnitrix.

Azmuth was inspired to create Ascalon when he saw a planetary system in perfect alignment while spending time with Zennith on Primus. Ascalon was created to tap into the fundamental forces of the universe.

Ascalon taps into the forces of the universe itself, but it's never specified whether it's the source of its power or not. Misuse of that power can destroy an entire planet.

When used, Ascalon encases the wielder in a suit of armor similar to that worn by a knight. This armor protects the user from mind control.

But that damn thing could be near reality warping honestly if given the chance to use it but right now I need this weapon the most.

However, after reading through the memories of Azmuth's mind I could only grimace at the materials needed to create it as well as all the blueprint and research plans downloaded from this copy's head.

The items I need are so out there it's really too bad I can't recreate them using what Remnant has to offer because of the lack of materials I needed to create it unless I have some high-tech alien gear on hand.

Sadly, Remnant doesn't have that and the only alien that came was Starro fucking starfish so I'm out of those options hence I need the known materials needed to recreate the weapon Ascalon in question.

But I can still create it with the use of creating an artificial one through magic using the Relic of Creation, but the sad fact is that I can't use it directly to attack someone indirectly yes but directly no.

I really hate its, dumb rules that I can't use it to harm someone directly fortunately I only need to get my hands on it once and use the Staff to create the materials needed to recreate the Ascalon I need.


The craftsman I need.

He has the ability to create anything provided that he is given precise details about it. He was able to conjure an exact copy of Penny Polendina using her existing robot parts as well as create a new body to house her soul, effectively transforming her into a Human.

Ambrosius also showed the power to manipulate space-time to not only create a dimension similar to the Vaults but portals to everyone in Atlas who exit to Vacuo, all without any effort.

However, he has one fatal flaw his weakness.

Despite this, only one of his creations can exist at any time, as the previous one will cease to exist the moment, he finishes another task.

Even if I say I were to create Ascalon once Ambrosius creates another of his creations the sword will become useless but what if I use it to create the exact replicas, I need through the power of the Universe ignoring Ambrosius' rule of making the one he made useless while I have a fresh set ready to recreate.


A lot to do and I actually have the time to do it as well.

Although reading through Azmuth's memory and the materials of what all of the materials needed for Ascalon creation while the whole process might take a lot longer than I thought from the little guy.

Thus, the waiting game begins.

I wonder how Ironwood likes the new shipment of Capsules that he agreed with 2B.

I heard she was serious about our deal. Heh.

The skill I got from him can agree.

Skill List.


<Mettle> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This is a passive skill. It emboldened the user to act swiftly and helped lessen the psychological burden of difficult decisions. If anything got in the user's way of their goals, the user can take action to eliminate the variable from the equation as soon as possible.

-Toggle [On/Off]


Oddly enough it's one of my max-level skills which does have its up and down.

Wonder what Ironwood is doing now?

Probably trying to unlock my Capsule invention about now.

Oh, wait.

Using <Fate's Hand> bringing out the die I began to roll it and I get…



[<Fate's Hand> LEVEL UP!]


Lucky number 9.

Today's a good day.

Now then… time to pick the last one before everything goes to hell.

I'll need his info in case Ascalon fails to create this after all it was used to stop a Cthulhu-like entity or God-like entity in the show.

Let's see if it works here.


~Ironwood POV~


Pinching the bridge of my nose I finally managed to get a deal out of that hellish android taking care of the Future Foundation's plans of getting fresh shipments of Capsules in return for a few items they want from us.

One is the Dust Mines located near the mountain, the promise of Hard Light Dust shipped to them, and also a public store in Mantle to create their own establishment in the near future as well as the full promise that they will retaliate if anyone dares to disrupt their establishment and no forceful confiscation of Atlas taking their Knightmare models.

While I wanted to disagree with this android gave me an ultimatum that you do your part or else you won't get our support.

And with the rise of Capsules happening around Remnant as it's circulating, I had no choice but to agree with this 2B choice and also my political enemies trying to buddy up with the Future Foundation.

I thought the CEO of the SDC Jacques would argue about it but oddly enough he didn't even raise an issue about it.

While it's odd from him I ignored it finally having our own greatest minds trying to unlock the secrets of the Future Foundation pocket dimension inside these capsules while I had Winter ask for a fresh Shipment of Dust which to my surprise they have much in stock.

Also, the news of them getting Faunus workers in Menagerie for those that wish to earn them while providing fair treatment is something getting massive support from the Faunus community while the SDC is getting a bad name for it.

Honestly, I wouldn't say I'm a bit perplexed about how he does what he does for someone so young and has trustworthy people on his side to relieve him of his issues.

"Sir were ready!"

Hearing a response from one of our brilliant minds of Atlas I nodded to proceed to hack into the Capsules for the betterment of Atlas. While this is wrong it's right just in case something was to happen to Jack's Future Foundation.

An organization became a strong power over the span of a few months with everyone trying their best to get Capsules and stock along with Huntsman and Huntresses getting them to hide their weapons, items, Dust, etc.

Honestly, this item could be quite scary as it is but in our hands it will prove to best to understand them in the future if Salem does something off. I can't just heavily trust our newest member of the Inner Circle with something like this.

Even ignoring the dangers of hacking it...

Even if it goes behind his back its all for the safety of Atlas and by extension Remnant, in case his work would ever be endangered to the citizens if Salem knows how they work to the enemy.

Gazing my eyes at –




My eyes widen seeing we were having a virus attack when one of the scientists gave me the status report of what was going on, "Sir! When we tried to hack the Capsule it… it released a virus to attack our own! No, it's entering our database General sir!"

My eyes dilated seeing the attempt was thwarted quickly looked at the screen with the virus attacking Atlas database. I know the Capsule said a warning for those that try to hack or break into the Capsule will have consequences, but I thought our greatest minds wouldn't try to mess this up but how!


Hearing an odd response, we all had our eyes glued to the screen seeing a fat short man with blue overalls and big brown shoes with a mustache along with a red cap with an 'M' insignia confusing me greatly along with another but with a blue color hat.

Getting confused the blue one began to speak while the red one began to attack our data speaking out to it and us, "Hey you Hacker pricks I'm SMG4 and you have been very naughty hacking us! Prepared the consequences with the power of Memes! Mario! Unleash the memes show these hackers punks how's it done, and I'll upload it on YouTube!"



Suddenly the virus named Mario took out a bazooka and fired out in our database with some cringe images with my scientist speaking out, "General sir! We just lost control with that fat bastard blowing it up?! HOW!!"

By the Gods…

I need to correct this immediately when I called out Jack's number but what I got back was this feeling my heart stopped a bit, "Beep! Sorry but this call can't be taken at this time please call again later. Beep!"

Damn it…


Suddenly like that SMG4 virus said it was being virtually live, and I question how this happened but right now I needed to take back control.


However, that was when our Scrolls turned on showing this SMG4 virus speak out, "Hello everyone on YouTube! I'm SMG4 and today we're uploading 'What if Mario bugs Atlas'! hope you enjoy it! Hit it, Mario!"

Everything was being broadcasted with that fat bastard nodding beginning to reveal our secrets and dirty laundry shown to the world while I hear and cringe at the Mario virus yelling Pingus or showing off his digitally game-like naked body.



By the brothers…

This is going to be a public nightmare.

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