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100% Rose : My Ultimate Prize / Chapter 1: CHAPTER 1 XAVIER
Rose : My Ultimate Prize Rose : My Ultimate Prize original

Rose : My Ultimate Prize

Author: Rosemary_Hadome_3597

© WebNovel


"Oh son, you're going to make us so proud" my parents said cheerfully as I was getting ready for my state competition. "But make sure no girl follows you home. We can't have grandchildren yet" my parents teased. I smirked at them and said "Sure I'm always careful". They are the only ones that think I'm humble, I know you've guessed I'm anything but, well that's correct. Humility is what I don't have.

So now I'm ready for the competition, the governor of my state ; New York, is celebrating his birthday. So he invited the best students from schools to participate. My friends ; Xavi and Xaiden came in, in high spirits to cheer me up as I'm the only one representing my school. So when I'm done dressing, my parents, friends and I got into our different cars and headed towards the governor's home. I went in my Ferrari, my friends in their Lamborghinis and my parents in their Bugatti.

Yes you have guessed it. I am the richest guy in school. I'm in my senior year in high school. I'm eighteen years old.I am the only child of my parents, so Xavi and Xaiden are not just friends, they are like brothers to me. My dad is one of the richest men in the state. He is worth billions of dollars ; he is a business man, has chains of hotels all over the world. My mum is one of the most popular fashion icon. She is the main designer of fashion brands like : Louis Vinton, Hermes and Gucci. So you can see I have never known suffering, I'm used to getting anything I want. I am handsome, confident, infact I'm godly. I know you think I'm vain, well everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I agreed to represent my school so that students from other schools will know that I'm not only rich but smart, infact the smartest person they'd ever see. You know most people are of the opinion that rich guys are dummies, well I'm an exception, not just me, my friends too. That's why they are my buddies. As we head to the competition venue, I put on music from my playlist. I nod as I listen to "First class" by Jack Harlow, yeah that's right, I'm first class.


When we got to our destination, it's so crowded. But the governor caught sight of my parents and welcomed them. As he and my parents were discussing, I took a look around and noticed people were staring at me and whispering. I'm a sucker for attention but I always play it cool. There are adults too. So like me , the parents came to encourage their children. The security personnels came out and ushered everyone into the main hall. We all settled down and moments later, the host welcomed everyone saying :

" Hello everyone, welcome to this competition..." He continued.

My mind wavered at the sight of a girl. I don't know if she's an entrant, because she's dressed too casual. She's a brunette wearing a crop top and ripped baggy jeans. Then I saw a woman with her, maybe her mum. I must have looked at her with disdain because she looked up at me and believe me, her eyes looked angry. But would you blame me? Whoever wears this to a state competition? My friends chuckled to themselves saying:

" But how is she gonna win dressed like that"?

"It's these government schools" I said amused.

The host called out students involved in the competition. He called me, Rose Bricks (that's the crop top girl) and other entrants.

Rose answered more questions than anyone else. She was very fast to press the buzzer. She only failed a question while I failed three questions. Five points were awarded to a question. So in total, I got 50 points while Rose got 80 points. Rose won the competition while I came second. A boy called Dante came third. I watched as Rose and her mum hugged and kissed. My parents and friends were happy for me, but they watched Rose with interest because nobody has ever beat me in anything. Ever. I was ill-humoured about losing but I being a master of control, kept my cool.

The governor awarded Rose a scholarship, to make matters worse, in my school as it is the best school in the state. He also gave her other academic awards. Xavi said to me:

"This is the real example of 'do not judge a book by it's cover', but it's nothing, because I know you're more intelligent than she is. I guess you're not feeling this atmosphere and all"

"That's it man, you're obviously not into this" Xaiden said .

Well my friends are always there for me, they feel I'm the best. But deep inside me, I know I've met a smarter person than me .

"No worries man" I assure them.

The competition came to an end, so the governor saw my parents and I to our cars, bade us goodbye. All these while, the thoughts I had, was about the girl who stole my spotlight.




"Oh my GOD! Baby you're so smart. I'm the luckiest person on Earth to give birth to a daughter like you" my mum said happily, hugging and kissing the hell out of me.

"Oh thanks mum, I got everything from you" I replied giggling.

"Oohhh love, I'm so glad I have you".

"Thanks mummy".

"Did you see the guy that came second? So full of himself" I said.

"Yes dear, the arrogant sort. Well you have been given a scholarship in his school, so you'd see more of him" said my mum.

"Yes mum I think his name is Xavier, I wonder what he is gonna do in school, behaving as if the whole world revolves around him" I already know his name is Xavier, just feigning pretence.

" Baby don't tell me you were looking at him the whole time" my mum said

"Oh no mummy, I wasn't" I said blushing but deep down, I was watching him.

"Hmmm, I see" my mum teased.

I decided to change the topic. " Oh mum before I forget, let's call dad and share the news to him. I don't think he has tuned in to see the news". So I took out my phone and called my dad.

My dad and mum have been separated for a year now. They were separated because my dad is more focused on work, than me and mum. My dad is better described as workaholic. You know the worst thing, after his whole 'work' attitude, we're still poor. I agreed to stay with mum, I felt it was better than staying with someone who is always at work. My dad really wants my mum back. He promised to never ignore or leave us again. My mum is still considering this, she wanted to be sure that he is totally a changed man. Because she had always told him about about the whole "work attitude" in the past. I'm really happy he didn't cheat on my mum. I know my dad would be too "busy" to watch the competition on TV.

My dad picked up on the fourth ring...


"How are you doing love"? my dad asked.

"So great daddy, I won the state competition organized by the governor. I was given an academic award and a scholarship to study in the best school of this state" I said beaming with smiles

"Oh my"! my dad exclaimed "I'm so thrilled baby, you always make me proud. I love you"

"Daddy bear, I love you too" I replied

gleefully. "Daddy talk to mummy".

So I beckoned on my mum, gave her the phone and moved away to give them some privacy. Then I heard the sounds of mum talking to dad.

As they were talking, my mind moved to the guy in the competition, Xavier Brooks. Everyone knows about him, his family. I have also heard that he is arrogant, proud. But I wasn't prepared for his display of superiority over everyone else. I saw the way he looked at me, judging me by my dress. But I being me, didn't care. I am best described as what you call a 'tomboy'. Most times I wear baggy clothes, I have nice curves but my choice of clothes always hide these curves.

Despite the way he looked at me, I couldn't deny the fact that he is the most handsome and lovely guy I've ever set my eyes on. He is so tall, about 6 foot 3 inches. I wasn't prepared for the attraction. The attraction hit me hard, that I thought I was going to explode any moment. I barely managed to calm down. He is an arrogant prince charming, a mannerless handsome blonde. So you imagine my shock, when I'm was given a scholarship in his school. That big school that I could never dream of attending. This is a dream come true. I remember when I see the students of the school on tv. Well those times are now past, because I'm now a student of the most prestigious school.

All in all, I have decided that I would show Xavier what I can do. I am going to watch out for his weakest points and seduce him slowly...

"What is that look on your face baby girl"?

I'm sure I looked like a "deer caught in headlights".

"It's actually nothing mum, just thinking" I said quietly.

"Hmmmm" my mum said looking at me.

    "Your dad and I will be going on a date soon" she said . I'm so glad she let go of the matter . I am so delighted to hear they coming back together.

  "Wow! how soon is that? Like soon soon or later soon? I can't wait to have you back together mum. I can feel dad is changed now. He really loves you" I said to her.


   "I think it's sooner than you expect dear" She replied

  "Oh mum you think or know, please mum, promise me you know so"

    "I definitely know so love" my mum said touching my hair.

    "I can't express how happy I am about this, I'm elated, this is happening soon. I love you so much mum"

   "I love you too baby"

My mum and I hugged and kissed each other's cheeks.

I'm also happy, that I've been able to stop thinking about Xavier... Well, at least for now...



"Young master, rise and shine. It's time to get moving" my Butler teased me from a frustrating sleep. I woke up and threw a pillow at him which he doged and we started laughing. I really love the members of my household, they are the only ones that get to see this playful side of me. Outside, I'm a different person. you can say cold, heartless, whatever you feel, after all, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I exchanged pleasantries with my Butler and sat up on in my bed, pondering my frustrating sleep. In my sleep, I saw Rose. Wow great! So it's Rose I'm seeing now? This is messed up man! And do you know what?

This time in my dreams, she beat me in class grades. I think I'm losing it. But this isn't possible, imagine Xavier Brooks intimidated and humilated? Never happening.

So I cleared my thoughts and went into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and my bath was already prepared (as usual). I enjoy sipping the wine and watching tv as I take my bubble bath. But this time, my mind was somewhere else, about meeting that Rose girl in school. Since I couldn't enjoy my bath, I decided to hurry. When I'm done with my cleaning routine, I came out of the bathroom to see that my butler had already kept new shoes, new fur jacket, new trousers and an iwatch (all packaged) for me. I do not repeat outfits. So I dressed up and walked downstairs. I heard my friends and mum talking in the living room and decided to make my grand presence (as always). They stopped talking when I got near, I guess they heard the sounds of my steps.

"The boss has finally graced us with his presence" Xavi says. I smirked at them.

"Good morning mum" I greeted my mum.

"Good morning dear, hope you slept well" She replied.

"Sure mum, you"? Now she doesn't need to know about my insomnia. Does she?

"Very well love".

"Mum, Xavier says he's a boss, well he's a sleeping boss" Xaiden said to my mum, smirking at me.

My mum laughed at this and gave me the look that says "I-told-you-so". I just shook my head and grabbed a cup of coffee. I watched my mum and friends talking like family. I am so pleased, at least even if I don't have blood brothers, I have made brothers.

My mum instructed my friends and I to always try to be good guys, even if she already knows we're not. That I particularly, should be friends with Rose.

I started declining but my mum just concluded that I was jealous of Rose. Hmmm that didn't sit well with me, but I had to feign indifference, so that they wouldn't perceive I'm worked up by that. So we drove off to school.


I am in class now, it's almost break period. The lessons I've had today had been so boring. Maybe because of the fact that I can't seem to get my eyes off Rose.

Earlier when we arrived school,my friends and I were fashionably late, so that we can grace the school or should I say my class, with our presence. But this time, as we walked into the class, all eyes were not on us. Infact nobody acknowledged our presence. Everyone was looking at my own seat; which was the last seat. I love staying at the back seat because it gives you the thrill feeling that you can watch all, but no one can watch you.

Well I know you have guessed it, Rose aka the object of discussion with my mum, yes the very Rose, is in my seat writing. My friends and I exchanged looks and were like 'what the hell is really happening here'. Well I think she doesn't know it's my seat. So I calmed down and walked up to my own seat and say to her

"That's my seat, go find another one"

Well, could you believe this girl looked up at me, smirked and resumed writing? Her eyes were mischievous. So this girl had the guts to ignore me!! Before I can do anything, which of course I wouldn't have done, considering my mum's talk, Eliza and Claire; the girls that want me so badly. They are popular too. They belong to the cheer leading squad. Elisa and I, had a thing going on. But you know me dear reader, that girls flaunt themselves at me. So I got tired of her and moved on to the next girl. Now Caire her best friend wants me too. Well me being me, is just going to have my fun and nothing else.

So Eliza and Claire rushed up to Rose but I stopped them saying:

"Don't worry about me, I will take care of this".

Everyone just looked on speeches.

"But..." Claire started saying but Rose cut her off by laughing and saying:

"Are these puppets (Claire and Eliza) trying to show their wild side by saving their hero" (me obviously)?

I just watched Rose. Thinking to my self, I love attention but not like this. She kept talking...



"I do not have time for you. My time is always valued, it's not for you guys, trust me" I finished.

Claire raised her hands to do something like, to slap me, but Xavier held her hand and stopped her from doing that. "Do not do that on my account"

"Fine, but you girl, just watch out" Claire said to me

I laughed out loud and said,

"Not at all, I think you should be the one to watch out" .

Everyone settled down, I sat at Xavier's seat while he and his friends (who had been silent during the exchange, I think they are not used to people standing up to them) sat in other seats. The sitting arrangement is like this: Xaiden's seat is is beside Xavier's while Xavi's seat follows Xaiden's. So all in all, the three seats are at the the only ones behind.

Xavier sat in Xaiden's seat and I could feel him stealing glances at me. I smirked to myself, this is just the beginning. I will make sure he loses his mind slowly. Nobody, including the puppets can stop me from getting on Xavier's nerves.


During the lessons, I tried my best, as much as possible to assimilate what I'm taught. But it wasn't entirely successful because, I could feel Xavier looking at me and talking to Xaiden. Well I don't know if he is trying to get back at me or whatever. This got me excited, two can definitely play the game. I always love these games.

"Hi dear" a girl calls to me. She's sitting in front of me, a redhead.

"Hi" I replied.

"I am Emma"

"I am Rose"

" I know, saw you on tv, you won the competition. You did great, I'm happy for you"

"Thank you"

"We just started the term, so you joined us at the right time.

"Oh lucky, I guess" we laughed at this.

"Now what is funny"? Mr Page, the Philosophy teacher asked. At that time, we were receiving lessons on Philosophy.

Emma and I went quiet, the whole class attention was on us now. Mr Page ignored this and went on teaching.

"So miss Brooks what would you say about Thales of Miletus"? Mr Page asked.

I stood up and answered:

"I would say he is the father of philosophy, first predicted an eclipse, he divided the Haley river so that the Lydian army could pass through. Thales thought that water was the utmost stuff of the universe".

"Oh that's good Rose" He praised.

"Now what good has Thales done for us"?

"Well he brought about the rise of later day philosophers. It was through his theory of water , and subsequent theories of air, fire and Earth as the utmost elements by other philosophers, that we got the present day elements. Without these elements, there would be no survival.

"That's good too" he said to me and he continued teaching.

Emma turned, winked at me and whispered;

"You did great"

"Thanks" I whispered right back. We smiled at each other. I tried my best to ignore Xavier.



Looking at Rose from the corner of my eyes,I thought of what I'm gonna do, to get back at her. Although it's hard to admit this; I admired the way she answered Mr Page's questions, so fluent. I also watched her to talk with Emma. After The philosophy class, we were alone once again. I kept looking Rose.

Just then, she looked up from her book to my eyes and it seemed the world stopped, because everything that mattered was the look in her eyes, so seductive. I looked from her hazel eyes (oh wow I just discovered that) to her chest. She wore a low cut dress, I could see the swell of her breasts and her breasts looked firm. I couldn't stop staring. You know me dear reader, that nothing gets to me. I can only be in the mood, because I want it. But this time around, this isn't it. Well maybe the way things turned out could be the reason (oh yeah keep telling yourself that).

I really really need to get laid. I had sex about 2 weeks ago with Eliza. And I'd already cut it off with her.This Rose is really something. Suddenly Rose got this shy look, and I love the vulnerable look. She bent down her head to resume writing. She never looked back at me throughout the class lessons, but I kept stealing glances at her, watching her cheeks colour. This made me to not follow up in lessons. When it was break period, Elisa and Claire came to me (of course, before other girls could). It's like a competition to have me. I looked back at Rose, only to discover she has slipped out, I couldn't find her.

"Why would that girl do that? She's crazy" Claire asked. I didn't reply just narrowed my eyes at her. So that was the cue to change the topic.


I'm in my room playing my favorite songs, when Xavi's name popped up on my phone. He's calling me. So I picked up.

"What's up" I asked.

"Very well . It's 16:30 already" Xavi replied

"Oh I forgot"

"You're already 30 minutes late for our golf game . I'm sure the boss slept off. But seriously, are you okay"?

"I'm very okay. I will be there shortly"

"Oh great, the boss allowed me to remind him".

This made me chuckle, Xavi's sarcasm always amuses me. When we ended the call, I touched my forehead and felt very irritated with myself. Thoughts of Rose made me lose memory of time. Just wow!! This can't go on. It has to stop.

I look a quick shower and put on ripped black jeans, black turtle neck long sleeve top and black sneakers. As I head downstairs, I caught a glimpse of my mum and dad talking and looking at each other with love and admiration. I paused on my walk and watched as my mum soothed my dad's hair. I just want this kind of world. Where you would be with your one and only.

This thought really shocked me, because, thoughts like this never came to me. Right now, I am envious of my parents. I thought about calling out to them but I changed my mind. I didn't want to be the one that would interrupt their love world. My butler handed my range rover keys to me and I drove off to meet Xavi and Xaiden.



When I got home from school, I was elated because, dad came over to see me and mum.

"How was school today" my parents asked.

" It was fantastic" I answered.

I started telling my parents about the school decor, the car parks, the lessons and the teachers, excluding things about Xavier. They were so grateful to the governor because there was no way I could have gone to a school like that, being the most expensive and all. I ate pasta and fish sauce my mum kept for me.

"Baby, your dad and I are going on a date, do you want to come with us"? My mum called out to me.

" Oh it's alright mum, I have some assignments to do, go on without me" I replied.

"Take care mum and dad"

"And you too baby" my parents replied in unison. They left for their date.

I didn't go because, I wanted to give them some privacy and let them resolve everything and get back together again.

Thoughts of Xavier came to me again. I remembered how he looked at me, got me so hot, like I wanted him so fucking much. How I got tingles on my body when he kept staring at me. I shook my head smiling, when I recalled how jealous I had been, the time Eliza and Claire came to Xavier and started flirting with him. I seriously wanted to kill them both. But then I did the only thing possible; I hurried away. I remembered meeting Mike; a handsome guy, this at first got me happy because this will make Xavier know that I have handsome guys as friends. so that he could also be jealous, but then I realized Mike is not as handsome as Xavier. Oh painful!

I recalled Mike telling me he loves my carriage. Athough he said he's my classmate, I didn't see him in class. I guess I was so busy trying to infuriate Xavier, trying to get on his nerves. I was so busy staring at him. Thank GOD I was able to make Friends with Emma (well it's because she said hi first). Mike bought me food from the school's cafeteria, we sat and talked about our likes, dislikes, favorite songs, colours and other social stuff. We didn't go deep into our families. I managed to keep talking because, I wasn't really into it. My mind was on a certain someone, that was surrounded by the two puppets.

I recalled my shock on seeing the object of my thoughts coming into the cafeteria, together with his friends and the "queen bees"(Claire and Eliza). Everywhere became quiet as if a god came in. I watched him sit with his "entourage" ( rolled my eyes).

"You just came to this school and you already made an enemy. The "boss" himself" Mike had said.

"Who does he think he is? Flaunting his dad's money" I had replied.

"Well he has his own money, but anyways, it's good to have you here"

I remembered the time Xavier

discovered me and Mike. Something changed in his eyes. But before I could say what it was, he switched back to his I-dont-care attitude (I have discovered he keeps a blank face when something is bothering him). So he and I pretended to ignore each other for the rest of the day.

I stopped thinking and started doing my assignments.


My mum came back from her date with dad and was preparing supper.At 18:00, I remembered I had to go for swimming with Emma. Although earlier, Mike invited me to go on picnic with him, I politely declined. I didn't want to encourage him into anything. So I showered and put on shorts and oversized top with boots, to meet up with Emma. I wore my bikini as underwear.

I told my mum that I made a new best friend in school today and that we were going out to swim. My mum was elated at it because, I hardly made friends, always kept to myself.

"So how about the Xavier boy"?

"He is just there, I guess" I answered pretending disinterest.

My phone rang at this moment (now I would say, saved by the bell), Emma's name popped up.

"Mum, it's Emma" I told my mum "I should be on my way".

"Okay love be back soon"

I Smiled, rolling my eyes and said

"I know that mum, it's okay".

We hugged each other and she pecked my cheeks. My phone rang again and this time, I picked up, and said

"I'm on my way dear, see you".

As I head out, I turned back to wave my mum and saw that she was smiling at me already, we waved at each other. I stopped a cab and headed towards Emma's home.



"Xavier how is school? Hope you have made that Rose girl your reading partner" my mother asked. "You need to get closer to people who can challenge you in academics and all"

My mum and I were sitting by the pool in our compound.

"Sure mum" I said, not knowing exactly what to say.

"But are you friends with her"? she asked again.

"Yes we are, though not very close, we are sure to be very good friends soon" I said hoping to be free of the uncomfortable questions.

"How close are you two"?

"Well mum, with time we will be close"

"I just feel she's a nice person, I haven't met anyone that outshone you in anything before. Not that I'm complaining. She's a unique person. So she's going to be very interesting to have as a friend".

I feel my mum thinks, I don't want to have her as a friend.

"Okay mum, I will try"

Although I tried to be abrupt with my replies, the questions kept coming from my mum.

It's now a month since Rose came to my school. I have been watching her, you can say I'm obsessed, well if that's what you wanna call it, it's fine by me. I looked into my classmates records (my level in school is high, so it was easy for me to access them). I checked the records with sole intent of knowing Rose' birthday, her phone number and house number. You can see where my so called obsession has gotten me. Well, I took her phone number and street number, and kept it safe because, I am soon gonna need it.

Now with my mum's advice on being Rose' friend, how am I gonna tell her that my intentions of Rose are everything but platonic? How do I tell her that I can't control myself around Rose? That last sex I had two weeks ago, was a disaster; I called Rose' name when I came? That no girl does it for me anymore except Rose? How do I tell her that Rose is the sexist girl I have ever seen, that I don't see her as a sports or reading partner but as a romantic partner? My mum might just 'jump out of her skin' when she finds out.

Now I'm fretful because she's with that Mike guy. The most annoying thing is that, this Mike is below me, he wishes he were me. But I have been watching Rose and I feel she sort of likes me, right? Or am I just wishing she does?

But my question is, if she's into me and I'm into her, what's holding us back? Maybe because I haven't met anyone that outshone me before.

Well that reminds me! This is weekend, I had booked one of my dad's hotels for my class party which I have always done most weekends before Rose came. Well this will be the first one, since Rose started my school. Now I definitely know Rose has taken over my mind. My classmates and two best friends; Xavi and Xaiden didn't bother reminding me, maybe they felt I wanna be alone these days. So you can imagine their surprise, when I announced a pool party. And on our normal time, which is 17:00. I remembered the last time Xavi, Xaiden and I sat out, there was concerned looks on their faces but I chose to ignore that, after all what's bothering me will soon be over.


I excused my self and went upstairs, to my room to get ready. As I was getting ready, my phone rang and Xavi's name popped up on my screen. I picked up.

"Yo bro, we're here, when are you gracing us with your presence"? Xavi asked laughing.

I checked my watch to see I was already 30 minutes late. Wow! Time goes by so fast.

"Do I sense a hint of sarcasm"? I asked smirking.

"Sure boss, so when are you coming"?

"I'm on my way boss" I said to him "So you miss me already? We saw yesterday, awwwnn so cute" I teased him

"Don't start with me Xavier, it's good to hear you speak from your heart, even if it's once in a blue moon" Xavi teased back.

"Fine, I will be there in five minutes"I said abruptly, because if not, our banter will not be ending anytime


"Sure thing boss, and Xavier, I love you bro"

"I love you too bro". I replied.

I finished dressing up and looked at the mirror. I loved what I saw . I sprayed my varying range of perfumes, checked myself one last time and head out.

"See you mum" I called out to her.

"See you love and don't forget to use a condom".

I smirked at this and walked away confidently to my Lamborghini, with the sounds if my mum's laughter.



Here, I am at the pool party. I really had to persuade my mum to allow me come to this party. She at first disagreed, because she felt it wasn't really safe. When I told her that we were safe, as bouncers and security personnels would be there, she agreed ... reluctantly. Yes reluctantly. Sometimes, I feel my mother's over protectiveness is overwhelming. But not to blame her because, I'm an only child.

So she agreed and demanded that I come home before 21:00. Well I left at 17:40 because it took me about 30 minutes to persuade her. Please do not say that I should have told her about the party before that time. We teenagers are like that most times. We don't always do things when they are needed to be done. We tend to while away time. Well that's my excuse. What would I have said to justify my actions? So where was I? Oh yes, I left at 17:40 and took a cab to the venue. I know my classmates are gonna use their cars, which is an everyday thing. I don't have a car. Well not that I'm complaining, just so you know (roll my eyes ; a habit).

When I got there, Bouncers led me through the gate to the hotel. I see different cars. So my classmates have different cars for different occasions. Oh interesting. Well as for me, I got down from the cab, as graceful and confident as I could muster. I'm proud of who I am. The hotel environment is so large, and the hotel it self. Xavier's dad is so rich to have such a hotel and fleets of them all over the world. Well he's the richest guy, so such should be the case. Well hope his family gives out to charity. Athough Xavier is proud, I will not deny the fact that he loves giving. I have seen the way he spends of his friends, even when they're almost as rich as he is.

So, The staff ushered me into the hotel. There, I met my mates. They are drinking for now, talking, I guess before the pool section starts. Most of them stopped to look at me and came forward to welcome me. I wore my most beautiful dress; a red skimpy lace jumpsuit, with black heels. I took my bikini with me. My jumpsuit is not really expensive, but it's great and special to me. That was the dress my mum bought for my 17th birthday. I really love it.

Most if the girls wore very beautiful, Lovely dresses and you can easily see they are very expensive. Much more expensive than mine. But I being me, did not care. I know I look the best. The jumpsuit I wore, enhanced my curves and brought out my pale colour. I put on a red lipstick to go with the red dress.

My female mates kept saying how beautiful I looked, I think because, they'd never seen me in tight, sexy clothes before, they had been seeing me in baggy outfits. The guys were starting at me too.

As I and some girls were discussing, I glimpsed at Eliza and Claire, they were looking intently at me. Well in class, I have decided to ignore certain hoodlums, yes that's what I call them (Eliza and Claire). As usual, I Ignored them. And continued exchanging pleasantries with people that are worth it. Mike came to where I was, with the girls and hugged me so tight.

"Wow girl!!! You look so amazing" He said pecking my cheek.

I Smiled and returned the compliment. I discreetly glanced around, hoping to catch sight of Xavier. I saw Xavi and Xaiden; Xavier's friends. They waved at me and I waved back at them. I kept looking for Xavier. Waiters came in with glass of drinks, snacks and served everyone. I took a glass of wine and made sure I took whatever was offered me. I thoroughly looked around, searching for Xavier and came to stand still. Yeah you've guessed it, I've seen him. He was in a corner and you know what? Staring at me, drinking from a glass of wine, as I was. We just started at each other.

Xavier really looks so handsome, or am I allowed to use beautiful? I haven't seen anyone as lovely looking as he is. It seems he doesn't want anyone to notice him yet. I knew people are gonna flock around him. I don't just know, there's something about this guy that can make you waver on your talk, walk and all. All these while, he and I were staring at each other.

"Isn't he handsome"? Mike asked.

"Sure, he is" I replied

Xavi, Xaiden and other guys notice him and go to him, although I would say flock around him, because that was how it appeared to me. He just kept looking at me as if he was oblivious of every other thing, except me. But I turned around to face Mike.

" How is it going" I asked him.

"Never been better, you look so good dear" Mike said looking at me.

His eyes were filled with love, but unfortunately, my heart belongs to someone else; a pompous, arrogant and lovely guy. I had to change the topic. So as I was about changing the subject of discussion, Xaiden came forward to address all of us. Well, he is the emcee.

"Welcome to this bash everyone, feel free, the air is merry, full of fancy. All cheers to Xavier..." he continued. I could

feel Xavier's eyes on me. All the girls flocked around him, winking at him, trying to touch him, to please him. You have known me by now, because as usual, I rolled my eyes. He smiled and nodded at what they were saying to him. Well he wasn't a good actor because you'd know he forced himself to do so, he was just trying to be polite. Well I give him credit, it's not an easy thing to do. As the girls talked to Xavier, he kept looking at me occasionally.



I know you're fed up with me, right? Well because, I keep staring like a fool at Rose and doing nothing, right? Even I am surprised at my self. I do not hesitate to get what I want. I guess there's always a first time for everything. This case being the first. I don't know if this Mike is just trying to infuriate me or just being himself. And the most annoying part of it is that, Rose gave him the sweetest smile, I've ever seen. The same smile I hope she'd give to me. Well for now, I will just have to accept what I get from her.

When it was time for the pool section, everyone changed into their swimsuits. I was sort of disappointed because I really loved looking at Rose' dress, hot and sexy. Well of course, everyone has to change. There were changing rooms. After everyone had made good use of the rooms (Changed into their bikinis and all), I couldn't help but notice that my earlier disappointment had turned into satisfaction on seeing Rose in her bikini. Her bikini was baby pink coloured. So lovely! I heard two girls talking about the worth of Rose's bikini; saying it's not expensive. They were obviously jealous because, theirs didn't fit them like her's. I do not care about cost, because I absolutely love what I'm seeing. Now I didn't bother to calm my self, I turned to the back bitters and gave them my unpleasant face. Oh my! Maybe I'm a sadist. I loved the way the two slimy creatures crunched and shook.

"Now what were you two talking about"? I asked, just wanted to see how much of cowards they actually are.

"We're... sorry... Xavier" I'm sure they peed their bikinis.

"You know better than to say such things about someone, who is clearly better than you two, in every aspect" I took pity on the fools and let them be, before they die of panic. Xavi and Xaiden came out, and we went to the first swimming pool.

There are three swimming pools in the hotel. The first one is the one I normally swim in, with my two friends. The other classmates share the other two pools. I didn't make it like that. I feel, my classmates don't want to drag things with me. Well I've always enjoyed the comfort with Xavi and Xaiden. This time, I'm everything but enjoying the moment. The reason being that Mike is around Rose, like a bloody puppet!

"Wow! I think you're her guardian angel. Infact, I feel Rose is now a course you are studying" Xaiden whispered to me

"And where did you get the idea, I'm studying her"?

"Xavier, you love this girl. That's what my mind thinks".

"That's the first sane thing you have said today Xaiden, It's good you know me" I replied.

"Well excuse me bro, I wanna meet with her". I said to Xaiden, when I saw Rose leaving the swimming pool.

Rose left the swimming pool to walk around the hotel. She's really admiring my dad's hotel? Wow! I thought she's a cold person. I'm really proud to see her looking at everything in awe. I followed her and watched her walk until she disappeared from everyone's sight. I know she wants to look at the aquarium behind the hotel buildings. I smiled at that. So I walked to meet up with her. I know she heard my footsteps because, she turned before I could get to her.

She looked up at me as I got close. She looks so beautiful . I looked into her eyes and I discovered they are hazel. Why am I just noticing this? Just great!!

"Hello beautiful, you're really amazing". I said in greeting.

She smiled and said:

"You don't look so bad yourself"

I smirked at her because, I know I look exceptional.

"Where are you headed"? I asked.

"Just walking around your magnificent hotel" She said excitedly.

"So let me do the honour of showing you around".

We walked around, not talking much because, boy! It's really awkward. Like I am so tensed right now. Sexual frustration, I guess. I do not think I can do this anymore. As I was contemplating, Rose tapped me on my arm, I think to ask a question. At the feel of her hand on me, I felt goosebumps. Shock ran through me. I raised my hand to touch her hand on my arm and held it. I looked at her and what I saw on her face (eyes), made me hot inside. She parted her lips and her tongue swept her lips slowly, leaving her lips wet.

I thought no further, as I caught that pink tongue between my lips and sucked on them. I grabbed her waist and she, my shoulder. I kept sucking her tongue because she's so yummy. Then I released her tongue and went for her lips. Her lips are the softest, most juicy lips I have ever tasted. She moaned and that got me excited. I really really need to get into her mouth. She got the idea and parted her lips, I dived into her mouth, licking her teeth, sucking and kissing the hell out of her lips. She's so sweet, I haven't tasted anything as sweet as this. I can't get enough of her. I wanna eat the whole of her...



I can't think of anything else, just the feel of Xavier all over me. He is kissing me thoroughly with so much hunger. I have never had this before, so maybe that's why I feel it's very good. But also I doubt that other kisses can be as good as this. He grabbed me like a possession and that made me purr. When some people look at me, they think I'm the sort of girl that lives rough. But when you get to understand me, you'd know I am the exact opposite. I haven't fallen in love before, what I know now, is that I'm in love with Xavier.

I bit his lips softly and the sound he made, got me tingles. We kept kissing, oblivious of everything around us. What only mattered then, was him and me.

"Rose baby, where are you"? Mike called out, he's looking for me.

Xavier and I stopped kissing and look at each other. He touched my cheeks so softly, bent to kiss my eyes. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment.

"Rose Rose"!! Mike called out again.

I opened my eyes and shouted back


"I have to meet him"

I said to Xavier, as he was still holding me, he reluctantly agreed. I looked at Xavier's eyes and knew he was going to do something about Mike. Like, I've really gotten to understand him.

"Xavier, I shall tell him about us. Please do not do anything rash, okay"?

He waited a bit and said:

"Sure sweet" but he wasn't happy with the interruption.

Well, should I say I was happy for the interruption or not? The answer is yes and no.

Yes because, our kiss would have gotten far and led to something deeper.

No because, I love our time together. The whole time I've watched him and him, me, craved him, I couldn't just have enough of him.

So we hugged and I disengaged myself from Xavier's embrace. I walked away to meet Mike. I heard Mike's footsteps coming towards me. I turned back to Xavier, to see him staring after me and blew him a kiss. I turned back and walked away, adding extra swing on my hips. Well you'd say, I'm such a tease. If that's what you wanna think, it's fine by me. I just want Xavier to know what he already has.

When I met Mike, he was really scared, because he couldn't find me. I started to tell him where I had been, but of course he looked forward and I am sure he saw Xavier because, the expression of his face changed. Before anything could happen, I grabbed his hand and almost dragged him out. But all in all, I'm so glad Xavier and I spent some quality time together.


Later that day, when I got home (I came back home 20:30), mum asked me about the party. I told her about the hotel, my friends... literally everything, excluding Xavier.

"I'm glad you had fun baby, this school has really made you realize your social side. I have always known you, my baby, to be an introvert. I'm glad you're out of your shell now" my mum said massaging my shoulders.

"Thank you so much mum" I said gleefully.

"Mum, there's something I have to tell you".

"Go ahead honey" my mum encouraged.

I told her that, I am in love with Xavier and she said that I should be careful and take things gradually with him. As it was obvious girls flaunt themselves at him.

"Okay mum" I hesitated and said "But we have kissed"

"Oh dear, since you have kissed him, let it end there, get to know each other better, start things off slowly. okay"?

"Sure mum"

"Well baby it is okay to like someone, but are you sure he likes you too"?

"I know he likes me mum, just that we haven't been together before. You know we're rivals, so that's why it took this long to express our feelings towards each other".

"Okay baby, I can see you're smitten by him, and I've never seen you like this before, I always have your back. Wish you the best in your relationship with Xavier".

"Wow!! thanks sweet mum, I love you!!!" I said elated and hugging my mum. My mum kept patting my back.


After I had showered and eaten some fruits. I'm surprised at myself, that I was still able to eat, after those whole food I consumed at the pool party. I think it is the mood I'm in, right now. I'm so happy, like crazy happy, because of all my fantasies, I have been able to come close to Xavier and do what I've always desired. So after eating some apples, I sat down to read, in my chair and table. I really love reading. Well this time with my mood, I went for a romance novel, titled: "Bride of the Night" by Heather Graham.

I just wished Xavier and I, would be like Tara and Finn, in the novel. I remembered Xavier and I, met like Finn and Tara too. We met as rivals. This is so wow!

I continued reading...



Wow! I feel so good, slept very well. I'm surprised because I have been waking up so late, I cannot sleep well, since Rose came into my life. I really really need Rose so badly. But I will try my best to take things slowly because, I do not want to scare her away. I have noticed that, she's not like the other girls I've been with. Although she looked wild when I first saw her (that was why my friends and I, underestimated her), she began to look cool later on. It's my guess, she's a virgin. And for that, I give her the due respect. She's a very good girl. I know as beautiful and as intelligent as she is, guys would be after her. But like the cool girl she is , declined those offers.

I'd never thought I would like a cool girl But right now, I not only like, I love the cool girl and I'm now envious of my parents love for each other.

I'm so delighted today and decided to surprise the whole household. After brushing my teeth and showering, I put on loose short and top, and headed straight to the kitchen downstairs, whistling. I greeted the servants I met cleaning the house. When I got to the kitchen, the chefs were already there ready to arrange a fantastic breakfast. They looked up at me as I got there.

"Oh good morning sir" They greated looking at each other and wondering why I was there.

"And good morning to you too" I said smiling, in order to ease their tension.

"Hope all is well sir" Mr Baker; the head chef asked. He had to ask that question because, I have never ever been to the kitchen before.

"Never been better" I said.

"Oh that's good sir" They chorused.

"One thing, do not question what I'm about to say now" I told them.

They nodded, I really feel for them, they look scared.

"Well I want you to go to your rooms and relax because, I'm gonna prepare breakfast for everyone" I said to them.

Their eyes opened wide at this. I nearly laughed out because, of the surprise on their faces.

"Sir, hope all is well..." Mr Baker asked.

"Everything is okay, just trust me to cook, okay? Now off you go ... well except Mr Baker".

They left except the head chef, just as I had told them. I have never been to the kitchen before, never have I cooked. so I needed Mr Baker to coach me in cooking. He told me all the things I did and the breakfast turned out wonderful. But all these while, he kept looking at me in awe. I just winked at him and said

"I'm human, have got to cook too, okay"

He was like "ohh that's good to hear sir"

We did a wonderful job. We prepared large portion of eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, waffles, hashbrowns, toast and coffee.

After cooking, we served the food on in the dining table and invited everyone to eat. The servants wanted to take their food to their own quarters, but I insisted they eat with us. They looked at me as if I'd grown another head. I just kept smiling in order to assure them. I think I'm going to need a face massage from this smiles. But I gave them a sweet smile . Afterall, they are like this because, I haven't done this before. I need to show them love steadily.They finally settled down. The dinning is very large. It consists of a hundred chairs and an enormous table. There are fifty staff in my home . Kudos to me and Mr Baker, for cooking for everyone. It was not easy at all. Well let us enjoy this for now. When dad and mum came over to eat, they were just surprised, not like I wanted them to be. I wanted them to like, really jump out of their skin. Well I guess they really know something good is up about me.

Everyone thanked me for the food. I acknowledged their thanks and also made it known that Mr Baker helped me out.

We continued to eat, while discussing.


In the evening, I retrieved Rose's phone number from where I saved it and decided to call her.

The phone rang and rang, just as it was about to end, she picked up and I signed in relief.

"Hello"? Her voice is so husky and sexy.

Her voice made my mouth dry and I became speechless (and you know dear reader that I'm never speechless, Rose made me discover the soft and human side of me), well speechless for a while.

"Hello" she said again.

"Hi love, it's Xavier" I said after I had put my self in control. I heard an indrawn sharp breath, I guess I'm not the only one affected here.

"Oh how did you get my number"?

"Oh, I got it because I wanted to" I said smirking.

"Ha! do not be so sure of yourself" she said laughing.

I really thank GOD the mood is lighter now.

"Will you be around tomorrow"?

"Sure why"?

"I want to take you to dinner"?

"And why are you so sure, I'm going on a dinner date with you"?

"Well a guy can only hope dear, so what do you say"?

"Okay fine, I accept"

"So what time"?

"Let's say, 16:00"?

"That's fine by me, I'm gonna pick you up"

"Okay then, see you",

"You too love" I hung up.

My dad called me on phone that he wanted to speak to me in his room. So I went to my parents room, to see my dad sitting by the balcony, enjoying the view. So I joined him there.

"How are you son"? my dad asked.

I'm sure he asked due to my strange display of affection in the morning. Well everyone should be prepared for this version of me, as long as I am happy.

"I am good dad" I replied.

"So how are your studies and sports"

"We are doing it dad".

"Any update in school"?

"Not really dad, just that I'm in love with Rose".

This surprised my dad, it took more than a lot of astound him. Well kudos to me for this rare occurrence.

"Isn't it the girl that won that competition and was awarded a scholarship in your school, about a month ago"?

"Yes dad, that very one" I said proudly. It's not an easy thing, to have a girl that is intellectual as a girlfriend.

My dad just looked at me, I mean really looked at me and said:

"Okay son, you sound serious and so much in love, I give you my blessings'

"Wow!! Thanks dad".

I felt so happy about this, that I pecked my dad on his cheeks and left to my room, smiling widely.



The time is 15:10, I start getting ready for my date with Xavier. I already told my mum about the date and she reluctantly agreed. I hope he is not the type of guy to keep a lady waiting. I'm wearing a short pink floral gown, with a silver anklet. The gown is open at the back , I also put on my favorite and only wrist watch (It was given to me by dad during my 17th birthday last year). I looked at my self whistled. I sure know, I look gorgeous. I just want to give Xavier the satisfaction that he's dating a beautiful lady. I curled my hair and wore little makeup. Please Xavier me here, I thought I was afraid of being disappointed!

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the car sound. I came to, when I heard the sound of my doorbell.

"Oh he's here at last" I said quietly to myself.

I was very nervous but managed to calm myself down.

I can do this, I encourage myself. I breathe in and out slowly. I put myself together and head for the door. As I headed towards the door, the doorbell rang again.

"Coming" I called out.

I opened the door to find Xavier, looking so yummy, so tall and dorminating.

"You look so great, love" We both say at the same time. We laughed out.

We just looked at each other sort of awkwardly. He kept looking at my lips. He bent down and placed a soft peck on my lips, he placed another peck and this time, covered my lips with his own. He really kissed me softly. I had to come back to my senses. After all, this is a date not a kissing contest.

"Xavier"? I said softly.


"Our date dear"?

"Okay dear" he said, as we separate our lips from each other.

"Oh that reminds me, I bought you a flower, a rose flower"

"Awwnn so lovely dear". I smelt it, hmmm so comforting.

Xavier took me by the hand, opened the car door and I sat down straight. He sat down too and drove us to the hotel, where we would be dinning.


Xavier and I are dining in his hotel. He told me it was his when we arrived earlier.

"My dad gave me three hotels to manage" he had said.

I'm really so proud of my boyfriend. Although when he told me it was his hotel, I was shocked and said:

"That's so wow!!! I can't believe you have a hotel at your young age".

"Young age indeed. I'm old , at least older than you sweetheart" he said teasingly.

"Even if I feel you are young for this, I have to say that this hotel is magnificent" I praised, looking around in awe, from where I sat.

"Now sweetheart, that's better. Thank you for the compliments".

Xavier took my hands and said to me looking deep into my eyes:

"I really really love you baby, I want us to be very serious with each other".

"I love that too sweetheart" I replied.

The waiter came at this moment, with two bottles of Grand Vindu Chateau Margaux and filled our glasses. Then left us alone.

"This is among the best wines in the world" I said in awe. Hope I'm not dreaming. I have only seen this wine in a movie but now I'm drinking it? Please someone should pinch me. "This is so cool Xavier" .

"Thanks love, I know you would love it" he said.

Xavier and I cheers to our love and well being, and drink with linked hands.

"Perfect taste" I said to Xavier, humming gleefully.

"Good dear" he said nodding to my remark.

As we talked and drank, two waiters brought in appetizers. I feel I'm just here to eat. I hate to disappoint, particularly in food. So Xavier and I ate and talked about our hobbies and our families.

It was at this moment, that three waiters brought in the main course. Everything was so organized, I think Xavier already told them what to serve us.

It was Italian dish, the waiters served the sumptuous meal and left. You know me (I really love food), I dug in and it was the best meal I've ever had. Well I sort of forgot about Xavier and concentrated on my meal. Then I felt his hand on my lips. I looked at him to see him looking at my lips. He helped me wipe my lips with the serviette provided. Well I'm a lousy eater. I blushed and he just chuckled, like really stared at me so intensely. I got shy. And for the record, I don't always get shy. Xavier helped me discover my shy side.

"Aren't you eating"?

"I'm eating"

"No, you're not, you're just staring" I said pouting.

"I love watching you eat, read and all, you're so beautiful, I love you sweetheart".

"I love you too".

We continued eating and stealing glances at each other.

"What's your college choice"? Xavier asked.

"I would like to go to University of Havard".

"Oh why dear, how about other choice of school"?

"Well I've always loved Havard, so I'm going to read to my best ability, so, if I'm lucky , I can get a scholarship. That's the only way I can be in the college".

"Very well then, my choice is now Havard".

"Why? You sound as if you just made the choice".

"True dear, I wanted going to University of Chicago but I think I love Harvard now".

"Wow love that's a good idea, I know you don't want me to go for another guy, cute you" I teased, smiling at him.

"Baby, I always want to be with you, always".

"I am so happy Xavier".

Moments after eating, dessert was served. Oh la la!! I feel so full, and I told Xavier.

"That's what I want, I want you to be very full" he said while touching my cheeks.

I close my eyes to dwell in the warmth of his hands ...



He walked me to the door of my home, wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me to himself.

     "Make sure you take care of yourself for me baby, I will call you when I get home" he said

    "Okay love, take care too".

He slid his hand up in my hair and smoothened it . Gently he tugged until my head fell backward. "Always know I love you".

Having said this, he lowered his mouth to mine and expertly tantalized my mouth.

     "Xavier, we are at my house already" I murmured

     "Okay love,  I miss you already". He said as he reluctantly released me.

We stood looking at each other and then bade ourselves good night. I waved at Xavier as he got into his car, he waved at me too and finally drove off. Before I could ring the doorbell, the door opened and there stood my mum smiling so happily.

         "Welcome home baby, I saw Xavier drop you off". my mum said . But we will discuss about that later. For now, I have a good news".

          "Wow mum, I can't wait to hear this news". We hugged and I entered the house. I got a surprise; dad is at home. I rushed to dad and fell into his arms.

         "Its good to see you dad, how are you daddy"?

        "Just the way you see me love, it's good to see you too".

        "Lets sit love" my mum said.

So we sat down and then my mum shared the great news :

     "Your dad and I have finally resolved everything, so we are now together".

    "Oh today is blessed, wonderful news all through. I really love this, I've always wanted you to be together again. I'm so happy for you" I declared to them cheerfully.

 My parents looked at each other with love and affection.

     "We appreciate love" my parents chorused.  "So how was your date with Xavier"? My mum asked.

    I told my parents about the date, the meals, wine and all.

It was very grand mum and dad. I really cherish my time with him. The food was incredible. Can you guess the wine I took"?

      My parents are really not good at  guessing game, so I had to tell them. They just looked at me, Waiting for me to finish the 'story'. Well I continued:

       "I drank grand vindu chateau Margaux".

       "Wow love, you have finally been to drink the wine you've always talked about". My mum said while my dad didn't look that impressed.

  Xavier wanted me to take back a bottle of the expensive wine but I told him that would be next time. Well now, thank GOD I told him no, as my dad isn't impressed , he would definitely refuse the wine. I will have to invite Xavier, so that my parents particularly my dad, would know him better.

      "So this boy Xavier, did he say he loves you or just wants to do what? My dad asked

      "Dad I know he loves me, he's changed from his flirty ways".

        "Hmmmm, and how do you know this"?

        "Mum and dad please, I want you to support me on this, please"?

     "Baby, I support you in everything, but I'm not going to sit here and let you make a terrible mistake. Rose, the boy you just spoke of, is from a very wealthy background. Boys like this, are used to having their way with girls, as girls always flock themselves around these boys. He must have made you see the extent of his wealth so that you could love him for his supposed care".

        "Dad please he's a good guy, daddy remember, you told me that everyone deserves a second chance. Xavier is a sweet guy dad. Please get to meet him first, you'd know he is not like the way  you first perceived him to be. Dad I have never fallen in love before and now, I am" . I held my dad's hands and said:  "dad I need your blessings, full support from you and mum".

  My mum touched my dad's shoulder, they looked at each other for a moment, I guess some understanding flowed through them and faced me again.

   My dad reluctantly accepted. This is good at least.

       "Wow thanks mummy and daddy, I love you too" I said happyly

They hugged me, we are one happy family.

     "And my lovelies, I promise never to hurt you again" my dad said to me and mum.


I showered and prepared a glass of milk. While sipping it, I became worried about Xavier because, he hasn't called me. Well decided to call him. I brought out my phone and gasped out aloud at what I saw ; 30 missed calls, all from Xavier. Oh shit! My phone is on silence. I must have mistakenly put it on silence, while I was talking with my parents. Oh, he must be very worried. I know he's going to be very annoyed, so I decided to call him.

He picked up on the first ring.

"Hi baby, what Happened? You got me sick with worry. Why didn't you pick up"?

"I'm sorry love, was talking with my parents, I didn't know that my phone was on total silence all these while. I'm sorry I got you worried".

"It's alright love, I'm glad you are okay. I wanted returning to your house, infact right now, I'm in my car, on my way to your house".

"Ha! thank GOD I called you now, sorry for the stress".

He told me it is alright and asked about what I was doing at the moment. I told him.

"Fine, hope you will be in school tomorrow".

"Sure, how about you"?


"Okay love, I'm sleepy dear".

"Oh, Make sure you dream about me".

"Okay love, dream about me too, when you decide to sleep".

"And Rose, I love you".

"I love you more dear".

"I doubt that, I absolutely love you more".

I laughed at his words, as I was about saying good night to him finally, he said:

"Rose sugar, can you send me your PayPal address"?

I was like 'what'? Did I hear him right? So he wants to send me some money. I gladly sent him the address.

"Wow thank you Xavier".

"It's okay love"

"You can sleep now love, do not call me even when you get the money today because, I want you to sleep like a baby. You can call me tomorrow dear okay. Take care love".



I woke up to the sound of 'as it was' playing, that's my ring tone. Did I ever mention it? Well that's so forgetful of me. I grabbed my phone to see Rose's name on the screen. So I picked up. I think she must have gotten the money by now.

"Hello my sweet angel"

"Hi love". Her voice sounds so refreshing.

"Hope you slept well, dreamt of me"?

"Sure love, if I don't dream of you, who else would I dream of"?

"wow that's sweet dear".

"I got the money you sent to me love, I'm so happy dear, a whooping sum of 20 grand!! I really really appreciate. I don't know how to thank you enough. Just know I am delighted, thank you"!!

"Oh baby, it's not really much. I will definitely do more. You're very welcome love".

"Xavier how can you say 20 grand isn't much? It's so much love!! I love the care you show to me . I am grateful for the money dear!! Thank you".

"Hmmmm, okay fine you're most welcome. But just know I will always give you more love".

"Well, okay love. I will see you in school, take care dear".

"See you sweetheart, bye for now".

I hung up.I am smiling. Wow!! what a way to wake up. I shall be smiling more for the rest of my life. Thank GOD I gave my butler off duty today. So that he wouldn't think I hit my head somewhere, when he catches me smiling like I'm nuts. I check the time and it's 06:45 am. So I got ready for school.


So we're in Philosophy class now. Most of us in this class, really appreciate this course. That's the one course we pay most attention to. The teacher, Mr Page is a very understanding man, so patient in teaching. I think he already has a favourite student, Rose. He always calls on Rose to answer his questions. I guess she's his favourite student because, she won the competition. Wow! This is also how I got to notice her.

Rose has already taken over my seat, and I'm with Xaiden. I wanted going back to my seat to have her as my sit mate, but that girl called Emma, is now with Rose, as her sit mate. She and Rose are now best of friends. Well I'm happy that my girlfriend chose a good girl like herself, as her bestie. So, Rose and I looked at each and she blew me a kiss, while I smiled at her.

"So students, I know you've heard of Renè Descartes". said Mr Page, interrupting me and Rose. "He has been known as the first modern philosopher. He is famous for having made an important connection between geometry and algebra, which allowed for the solving of geometrical problems by way of algebraic equations".

"So does anyone have any idea on his first published work"? He asked.

Eliza raised up her hand, he gave her permission to answer, so she said:

"His first published work is 'the meditations'".

Oh that's not the right answer, of course 'the meditations', is his most popular work, but his first published work is 'The discourse'. I'm not the type to raise my hands to answer questions. I just observe.

"That is not the right answer Eliza". Mr Page said, and as usual, he called on Rose to answer the question.

"René Descartes' first published work is 'The Discourse', coming about four years after he abandoned his first work 'The World' ; which wasn't published sir".Rose answered.

"Why wasn't 'The World' published"? Mr Page asked further.

"It was because, upon hearing of the Church's condemnation of Galileo in the same year, Renè decided against it's publication".

"What is Descartes most famous quote"?

"Cogito ergo sum, which means ; I think, therefore I am".

"Very good Rose, I've awarded you with five marks, for your CA".

"Wow, thank you so much sir".

"It's alright, you may be seated".

I was so proud of Rose and gave her thumbs up.

"I am so proud of you" I whispered to her.

"Thank you love" she whispered back .

We shared a smile and got back to listening to our teacher. Xaiden and Xavi nodded at me and I whispered to them:

"That's my girl". They beemed at me.

I saw Emma talking to her and smiling, that's cool. She's happy for my baby. I faced forward to see Eliza and Claire giving my girl, hate looks. Rose saw them giving her these looks and smirked at the losers. Then they started fighting silently; Eliza gave Rose the 'finger', and Rose retaliated. This continued, distracting the whole class. I tried signalling Rose to stop with the foolish girls, but she didn't look my way. Even Emma tried calming her down, it was all futile.

"Mr Page is looking at them already, they might end up in detention". Xaiden whispered to me.

Before I could do anything, like call out Rose's name,

"Rose, Elisa and Claire, detention after school!!" Mr Page shouted.

Eliza and Claire smirked at Rose, I guess they set up everything, so that they could be alone with her.

I got angry at this. I can't allow my baby to be alone with those 'things'. So I decided to do something that would make me join her in detention.

I have never had detention before, the teachers always pretend that I'm invisible, when I intentionally disobey rules. My dad's influence in this school is so high, so most of the teachers always try to please me. But this is Mr Page, I think he will be strict with me. If he could send his favourite student, Rose on detention, I guess I will be lucky.

As I was thinking about what to do, I caught Mike looking at me, with something like hate? I should be the one hating him, afterall, he wants my baby. So I narrowed my eyes at him and yelled :

"What the hell are you staring at? Are you crazy"? Everyone gasped. I don't yell at people, rather I always act cool. Even the teacher was flabbergasted.

I watched as Mike's face turned red and he yelled back at me saying:

"And why would I be staring at you? Who the hell are you"?

"Why won't you stare? You've always wished you were me..."

"Xavier and Mike, detention after school!! Here are the slips".

Mr Page gave the five of us detention slips. I looked at Rose as she looked at me, wondering why I had to do that. Well let her get used to being with me always. I reassured her by smiling.

"Wow bro, I got to see this side of you, because of Rose. This is mind-blowing". Xavi said, looking at me in what felt like awe. I just shrugged and said:

"There's a first time for everything bro, I guess this is it".


We continued our lessons until it was break. Rose took my hand, together we walked to the school garden.

"Xavier you deliberately got detention, is it because of me"?

"Yes baby, I don't want you to be alone with those slimy creatures, their jealousy is extreme, and could do anything to you. And after everything, they would pretend it was an accident".

"I just feel like I've caused you enough stress in one day".

"That's why I'm your man, to always look out for you dear".

Rose looked as if she wanted to say more, but changed her mind in the last minute and hugged me so tight. I hugged her too.

"Hope you're okay love". I whispered to her. Still hugging her

"I'm okay dear, expect that I'm ..."

"Oh my baby is hungry. Let's go to the cafeteria. Xaiden and Xavi have already bought food, okay"?

"Okay baby".

I gave her a peck on her lips and together, we went to the cafeteria. Xavi and Xaiden were already at the table waiting for me and Rose. We sat down to eat...


School is over and we're at the detention room, with Mr Page. Mr Page is marking some scipts. Rose and I are talking and laughing, while Mike is sitting like the epitome of doom, staring at us. I just ignored him and those slimy things. Xaiden and Xavier are waiting for me in the garden to be done with my detention. Rose gesticulated as she spoke to me. She said all sorts of funny things. I laughed a lot and also memorized every expression she displayed. Mr Page left us, I think to get something. Rose and I kept talking until Claire came to us and hit our table, saying:

"Xavier what do you see in this girl, can't you see she's manipulating you? It's since you met her, that you got detention. She's just here on scholarship..."

I raised my finger, silencing her. I took Rose, and made her sit on my lap.

"You see this angel, she is the one that make me realize my human part". I said kissing Rose. "She is the 'yin to my yang'. She is the loveliest, sweetest , most compassionate, most brilliant, person I have ever met. Anyone who has a problem with her automatically becomes my enemy. She is the love of my life. Claire, I want you to understand something; I'm never leaving Rose. It's easier for the sun to rise from the West, than being without Rose. Get that into your dumb brain. We have few minutes to leave here. Now my advice to you ; You shouldn't behave savagely, rather, your demeanor should be refined, it really helps. Now walk away from my sight". I finished saying.

So the trouble makers walked defeatedly, back to their seats. While I kissed Rose and we smiled at each other.

Moments later, Mr Page came and said:

"The detention is over, I'm sure you've learnt to be good students. If you break the rules again, it would be worse than this, so off you go" .

Time seemed short, this is an interesting one hour detention. I held Rose as we went out to meet Xaiden and Xavi. They were so relieved to see us. They were so tired of waiting.

"Out at last, I can't wait to be home" Xavi said

"Thanks for waiting, but I didn't ask you to wait up".

"Xavier do not tease your friends dear, of course you asked them to wait for us" said Rose massaging my shoulders and laughing.

"Thanks so much Rose. So let's head out guys" said Xaiden.

They drove in their cars and I drove Rose home.



I called Rose to let her know that I'm on my way. We already agreed that I should see her and her parents that day. So I drove to Rose's house, she opened the door before I could knock and hugged me. I took her chin and kissed her lips.

"I miss you love". I said

So together, we entered the house. I greeted her dad.

"Dad this is Xavier and Xavier, my dad".

"It is an honour to meet you sir".

I said excitedly.

"Likewise Xavier" he said. Then looking at me, he continued;

"Are you in her class"? I'm now nervous because he is really watching me.

"Yes sir, we have all the classes together". I replied

"Who do we have here"? A blonde woman came out, the same woman I had seen with Rose on the day of the competition, her mum.

She didn't wait for me to meet her in the kitchen, I see she was eager to say hi. This at least, eased my nerves.

"Good afternoon ma'am" I greeted, all smiles.

"Good afternoon son, call me mum, will you? How are you"?

"Very well, thanks mum".

She asked after my parents, my studies and I replied her.

"Let's sit outside, Xavier" Rose's dad said to me. And I shook a little because of the intensity of his command. I nodded at Rose and her mum, and followed her dad to their porch. We settled down and he brought out two bottles of beer. He handed one over to me. For the record, I don't fancy beer but I had to take it being that, it was given to me by my baby's dad. I grimaced at the cheap taste of beer.

"Don't like it? Not used to drinks like that? I'm sure it's not like your fancy drinks".

"It's okay sir, it's good" I said, hoping he would believe my scarcely concealed lies. I feel he doesn't like me very much. Who would blame him? If you had a daughter like Rose, a jewel, you'd do more than he's doing.

"What are your intentions towards my daughter"?

"Rose is very important in my life sir. I want to be her's for the rest of my life".

"Hmmm okay, but you should be guarded, you should work on your emotions. My daughter may appear tough but she has a fragile heart. If you break her heart, I will destroy you".

"Sir, I will never attempt that, I will never break my angel's heart. I promise to never let you down. I will always take care of Rose". I said meekly (if anyone who knew me too well, were to see me now, they would be dumbstruck, because I'm everything but meek), but with assurance.

He looked at me for sometime and smiled, he seemed totally different now, so I became at ease. I smiled at him too.

"Why do you love my daughter"?

"Well sir, I don't have a specific reason for loving her. I love her in and out; her character, her beauty, her intellect, her colour, her eyes, her..."

"Fine, that's good son. You should call me dad". He said smiling and patting my shoulder.

"Okay dad, I'm so happy to be a part of this family". I was so happy that I finished my beer. Just wow!

We talked about school stuff, the future and lots more. Moments later, dinner was ready and we ate. Rose and her mum prepared Rice, chicken sauce and salad with fruit juice.

After eating and clearing the table, I took permission from her parents that I wanted Rose and I to go out and 'stretch our legs'. They granted me the permission.

"Take care of yourselves"

"Sure mum and dad, anything for Rose" I replied winking at Rose.

Rose and I entered my Rolls Royce Phantom and we drove off.

I told her that we were going out for shopping and she was ecstatic about it.

I was supposed to go to my mum's cosmetics shop but decided against that. I don't want it to be free. My mum is never gonna accept any dime from me. And I want to spend on Rose. So I went over to the brand competing with my mum. The shop is so great, Rose kept admiring it. I asked her to pick as many dresses as she wanted. The least price for a dress in this shop is five grand. So I asked the shop personnels and assistants to get as many dresses as possible, together with shoes, watches, bracelets, perfumes, name it, as she wanted.

Rose being the 'tame girl' she is, just selected a few. Well if you're very familiar with me, and I definitely know you are, being that you've gone this far with me, you will know that I always get what I want. And what I want this instant, is for Rose to have more clothes than she'd selected. I didn't say anything to her, just went ahead and selected sweet dressses for her. As I was selecting, I noticed a golden long pearl sequin gown. I checked the price tag. Thirty grand. So I told the assistant who was with me to package the dress, that my butler would come later to get it. She packaged and kept it safe as I watched.

Well I did this because, I want to surprise Rose with it. I noticed she didn't select clothes that were more than 6 grand. That is, she selected the cheapest clothes here. My dad's birthday will be coming up in three days time. So the dress, the assistant kept safe for my butler to pick up, is the one she will wear for my dad's birthday. It will really suit her complexion.

When we were done shopping, the personnels bundled the clothes on my car. I also bought bouquet of flowers for her parents. I spent close to two hundred and fifty grand. And Rose wasn't having it.

"Xavier this is too expensive dear, I appreciate your care, but.."

"Just shhhhh and kiss me" I said instead.

She looked at me and her look all said "is this guy for real, he is not feeling as if he spent anything, is he serious?", but then she kissed me and I kissed her back.

"Thanks so much Xavier, I've never had such beautiful clothes and accessories before, I ... words fail me dear".

"My happiness is that you're happy, I love you dear".

I drove her home, I helped her get the whole presents in her room. Then I gave her parents the bouquet of flowers I bought them. Dad and mum beemed at me. Moments later, Rose escorted me back to my car. We hugged each other for some time and reluctantly, let go. I entered my car and she waved at me as I drove off.



Today is Xavier's dad's birthday. Xavier told me about it two days ago . He had said it will begin around 18:00. Xavier also told me that he has a dress for me. Well I, being inquisitive said, that I had more than enough dresses ; the ones he bought me. So which dress was he talking about ? He told me not to worry about them. That there was a special dress for me. He also told me his mum would do my makeover, I was ecstatic at this. I felt it was still dreaming. A woman I see on TV , a celebrity is making me up? Just so blinding!

"But I want you to be here like two hours before the party. What do you think"?

"It's okay dear, as I'm doing nothing serious".

"Okay my love".

I initially wanted him to invite my parents but thought twice about it. My parents are not familiar with his. With time, they would get to know themselves better.

So after school that day, I told my dad and mum about the birthday, my dad already likes Xavier, so he accepted. likewise mum. I took my bath and relaxed. As I was relaxing, my ringtone came up and Xavier's name popped up on my screen. He is calling me. So I picked up. He said he was on his way. So I got ready.

We hung up, and I put on my best plain, tight jeans (I don't want to wear ripped jeans in meeting his parents for the first time). I put on a white polo and white sneakers. I checked myself in the mirror, this will have to do. I'm a "jeans lady". I packed up my hair in ponytail. wore silver earrings and my only wrist watch.

Xavier came to pick me up. After exchanging pleasantries with my parents, we drove off to his house. This is my first time of going to his house. We passed my district to beautiful ones. As we drove, the roads and buildings got more beautiful. Wow!! I thought Xavier is proud, but he left his magnificent district to my local one. I looked at him driving, he sensed stare, and turned to look back at me, smiling.

He asked if I was enjoying the ride I replied

"yes dear".

When we got to his house, I was stunned, yes that's the word. The gates are made of gold. They glide open and Xavier drove in, I guess it's computerized. I looked at the mansion.

"Oh la-la" I breathed. I have never been more astonished, like ever. This is something else, so majestic.

"Thanks baby, there's more to see inside the house". I think he said, I'm not sure. As I was busy staring at the surroundings.

He parked the car in the garage. The garage is filled with lots of cars, about twenty of them. This garage is the most stylish, I have ever seen. With ample space for up to thirty cars. It has skylight ceiling. This is so glittering!!

So we got out from the car, he held my hand and we walked into the mansion. The press is here, so Xavier made us walk fast, past them. Security personnels hailed us as we walked past. The staff greeted us as we entered a very large room with expensive and beautiful decor. There are lots of flowers, red carpet, so so grand. I'm sure this is where the party is taking place.

Xavier took me upstairs, we got to the sitting room (the one upstairs). There, a man and woman looking distinguished (his parents), sat. Up close, they looked friendly, not the distant and sophisticated demeanor they put up most times on TV. They smiled upon seeing me and Xavier.

"Mum and dad meet Rose, and Rose meet my parents". Xavier introduced.

"Oh dear Rose" how mother repled. "It's good to see you, please call me mum" .

I think I'm dreaming, right? I'm facing a celebrity and she's so happy to see me, not just that. Told me to call her mum. I'm so happy to oblige her.

"I'm delighted to see you mum" I said cheerfully as she hugged me.

"Oh daughter my pleasure" his dad said .

"Thank you Daddy" I replied as he hugged me and pecked my cheeks. I really blushed at that.

"So let's sit down in the dinning (upstairs as well)" his dad said.

We sat down and they asked after my parents, I responded. We talked, laughed. I am so free with them, they are like my parents. Food was brought in by some of the staff. Various forms of sea food dishes. Both the ones I'm familiar with and the ones I'm not. This is great, very great. I hope to eat more of this in the future.


When we were done eating and relaxing a bit, discussing all along,   mum said playfully:


    "Can you excuse the ladies? We have matters to attend to , in readiness for the party".


    "Oh the ladies are definitely excused" Xavier and dad teased .


So mum took me by the hand and led to a room. We went past several rooms. I think the rooms are for dad,  mum, Xavier (obviously)  and guests. I recalled seeing guest rooms too downstairs, when Xavier and I came in. So now I'm wondering how many guests this family has in a period of time. The life of the rich! I couldn't help but look on in wonder. I admired the artistic pattern, the scenery of this magnificent mansion. I still can't believe I'm in this kind of house. The kind of house that screams hundreds of millions of dollars.


   "So baby, what do you think of this house"? mum asked.


  "It's so amazing, I don't know the right word to use. It's so exquisite... that's the word I can come up with mum". I said with my whole heart. She smiled at me.


    "Hope you're enjoying your time here".


    "Yyyeeeesss mum, very much". I said delightfully as she kissed my cheeks and said :


    "I want the best for for you and Xavier"


   "And we will not disappoint you mum".


We got to the room for the makeover. It was as imposing as the other rooms in this wonderful abode. Xavier's mum beckoned on me to take off my garb. So I took off my top and jeans. I'm in my pants and bra now. Xavier's mum got me a robe, told me to sit in front of a dressing mirror and started applying make up on my face. She also stretched my hair and it fell over my shoulders to almost my waist in waves.


I looked more beautiful when she finished with the makeover. eyes got larger due to the eye liner and I wore blue eye contacts. I was wow! Very wow!


    "You look extremely beautiful dear" mum complimented me.


    "Thanks mum" I replied, beaming.


We heard a knock on the door.

   "Come in" mum called out.


The door opened and a wealthy looking woman came in. Xavier's mum introduced her, as her her makeup artist ; Mr Victoria.

Mrs Victoria was with two large parcels and handed to them over to Xavier's mum. The parcels bore my dress and mum's. Mum brought out a long, gold, pearl, sequin gown. It has in-built corset.

"This is ... beautiful" I breathed, feeling the fabric with my fingers.

Mum fondled my hair and beemed at me, and began dressing me up. She was so efficient in putting the dress on me.

"You're so lovely" mum and her makeup artist both complimented me.

I appreciated their compliments.

So Mrs Victoria dressed mum up and applied her makeup.

We were done eventually. Then Xavier called out to me and mum saying:

"Mum and Rose, the party is about to start, dad said we should walk in with him".

Mum and I, left the dressing room to the party hall and Mrs Victoria followed up.

When the four of us (dad, mum, Xavier and I) entered the room downstairs, everyone cheered...



The party ended late around 22:00. I couldn't go back home, so I called my parents. They agreed it was late to come back and decided I come back home in the morning. So now, Xavier and I, are in his room talking about the party. I had already taken off my gown and already showered, likewise him.

"You're so lovely Rose" he said.

"Thanks baby" I said, caressing his face.

"Close you eyes", he said. I just looked at him, Wondering what he was up to.

"Close them" he repeated.

When I did, he kissed me gently on the forehead, my eyes , my cheek,my lips, my neck.

"You taste so great dear, I want to have you, but I will wait for the right time. okay? Please do not look at other guys baby" he said as the kisses continued. I kissed him back eagerly. He tastes so good. He put my head on his shoulders. I know he wanted me badly, but I was so proud of him , for his self control. I trust him so much.

He cuddled me to himself. And we slept off. My thoughts filled with a lifetime with Xavier.


Two weeks after the party, Xavier and I are in his room reading for our upcoming examinations. I go to his house frequently as he comes to mine.

"Have you written the summary of what I asked you to"?

That's my technique of reading ; understanding the book and summarizing. So I made Xavier adopt this method.

"Baby I am done with it" he said.

Right now, we're sitting in his bed.

I looked at his summary and noticed he took down every key word. I admired this.

" Awwnn you've made reading much easier" I said massaging his shoulders. I kissed his lips and he kissed me back.

"My baby taught me the best way of reading" he said.

After reading for a long time, we decided to go out and view the surroundings.

The surrounding is so full of nature. The artificial lake with aquatic animals. Wow! Xavier and I, spread a blanket by the lake and looked up to the sky, listening to sounds of the fishes and all.

"Rose whether you read or not, I'm paying all your fees in Havard University. So do not worry about scholarship" Xavier said to me.

Xavier is so good at making me speechless. I kissed and hugged him, saying "thank you" to him.



Exams are over, grades of students were posted on pin boards. I had A+ and only one A- in my courses. While Rose had A+ in all her courses. I am so proud of her. I called her "my intellectual wife" which she blushed to. We were top in class (not surprising). I noticed that since the day I reproved Eliza and Claire, they have never challenged Rose. At least they can listen to the "voice of wisdom". Also Mike stop chasing after my baby, he already saw he was fighting a lost battle. Well he's now wise.

Rose and I are in the school garden talking and you know what, kissing. That's until someone coughed. Xavi.

"Love birds, am I interrupting"? he asked. He is kidding right?

"Well you are just jealous, go and find your girl".

Xavi actually pouted, which made us laugh. Then Rose asked how he would spend his holiday.

"Well I will take Emma on a trip". Xavi said.

"Wow! It's really fast for you guys. I remembered when she told me you had a date together". Rose said.

I'm happy for Xavi, he is like my former self ; moving from one girl to the other. Xaiden is the different one, doesn't talk to girls, or is it what I'm thinking?

Anyway, I'm happy for Xavi.

Moments later, Xaiden joined us.

"How are the love birds and the single spectator"?

"Well he's no longer single, he has "hooked up" Rose and I said as we burst out laughing. Xavi just smiled with a loving distant look. Awwnn so cute.

"Wow! like really? I guess I'm the only single one then. Congrats man".

"So guys, how is the prom night going to be"? Xaiden asked

"Oh thanks for reminding us" Rose said.

Wow it's next week. Rose has a special dress for the prom, from the list I bought her. That reminds me, her birthday is in two week's time. I will definitely surprise her. But first of all, I told Rose to invite her parents for dinner anytime they are chanced. She said weekend, which is tomorrow. So great to have my in-laws over.


Dinner was fantastic with my in-laws. My dad and Rose's dad talk, was like that of people, already acquainted.

Likewise the two "mums". Rose and I beemed watching our parents conversing and laughing. This dinner is thrilling. There was more than enough to eat. Ranging from sea food dishes, to Italian, Chinese dishes. So remarkable. The love between my family and Rose's, is mutual. Rose's dad said he really loves artwork, just like the ones he saw in our house.

After dinner, dad and mum took them around to see the masterpiece of our abode. Rose's dad was so impressed. We later went outside to see the artificial beach, lake, in the compound. They were so pleased.



"Rise and shine Princess" Xavier teased as he roused me from sleep. I breathed in the Paris air and it felt different in the best way ever. Xavier and I are on vacation in one of his dad's hotels in Paris .

"Happy birthday baby" Xavier said as he bent to kiss me. I tried to evade but he wasn't having it.

"Morning breath dear" I said giggling when he tickled me.

"I love it baby" he said, as he bent to kiss me. We made out a little.

"Baby , we have places to visit. But before that, I have a present for you".

Xavier and presents are synonymous. So I prepared my self mentally for this great surprise.

He blindfolded me and took me outside the hotel. When the blindfold came off, a beautiful Rolls-Royce Sullivan stood before me. I threw my self at him. He caught me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." I kept saying, kissing him. We kissed for some time.

"Em baby, we have places to see love, we should be ready. Our driver is coming to pick us up". He said, because if not, I wasn't ready to let go of him. I reluctantly let go and we smiled at each other.


I was in my bubble bath while Xavier was getting our clothes ready. I thought about our prom night. I was the prom queen and he was the prom king. I smiled as I recalled our dance and kisses. All attention was on us. Why not? I have Xavier, the best guy in and out. Xavier only allowed Xaiden and Xavi to dance with me. The other guys didn't dare, knowing full well the kind of person he is. I recalled our (Xavier and I) speech. Well that's that, I thought as I finished bathing.

"Baby, are you still bathing"?

"I'm done love".

"Your cake is here".

Oh wow!


After the cutting my cake , Xavier and I had our sumptuous meal (as usual). and toured round Paris. We first visited the Eiffel tower, which is one of the most  single most famous man-made structure in the entire world, I can't believe I'm here. Ever since I met Xavier, unbelievable things have been happening. This is my man sent from above . We got to the summit. From summit, we enjoyed heart-stopping views over all of Paris . We also went to the panoramic champagne bar in the Eiffel tower on the third floor, a brasserie and a Michelin-starred restaurant.

After the Eiffel tower, we visited château de Versailles, Les Catacombes, Moulin Rouge, Lovre Museum and Notre Dame cathedral

 The last place we stopped at was, Palais Garnier. Xavier said it is much more fun to visit there in the evening.

It is Located at the Place de l'Opéra . We watched the Paris Opera Ballet, I kept looking at the building, the building is almost as attractive as the dancers on stage . I am fascinated. I held Xavier's hand the whole time. This is my best birthday ever



Dinner was excellent as expected. The chef didn't disappoint, as always. After giving some compliments to the chef, I went in search of Xavier in his rooms.

It has been two weeks since our return to New York from Paris, but sometimes, I breathed in the air of Paris, as if I'm still there. Well, it been good news since our return .

The long awaited letter of acceptance to Havard University arrived a week ago. College was starting in three weeks time. So we are preparing alongside celebrating. I still can't believe Xavier is coming with me to Havard. I love him so much and I can't stay without him.

I arrived at his, sorry our room because, Xavier always gets angry whenever I said his room. Xavier was lying on his stomach, on our king size bed. So I couldn't help it . I threw myself on him, my fall wasn't precise. So I hit my head on his shoulders. We laughed as he held me to himself.

"Sweetheart, I have finished with the payment details of our new home" He said.

"Hope it's the one in Brattle Street because, I really loved that penthouse, when you pointed it out to me. The kitchen is so beautiful and I will be there most times to learn different dishes from our chef".

"Ooh baby, don't you trust me? That penthouse is the most expensive in that area" Xavier answered.

"Baby, you only like the penthouse because it's expensive" I said teasingly.

"No baby, I love it because , you love it. I love everything my Rossy loves because I love you so much, it hurts" Xavier said holding me to his heart.

He held my hands and led me to the balcony. He held me with my back to his front , as we stood there gazing at the beautiful stars.

"Baby I love you forever and ever".

"Awwnn Xavier, you always say things that make me love you more and more" I answered him, as I held his hands more tightly to me.

"After college, I want us to have three kids, so what do you think dear" ?

"ooh baby, four would be okay. Four is a lucky number and we would be one big happy family".

"Sure baby, we will name the first one after the stars".

I kept looking at the stars, feeling so happy, as I imagined our life, during and after college.

Our love story is just starting and we both know it will be best in history...


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