/ Fantasy / Rosabella and the Beast

Rosabella and the Beast Original

Rosabella and the Beast

Fantasy 51 Chapters 29.2K Views

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Ella (Rosabella) is being treated like a slave in her father's house, but when Emperor Carl comes to her father's house for a visit, her stepmother poisons his current Queen because she wants one of her daughters to be with him. But Ella (Rosabella) has no idea that she is going to find out who she really is and who her birth parents are, as well as be with Emperor Carl instead of her stepsisters.

Ella (Rosabella) also found out that her stepmother had never divorced from her first husband. Therefore, she is no longer her stepmother and her stepsisters are no longer her stepsisters. Her stepmother comes up with different plans but Emperor Carl, Luke (Ella (Rosabella)'s adopted father), Ian and his sons. Paige, Ella (Rosabella)'s stepmother's first husband and sons. They come up with a plan which allows Emperor Carl to finish his stay at Luke's house and make love with Ella (Rosabella).

Ella (Rosabella) goes to the Royal Palace thrice, once to save Emperor Carl's first wife, second to break the spell that was placed over Emperor Carl, and third time to be with Emperor Carl for the rest of her life. Her stepmother and stepsisters get banished to another kingdom. They ended up in a Royal family and never set foot back in their home kingdom. Ella (Rosabella)'s adopted father ends up with the woman he had loved before his second ex-wife forced him to marry her instead.

Ella (Rosabella) goes from a servant to a princess to a Empress and proves her fake ex-stepmother and stepsisters wrong.

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