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3.7% Romeo & Romeo (BL) / Chapter 1: Home sweet home
Romeo & Romeo (BL) Romeo & Romeo (BL) original

Romeo & Romeo (BL)

Author: xaechris08

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Home sweet home

It's going to be weird coming back home after living abroad for the past eight years. These past few years at Wilcox's business school in Europe seem to fly by.

A part of me wants to be excited because I finally get to be with my family again and not just during the stupid schools holiday breaks, but there is another part of me that's numb, because I'll be around my family again. The last time I was I was living at home things weren't exactly the best for me or my parents

In entire life I don't think I could recall hearing my father say a bad word to or about my mother, but at her funeral he said "my wife is dead and everything is worse now"

I was only twelve at that time I didn't really know what he meant by that "my wife is dead and everything is now worse" I didn't know why he said that I thought maybe that's just the kind of thing adults were supposed to say at funerals. His words didn't really hit me until a couple of months after the funeral though. The house was more quieter, and not the calming kind of quiet but the kind that's eerie and makes you sad, because you know you'll never hear that familiar voice in the morning that you have grown so accustomed to.

Without my mother around to lighten the mood with her pearly smile and cheesy but laughable jokes, the entire house became trapped in this pool of somber energy. I barely came out of my room anymore, and my dad seemed to work around the house like a ghost, only ever acknowledging my presence at the dinner table— that's even if he bothered to show up for dinner

Eventually, alcoholism came as an escape for him. He never had a sober day if he could help it. He did everything drunk, he drove, shopped, and went to work drunk he never had less than four bottles of gin and cases or beer in the house. That was his emergency ration and he immediately went shopping if he reached that level he figured he could quit anytime he wanted to.

As much as he'd hate to admit it, he was an alcoholic. Months of alcohol abuse had left his cheeks rosy and his mind dull-witted. He knew drying out would be a painful process and he had no intention of ever going through it. He was determined to stay drunk until he died, and that's why when the offer of me attend Wilcox Business School I couldn't refuse. I couldn't bear to lose another parent before my very eyes so I left him before things could get actually messy. It was then I realized what he meant all those years ago.

My mother is dead, and everything is worse now.

But I'm back now, and things are different. The most dramatic change is that my dad is sober now, and even managed to get remarried a couple of years ago. I remembered the day he told me the news and even offered to fly me out for the wedding, but I lied and told him I had a busy schedule when in reality I didn't want to be there to see my dad be married off to another woman.

Don't get me wrong it's not like I hate Vanessa or anything. She seems okay from the few conversations we've had together. Hopefully, she remains that way. Hopefully, everything remains the way it is for now.

Exhaling a heavy sigh, I focused my attention on the passenger scenery through the airplane window. Goodbye Edinburgh, goodbye sneaking out of the room at night to hang out with friends, goodbye ditching classes to smoke weed under the bridge, and goodbye late nights, living life under the scene

If I were the sentimental type, I would cry.

The eight-hour flight was mostly me asleep with my AirPods in my ear playing whatever I could stream on Netflix with the airplane's shitty WIFI. One would think that first class would have internet with a strong connection action but it felt like I was outside the plane trying to get the damn movie to play without buffering every two seconds. Other than that flight was okay to say at least

I arrived in Washington exhausted and stiff. I gathered my luggage and made my way inside the transit center, it felt like I hadn't eaten for days, which was kinda true. I hadn't eaten much since the day I bought my ticket, maybe a couple of snacks here and there but nothing to really settle my appetite, I really wanted a home-cooked meal. I love Edinburgh but the beans and toast weren't really doing it for me.

My dad had texted me beforehand telling me that he would be sending my cousin Devon to pick me up from the airport since he would be too busy with work to leave, and Vanessa would be at her scheduled golf course, I didn't mind because I'd rather have Devon pick me up any day than having to deal with the awkwardness of us all together.

Nonchalantly as possible, I scanned the crowded airport. I saw him before he saw me he was standing by the exit, sleek dude. Stood akwardly fumbling with the poster in his hands. The poster read, "Party for Andre Gilbert" A badly drawn emoji face at the end.

I shook my head at his silliness before making my way over to him.

Devon was taller now. His lanky build now replaced with something more muscled and defined, if it weren't for his medium Nubian nose that seemed to run in the Gilberts family, I doubt I could have recognized him.

When Devon finally spotted me making my way towards him, he sent an enthusiastic wave, "Andre, my boy how you been?" we daped each other up, before Devon wrapped me up in a warm embrace.

Usually, when people ask how I am doing, the real answer is I am doing shitty, but I can't say "I'm doing shitty because I don't have a good reason to be doing shitty" so instead when people ask how I'm doing I respond with——

"I'm doing great.

"Andre, wassup" Devon let out a deep laugh and it startled me a little not gonna lie.

"What's it been? About a decade since you have been home?"

I chuckled rolling my eyes playfully at how dramatic he was being. " it's only been eight years" I said to him.

"Feels like eighty." Devon said, chuckling and shaking his head. " you hungry? We can stop to get some brunch before I drop you off at home. Plus, we have a lot of catching up to do. So much has happened in Washington since you've been gone

"Oh really" I raised my eyebrow at him.

Devon nodded almost proudly. "There's been pregnancies, affairs, jail sentences and even death. Let's just say things actually changed over the years.

I shrugged my shoulders. " sure I guess I could put something in my stomach before I get home", as if listening to our conversation my stomach growled lowly, and I could feel cheeks flushing as Devon looked up at me with a raised eyebrows, a teasing grin growing on his face.

"Let me help you with your bags before you eat me. It seems like you are carrying a truckload getting off that plane." Devon offered.

I shook my head no. "You don't need to do that. I can handle it." I tried to tell him, but he shook his head and insisted. " I see your still on that "I can do it myself bullshit". Give me one of the damn bags Andre. You got a lot of stuff" he laughed, grabbing a few of my luggage himself.

Once we got everything settled and we were making our way to one of the many restaurants that filled downtown DC.

"There is the office over there" Devon nodded to the right and I turned to look out the window. Its way bigger than anything I have seen in Edinburg, that was much noticeabl at first glance, it seemed to be of 100 floors, a large steel gate surrounding the large plot of land, a neatly cut green grass surrounding the area a bold sign that read "welcome to The Empire"

My brows raised at the building "it's this big?"

Of course it's big, it's one of the top firms in the state and secondly the most acknowledged firm in the state, it's a firm for the most elite and privileged people in the states.

Returning his attention back to road Devon said " most of the people that went to high school together with all work here, so your going to see a few familiar faces and a few unfamiliar faces because a lot of people has been transferring over or have gotten so many nose job and facial fillers that they're almost unrecognizable." He laughed

Devon decided which restaurant we should eat, not to far from my house so it will be a quicker drive after we finished eating and I agreed. The waitress of the restaurant passed us the menu as we scan through it collectively.

"So" Devon cleared his throat, folding his menu and placing down on the table "how may girls did you bag at that business school of yours?" He questioned, the corners of his mouth upturning into a sly smirk

I peered at him from the menu, my brow raising at him " I went to a private business school Devon, meaning both the males and females aren't mixed in a form we are secluded until it's time to recieve important informations" I reminded him.

"Oh yeah, but still did you have any fun while in Edinburg?" He asked wiggling his tongue at me. "Of course you did, you're Andre fucking Gilbert. You literally make fun out of anything.

I shifted my eyes back to the menu. "Yeah I just let out a chuckle, but it was dry and short just like the wind here in town, and I was hoping Devon wouldn't notice

Thankfully the waitress came out with our meals and placed them down, "enough about me, what the hell has been going on since I left? You still haven't filled me in" I quickly changed the topic, taking a sip of my drink

"Well" Devon started, intertwining his hands together, before leaning over the table slightly. "Remember Clarissa hunter?" He asked I nodded.

"Of course I remembered that psycho head" she wouldn't love confessing her love to me in written letters and creepy texts" I reminded him.

Devon laughed while shaking his head. "Well she had like a massive glow up during sophomore year, and all the dudes wanted her but she randomly got pregnant last year and you will never guess by who."

"Who" my brow arched at him before taking another sip of my drink.

"Principal Dalton, our old principal from elementary!"

The strawberry milkshake went down the wrong pipe at his words and I found myself coughing as I tried to retain what he had just said to me. "No fucking way! Principal dalton? Wasn't he like married or something? With kids!" I said wiping my mouth with a napkin

Devon rolled his eyes playfully, "when has that ever stopped anyone from cheating?" I nodded, "true."

"His wife was so fucking pissed that she came to the school and slapped clarissa in front of everyone because it turns out that she was tutoring Their six years old son or something of that nature. it was a total mess, and now principal dalton has been removed from principal and Clarissa moved to Spain with her dad or something.

I laughed at the thought of Clarissa and Mrs dalton getting into a fight at school. Shaking my head, I sighed "Ah Empire, still as scandalous as I always see."

"You have no idea," Devon laughed, leaning into his table, "and oh! Speaking of wives guess whose wife just became a minister?"


"Alex Claremont Dias" I felt my face naturally grimace at the mention of the surname's that has been nothing but a pain in my family ass for decades!

I rolled my eyes, my lips kissing my upper teeth. "What the hell does Anika Claremont knows about being a minister?" Hasn't she just been her husband lapdog all her entire life?"

"Apparently she was qualified, but you and I know those Claremont's just buy their way into everything. I wouldn't be surprised if her husband rigged up the voting so she could have won."

"They re so sad." I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

Devon nodded in agreement. And don't even let me get started Alex. The man thinks his hot shit now, just because his mom is a minister and his dad shares in the company has tripled overnight"

"You should see how he works around the firm like he owns the damn place, and the board members, just let him do whatever he wants since his dad is funding like half the fees. It's so sick and twisted how they let these Claremont get away with everything, but if it's one of us, we are tagged the bad guy."

Alex Claremont. Just the mention of that name makes my blood boil with so much hatred and rage, I could combust. That little twist is the reason why I got expelled in the first place, and years later his still the same fucking snooty and uptight privilege, brat I knew him as when I left. If he thinks I forgot about the little stunt he pulled back his gladly mistaken and I will get him back even if it's the last thing I do.

"He's also dating Imogen gates now, which is random because she's so," Devon winked at me, making a curvy figure with his hands "and he's so" he rolled eyes fake gagging.

Ah yes, imogen gates I remember the heiress to gates industry. She's use to hang around me all the time back In the day, cheering me on anything I did and rewarding me with pecks and cheeks kisses. Clearly she had a crush on me, but it's surprising how she moved on from me to Alex makes no sense to me, it's actually insulting

"They re throwing him a party this weekend" Devin told me.

My left eyebrows raised at him " oh, really?" I say taking another sip of my strawberry milkshake.

"Yeah. He has just being called to bar or something I guess. I'm never invited to any of their silly parties obviously."

As if a light bulb went on over my head, I chuckled to myself at the sudden idea I propped into my head. "Let's go, i suggested.

Devone blinked his mahogany eyes at me.

"Didn't you just hear me say I wasn't invited?"

He repeated I rolled my eyes

"Who says you need an invitation to be invited? We're Gilbert's for a fucking reason! Our presence alone is an invitation"

I watched as a twisted grin grew across my cousins face, finally catching on to what I was suggesting. "Are you saying we should crash Alex's party?"

I shrugged my shoulders casually. " maybe crash in, grab a few drink, fuck shit up and steal his girl."

Devone eyes widened and he blinked at me.

"Wait you like imogen?" He asked me, and I kissed my teeth rolling my eyes.

"No, I don't like imogen. I just don't like the fact she's with that prude Alex now after being all over me for years, it won't be hard to get her back, since she was practically obsessed over me back in the day.

Devone bursted into laughter "oh you're still the same ole devious Andre I remember. Always ready to start up shits."

"Yep." I said popping the p. Devon and I raised our glasses and clinked them together. Declaring a new era, the revival of a never ending feud. Alex Claremont Dias doesn't know what is coming for him!

xaechris08 xaechris08

engage please,

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