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97.43% Robert I Baratheon / Chapter 37: Tourney at Harrenhal III

Chapter 37: Tourney at Harrenhal III

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(Elia Martell POV)

I look out of the window from my room in the Red Keep. For over 3 years now, I have known this view and the smell it brings with it and I hate it. There is a deep-rooted sadness that has been my companion ever since my happiness was ripped away from me and my life as I knew and loved it ended. Not only was Mother killed to grant me the happiness I wanted, but the ones I loved were taken from me as well. My brother Oberyn, Doran and Robert.

The deep sadness I felt made way for joy when I realised what was going on. I was given a present, from the one I loved most. To think that I, Elia Martell, Princess of Dorne would ever fall in love like this, is inconceivable. When I found out about the present, Robert left me with, for a short moment I found my happiness again, only for it to be replaced with fear and worry for my babe. 

It was in grave danger, should it ever be revealed. I didn't care about my life, as it ended the day I was imprisoned in this shithole. I asked Doran to arrange for the marriage to take place sooner than planned. I took all chance of doing something about the marriage away from Robert. His letters showed his hurt and it broke my heart, but no one could know.

"Ma Ma look, Aegon can fly."

I look around and see Rhaenys running around holding Aegon in her arms. She is already so strong at close to 4 name days. She has a remarkable inheritance and will surely grow to be amazing. I can finally imagine what Robert was like when he was a child. Poor Steffon and Cassana had to have their hands full, just like I do. 

There is not one moment where Rhaenys sits still. She is always doing something and running around. Her mind is as bright as her father's and I'm sure she understands more than she lets on. So many times, she was able to lift my spirit when I was depressed, just like right now. 

"That is impressive, dear. But would you be so kind as to let Aegon down? He seems to be sick.", I smile at my precious. 

"Aye.", she says unknowingly. 

Her speech pattern has begun to change slightly and I spent quite some time teaching her how to speak properly when someone can hear it. 

"Oh, Ma I found another one. Look!", Rhaenys says and shows me a small parcel, about as big as two hands.

This has been happening for years now. Every once in a while, Rhaenys would find a hidden parcel and inside there were small presents hidden, which would please a child. Rhaenys loves to look for them and is always very happy when she finds them. 

"Did you find another one?", another voice is heard suddenly. 

Both Rhaenys and I look towards the door, where the beautiful Cersei Lannister has just entered. 

She was growing into a breathtaking beauty and she was not even 16 name days old. She had begun to develop in the right places, giving her a curved figure that the men were already salivating about. 


I might have influenced her a bit, seeing all of that skin she was showing. If her father knew, he would explode, no doubt. But in these dark times, she was the most unlikely friend I could have hoped for. 

That's right, a Lannister and a Martell became friends. Our bond only grew stronger over our 'relationship' with Robert. I understood that she was infatuated with him for a while now. But she didn't realise it fully. I am happy for her. She deserves Robert. 

She is not how I imagined the daughter of Tywin Lannister would be. She was much more mature than her age indicated. She was smart, but not as sly as she thought she was. I taught her a few things and told her about the time I spent with Robert. I was amused when she told me, what sort of women, Robert liked. 

Her intentions were clear, but I was happy for her. Happy that she would have the chance to marry him, as soon as her Father opened his eyes. We developed a deep friendship and I started to tell her some of my secrets until even my most hidden secret was revealed. 

Cersei found out that Rhaenys wasn't Rhaegar's daughter. And she was very quick to figure out whose daughter she was. When I asked her how she figured it out, she said that it was Rhaenys' behaviour and the way she smiled and had a deep look in her eyes, that reminded her of Robert. I was petrified, but she assured me that she wouldn't tell a soul. She would rather die than see something happen to Rhaenys. 

"Aunt, Cersei!!", Rhaenys shouts and runs towards her, hugging her legs. 

"Are you excited?", Cersei asks. 

I am pulled out of my thoughts as Cersei takes Rhaenys into her arms. She has known about the little presents for a while now and is always just as interested to see what is inside as Rhaenys. 

"Yes. What do you think it will be this time?", Rhaenys asks. 

"Well, why don't you find out?", Cersei says and pats her back. 

"Aye! Come Aegon, let's go.", Rhaenys says and takes Aegon with her, leaving us alone. 


"How are you feeling, Elia? Excited to see him again after these years?", Cersei asks me after we are alone in the room. 

„Very. It has been far too long already. I miss him dearly."

"You are a smart woman, Elia. You will find a solution, I'm sure. You already did for the most unpleasant things.", Cersei says and smiles mysteriously.

"What are you talking about?", I feign ignorance. 

„Come now, Elia. We both know that you also find some of those presents every once in a while. Isn't that right?", she asks with a cat-like smile. 

„You truly are a lion. How do you know about that, anyway?"

"You are my friend. I know about that great anger and hate that has started to make you bitter. And I know the smell of those flowers … what are they called again, the ones that makes you see things that aren't true? … Hmm, I don't remember … hallucino-„

"Alright alright. Stop it. You know what would happen if it came out. I would be burnt alive and so would Rhaenys."

"What about Aegon?"

"What about him?"

"You truly changed, Elia. I remember a time when a random child, even if it wasn't yours, would have gotten your sympathy. But now you have grown cold, like my father."

"Tywin Lannister understands the dangers the game brings with it. I would have cut my throat if Rhaegar had ever touched me. There is only one and all the others will never get that."

"I understand, Elia. I understand perfectly. Picking a random infant from the streets was a smart move on your part. I do wonder how you got the Grand Maester Pycelle to agree to this. He had to have known all the time. What about those tests and the babe-belly?"

"He did know. But being threatened with death and torture is enough to silence him. Then there was the massive amounts of blackmail. He will never say anything.", I tell her. 

"What's wrong, Cersei?", I see her being in thought for a while and ask her. 

"I just thought … I never told anyone about this ... I ... when I was 10 name days old ... my father hosted a grand tourney to honour the birth of Prince Viserys Targaryen and to welcome King Aerys II Targaryen to the Westerlands. I was excited because it was said the Crown Prince, your husband Rhaegar would attend. When I saw Rhaegar Targaryen for the first time, I thought he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. 

Interestingly enough, I still think that today. But unlike back then, I now know that beauty in a man is not the best thing to have. There is something more important and also more stimulating than beauty. Now, I think that women should be beautiful and not men. It gives men a weak feeling. 

I understand now, that I had the best option in front of me the entire time, but instead of seeing it that way, I was sad when I wasn't betrothed to Rhaegar. I still remember the shame I felt of being called the daughter of a servant, when aunt Genna told me about it. I actually cried. Haha …"

"What happened then?"

"Well, before I could embarrass myself, Mother told me to go and find Robert and show him around Lannisport. Father was holding a tourney in honour of Prince Viserys' birth, and he asked the King on the last day before the celebratory feast."

"Your mother is a wise woman. I would like to meet her one day."

"On the same day, I had visited a witch and asked about my future, hoping she would tell me I would be Queen and that the King would love me and we would have children.", Cersei sighs. 

„And what did she tell you?"

"She told me some terrible things. On one hand, I would be Queen, but on the other hand, I would suffer greatly."

"What? Do you remember the words she said?", I ask her. Now I am interested. 

"'Will I be happy in my marriage?', I asked her. 

'Start it will with joy and laughter, the pained tears and screams come after, continuing this cycle until, eventually adapt you will. Tenderness and care as well as pleasure, violence and death in equal measure.'

That's what she said to me."

"Truly? How ... interesting ... ... ha ... haha ... hahahahahahahahahaha ...", I start to laugh. 

I can't stop laughing after I realise what the words could mean. 

"Why are you laughing? This is no joking matter.", Cersei looks angry. 

"Oh, Cersei. Unlike you, I have had this experience already. But I'm sure you will soon realise the truth of the words yourself. I am happy for you."

"...What are you talking about? I don't understand anything."

"Don't worry about it. In the future, you will understand and let me tell you, it is nothing to be afraid of. I think the witch might have been on to something."

"I don't think so. After that, I asked her about my husband and after looking into the sky for a while, she started to scream in pain and blood started to flow out of her eyes and mouth. It was a gruesome scene."

"Truly? That is indeed surprising. So what happened after that?"

"After that, I ran out of the tent as fast as possible. I was really scared. But after that, as if it was destiny, I ran into Robert."

"Really? That does indeed seem like destiny. How interesting. So he came to the tourney but was too late?"

"No, he arrived after being thrown out of Winterfell. He had a disagreement with Lord Rickard Stark apparently it was about Lyanna Stark whom he taught how to use a bow and arrow. Robert told Rickard that he couldn't understand the problem of letting a noble lady learn how to fight."

"Haha, that's so much like him. The smartest man in the room, but sometimes far too dense. Although he claims that he's not."

I sigh and think about the time he came to Sunspear and tricked me into getting on board his ship at night. I was so angry that he managed to do that to me and I embarrassed myself. But now I wish I could go back to that room and wait for him to come and get me. 

"I would also like to go to Harrenhal. Too bad that I can't.", Cersei sighs. 

„And Tywin didn't relent when you asked him?"

"No, he doesn't concern himself with the opinions of sheep, he said. I fear it will be a long time until I get to see Robert again. Make sure to tell me everything when you get back."

"I will, Cersei. I promise."


For all those who called him a cuck. Elia's arc and her future were already set in stone when I decided who would be the FML. It was never going to be Elia. You would have just had to wait for a few chapters and then things would have been known. 

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