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Chapter 84: Chapter 84

---Midafternoon, 3rd Person POV---

Reaching the Tower of Mzark, after battling hours of grueling cold, feet of snow, and a group of giants, the women took a moment to admire the beautiful tower before them. Strikingly different from the nordic structures they were accustomed to seeing up till now, Victor's fiancées realized the builders were centuries ahead of the Nords of today.

"It is just like our world…", Olivia stated, "I wonder what led up to their disappearance. Did they leave this world behind, or did something wipe them out?"

"No idea, do you think one of them may know?", Deirdre inquired.

"Does not hurt to ask.", Angelica stated, walking over to ask Aela and Lydia, "Do either of you know about the people that built this place?"

"Not much, I know the people who built this place were called the Dwemer and that they disappeared sometime toward the end of the First Era.", Aela answered, looking to Lydia, "You are probably more well read than me, you know anything more about them?"

"I do, actually.", Lydia chuckled, "The Dwemer's disappearance was caused by their own arrogance and blasphemy. A few decades before their abrupt disappearance, their researchers were investigating methods to make their entire race immortal. Turning their backs on the Divine's design, they committed countless abhorrent deeds…some of which are still felt to this day. During one of those atrocities, the Divines poured out their wrath upon their entire race and erased them all from this world."

Startled by this information, Victor's fiancées wondered if it was truly safe for everyone to delve into the tower. Wanting to return home safely to their fiancé, they began to wonder if sending Cleare in was the best option here. Noticing the fear and hesitation in their eyes, Aela quickly stepped in to assure them that they had nothing to worry about.

"The Dwemer ruins around Skyrim have been thoroughly explored thousands of times over the years. Anything that would invoke the Divine's Wrath has long since been lost to the ages.", Aela stated, "The only threats we will face down there are Dwemer Automatons, Falmer, and traps."

"I know what automatons are, but what is a Falmer? Are they like goblins?", Roxanne inquired.

"Ah…right, you ladies are not from this world so you would not know about them either. The Falmer were once an esteemed race of elves called Snow Elves. During ancient times, they were our allies…till they betrayed the Ancient Nords during the Night of Tears.", Aela answered, with a scowl, "Our ancestors began a brutal campaign against them after word spread of their misdeeds. After years of heavy losses, they turned to their distant cousins, the Dwemer, for protection and shelter which ultimately led to them regressing into what we call Falmer."

"One of the Dwemer's many atrocities then…", Angelica stated, with a solemn look, "Cleare, do you think Victor might be able to find a way to cure them?"

<It is possible, but further research would need to be done to confirm it.>

Asking her to gather all the materials needed to research the matter while they were in the tower, Cleare assured them it would be done. Eager to get moving again, the group walked around to the front of the tower where a massive double door awaited them. Using a combination of Fire and Wind Magic, Angelica and Deirdre blew the door off its hinges and cleared a path forward for everyone.

"Your magic is quite impressive!", Lydia praised them, "You would give Farengar are real run for his money in a duel."

"Alright ladies, the lift is in the back of the tower.", Aela said, pointing to the circular platform a few hundred feet in front of them, "Climb on, its time to wrap this adventure up and go see our husband again!"

"Our husband?", Clarice giggled, "Kind of getting ahead of yourself, are you not?"

Giving her a smirk, Aela rushed forward toward the lift. Believing she might leave them behind, everyone chased after her unwilling to be left behind.

---Tower of Mzark Oculory, Ten Minutes Later---

Arriving at the bottom, the group stepped off the lift and cautiously explored the room for traps. Wanting to make sure their escape route was free of dangers, once they were sure it was safe, Lucoa pulled out the document Victor gave them. Taking a moment to review the contents, she turned her attention to the only doorway in the room.

"According to the document, the Elder Scroll will be in the room at the end of this hallway.", Lucoa stated, pointing toward the doorway, "It is currently being held in a containment unit that will need to be unlocked before we can reach the scroll."

"Keep in mind, from here on out, we may encounter Dwemer Automatons, Falmer, and traps.", Aela reminded everyone, as she equipped her shield and sword,

Nodding their heads, everyone geared up for a potential fight. Heading through the corridor, with Roxanne taking point, the group quietly proceed forward into the Oculory. Cautiously peeking around the threshold, Roxanne sniffed the area trying to confirm if anyone was in the vicinity.

"There are no living beings in the area aside from us.", Roxanne whispered, "I cannot be sure about automatons though, they do not have a scent to them."

<Allow me.>

Silently flying into the room, Cleare performed a thorough sweep for enemy automatons and traps. Finding no threats to their safety, she informed everyone that the room was safe to enter.

<I will venture forward and collect the materials, per your request.>

"Thank you, Cleare!", Olivia said, with a grateful smile, "Come back to us as soon as you are done."

<Understood, heading out now.>

Flying to the opposite side of the room, Cleare phased through the wall and began her exploration of the tower. Sheathing their weapons and entering the space, Lucoa led the group over to the control panel before looking up at the ceiling. Pointing to the egg-shaped container in the center, she informed them that it was the containment unit they were looking for.

"So what exactly was this thing for?", Clarice asked, confused by all the mirrors that encircled the containment unit.

"Reading an Elder Scroll, without proper preparation, can lead to permanent blindness, insanity, or death.", Deirdre remarked, recalling the previous explanation they had been given, "This device must have let the Dwemer read the scroll indirectly avoiding all the negative side effects."

"A tool that could allow them to view both the past and future, that is a bit unnerving. I wonder how many of their atrocities were reactionary to what they saw here.", Lydia said, with a worried look, "After we secure the Elder Scroll, this whole place must be destroyed. This tool is too dangerous to leave intact, future generations may use it and cause future atrocities."

"I wholeheartedly agree, we cannot trust future generations to be as understanding as us. We will have Yamato obliterate this place once we are back on the surface again.", Mylene stated.

Turning back to the control console before her, Lucoa hit the buttons in the sequence Victor provided. Watching the mirrors move around, almost like they were dancing, when they came to rest again the beams of light all intersected on an empty pedestal. Certain now that this machine was meant to grant users knowledge from the past or future, everyone agreed to destroy it.

Watching the containment unit lower to the floor and release the Elder Scroll, Roxanne ran over and collected it. Rushing it back over to Lucoa, she promptly stowed it for safe keeping. Heading back to the lift, to wait for Cleare, Victor's fiancées were eager to show him the fruits of their labor.

---Victor POV---

Continuing to celebrate till almost 4 am, when we all went to bed, I found myself in a bit of a pickle. As I was the newly instated chieftain of the stronghold, all seven women approached me with the desire to sire my offspring. Wanting to rapidly expand their numbers, to support my future endeavors, each of them was more than ready to do their part to make that happen. Assuring them that it was unnecessary, as I wanted them to intermingle with my forces, not me, they refused to take no for answer. Switching to more violent means to make their desires happen, the seven of them attempted to subdue me and quickly found out that I do not differentiate men and women in a fight.

'They should be grateful that Mylene, Olivia, and Roxanne were not here to witness their actions last night. Those three would have massacred them in a fit of rage.', I thought, looking at the embarrassed Orcs, "Alright you knuckleheads, it is time for you to know the truth about who I am and the mutual foes we face. From this point forward, all of you will be treated as members of my military with all the benefits and privileges that come with it. As subordinates of mine, I expect you to obey and follow my orders to the letter. Any form of insubordination will be met with harsh consequences. Do I make myself clear?"

Slamming their fists into their chests, the Orcs acknowledged my words with a resounding yes. Having Yamato send down several platoons of troops and equipment, I took a moment to introduce the two groups to one another and had them demonstrate the equipment they would be using from now on.

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