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75% Rising tides / Chapter 3: Act 3

Chapter 3: Act 3

Finishing the documents laid out for him on the table by Keiko, Enkai stretched his body as he released the tension from his stiff muscles. The documents that Keiko provided were certainly interesting, especially the recent escalation between the Uchiha and Senju.

After he stretched, he took a glance at Keiko who was kneeling by the door who made eye-contact with Enkai and merely nodded to him. Understanding the gesture got up from the table and proceeded to leave the room with Keiko quickly following suit a step behind him.

He didn't visit his mother again as he walked towards the exit of the building; he just quietly left the residence after putting his sandals back on at the entrance to the building. With Keiko following him all the way just a step behind like a shadow following its owner.

He quietly walked down the main path across the pond bridge making his way further and further from the main residence, his sandals smacking against the cobblestone path as he walked down the torii gated path.

Eventually, the main path opened up to an open region with sloping hills and bushes where the path split into four directions. Enkai walked the path west of the main path and continued walking until from behind the cover of a treeline the appearance of a large temple appeared in his eyesight.

The temple was around fifteen meters tall with three large entrances with large aged brown doors open agar. Several people were making their way inside the painted white wooden walls, with the people entering the temple making their way towards a large table extending the length of the hall.

The table was lit by several lanterns around the hall dotted between the walls decorated in calligraphy scrolls and large blue banners printed with the large symbol of the Shimizu family crest.

Along the length of the table were several people dotted on the cushions surrounding the table, with the most noticeable of the people in the hall being the imposing man at the end of the table. The man had an intimidating air surrounding him, his eyes were sharp and the wrinkles around his eyes gave the man a sense of maturity and experience.

The man's expression gave nothing away about his emotions, he seemed as cold as cast steel. But his scanning blue eyes promised that he was observing everybody and everything that was happening in the room, despite his indifferent visage.

And as Enkai entered the temple and walked towards the man, the feeling of his cold stare was almost unbearable. Feeling as if he was being read like an open book by the man before him, no matter how many times he had experienced that stare before each time it always felt as uncomfortable as the last.

The stare continued over Enkai as he walked over towards the intimidating mass of a human being. And as he finally approached the man Enkai stood upright before taking a deep bow before looking the man dead straight in the eyes and saying with the utmost respect in his voice.

"Greetings clan leader."

The man barely registered his greeting and instead maintained eye contact before giving him the once over and nodding. Allowing Enkai to relax and to take his seat to the right of the clan leader.

The atmosphere in the venue was tense as Enkai finally sat at the table awaiting the final vestiges of people to trickle into the temple. As Enkai started observing the people entering the temple, he noticed that beside the leader and the older clan elders there was a group of elders who looked tense.

His father had always taught him to watch and observe people, to understand people's thoughts and emotions through their body language and tells. And the sight of this group of elders slightly confused Enkai, these elders looked tense and their expression extremely strained.

However, Enkai's thoughts were fleeting, as the sound of the huge wooden doors slamming shut could be heard, breaking Enkai from his thoughts.

As soon as the sound was heard throughout the hall the atmosphere grew solemn and the air fraught with tension. With everybody in the hall becoming serious as all the small talk ceased and everyone's attention drifted to the head of the table where the clan leader was sitting.

The atmosphere continued for several moments as the clan leader seemed to enjoy the almost palpable tension in the air, letting the tension linger longer in the air. Before finally the leader cleared his throat and took a sweeping glance across the room before saying in a gruff tone.

"Firstly, my thanks go out to everybody who attended the clan meeting today. This meeting is of particular concern to the status of our clan and the future path our clan will take." Taking a glance at the several seats near the end of the table which were empty as he spoke.

"I'm sure everyone has been briefed on the subject of today's meetings. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, another issue has arisen in the last moments before this meeting. But that will be addressed last, first, we will address the other topic first, any questions." Spoke the clan leader in an authoritative voice.

Silence lingered in the room for a few seconds as nobody dared to question the clan leader's decision instead opting for silence.

"Well, I'm glad to see we are in unanimous agreement with the agenda. So first I would like to bring up the first item on the agenda, the increasingly intensifying Senju-Uchiha conflict." uttered the clan leader.

"Isamu!" Shouted the clan leader.

The clan leaders shout causing the man to the left to move forward with several documents in his hand.

"Yes, Osamu-Sama." responded the man.

"Isamu read out the documents we have on the Uchiha-Senju conflict." Spoke the clan leader.

"Of course, Osamu-Sama." Responded Isamu.

"Regarding the Uchiha-Senju conflict, it is reported that a large battle has taken place in the Obake woods before the Somei mountain in the Kyushu province of the land of Fire." Spoke Isamu.

"It is reported that the Uchiha set an ambush in the forest bombarding the forest in fire release jutsu setting the forest alight by igniting oil deposits they had hidden throughout the forest."

"It was reported in the initial confrontation the Senju were caught unaware of the Uchiha and taken by surprise leading to massive casualties with a rumoured two hundred men dying in the trap with many more suffering various degrees of injuries."

"While the Senju were trying to regroup and retreat under the command of Senju Tobirama, it was reported that two groups of Uchiha clansmen hidden by the mountain, led by Uchiha Izuna, flanked the Senju on both flanks undetected. Leading to a large battle in the middle of the Obake forest."

"The battle was fierce especially considering the immense heat and the burning forest, however, the Uchiha was in control of the battle and the Senju were taking huge losses with over half their dispatched army reportedly killed in the ambush and ensuing battle."

"The Obake forest battle could be considered a complete victory by the Uchiha and it was speculated that the whole of the Senju detachment would have been annihilated if it were not for the arrival of Senju Hashirama."

"Senju Hashirama's arrival turned the tides of the battle with his legendary Wood release allowing the Senju clansmen to re-organise and prepare for a counter-attack. However, the arrival of Uchiha Madara and the subsequent retreat of the Uchiha to the Somei mountain negated the presence of Senju Hashirama."

"Several battles continued over the next five days as the Senju clansman led by Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama climbed the mountain in pursuit of the Uchiha. Leading to more losses to both sides with the Senju taking the brunt of the damage with several ambushes by the Uchiha taking many lives."

"It is reported after an avalanche was caused by the Uchiha causing yet more Senju casualties the Senju finally decide to retreat ending the days of battle. With the Uchiha reigning supreme causing huge damage to the Senju clan, with their ambushes and surprise tactics."

"My sources are unsure as to how the Uchiha were able to escape the Senju sensors to allow them to ambush the Senju. But what is clear is that the Uchiha carefully planned these battles to give the Senju a huge blow and use their own strengths against them."

"Early speculations at this point suggest that if the war continues in this way, with Uchiha Madara maintaining the stalemate with Senju Hashirama preventing him from interfering in the forthcoming battles. It is projected that the Uchiha are likely to win this war." Concluded Isamu.

As Isamu finished reading the documents, murmurs of disbelief could be heard emanating from the elders within the temple. Almost everyone had expected the Senju to win this war, with the strength of Senju Hashirama and the wood release pretty much everyone believed the war to be a foregone conclusion.

So, this sudden surprise in the eleventh hour shocked nearly everybody in the room, especially when it was said that if the war continued in this trajectory then the Uchiha would win.

"I know everybody is shocked by these revelations, even I was surprised when I first received this news. However, the winner of this conflict does not matter to us, we have no affection for either clan. They were both clans who hunted our bloodline almost to extinction all those years ago, so it matters little if they want to kill each other off. All that matters is the clan." Said the Clan leader with an intensity and passion that startled everyone present.

"But, I would like to know everybody's view on this matter and the implication it will have on the clan." Continued the clan leader impassively.

Silence lingered in the halls of the temple before somebody eventually stood up to address the table and the clan leader.

"Osamu-Sama, I believe although these developments are surprising, to say the least, I would argue that these events change nothing for our clan. With these events having little implication for our clan and both the land of Sea." Spoke the elder who addressed the table.

After hearing the words of the elder there were murmurs assent among the table with several people mirroring the sentiment of the elder who spoke. Before the next elder stood to address the table with his own views on the issue.

The next few elders spoke similar sentiments to the first elder, however, each brought up their own insights and concerns of the developments, but generally, almost all had the consensus that the clan shouldn't make any moves and weather the storm of what happens next.

But there were some dissenting voices from the other factions who believed that now that the two strongest clans were at war now was the perfect time for the Shimizu clan to re-emerge in the world. Taking advantage of the war to regain a foothold in the world and regain the glory of the past.

The ensuing discussion and debate continued on for another hour before it was Enkai's turn to speak on the matter.

"I have heard everything everyone has said on the matter, and I can agree with sentiments from both sides. However, I have my own opinion on the matter, I find the report on the conflict rather narrow-minded."

"There is no way I can see the war ending in the way the report speculates. The way I see it is the Senju are in extreme trouble at the minute, but the Senju have something the Uchiha lack, and that is allies."

"The Uzumaki and Hyuga have long allied with the Senju clan, and with the nature of the current leader of the Senju clan both have been pushing to further strengthen their connections with the clan."

"The political marriage of Uzumaki Mito and Senju Hashirama being the most obvious of these attempts to strengthen their alliances. However, it is not just the intervention of Senju clan allies I am worried about, I am worried about both neutral clan intervention as well."

"The current situation is especially bizarre considering the Uchiha was able to ambush multiple times, the Senju fabled for their monstrous sensory capabilities. This is a cause for concern for other more neutral clans such as the Kurama, Sarutobi and Shimura clans, especially given the nature of the current Uchiha clan leader Uchiha Madara."

"With the aggressive nature of the current leader of the Uchiha clan as well as the concerning new ability of the Uchiha to move around in huge numbers undetectable. Other more neutral clans are unlikely going to be willing to see the Uchiha become the victors of this conflict, for fear they will become the next target of the Uchiha."

"Now I understand many of you may be curious where I am going with this and why this matters for the Shimizu clan. Well, I will tell you. I am firmly in favour of using this conflict to reintroduce our clan to the wor-"

Before Enkai could even finish uproar was heard from the elder in the temple as several elders were astounded the next clan leader was a member of the open faction. It was a shock to the traditional faction, while several members of the open faction were ecstatic to know the next clan leader supported their cause. However, the uproar was brief as a thunderous voice silenced the room.


"I will not tolerate this unsightly commotion any longer! You are elders of this prestigious clan, so I expect you to act like one!" The clan leader's thunderous voice spoke measures of the immense irritation and disappointment he felt towards the elder's actions.

"Enkai continues, this time I will ensure that the next person to interrupt him is severely punished." Muttered the Clan leader in a harsh tone that promised pain to anyone that dared to defy him.

"Thank you, clan leader." Thanked Enkai.

"Anyway, as I was saying before I was interrupted, I support the notion to use this conflict to reintroduce the clan to the world during this conflict. However, not the way the other elders have proposed."

"I propose we wait until the Uchiha clan is in a precarious spot and likely to lose under the combined forces of the Senju allies before we propose an alliance with the Uchiha to support them in the war. Waiting until the best time when the Uchiha has given the most damage possible to the other clans, joining when the clans are at their weakest to preserve the lives of Shimizu clansmen."

"I know many of you still carry much of the resentment of the past from our ancestors towards the Uchiha and the Fire clans, but it's been eight hundred years and what matters now is not the hatred of our ancestors but the prosperity of the clan in the future."

"An alliance with the Uchiha would not only allow us to satisfy the grievances of our ancestors by eliminating many of the clans within the Fire Nation. But would also allow us to join the war and eliminate them using the Uchiha as a cause and justify all our actions."

"But with the bonus of making the Uchiha clan owe our clan a great debt allowing our clan to have one of the strongest clans in the world indebted to us but also have their support. As much as I dislike the Uchiha clan as much as the next Shimizu clan member for the future of our clan I am willing to put the grievances of the past behind me. And to all the elders in this room, I also ask you to do the same and put the clan's future first." Finished Enkai in a passionate tone.

The room turned quiet as Enkai finished speaking, everyone in the room seemed taken aback by what was said by Enkai and could be seen contemplating in deep thought about what was said. Although many seemed to be dissatisfied with what was said, most seemed to understand the merits to what was said and looked thoughtfully at the young man before them.

The clan leader allowed the elders in the room to digest what was said for a while before he finally broke the intense atmosphere in the room.

"That was an excellent contribution from Enkai, which also ties into the next item on the agenda." said the clan leader appreciatively before his voice turned grave and serious before continuing.

"The leak of both our clan's existence and the resurgence of the Shimizu Suijin bloodline."


I would like people to comment if they have any ideas for the Shimizu family crest. I have taken a look around and quite like the Mori crest but I haven't put much thought into it so I would like your ideas.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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