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66.66% Rise of the Shinobi / Chapter 1: Chapter 1, Crimson Moon

Chapter 1: Chapter 1, Crimson Moon

During his childhood, the young Elliot James Cawthon spent most of his free time like he usually did, losing himself in fantasy books and comics instead of spending time making friends or watching TV. In his teenage years, Elliot was raised by his grandparents after both of his parents died in a car crash when Elliot was ten. Ever since then, Elliot distanced himself even more from people and avoided most social interactions until he went to college, where he found a few friends and partners. After the end of his sophomore year, Elliot returned to his hometown to visit his late parents grave and the house, only to have a surprising encounter with someone…


The Prologue.


Setting his feet up on his desk, Elliot James Cawthon leaned back in his old desk chair with the typical squeak of an old recliner rotating back and forth. The sound of his feet hitting the desk made an unusually loud thud, echoing through his bedroom.

Elliot glanced at his old bedroom which was left untouched for years, the room was the same as he remembered, the walls were still a light blue, the ceiling which was sloped on one side following the line of the roof was painted a darker shade of blue. His old bed still stood intact, beneath the closed window on the side of his room.

On the far right, stood a slightly open closet with bright blue strips running along the edges of the door. Elliot smiled wryly turning his attention back to his desk, grabbing a comic book on the side of it. Naruto, was titled the Japanese comic book, Elliot read the book fondly, with all his childhood memories came rushing back to him.

Letting his imagination flow, Elliot spent hours reading the comic book until he realized the amount of time he spent. Letting out a small grumble under his breath, the young man closed the manga and set it aside on his desk, glancing around his room one last time before standing up and walking out of his bedroom.

The teenager who had finished his sophomore year of college not long ago, walked through a crammed hallway leading from his room to the sloping stairs connecting the second floor of the house to the first. Descending the lightly grey colored stairs, Elliot shook his head, only noticed now, how depressing the place was when people were gone. As the house was of his late parents.

Heading out of the old house and locking the door behind him, Elliot hesitated pondering whether he should go back to his empty apartment for the evening or visit the town center. Elliot shook his head again, he wasn't in a hurry to get back to his place, since it was empty, so he decides to spend more time outside and visit the town first.

After a good half hour of walking alongside the pavement, Elliot promptly arrived at the town center. Ten years ago, when Elliot was a kid, there had been stuff to do here, a movie theater, a game store, an ice-cream shop with the most amazing waffles, an arcade.

But arriving there, the young man was disappointed, nothing was there anymore. Nothing, in ten years everything was gone and had changed from his memories, the cafés and bars that used to be flickering with people cheering and laughing was gone. The bright lights which used to be bounding off the edges of windows glittered around the town center was gone as well.

The town itself seemed to be asleep. Elliot sighed and glanced at his wristwatch, 8:12pm the needles indicated. Feeling hungry, Elliot entered one of his old favorite restaurants and had dinner and ordered coffee. The taste of the meal and coffee was bland, nothing like the amazing meals he used to have.

Time passed slowly, and it was already 9:30pm when Elliot walked out of the restaurant, still not wanting to go back to his empty life, the college student decide to visit his old tree house, in the woods in the outskirts of the town.


Arriving to the woods.

He went and arrived at the Woods at precisely 10pm. Observing his surroundings, Elliot smiled fondly and walked along a small trail leading into the woods. Entering the woods, Elliot watched as the trees moved slightly as they seemed almost alive, the flocks of birds flying over the forest chanting and whispering.

When suddenly, Elliot felt a shiver down this back, as if a barrage of strong emotions were crashing against him, he felt something was off, something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Turning his head back, Elliot looked over at the night sky with an eyebrow raised. "Why aren't there any stars?" Elliot questioned himself while picking up the pace of his walk.

Not wanting to dote over the question any longer, Elliot continued his endeavor to find his old tree house.

After an hour of trotting along side the trail, Elliot, failing to find his tree house anywhere, decide to head back to his apartment, for a good night of sleep. But there was one problem, during the walk, Elliot had lost all track of time and the sky was now filled with endless black clouds instead of stars. Glancing at his wristwatch, Elliot panicked, he didn't bring his phone and now his only indicator of time was not working. The needles of the watch seemed to be frozen at midnight and the watch itself was dead silent, not a rustle of sound in the air nor a click of the gears.

The birds he could hear were gone, the trees seemed completely out of life, unlike when he first entered the forest. The dark sky surrounded the forest, he never saw a night so dark, it was like an abyss. A vault of clouds, as thick as the universe, had drowned all light form the stars and seemed to be coming down to earth at rapid speed.

Not wanting to stay a second longer, Elliot rushed back the way he came paying close attention not to trip, only to hear a baritone voice with a hint of surprise seemingly coming from the dept of the forest, saying "Hooo… you shouldn't be here."

Overcome by fear at the appearance of the voice, Elliot charged with all his might back to town, no longer paying attention to his direct surroundings, he had one goal at that moment, to get out of the woods as fast as possible.

He didn't know the grave mistake he made that moment, the very mistake that would cost him his life. While running through the woods and jumping over barks of trees and exposed roots, all the while Elliot didn't notice the figure following him in the shadows.


Arriving to town.

Finally arriving at the town, Elliot dropped to his hands and knees gasping for air, almost collapsing onto the middle of the road. He had made it, not knowing whether whatever he met in the woods was behind him or not, Elliot continued to run a quick paced jog to the town center. He didn't know how much time had passed since he first entered the forest, for all he knew, it could have been a minute or hours, yet it felt like days.

Elliot abruptly stopped in the middle of the road, jaw hanging wide open, the town seemed asleep, in a deep, frightening sleep. Not one passerby, not one beggar, no caterwauling of cats on the make, not even the rustling sound of leaves could be heard. Nothing.

"I'll yell like a madman, then somebody must come." Elliot reassured himself and yelled. No one responded. He proceeded to called out more loudly. His voice fled away, without an echo, weak, muted, crushed by the night, by this impenetrable night.

"Help! Help! Someone Help!" shouted the young man.

To his desperate call there was still no answer. Until one very familiar voice replied to his call whilst clapping its hands.

"You impressed me, I don't know how you aren't under my genjutsu but I'll let you live, in the world you want to live." Said the baritone voice.

"Who are you ?!" cried Elliot, fearing the worst.

"Who I am… is not important." Answered the figure, stepping out of the shadows. Elliot could now see the figure, it resembled a man, wearing a dark blue robe and an orange mask with a ripple effect on it. A red shining eye could be seen pocking through a hole of the mask.

"What the hell…" Said Elliot confused.

"Ah, this is interesting, you seem to already know who I am." Continued the man with a hint of surprise in his baritone voice.

Elliot shaking with fear, turned around and ran as fast as he could. He didn't understand what was happening, he had left the town for only a few hours and now everyone was gone. Nothing was left. And a masked man appeared out of nowhere.

Running away from the man, Elliot turned his head, seeing a bright light appearing through the dark clouds, the moon was shining down to the earth, but it was a crimson red color with black patterns to it. Elliot confused at the bright source of light, stared at the moon while running only to suddenly feel his body slump over, paralyzed.

He wanted to know what was happening, where was everyone, he wanted to live a bit longer… He knew what was going to happen as he closed his eyes. Elliot felt... cold... he could feel the piercing cold to his chest... he felt nearly frozen... nearly solid... nearly dead.

And he was quite aware that he would never have the strength to get back out... that he was going to die there...

As his life left his body, Elliot saw the man walk up to him saying, "The true measure of a shinobi is not how he lives but how he dies. It's not what they do in life, but what they did before dying that proves their worth. So I'll give you a chance, to live in the world you want, not in this reality riddled with pain and suffering, so let me show you the power of the infinite Tsukuyomi."

As the said those final words, Elliot who laid on the ground, stared at moon and said while drawing his final breath, "To dream world, I go…"


PringleEater PringleEater

Oooh~What happened to our protagonist? Who was the masked man? And what the hell did the author smoke?

I don't know what I'm writing so lol.

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