In a world where fearsome monsters roam the horizon of human settlements, general laws of sanity are as fragile as broken glass and human hearts are more vicious than the most poisonous of the beasts, Noah finds himself trapped in the body of a young boy.
Oppressed by his paternal family, stalked by the hunters of soul possessors, slaved by an inanimate object with relentless quests, tortured by the sassiness of a speaking cat, would he be able to hold his sanity and morals long enough till he became powerful enough to leave behind the cruel world?
Or would the world change him?
Rise of the Legendary Soul Spirits is a litrpg progression novel. The protagonist is not a hero who commits to saving the world. But he is neither a cold-hearted, one-dimensional terminator who seeks blood.
At the beginning of the novel, he is just an everyday reader who gets a chance to experience a fantasy. However, as the story progresses the character growth changes him into a more ruthless, decisive sharp MC.
Update Schedule: Irregular till I get down the first ten chapters Expect one chapter per days.
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