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11.11% Rise of The Beast King / Chapter 2: the Noisy Rabbit

Chapter 2: the Noisy Rabbit

[Welcome to the King of Beast: Rise of The Beast King]

[as a beta tester you may receive your gift after picking your beast]

[please choose your beast]

*lizard *bird *cat *dog *rat *fish *ape *bull *ant *beetle *..... *Random

seeing the countless amount of Beast to choose for echo couldn't help but frown, while he is still undecided he try to look at the description in the randomizer panel.

[randomizer=randomly choose a beast the beast that may appear has a low chance to gain a high breed type of beast that may narrow down other possible evolution lines]

higher breed type of beast is a bit stronger compared to normal and there is a more linear path for the growth of the beast (warning: it will be hard to make it grow further once become astray on that path) usually the evolution line is more powerful.

[choosing randomizer is a one time choice and you cannot choose another breed once the randomizer is used. do you want to continue (Y/N)]

upon reading the description echo tried to go back to the list of beast available so that he can get more idea, but upon clicking the no button a roulette start to spin





[Congratulations You get a beast with a High breed]

[(Noisy)Beat Rabbit: a rabbit that is know for it's noise the beat rabbit line is said to hunt their prey just by using sounds and the more powerful it gets the noisier it become to it's prey]

seeing the image of a yellow eared black furred rabbit with a hint of yellow in his hands, feet and tail. echo couldn't help but be dumbfounded because for some unknown reason there seems to be some error in the system when it is supposed to be fixed by now.

regardless of that echo is still happy because he finally found the right beast for him

"sure enough luck has been good to me this time, rabbits is not only known for being fast it is nimble too and i got high breed one as well, though the only downside for this beast is that the damage is on the lower side. but i think the breed will be able to cope with that"

while analyzing how he will cultivate the rabbit in front of him he didn't notice a weird tag on his beast.

clicking the launch button echo manage to finalize the beast that he will be using wang shzgsgting ring~

[You Have a System Mail]

echo heard a weird noise but thought it may be just the system mail.

"oh right it may be my gift for beta testing" thinking to himself he excitedly open his mail

[System Mail: you have 4 mails]

*introduction to the game

*level up tips and status management

*welcome back note for beta testers

*beta testing gift [locked] "read welcome back note first"

seeing how the system decided to save the best for last echo couldn't help but feel more excited and decide to skim through the notes since he red it already but still double check to see if there's some changes.

[introduction to the game]

hey there little creature! I welcome you to the land of dyr a paradise created for beast however a dark force is starting to invade this realm and destroy it. this dark force is something that i can still control before but lately corrupted humans and other living things has started to take everything in our realm even worse is that it also started taking over some beast. that is why i call you here to inquire your help become the king of beast and lead everyone to vanquish the evil, you will be rewarded greatly for your achievements as you rise to the top. now go forth little one and make a name for yourself.

"this letter is the same as before it's just that the dark forces started taking over some beast, maybe it's related to our previous beast?" echo felt weird reading the mail, but he just decide to proceed to the next mail

[level-up tips and status management]

this is just a brief summary of how to grow and develop your beast and you will given more information later.

level-up: killing a monster will grant you experience and will accumulate levels depending on how strong the enemy is.

Soul Genetic Reagent: a certain characteristics of a defeated beast that you will receive once enemy is defeated and use it as an evolution materials for your beast.

rarity of SGR:

bronze/silver/gold/black gold/platinum/ amethyst/diamond/emerald/Crystal

"yup still the same agility, strength, intelligence, Dexterity, wisdom and endurance, and since i am a rabbit i should probably go with agility?" echo ponders on he should cultivate his beast as he suddenly heard a noise that sounded like a mix of an alarm clock, siren of ambulance and many other noise. wang shzgsgting ring~

"what is that? echo wonders to himself though not being that much bothered by the noise, it is still affecting everyone on his surroundings. wang shzgsgting ring~

"what the f**** is that sound?"

"i don't know sounds like someone forgot their car"

"the fuck are you talking about!?"

"aghhh gosh!! it's so noisy can someone turn off the alarm!!!"

"quick go look for the source!!"

not being bothered by the sound echo proceeds to choose and claim his gift but he suddenly have a faint idea of looking at his stats first before getting his gift to properly plan his build

Name: ECH0

Race: Rabbit Breed: beat rabbit

Status:. Noisy (a state where young beat rabbits produced annoying sounds due to lack of control to their ability)

hp: 500. mp 500 stm 200

Strength 3. Endurance 1

agility 4. Dexterity 2

intelligence 2 wisdom. 3

available sp(0)

active skills:

leap lvl 1, pounce lvl 1 ear slap lvl 1

passive skills:

natural instinct lvl 1, Noisy hunt lvl1

"so this is how beast with good breeds are, i have higher stats compared to normal as for the skills all of them look normal except for one

Noisy hunt lvl1 (creates a noise in his surroundings to cause confusion to his preys) <passive>

"wait a minute, is this maybe the one causing that annoying noise? i mean i have the noisy status….... crap" upon realising this echo couldn't help look at his surroundings to check if anyone notice that the sound is coming from him.

echo once again and look around his surroundings as he slowly crept away hoping no one notice him, but suddenly.

"hey rabbit"

echo stops and look at the caller then he saw a horse with wide mouth and huge ears

"how can i help you?"echo ask but keeps on walking out of the square.

"you have big ears so you probably heard that noise"

"so what are you implying?" echo pretend to be annoyed as he hasten his movements wang shzgsgting ring~

the big mouthed horse tried to persuade echo but the noise becomes louder.

"ahhg gosh that noise is so loud!" becoming more annoyed the horse tried to persuade echo once again "please help us we will let you join our guild after this." wang ring~

"damn they even have a guild? it's going to be a problem if they realize it is me making the sound" echo thinks to himself as the noise continue, but suddenly echo got an idea "okay I'll help you but on one condition"

"okay what is that?"

"give me a stack of cloud fuming grass" "why do you need that?" the big mouthed horse ask as the noise continue s to ring. "do you need my help or not?" echo pretended to be annoyed to get the upper hand on the situation. "okay! okay! I'll give it to you but i only have half a stack, but can you please make it quick so we can shut it down it's annoying everyone here" wang shzgsgting ring~

"32 pieces? i think that's good enough for my plan just have to cope with that later" echo laughs to himself "then it's a deal i'll be using my skill now so ready the cloud fuming grass"

"okay" the big mouthed horse then proceed to prepare the materials being ask by the yellow eared rabbit.

echo proceed and began his play pretend by shouting the skill name which he still don't have, <Rabbit Hearing> echo control his ears and pretended it is searching for surroundings, then he make it twitch as if to find something.

"did you find it?" the horse excitedly asked

"yup now where is my grass?"

"tell it to me where that damn noise is coming from before i give it to you"

"are you saying that my work here is for free?" echo had a look of annoyance in his face and made sure that he attract everyone's attention by making his voice louder. "are you trying to run away after making me use my skill? is your guild poor enough to not have a couple of grass in their storage? he then proceeded with the act as the noise becoming louder and louder "if that's the case good luck to you then" as echo tried to walk away after shaming the big mouthed horse in the public the noise turned into a loud screeching noise which hurts the ears of the Beast's in the area


"ahhg that hurts ok ok here's your grass tell me who the freak is making that noise" the big mouthed horse said while covering his ears

"good! payment received as for the one making noise" echo took a deep breath and shout "IT'S THAT DOG WITH HEADPHONES!!! everyone suddenly look at the direction the rabbit is pointing but surprisingly there is no dog with headphones in the surrounding.

when they turn their heads back to the rabbit they saw it running far away and the noise seems to follow him .

"damn we've been tricked" upon realising that he got trick the big mouthed horse was dumbfounded, but then he also noticed that the noise seems to follow the rabbit.

"everyone that rabbit is the one making that noise!! AFTER HIM !!!

everyone suddenly look at the fleeing rabbit, echo suddenly felt goosebumps on his fur and as he looks back he can see a bunch of eyes staring at him with a hint of anger and annoyance in them.



"crap.... Run!!!"

MarcheHare MarcheHare

I'm sorry if i am not able to follow up the story quickly it's just that I'm not sure how to proceed with the story (though it's just chapter one) but don't worry I've got some motivation specially when i see some people being interested and looking forward for more.

thanks for those guys and i'll promise to write as much as possible

next chapter
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