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50% Rise of Hero's / Chapter 1: Divine Council
Rise of Hero's Rise of Hero's original

Rise of Hero's

Author: Chortle_McSnortle

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Divine Council

Saron :" It's too noisy down there,the lower plain is geting worse every century.The mana in the lower plain is already plouted causing our world's mana to become impure.The spacial bariers will stop this contamination for next few hundread years For the last epoch only impotent sucms are born,pleading before higher gods for mercy while poisoning them,such a world shouldn't exists.I shall now finally ease their hearts and put an end to this lower world. "

Odin :" Wait, 'Saron' ,we shall not recreate the lower plain as that will cost the overall mana storing capacity of lower world that will offset the balance of mana between the plains which will build restraints making difficult to cultivate magic arts for lower plain people .Then again we have to face the same problem in future,what do you think 'Freya'? "

Freya :"I love lower plain people,they have many kind hearted souls and their prayers shows their love towards me,they never showed any disrespect towards me.Oh my Odin ,come let's go on a date I am bored by this meeting.Lets leave the lower plain for now as they sound happy to me.Odin,my love,let's go out on a date. "

Hella :"What,you want to sneak out on a date? Slut,sit still, you always seenk out of meetings seducing these dogs but today I will take your soul out when you think of sneeking out.And the followers of whom you speak are all hentai.Bitch you-"

Vili :"Shut up you two,we must find a solution to this problem first because you see I am a man and on top of that I am GOD.So it's GODMAN's responsibility to solve problems of mortals of lower world."

Odin :"The polluted mana can only be restored by refining that can be done by using mana for magic arts but the problem here is the humans in lower plain uses magic at a very low level, so the mana usage efficiency is low.At this rate using magic arts will become more difficult."

Saron :"This problem started with decling knowledge about correct methods of using magic but this is also because thier greatest hero can't even come to Kingdom of Mouzar.The lower plain is beyond salvation.Let me destroy it."

Mouzar kingdom is farthest place a high god can go in lower plain.If a high god tries to go past this land, the lower plain starts facing castastrophes.Mana of the world will be drawn towards higher god causing disoreintation of space and time of lower plain.Space stroms will brew hexing away the life in its path.Mana order of realm will be disturbed which will take many milleniums to restore.

Mouzar Kingdom is located in between higher plain of gods and lower plain of humans, Medieval realm. Its size is only tenth of that of midieval realm.Higher God Plain stands atop all the plains below titan galaxy,just below it resides humans in Medieval Lower Plain.Humans in last war of realms stood by the side of gods,so as a blessing their major problems like the one occuring now are solved by them.Humans back in the time of realm war had outstading elites which stood on the side of highgods and supressed the rebalion of other realms untill the very end of war.

Odin :"Thier Knowledge was destroyed in a war which is spread because we let the Lesser Titans escape in lower realms.We must provide them knowledge and training grounds,this not only will solve problem of polluted mana but also will help the rise of new hero's in medieval realm which will help us supressing the rebelions started by titans that are hiding in shadows of tartrus and maybe they can defeat those lesser titans lifting up illusions laid by titans and returning peace to those realms."

Vili :"Odin, my brother,you never dissapoint me.We are GodMan so it's our duty to return peace to every realm not only medieval realm."

Freya :"Shut up Vili, Odin is mine,so don't include him in your heretical Man army."

Hella :"By the way Odin ,how are you planing to provide knowlegde or training grounds.Neither us or any of our relics can enter Medieval realm.And if you are thinking of reducing our power so that we can enter then I suggest to stop thinking that.First I am not so noble or kind that I will reduce my powers that took so much time to build for some lowlife and the new epoch is aprroching, spacil bariers will weaken, we need to force back titans and resist the rebelions of lower realm.So,we need our full power to resist at least if not defeat them."

Odin :"I plan to use omega.It will stablize the space of Medieval realm to withstand House of Blessing.It will provide both knowledge and training ground sufficient to reach God level magic power."

Omega is divine relic weilded by Gaia ,it can stablizes the space and mana of a realm.Currently it is used in stablizing space and mana in surrounding titan galaxy.House of blessing is also a devine relic weilded by Hephaestus,creator of relics in this era.It also have higher defensive abilities.

Saron gets angry and rebukes Odin for his foolish ideas.

Saron :"Are you out of mind? By sending house of blessing to Midieval realm our uper limit saint people will also have to go there for their training which will delay their ascension to god.You are reducing our own troops and most importantly do you believe there are still any mortal that have talent to rise even to saint lower saint level? That is also a high praise."

Odin :"Calm down Saron,I will not stake our advantages for gamble.Before this meeting, Pythia made a prediction that new hero's will rise in this millennium.I am just providing a helping hand also to people of medieval realm and it also solves our multiple problems here.Furthermore,even with the help of omega only the projection of House of Blessing can be send there.As for the complete divine relic of us higher gods,it cannot go there before destroying mana order there ,so actuall house of blessing will be placed at furthest HumanGod altar.Our people can train there and when a human finally ascends to Mouzar kingdom,he will be acepted as official diciple to gods there."

Pythia is high oracle in higher god plain.Including pythia there are currently eight HighGods.

Odin :"This is most efficent way I can think of, Saron, think once more before giving opinion.The matter of recreting world is denied, you better forget about that.I know you want all the mana for training instead of recreating world but that won't happen."

Saron :"Alright alright,I give up.Do as you want to.I am not being stingy but rather than those new hero's I will rather prefer more power for myself."

Freya :"I am alwaays with you,my Odin."

Hella and others also agreed.And here begins the New Age for people in Medieval realm. Will the new hero rise?.What this new age will bring?.

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