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Rise of Eternal Empire Rise of Eternal Empire original

Rise of Eternal Empire

Author: Redanxelar

© WebNovel

Chapter 1 LiFE IN THE MINE

North of the Roland empire, some kilometers away from whiteriver city, a city well known for its ore. a tall towering mountain, lay atop the plains like an unwavering giant. Mine shafts ran across the mountain like ants hole in an ant hill.

Slaves, so thin you believe a simple breeze would blow them away trudged through the uneven path as the unforgiving sun overhead release overwhelming heat. The guards, most likely due to the heat look around irritatedly and beat any slave that so much as walk slowly along the line.

"f**k, the heat is too much" one of the guards swore as he took off his leather armour.

Among the slaves moving forward, a young matchsticks thin boy of about 13 to 14 years of age looked down at his bare feet. Picking up his own pickaxe, he moved his feet slowly as he entered the mine shaft. navigating through the complex tunnels, he got to a less crowded place, and soon got into the rhythm of swinging his axe.

Soon hours pass by and the boy stopped for a while, panting heavily, he swiped away at the sweat on his forehead. His little cloth socked I'm sweat. He took a deep breath and walked shakily to a rather smooth wall and sat down. a short sound rang through the little boy's mind.

[Ding, Mission complete]

[Mine 500 Terran ore: Mission Completed. Mission reward: 250 quest point]

The boy stood still for some seconds and soon disregard the strange words in his mind.

This boy name is Garen. Since 2years ago Garen would occasionally see words nobody else around him could see. Unfortunately he was born in this mine and has never once step a foot out. So he his illiterate and was unable to understand this strange words. Though curious, there was no way for him to learn so he could only ignore whatever it meant.

Picking up his basket and axe, he moved towards the mouth of the mine.

"he he he, what do we have here!? If it isn't little Garen. Hehehe kid, let me take a look at what you have for me." a middle age slave stood in front of Garen arms fold. His dirty face looked particularly disgusting as several of his teeth are missing and his nose crooked sideways.

He stretched out a hand. His hand looked no less horrifying as his face as it looked almost like that of a skeleton. His bones outline were fully visible as they were only covered in a thin piece of flesh.

Garen sighed looking exasperated. He dropped his basket and axe, raised is hands in surrender and said "bamesh, you motherf**king bastard, better pray you are dead in some sh*t hole before I grow more or else I will make your life a living hell. "

Bamesh the horrifying bloke looked surprised at seeing Garen give up so easily. He laughed out loud "hehehehe, Garen, you little bastard, it seems I have beaten you to submission. Good good."

As Bamesh stretched out his hand into Garen's basket, Garen made a leap towards his axe, grabbed it and raised it over his head and smashed it towards Bamesh's head.

Bamesh let out an horrifying cry as his head bore the full brunt of pickaxes. He fell face flat on the tunnels floor unmoving.

Garen walked towards him and kicked him by his waist, but he was unresponsive. He looked down at the body and cursed. "bastard, f**king weak and he wants to steal from this daddy." he grabbed the corpse by its ankle and dragged it to one of the many holes in the mine.

Smell of rotting flesh filled the air. Perspiration ran down his forehead and he wrinkled his nose. His hand shook as he stood up taking deep breaths. Garen pushed the body down the hole and wiped is hands on his cloth.

He ran back to where he left his basket and axe, but unfortunately he met nothing. He looked around wearily and pounded his hand at the floor in anger. "f**k, bamesh even in death you still cause me much trouble, bastard."

He sighed "ah, just another day in this godforsaken mine. "

As twilight arrives, Garen brought his new basket filled with ore (most were stolen and he payed the prize a face full of bruises and a broken arm.) to a table. Sorted at the back of the table is a fat man.

His neck as disappeared under the weight of his head, his stomach bulge out like that of a pregnant woman. Rolling fat surrounds his body and Garen even suspect if it is even possible to Pierce him with a sword.

He stretched out his fat hands lazly and rummaged through the ores, picked a few and threw them back into the basket. Then wave angrily at the boy. As soon as the boy took a step away, the fat guy couldn't help but recline back at his seat as the poor chair protested and it's wooden legs creaked loudly.

He inserted one of his sausage sized fingers into is wide nose and moaned out loud. "ahhhh, now that's goooooood. "

Garen took out a little wooden bowl he hid in his cloth and stood in line for whatever inedible piece of sh*t dry call food.

After waiting for thirty something minutes, he received a scoop of soup, with things that looked suspiciously like dead bugs and eyeballs floating in it.

He drank the soup in three gulp, clean the bowl and once again hid it in his cloth like some treasure. He walked towards a small opening by the side of the mountain, while grimacing in pain, his whole body hurts like hell. He bore it and limped towards the opening and lay on the cold hard ground as soon as he got inside.

Redanxelar Redanxelar

This is my first time writing a novel, so am sure it's filled with errors.

I currently don't have an editor so I do it myself, I must have missed out some mistakes here and there. please if you spot one endeavor to point it out In the comment section. criticism is welcomed.

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