[Wake up hero your rise back to power has come, Rise and take the destiny your were strip of so long ago].
The soft voice of a women sounded out in a blank white room as the ruined body of a man floated around. Covered in grievous wounds and missing an arm at the elbow a white light converged on his body. Slowly his wounds started to heal as minced organs reformed as muscle and sinew recombined. Bone and marrow grew at a visible pace soon followed by veins, muscle and skin. The mans body soon took on a healthy glow as though the critical damage it took never existed. A powerfull heart beat sounded out with the rise of a wild and unrestrained aura. Looking as he was sculpted by the god himself the chiseled tan body shook as his wild unkempt black hair shortened. His aura slowly disappeared as his body shrunk and contorted going from a chiseled middle aged man in his prime to a athletic looking young man no older then 19.
[Rise hero]
The voice sounded out again as the boy's body began to drop to the floor and his heart beat gently in his chest. The boy's face contorted in pain before gasping for air and opening his golden eyes.
"Where am i....why am i" the boy started talk to his self before he was assaulted by a splitting headache. Grabbing his head the boy curdled in the ball as pain wreck through his body. Stifling his screams of pain as if his body refused to lose face and cry out a voice sounded out once again.
[You have risen hero, Welcome to the core]
The voice spoke as the boy writhed in pain for what seemed forever. As the last of his pain faded the boy rolled to his stomach to gather his strength to stand.
"Who's speaking" he asked as he stood shakily and looked around the endless white room.
[My name is Gaia hero and im your Dungeon assistant]
Gaia's voice sounded out in the white space as the boy looked around in confusion.
"Where are you, what is a Dungeon assistant" the boy yelled out as he continued to look around.
[You... don't remember do you] Gaia spoke heartbroken and lost.
[Do you know your name?] she asked.
"My..name" the boy muttered as his eyes glazed over as broken and blurred memories assaulted his mind. One word continued to resonate with his soul. (LION)
"My name i think is Lion" Lion spoke as Gaia sighed in a relieved tone.
[Well Lion, As i said my name is Gaia and im the core of your Dungeon. A Dungeon is a magical relic that can be used however you want. Some build elaborate towers and lure people in with items and money to fight and die to the monsters within. Others build towns and citys, it's all based on the masters choice]
Gaia explained to Lion what a Dungeon was as he listened to what she said with a confused expression.
"Gaia, how do i use a Dungeon" Lion asked still trying to take all of the information in.
[Think about wanting to see your Dungeon]
She told Lion. Doing as he was told Lion thought about the Dungeon as an elaborate interface popped into view.
"I see it" Lion shouted excitedly while looking over the interface.
*Please choose a name for your Dungeon*
A message in large golden letters flashed on the interface locking Lion from doing anything else.
Lion scratched his head as he thought about a name as he slowly grew frustrated.
"AWWW i don't know what to name it" he yelled as he rustled his hair before stopping and whispering Lion's Roar.
*Lion's Roar has been registered*
The interface flashed as another message popped up and a book flashed into existence which was caught by Lion. Holding the book Lion continued to look through his interface in awe before being woken up by Gaia.
[We don't have much time please look to your inventory and click on the Dungeon Core]
Gaia asked Lion as he followed her directions as a large prismatic crystal appeared bound with resplendent golden chains. This caused the room to center around the core and form a boundary as the image of a women appered to be floating inside the core. Lion saw the women and blanked as tears fell from his eyes. Wiping his eyes Lion continued to stare at Gaia's body trapped in the core.
"Why am i sad Gaia, This pain from seeing you..... i know you somehow" Lion spoke as he reigned in his emotions.
[We did have a past hero but now i want to see the future with you and see how you shape the Dungeon] Gaia spoke as her voice cracked with sadness and hope.
"I will find a way to free you and be the strongest Dungeon... wait for me" Lion spoke as he pressed on another item in his inventory.
The small chest he pressed on caused two notices to pop up and a worn out scroll to appear in his hands.
*1000 essence has been given*
*1 monster nest has been given*
*You have received (Beast Sovereign's Manuscript)*
<Beast Sovereign's Manuscript> The cultivation method of the Beast Sovereign, a man who live unfettered and free as a top powerhouse.
Status/ Inventory/ Dungeon Manager/ Territory
Lion's Roar Dungeon lvl 0.
DM: Lion ????
Essence: 1000/ 5000
Cultivation: N/A
Level: 0
Territory: lvl 0 Dungeon
Subordinates: 0
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