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Revived to a Vampire princess Revived to a Vampire princess original

Revived to a Vampire princess

Author: zuuh_

© WebNovel


A mysterious pregnant woman alone in the dark forest, running and crying from the pain she's getting from the wound on her shoulder which was caused by a mighty slash from a beast. She run and run until she couldn't no more and all she could do was to lay against a tree and cry in pain, she could feel the child inside her womb wanting to come out and she bit her lips to avoid screaming.

She was breathing heavily and sweat covered her body leaving her so drenched, she was now not able to stand or do anything but cry and hide her screaming and just wait for the impatient baby to come. Oh if only her dearest would have good luck and be born in good condition but no she seemed to be connected to bad luck. Then suddenly while she was still crying a woman figure appeared infront of her and the pregnant woman could only wide her eyes like she has seen a ghost.

"Queen Ethika, am sorry am late but you must deliver that child and I'll go hide her while everyone will think that she's dead" said the woman in black cloak standing before the queen in pain and the queen could only nod as she clutched the grass on the ground.

"Do it quickly, help me so I can save my baby. She must live for me, now Despina we must hurry up before those beasts arrive" the queen talked while gritting her teeth and suddenly she bit her lips so hard to hide another scream as she felt the baby coming. Then Despina using her magic she created a barrier that will make them invisible and after that she helped the queen give birth to a beautiful baby girl who has silver hair and golden eyes and a gold glow was hovering the baby as the queen held her.

"Ziah, my baby am sorry but you'll have to grow up far from me and your family. But I know you'll come back to me, you'll come back to us. Me, your father and 2 brothers will be waiting for your arrival my love. I love you so much. Take her to the human world, no one will doubt her there as she'll be powerless and lack the features of a the protector's descendants and will be far from Aston's evil plans " she said while kissing her face and smelling her as if to keep her scent with her forever. Then Despina using her magic she cleaned the baby and transformed her hair from silver to black and her eyes turned to pale brown and looked at the queen who only gave a nod and with a whoosh Despina disappeared and landed on a door in an orphanage in the human world, then she glanced at the beautiful baby and onto her ear she blew small breath and 3 small hearts formed on her neck and they disappeared quickly as if they had sink in the baby's neck skin. Then she whispered to her ears " till your mate and saviour finds you and awaken your true self, you'll have to fight and struggle in the human world little princess. Be careful, your family and people will be waiting for you" and then she laid her on the rug near the door, out a piece of paper with the name ZIAH and some few clothes and then she knocked ther doorbell and disappeared.

Back in the dark forest the queen was trying to heal herself quickly using the small powers she had and she was now stable. Thanks to the barrier Despina had put, she would've been dead by now. And suddenly Despina appeared and they disappeared again to a big castle and what welcomed them was the king and 2 boys. The boys run to their mom and the king just appeared before her wife and grabbed her then they disappeared. The boys were surprised but they could only wait for their mom to be okay and where's their newborn baby, the sister they've been anticipating for.

At the orphanage,the door was opened and a beautiful woman took the babe and the note then went inside with the baby. She looked at the baby for a long time and said " such a beautiful girl but lonely" and went on to give her milk. Later she introduced the little angel and everything was going okay.

"She'll be lonely out there, she's so small and my heart is heavy why can't I be with my one and only daughter" he said with so much pain in his eyes as a tear threatened to drop from his right eye but he had to hold it. Then the queen held his hand so strongly and their eyes met " you also saw the prophecy nothing could've been done. The human world is the safest place for her now as Aston won't think that she's there. We'll announce her death soon so that no one will suspect us. I had to do this or she would've been dead by now and our only hope could be lost" Queen Ethika said as she looked both serious and lovingly at her husband the King Margus of the protector's descendants.

The king could only sigh and nod while agreeing with his wife and they hugged. Few days later they announced the death of the little princess and everyone had lost hope as the princess was the only person who could destroy Aston once her powers were awaken. Aston got the news and he was smiling so evily as he started planning on how to get the throne . But the king had his ways and Will wait or her little Ziah.

13 years passed and a little girl who sat on the grass was gasping for air as she remembered how everyone treated her badly like she was born to be tormented. The kids at the orphanage laughed at her oftenly making fun of her and as everybody was getting adopted she was there not getting attention. She hated herself for all the hardship and bad lucks she has.

Back at the kingdom, each day when it was her birthday the royal family would do something but in secrecy so no one would suspect that the princess is alive. As no one was allowed to go to the human world to see her, they would gather things and provide it to the needy. This made the royal family feel good and less guilty for having to be far from their daughter .

Days went by and one day a couple arrived at the orphanage and they loved Ziah so they did all they could to adopt her. Ziah felt the most happiest girl and after some procedures were done the day came when she would go with her new family. She thought she was gonna be happy but no she never knew her bad luck is following her. Arriving at the new house, it was huge a mansion. Ziah had never seen such a mansion before and she couldn't stop smiling, Ziah didn't hesitate to call the couple mom and dad oh how she felt that she finally has found a family she can call hers. The first week was the best week for Ziah, she got treated well and was pampered with lots of gifts. She was shown a stable full of horses and she was so happy untill the first week ended.

One morning the woman who Ziah was calling mom came so early in her room and poured water from the freezer and Ziah was shocked what happened.

"Oh God what's it mom?" Ziah asked while waking up in total disbelief

"Mom? Am not your mom. Your good days are over time to get to business, did you think we adopted you so you can live an amazing life with us and pretend to be our daughter. No, you are our slave and we've had ven you enough by now so you must pay up by working for us. Now get up and go clean the stables" the woman yelled like a lunatic and Ziah was just shocked with eyes widen so large like they would pop out of their position. But she woke up and went to do as told, while cleaning the stables tears were dropping from her eyes like pearls.

"Why me? Mhh why, am I that ill fated that I'll never be happy in this world? My own family left me in an orphanage and now when I am thinking am happy boom the sufferings come" she told herself with tears on her eyes. This went on for days and when she couldn't finish her tasks on time, they would deny her food and water. Ziah was becoming skinny, dull skin and a bad health. Ziah held on for 5 years till she was now 18 and she was tired, she had to leave no one will save her here.

So one stormy evening Ziah was cleaning the stables and the man came very drunk and wanted to rape her as his wife was not home, but Ziah fought with the little strength she had and started running but the man chased her. She managed to get out of the mansion but the man kept following her but no she can't give up now, she told herself. Ziah run like a maniac till she saw a forest and got in but just as she was about to disappeare from the man, he fired an arrow which pierced her back to the stomach but Ziah she can't stop no. "I'd rather die in the forest than here " she told herself and she kept on running deeper into the forest. So the man now stopped as he hopped that the arrow will kill her because she would loose lots of blood and die, so he left.

Ziah without knowing that some part of the forest had a portal that had opened when she entered the forest, Ziah crossed the portal and after she entered it closed without her understanding anything. But she was now weak and had lost a good amount of blood, she fell on her knees and laid on the ground thinking about her life that now she's dying.

She gave a bitter smile, she always heard that people who were dying would remember all their life but no she didn't want to remember anything about her life. She just started feeling pity on herself

"Oh so this is death, why did I have to be so bad lucked. My mom who I don't know left me on an orphanage, no one liked me and when I thought I was happy everything turned and here I am waiting for my death" she told herself while getting the pain from her wound. She started humming a song she always had but didn't know who taught her, then two guys arrived before her. As everything was blurry for her she stopped humming.

************EDITOR'S NOTE 😘************

Hello everyone hopefully the first chapter is good, how do you like it or what's your comment on please share your thoughts so I can know🥹. Please Keep on reading and please tell your friends to come and read also, I hope I can entertain you. Please show me support 😘.

Love Zuuh❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

zuuh_ zuuh_

Hello everyone am Zuuh and am new, it's a great honour to write for you . Am hoping that my imaginations will give you nothing but entertainment so you can enjoy. So hopefully you enjoy my first book, I'll give my very best so that you can enjoy. please enjoy lots of love

So our book is about a girl (Ziah)who lives a hard life from birth to childhood. She got hurt every time that she never thought she will be happy, untill the day she thinks she's going to die and a handsome vampire prince(Raven) revives her. There she gets a new life, new identity and amazing powers and the greatest of all she will experience Love for the first time . And she'll discover a big secret of her life.

So get ready for adventures, lots of emotions, a storm of love and many more amazing things.

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