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5.12% Revere - Eternity Here / Chapter 1: The Beginning

Chapter 1: The Beginning

"What would it feel like to die?

Is it lonely? Sad or cold?

Would one still be capable of breathing, the only thing that defines a living being?

Would it be dark?

Would damned souls scream in agony? Is there salvation after death?

Do I have a soul?

Is there a God when one dies?

No, there are no such things as gods or salvation; all there is, is emptiness.

Death brings emptiness.

When one dies, our souls are either reincarnated or destroyed.

Reincarnated, where or when is unknown.

What is known is that reincarnation takes place.

Most infants that die in this world without having completed their life cycle are reincarnated.

When or where they are reincarnated is unknown.

You see, karma is a bitch. It tends to act in a way that only favors the ruthless.

Meaning, the stronger you are, the higher your chances of survival.

The weak are eliminated rather cruelly; it's a game.

A game to see which of the stronger competitors will survive its sick and twisted game.

In my case, I did not die; I was simply transmigrated."

Tobi opened his eyes. Around him was pitch darkness. His eyes ached with intense pain, and his entire body felt hot, oozing out steam.

His transmigration was successful; he now found himself in a strange place. Somewhere his senses did not recognize, his body immediately felt like it weighed a ton. His heart pumped faster than ever before, producing more blood than ever before. Blood shot out of his eyes, blood went to his nose, and it made its way to his brain, swirling with a cacophony of unfamiliar sensations and thoughts.

The eerie sensation engulfed his entire being, sending shivers down his spine as he burst into flames—not the ordinary flames of fire, but those of mana, magical energy pulsating with untold power. The flames danced around him, weaving intricate patterns in the air as if guided by an invisible hand. As the mana surged through his veins, he felt a surge of exhilaration mixed with trepidation, realizing that he had unlocked a power beyond comprehension.

With each flicker of the mana flames, a transformation began to take hold, reshaping his form into something otherworldly. Limbs elongated, skin darkened to an ethereal hue, and eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. The very essence of magic coursed through his veins, granting him abilities beyond mortal comprehension. As the final tendrils of transformation settled, he stood before the world as a new being—a monster born of magic.

In the heart of the Holy Empire, a different scene unfolded, far removed from the arcane energies that birthed the new monster. Here, in the sanctity of the imperial capital, devout worshippers prayed in ornate temples adorned with symbols of divine grace. High-ranking clerics and noble lords convened in grand chambers, discussing matters of state and spirituality with solemn reverence. Yet, amidst the tranquility of the empire, whispers of unrest lingered in the air, hinting at unseen forces stirring beyond the borders, forces that would soon clash with the holy empire's ideals and test the faith of its people.

High atop the spires of the grand cathedral, Lady Vivienne, the revered Grand Priestess of the Holy Empire, knelt in prayer, her heart open to receive the wisdom of the divine. As the soft glow of candlelight danced around her, a sudden stillness enveloped the chamber, signaling the arrival of a sacred message from the heavens above. With eyes closed and hands clasped in reverence, Lady Vivienne felt the gentle touch of divine energy coursing through her, illuminating her mind with visions of prophecy and revelation. In that sacred moment, she received a message—a whisper from the gods themselves, foretelling of great trials and tribulations that would soon befall the empire, and of the role she must play in guiding her people through the darkness to come.

As Lady Vivienne received the divine message, she felt a chill run down her spine, realizing the gravity of the situation. Despite her devout faith and unwavering dedication to her people, she understood that her role in the impending tribulation might be insignificant in the face of imminent destruction. The weight of inevitability pressed upon her heart as she grappled with the harsh reality that even the most devout prayers and noble intentions might not be enough to sway the course of fate. In this moment of solemn realization, she knew that the empire faced a trial unlike any other, one where the fate of all rested in the hands of powers far beyond mortal comprehension.

Leaving the hallowed halls of the grand cathedral, Lady Vivienne's steps echoed with a solemn cadence as she made her way to report to her father, the esteemed Grand Pope of the Holy Empire. With each stride, she carried the weight of the divine message in her heart, knowing that she bore news of grave importance. As she approached the grand chambers where her father held counsel, she steeled herself for the task ahead, prepared to deliver the prophetic warning and seek guidance in the face of the looming tribulation.

Upon hearing the divine message delivered by his daughter, the Grand Pope, a revered figure of unwavering faith, felt the ground beneath him crumble as if the very foundations of his beliefs were shaken. Falling to his knees in the grand chambers, a wave of disbelief washed over him, his heart heavy with the weight of revelation. How could the gods forsake their chosen people, stripping away their blessings and bestowing them upon the monstrous creatures that roamed the untamed wilderness? It was a bitter truth to swallow, one that challenged the very core of his faith and called into question the balance of divine justice in the world. As he grappled with this harsh reality, a sense of urgency stirred within him, driving him to seek answers and guidance in the face of this unprecedented crisis.

With trembling resolve, the Grand Pope, his faith shaken to its core, issued a decree for the extermination of the monsters that lurked in the wild. In his mind, if these creatures were eradicated, then the gods could not bestow upon them their blessings, thus restoring the balance of divine favor to the people of the Holy Empire. It was a desperate measure born of fear and uncertainty, a misguided attempt to reclaim the divine blessings that seemed to have slipped from their grasp. Yet, as the order was issued, echoes of dissent whispered through the halls, for not all within the empire were convinced that such a drastic solution was the answer to their prayers.

As rumors of the extermination decree reached the kingdom of Intrisha, King Julius III felt a chill run down his spine, his brow furrowing with concern. Intrisha, a neighboring realm to the Holy Empire, had long maintained a delicate balance of power and diplomacy with its religious counterpart. Yet, the prospect of widespread violence and bloodshed against the creatures of the wild threatened to disrupt this fragile harmony. With a heavy heart, King Julius III knew that he could not stand idly by while such atrocities unfolded on his doorstep. Gathering his advisors, he deliberated on the best course of action, seeking to prevent a catastrophic conflict that could engulf both realms in turmoil.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, King Julius III made the difficult decision to dispatch his firstborn son, the Prince and heir to the throne of Intrisha, to accompany the subjugation party of the Holy Empire. With a heavy heart, he entrusted his son with the delicate task of ensuring that the campaign against the monsters in the wild remained as controlled and restrained as possible, minimizing collateral damage and preserving the fragile peace between their realms. It was a weighty responsibility for the young prince, but one that he accepted with determination and resolve, knowing that the fate of both kingdoms hung in the balance.

As the young prince embarked on his mission, he was accompanied by his two trusted aides, Hans and Gray. Hans, a formidable and imposing figure, always wore a heavy suit of armor, his presence instilling confidence in their party's strength. Gray, on the other hand, served as the prince's sword instructor, providing guidance and training to hone his combat skills. However, despite Gray's best efforts to impart her wisdom, the prince often found himself distracted by her striking appearance, particularly her revealing attire. Try as he might, he struggled to focus on his training, his attention constantly drawn to her captivating figure rather than the lessons at hand.

Despite the prince's apparent lack of focus during his training sessions with Gray, the king found himself unable to intervene. Gray's esteemed position as the kingdom's highest-ranking knight afforded her a level of authority and respect that even the king hesitated to challenge. Though he may have harbored concerns about the prince's dedication to his martial training, he recognized the importance of maintaining the hierarchy within the kingdom's military ranks. As such, he could only hope that the prince would eventually realize the gravity of his responsibilities and apply himself more diligently to his studies under Gray's tutelage.

Despite his imposing appearance and formidable strength, Hans possessed a heart as fragile as glass. Beneath the layers of heavy armor and stern countenance lay a soul that was sensitive and vulnerable, easily wounded by the harsh realities of the world around him. Despite his outward bravado, he harbored deep-seated insecurities and fears, fearing rejection and failure more than any opponent on the battlefield. Yet, despite his fragility, Hans remained steadfastly loyal to the prince and their cause, willing to endure any hardship or sacrifice to ensure their success.

In the solemn confines of his inner chambers, the king summoned his son, the prince, to impart upon him crucial advice before his departure to meet with the holy knights. With a heavy heart and a stern expression, the king counseled his future heir to exercise utmost caution in his dealings with the knights from the Holy Empire. He warned the prince to always remain vigilant and keep his guard up, for the political landscape was fraught with hidden agendas and potential threats. As the weight of responsibility settled upon the prince's shoulders, he listened intently to his father's words, vowing to heed his wisdom and navigate the treacherous waters ahead with the utmost care and determination.

"Do you really think the prince would be impervious to danger" shadow said to king Julius III

King Julius III turned to face the shadowy figure who had addressed him, his expression grave as he considered the question. "No," he replied, his voice tinged with concern. "No one, not even my own son, is impervious to danger. But I trust in his resilience and determination to overcome whatever challenges lie ahead. It is our duty to prepare him as best we can and to support him in his endeavors." With a sigh, he cast a wary glance towards the door through which the prince had departed, hoping and praying that his heir would emerge unscathed from the battle that awaited him.

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