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82.05% Revere - Eternity Here / Chapter 31: Dragon Slayer 1.0 (side story)

Chapter 31: Dragon Slayer 1.0 (side story)

The peculiar nature of red dragons lies in their tendency to form close-knit communities, a rarity among dragonkind. This unique trait fosters a sense of unity and cooperation among them, allowing the species to thrive and grow in numbers over time.

While red dragons may lack the intellectual prowess of their counterparts, they more than make up for it with their formidable combat abilities and instinctual cunning. Renowned for their skill in battle and their ability to deliver fatal blows with precision, red dragons are formidable adversaries that command respect and fear in equal measure.

For most inhabitants of this world, the mere roar of a red dragon is enough to send shivers down their spine, momentarily freezing them in place with fear. It is a testament to the fearsome reputation of these creatures that few dare to challenge them, knowing full well the deadly consequences that await those who dare to provoke the wrath of a red dragon.

Despite their fearsome reputation, Tobi stood undaunted in the face of the red dragons' lair, Tobi left Naiara behind and approached the den of red dragons, a sense of excitement coursed through his veins, his anticipation palpable in the air around him. As his excitement grew, a dark aura began to seep from his being, an outward manifestation of the power and energy building within him.

With each step he took, the snow beneath his feet crunched and melted, a testament to the intense heat radiating from his body. As the ground trembled beneath his feet, Tobi couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through him, his senses heightened by the anticipation of the battle to come.

In the sky above, red dragons soared through the air, their massive wings casting shadows over the landscape below. Meanwhile, others prowled the ground below, their keen senses alert to any potential threats that might encroach upon their territory.

As Tobi's presence registered with the red dragons, they went into a frenzy, their primal instincts driving them to protect their territory from intruders. With a deafening roar, they swooped down from the sky and surged forward from the ground, their fiery breath and razor-sharp claws poised to strike at any moment.

As the first red dragon swooped down towards him, Tobi's instincts kicked in, his body moving with fluid grace as he assumed a defensive stance. Widening his legs for stability, he steadied his core and raised his arms, positioning his palms close to his face with his fingers poised just below his nose.

With a fierce determination in his eyes, Tobi clenched his fists, channeling his inner strength and focusing his energy for the impending clash. As the dragon closed in, its fiery breath and razor-sharp claws poised to strike, Tobi remained calm and composed, his senses sharp and his reflexes honed for the battle ahead.

And then, in a flash of movement, Tobi's fist made contact with the dragon's head with a resounding impact. The force of the blow sent the dragon hurtling through the air, its massive form crashing through the ranks of its companions with devastating force.

The other red dragons, taken aback by the sudden display of strength and prowess, gave way as the fallen dragon flew past them, its body smashing against the rocky walls of the canyon where their true nest lay hidden. With a deafening roar, the injured dragon plummeted out of sight, its fate sealed by Tobi's decisive blow.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Tobi's senses were suddenly assailed by a series of sharp, metallic sounds, each one ringing out like a bell in the midst of the frenzy. <Ding> <Ding> <Ding> The sound echoed in his ears, a constant reminder of the danger that surrounded him.

Undeterred, Tobi focused his attention on the task at hand, his fists moving with lightning speed as he struck out at the red dragons that encircled him. With each blow, he unleashed a wave of pure force, knocking the creatures back with the sheer power of his punches.

But even as he fought off the advancing horde, the sound of the bells continued to ring out, their incessant chime threatening to distract him from the battle at hand. Yet Tobi remained steadfast, his focus unwavering as he continued to press forward against the onslaught.

As the dragons multiplied in number and closed in on all sides, Tobi knew that he needed to act quickly if he were to have any hope of surviving the relentless assault. With a swift motion, he began to weave the intricate patterns of a spell, the symbols of magic swirling around him in a dazzling display of light and energy.

Drawing upon the vast reservoir of mana within him, Tobi unleashed the power of his magic, channeling it through his fists as he delivered devastating blows to his draconic foes. With each strike, a surge of energy pulsed through the air, sending the red dragons tumbling to the ground in a whirlwind of chaos and destruction.

And as the last of the dragons fell beneath his onslaught, Tobi stood victorious amidst the carnage, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he surveyed the battlefield. 

Purple blood stained the pristine white snow, a grim reminder of the violence that had erupted in their midst. The bodies of the fallen red dragons lay scattered across the landscape, their once fearsome forms now lifeless and mutilated.

The air was heavy with the scent of blood and death, a somber reminder of the cost of their victory. Yet amidst the carnage, Tobi and Naiara stood tall, their resolve unbroken despite the trials they had faced.

With a heavy heart, Tobi offered a silent prayer for the fallen creatures, honoring their bravery even in defeat. For despite the ferocity of their attack, he knew that the red dragons had fought with all the strength and determination they possessed.

As Tobi finished his silent prayer, his senses were suddenly assailed by a strange sensation. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by a peculiar message displayed before him, its form reminiscent of the magical symbols he was accustomed to.

But this message was different, pulsing with raw mana that seemed to emanate from the very words themselves. Tobi could feel the potent energy swirling around him, more powerful than anything he had ever encountered before.

As he gazed upon the ancient language inscribed before him, the words "Dragon Slayer" seemed to leap out from the page, their meaning clear and unmistakable.

A sense of awe washed over Tobi as he realized the significance of the message. He had been bestowed with a title, a mantle of honor and responsibility that carried with it the weight of legend and prophecy.

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