Sam Ford was in no way a good or a bad person, just a guy with more brawls than brains.
Since the beginning, he had been indoctrinated, manipulated, taken advantage of by someone much smarter than him with the actual skills to twist his brain around.
Even more so when his weak point was so glaringly obvious. He had kept talking about his daughter and his fool's hope to see her again.
How couldn't he, when he had been resurrected, hope his daughter went through the same event? It was a father's blindness and despair who would do anything to see his child again.
Kai's words had been so sweet. So attractive, charming, full of beautiful promises, and charisma.
The worst part of manipulation through brainwashing was the continuous exposition to the bullshit, making it near impossible to get out of once indoctrinated.
Something that could be seen on every Chosen sect member remaining on the lower floors.
Okay, I know what I said in the previous chap but I kinda underestimated the amount of explanation necessary to understand Sam's internal conflict.
So..., well. *Cough* we'll be moving from this corridor in the next chap.
That I can actually assure you since I've already worked on the next one and it's mostly done.
Love you guys and read you later ;)