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True Path Is No Path At All

Lin Long Tian paused to think about where this mystical broken throne and this unknown ranked cultivation book came from. Due to my past acheviements in cultivation it still took me 150 years to reach Rank 9 Empyrean and that speed considered me as when I said I was number 2, no one dared to reach for the title of number 1.

The torn book slowly floated out and produced two different illusory bridges, one on each side. On the left bridge was a bridge that was wider than 20 adult elephants, there were words written above in big rushed writing which stated MORTAL and then on the right was the image of a broken bridge which felt even more of an illusion but similar to the left bridge as there were words written above but only that these words were written so small that Lin Long Tian had to squint his eyes just to be able to read it saying" Emperor".

Then Lin Long Tian with a smirk though " These two roads have to be fake " then he turned and faced the book and walked towards it saying" An emperor's path can't be dictated by anyone. Not by a Bridge, Not by a Book and Not by destiny". When he was just an hair length away from the book he then said confidently " It can only be dictated by himself" after finishing those words he grabbed onto the book and both bridges started breaking apart and entered the book once more.

Lin Long Tian with high spirits spoke" ... Is it not yet time to stop playing these games? ". Succeding that speech, was an ancient desolate voice which spoke leaving his innerspace vibrating" How did you notice me? " Lin Long Tian chuckled" In my former life I was a Rank 9 Empyrean if I can't even sense a guest in my own dantain then I must have spent all my years cultivating for nothing"

"Well said" the mysterious voice replied blankly.

Lin Long Tian quickly processed his thoughts if this mysterious stranger could inhibit my dantain and not let any-one catch even a single trace of itself, it should have techniques stronger than ones I had in my previous life.

He then started speaking in a whimpering voice " I'm sure you must have your reasons to stay in my dantian, but just so you know Im currently so weak that even a fly could kill me. Wouldn't it be a shame if i die without helping you."

"Ha Ha Ha Ha. It's been over a thousand years since someone tried to scam me" The voice lively proclamed.

"Since I am temporary staying in your dantian, I will need your help in the future. So once you reach

Rank 8 Martial Disicple and can comfortably control your essence. I will get a set of dao ranked battle technique and dao ranked movement technique"

" Yes hahaha. Looks like even 'high power' can't make you smart." Lin Long Tian grinned inside but then asked with curosity "what do you mean will need my help in the future."

The mystery voice responded back with a sarcastic tone" Do you expect me to stay in your dantian all my life? I will need your help to rebuild my body, but as for now you are merely too weak to even help my rebuild a finger."

"Makes sense" Lin Long Tian hesitated before saying this as he was still currently only a one year old child who had no power or knowledge of this time.

Then Lin Long Tian started to think more deeply about what his future might hold as he opened the record of the primordial emperor and started to read what was written on the first page" There is no path to cultivation". After read just this sentence he immediately stopped then started to mediate back in his room, outside from his dantian as those were the only words visible to him at this stage.

Time slowly ticked by, from his age being one year old to suddenly being five year old. Lin Long Tian never stopped cultivating each night by repeating those words which kept bring him enlightenment and his efforts were not blind as his cultivation was rising from being nothing but an average human to a peak body tempering cultivator. This was brought to the ears of all the Lin clan members as they started comparing their young clan master to a Reincarnted God just based on his speed.

This could not be blamed on them as ordinary disciples could only start cultivating when they reach

the age of 8 yrs old, extraordinary disciples could start when 5 yrs old, but some one reaching peak body tempering stage when only 5 yrs old was just unheard off.

As Lin Long Tian finished cultivating he walked out of his room to see the bright twinkling star out at night and sighed with a hint of melancholy" Since I am currently a rank 9 body tempering cultivator, my choice made tomorrow will determine my future in this world and my clan." He then spent a few hours just gazing at the night sky on the firm green grass, then went into his bed to get some sleep. After silence fell through the land there was suddenly a ripple right where Lin Long Tian was seating outside as a figure was exposed, if Lin Long Tian was awake he would be stunned as just by her beauty even in his past life no one could come close to 10% of her beauty. Her honey like voice suddenly flowed out saying" Indeed tommorow will be the start of your destiny". She then laughed with an anicent tone filled with loneliness that only some-one with no peers able to match her could make.

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