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The following day was brought with a loud voice as one of Lin Long Tian maids suddenly screamed out loud, waking up everyone in the clan. A group of core disciples and elders rushed to Lin Long Tian's room only to find him calmly seating in the lotus position meditating on his room floor. Then a core disciple yelled at a maid with pale but still bewitching skin" Why the hell would you yell so early in the Goddamn morning, waking everyone up before that dumb bell does it."

Lin Huang asked " Is something wrong with young master ". More disciples drew their attention toward Lin Long Tian but yet could not see a thing, so they only ask the grand elder present to enlight them towards the situation.

Grand elder Lin released some of his spiritual qi to check Lin Long Tian, after a few minutes he sternly told the crowd of core disciples and elders "Pass the young master toward one of the elders and all elders present follow me to see the clan master and mistress." Immedately that was sentence was said everyone jumped into action, disciples rushed to see who could get the young master to any elder and the elders rushing to gain young master as all to gain favor with the grand elder and clan head.

Then Grand elder lin looked to the maid who discovered that Lin Long Tian was acting odd and asked what her name was. She tilted her head saying in a subservient tone" This humble servant is called Su rou". The Grand elder also told her to follow him to see the clan master and mistress.

They rushed into the clan house, which was located right next to Lin Long Tian's yard. They entered a splendorus room filled with art piece of their clan history. Clan Head Lin Chen was found

doing a kowtow to his great ancestor Lin Feng who was the founder of the Lin clan, who built their current clan which have over 8000 outer disciple, 500 inner disciple and 100 core disciples, just by him-self, his wife and a few friends of his. Lin Chen was also bowing to this statue as their clan traditions orders each new clan head to do a kowtow each year as it is known to bring them talented disciples.

Lin Chen turned around and saw a group of people rushing through several rooms to find him, his expression which was calm gradually changed from one of curosity to one of selfworry when he saw a maid running with the grand elder but what was on the his hands was what scared him the most as he saw his son. He kept a calm face as he asked the grand elder to say what happened, through spiritual transmission.

Which was used to keep conversations secret, unless you are stronger than the messenger by at least a cultivation realm or they had to have a stronger spiritual strength than the messenger in order to forcefully hear the message.

The grand elder slowly explained to Lin Chen briefing him upon how he was woken up by the screams of Su rou, then flew to his young master room to find Lin Long Tian meditating in a lotus position then checked him, to see his meridians and dantian has been destroyed. But only she had noticed it along with a core disciple named Lin Huang.

"What" Lin Chen yelled using his spiritual essence to amplify his voice. He noticed the group of elders and Su rou were quite shaken up so he quickly calmed down while excusing all experts on the scene except the grand elder and Su rou.

Lin Chen proceeded to ask Su rou three questions which were "if she had any cultivation, any special bloodline talents or ate any weird herb". Her answer to these questions slowly shocked him as she said no to all of them. He then asked her to remove her clothes.

Su rou blushed slightly as she started taking her clothes off but immedately, Lin Chen seeing her blush said in a gulity voice " Sorry you can turn around I just need to look for any signs on your back".

She turned letting her back face the grand elder and Lin Chen, a cold feeling approached her stomach revolving around her dantian, that cold sensation lasted for a minute. Lin Chen in shock asked her how old she was this year, She replied" Nine years old, clan head". Lin Chen voice trembled in excitement as he said " Good, good, good. Grand elder you currently don't have any disciples of your own right."

"I want you to take Su rou under your care and treat her as you would a core disciple."

Grand elder replied honestly" I have never had a personal disciple yet, So she will be my first, but what exactly is so special about her."

Lin Chen said " Her dantian has a 100% element affinity with water, which means that as long as she uses water type martial skills it won't be wrong to call her invincible."

Grand elder blank expression changed instantly as he stared at the girl, his mouth was stuck in an O shape for quite a while. This could not be blamed on the grand elder as a dantian with an element affinity was even rarer than what Lin Long Tian did when he cultivated to a rank 9 body tempering at only 5 yrs old.

Grand elder then sent another spiritual transmission asking what happened with young master. Lin Chen lied to him by making an excuse that Lin Long Tian rushed while cultivating which resulted in his current injuries. He also told Grand elder to take Su rou to dragon falls and let stay there for 10 yrs cultivating and also to protect her as she cultivates from outside forces and while in staying in the dragon falls try to sense if you can gain an opportunity to break through your shackles and enter rank 1 minor sage.

After grand elder spent 10 mins thanking clan master for this chance , he took Su rou and left to prepare for their closed cultivation.

"... When are you going to wake up sleepy head ? " Lin Chen asked in a sarcastic tone.

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