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A year later

"You damn pervert, if you really need to repay my kindness, repair my body as quickly as you can." Her face carried mixed expressions

"And also take really good care of that cat." She sent a loving gaze towards where the cat had last been, but only to see nothing but leaves

"She really is an impressive animal, she can even take advantage of situations better than most humans do, but regardless it's useless even if she escaped as she will still come back to me anyway." Lin Long Tian said confidently

"Peek on the ground, she even left traces of her fur in different directions which meant that she wants us to know where she went."

"Even as a seventh rank body tempering cultivator I would still be able to perveive this much."

"But since your soul is still injured, it's no wonder you can't use your divine sense making it oblivious to you."

Su Meiyin smiled "You are pretty sharp, but sadly you are wrong about something, I don't have a divine sense or better yet, I don't need to use something so weak."

Hearing this statement gave Lin Long Tian more proof as to where this beautiful fairy, Su Meiyin origins were from. As in this world once a cultivator's rank reaches at least Late True Sage, they acquire a powerful ability which is known as a divine sense.

A divine sense can be use to scan long distances to gain more infomation or to find locations best to avoid enemies or collision, even though there are plenty of martial techniques which can produce this effect it would require spiritual qi while using a divine sense would only take soul energy, which is quite efficent as once you are escaping it's less work and effort to take a pill to replenish your soul energy rather than spilting your spiritual qi for battling and sensing different locations.

But once a cultivator has reached Empyrean only your divine sense would be benefical as your soul energy would be a lot more thicker than before making any techniques useless, meaning either Su Meiyin has aquired a powerful tool that can sense her surrounding or her cultivation no longer requires her to depend on using a divine sense anymore.

Lin Long Tian leaned toward his second idea more as no blacksmith would waste their time only to build a tool just to sense farther surroundings as cultivators only cared about two things which where pills and weapons.

He nodded and walked back into the cave to discuss more with that mysterious voice about the cat's identity, He arrived but heared nothing even after spending over ten minute. Suspicious of the current situation he made more ruckus as to attract the voice's attention but to his dismay not a different sound came out.

Lin Long Tian sighed as he realized that this had to be a soul transmission which was left from when this man must have been alive. As even though he didn't care about me he should still be worried as to if I will take care of Xia Yuning.

A soul transmission would requires a cultivator to have a rank of Dao Seeker at least and then have to split his soul to leave the message in it and depending on the amount of message needed to be said would be how much of his soul would be cut out.

Not many cultivator would do such a thing as even though it would help them to leave a message for the future generations it would give them an unimaginable pain to endure and depending on how strong your soul is also determine how long this message would last.

To endure all that pain just for a cat. "What a tough soul this man once had, pity he never made it to the immortal realm and with this much amount of soul strength he could have made it big as an alchemist."

He glanced around the cave looking for anymore valuable pills that he could have made, as Lin Long Tian was confident that he must have been a alchemist seeing how he had an extinct pill in his grave and how his soul strength was unimaginably strong especially compared to him even in his former life.

He found several pills but no matter how hard he looked he could find no martial techniques. Lin Long Tian smiled

"Looks like I was not the only flowerpot Empyrean out there, there were even some before me who made the same mistake as well."

"He must have depended on different pills to raise his cultivation but at least I only needed my amazing talents, in past life to rise up to the peak ."

He left the cave once more but in respect to Su Meiyin and Empyrean saint's last wish to take care of that cat.

However he didn't chase after her track's for two VERY important reasons, one noticing how smart this cat is he decided that he shouldn't rush it as she should be able to find him in at least two-three years, Two that bitch aimed a vicious attack on him even though it wasn't done with any killing intent it was irritating as how a former peak Empyrean was been bullied by a cat.

He sat down calming his heart and began mediating, focusing on nothing but the spear as an attempt to bulid a spear dao heart. His actions were very uncommon as most cultivators decides to take this step only when they reach an understanding with a weapon and not just any understanding.

What he was doing right now meant that he can only use this spear for the rest of his life as each martial artist's can only use the same weapon that their dao is bulit upon, as if they used a different weapon this would shatter their dao heart as they betrayed their martial path which gives the result of never been able to take another step in cultivation for the rest of their life.

Time moved on as a year passed but to Lin Long Tian it felt as ten days only passed, this was by far the shortest amount of time that could be used to gain enlightment looks like some of his past life talents was still within him, His eyes opened were as deep as the stars, and as one looked into them, it was as if one could see the mysteries of the heavens within, making anyone easily lost within his gaze.

"Speed is not the only factor needed for wielding a spear. It also needs flexibility and strength, it was foolish of me to only consider one aspect of the spear as knowing all about it."

"I even tried wielding it as a sword. Guess it's still hard to get rid of my former sword dao heart." Lin Long Tian stood up shaking his head in surprise

He just turned eleven a week ago meaning that he only had one more year, till he could get his fiancee and get his future father in law to approve of him.

Lin Long Tian packed all his equipment in his pouch deciding to head back home, as he was completly satisfised with his current progress right now as he realized that no matter how hard he cultivates there was no way he could improve his next level within a year.

His mind drifted to his dantian watching Su Meiyin heavily sleeping within it, his heart swelled up as he was smart enough to comprend that while he was in deep mediation she must have been watching over him, preventing any wandering beast or humans from getting to close and distracting his precious state helping him not to get any backlash.

To expend her soul energy for a duration of a year must have deeply hurt her and could even damage her soul but yet she still said nothing. He vanished without making a peep as to let her continue to rest, he then quickly absorbed more yang energy and took out a pill that was found in the Empyrean saint's rich collection and transfered this stored up energy into the pill in his hands.

He explored more of this mysterious forest to stretch out his inactive body, while walking around the forest many wild animals and magical beast were attracted to him as he just recently got out of dao enlightment there were still traces of the profound dao wandering around his body, this was a chance for many animals to become magical beast while also an equal chance for a magical beast to move up a tier.

He continued walking around while behind him was a crowd of different animals some species which were killed by him during his year of fighting, all were pushing each other as to get closer and to absorb some wandering dao comprehension floating around him.

Raising his speed he quickly lost all the animals crowding his back, he looked up to a mountian and a grin slowly appeared on his face as he saw a mountain filled to the brim with nothing but wild flames exuding an exhorbant amount of yang essence which he became more proficent at locating after absorbing so much in his body which could be equal to a dog's nose at finding location filled with yang essence.

He climbed up the mountain glancing below seeing an ocean sized flame filled with different colours each brighter than the rest, he noticed there was even more yang essence in this mountian than he gave credit for. "There should be just enough yang essence in here for thirty-three rank five pills and even some for me to store in my body for extra insurance."

He laid thirty three pills in front of him, sat down getting ready to absorb it all into these several pills.

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