/ Fantasy / Replacement Demon Lord
A university student has been scouted by the Demon Lord!
After being summoned Kiyoshi receives the Demon Lords powers and is transformed into a demon himself becoming the new Demon Lord.
No longer human, he learns quickly how cruel this new world is and if he wants to keep the Demon Lords army unified and keep his head on his shoulders he’s going to have to learn to control his powers and become more powerful fast!
*Please make sure you read the first 11 chapters. This will ensure you have a solid understanding of what the book is and where’s it’s going.
Thank you!
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Write a reviewI am new to this site! Although I am not new to reading novels. It has been a long time since I have felt so curious as to what will happen as this plot develops. Even though there are only eleven chapters out so far the author has done a great job building the world. I am particularly impressed with the fight scenes! Please support this author! I need to know what happens next in this series and I want him to keep writing!!
This novel is make m fear role play video games 😂😂. This is very nicely put together and would make a bomb manga or anime or both. The descriptive skills are top notch, I could literally see everything as I read. ✌
Author RicketyDragon
Hi everyone! Id love to see your thoughts and reviews The first few chapters will be slower as I focus on world building and then we are going to kick it up a notch and start going full speed. I have the first And the final arc planned out but would love to hear your thoughts on future arcs. This is my first novel and appreciate the support you provide by viewing and reviewing. Thank you again!