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89.47% ReLife: One Piece / Chapter 17: [17] Duel of Fates

Chapter 17: [17] Duel of Fates

I descended the creaky wooden stairs to the brig, a plate of food in hand. The dim light cast long shadows across the floor, and the air hung heavy with the scent of salt and damp wood. As I approached Sato's cell, I could hear him muttering to himself.

"Dinner time, Silver Tongue," I called out, my voice echoing in the confined space.

Sato looked up, his eyes narrowing as he saw me. "Ah, the gracious host arrives. Tell me, Captain Namor, have you reconsidered my offer?"

I slid the plate through the small opening in the cell door. "Eat up. We'll be at Jagged Rock by tomorrow, and I'd hate for you to face the Marines on an empty stomach."

Sato scoffed, but his hands eagerly reached for the food. "You're making a mistake, boy. The Golden Apple is real, and it could make you unstoppable."

I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms. "Save your breath, Sato."

As Sato ate, I let my mind wander to the upcoming confrontation with the Crimson Blade. Our last encounter had been... humbling. The swordsman's skill was undeniable, and his words still rang in my ears. We'd relied too heavily on our Devil Fruit powers and speed. This time would be different.

"You seem distracted, Captain," Sato's voice cut through my thoughts. "Worried about something?"

I met his gaze, my face impassive. "Just thinking about how to spend that eleven million berry bounty."

Sato chuckled, a dry, humorless sound. "You pirates are all the same. Chasing after money and power, never realizing what's truly valuable."

"And what would that be?" I asked, despite myself.

"Information," Sato replied, tapping his temple. "Knowledge is the real currency of this world. But you're too young to understand that, aren't you?"

I pushed off the wall, turning to leave. "Enjoy your meal, Sato. It might be your last as a free man."

As I climbed back to the deck, I couldn't shake Sato's words. Information, huh? Maybe the old snake had a point. But right now, I had more pressing concerns.

The cool night air hit my face as I emerged onto the deck. Aria was at the helm, her red hair whipping in the wind. She turned as she heard my approach, a smile playing on her lips.

"How's our guest?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Still trying to sell us on that Golden Apple nonsense."

Aria's expression grew serious. "And what about tomorrow? Have you thought about how we're going to approach the Crimson Blade?"

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation I knew was coming. "I have. And I think... I think I need to face him alone."

Aria's eyes widened. "Alone? Namor, that's crazy. You saw how strong he is. We barely held our own together last time."

"I know," I said, moving to stand beside her at the helm. "But if he's going to be part of our crew, I need to prove myself. One-on-one."

Aria was quiet for a moment, her gaze fixed on the horizon. When she spoke, her voice was soft. "This isn't about me, is it? You don't think I'm weak or-"

"No," I cut her off, turning to face her. "Aria, this isn't about you at all. It's about me. About the kind of captain I need to be."

She studied my face, searching for something. Whatever she saw there seemed to satisfy her. "Alright," she said finally. "But I won't be far. If things go south-"

"They won't," I assured her.

Aria nodded, then gestured to the wheel. "Want to take over? I could use some rest before tomorrow."

I grasped the smooth wood of the helm, feeling the power of the ship beneath my hands. "Get some sleep. I'll wake you if anything changes."

As Aria disappeared into the captains quarters, I turned my attention to the vast expanse of sea before us. Somewhere out there, Jagged Rock waited. And with it, the Crimson Blade.

How would I approach the fight differently this time? Could I use my vortex powers in a way the swordsman wouldn't expect? By the time the first rays of dawn painted the sky, I had the beginnings of a plan.

Aria emerged from below deck just as Jagged Rock appeared on the horizon, a dark smudge against the pale morning sky.

"You ready for this?" she asked, handing me a steaming mug of coffee.

I took a long sip, savoring the bitter warmth. "As ready as I'll ever be."

We docked the Black Pearl in the same secluded cove as before, the familiar rocky shoreline a stark reminder of our last visit. As we made our way towards the mountain path, Aria caught my arm.

"Namor," she said, her green eyes intense. "Promise me you'll be careful. We don't know if the Crimson Blade will even want to join us. Don't push yourself too far just to prove a point."

I placed my hand over hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I promise. But I have to do this, Aria. For myself, and for our crew."

She nodded, releasing my arm. "I know. Just... come back to me, okay?"

The climb up the mountain was just as grueling as I remembered. By the time we reached the plateau where the ancient stone temple stood, my legs burned and my breath came in ragged gasps. But as I looked up at the imposing structure, a calm settled over me. This was it.

"I'll wait here," Aria said, gesturing to a large boulder near the path. "Good luck, Captain."

I gave her a nod, then turned to face the temple. With each step towards the entrance, I felt my resolve strengthen. Whatever happened in there, I was ready.

The cool darkness of the temple interior enveloped me as I stepped inside. For a moment, all was silent. Then, a voice cut through the stillness.

"You return, young captain," the Crimson Blade's deep tone echoed off the stone walls. "Have you come seeking another lesson in humility?"

I stood my ground as the swordsman emerged from the shadows, his blood-red blade gleaming even in the dim light.

"I've come to ask you to join my crew," I said, my voice steady. "But first, I want to show you how much I've grown since our last encounter."

The Crimson Blade's eyes narrowed, a hint of interest flickering in their depths. "Oh? And how do you propose to do that?"

I took a deep breath, centering myself. "A duel."

A smile tugged at the corner of the swordsman's mouth. "Interesting proposition. And what do I gain from this, should I emerge victorious?"

"If you win," I said, meeting his gaze, "I'll leave you alone. No more requests to join my crew. But if I win, you have to give us a fair chance. Come with us, see what we're capable of. After that, if you still want to leave, I won't stop you."

The Crimson Blade was silent for a long moment, his piercing gaze never leaving my face. Finally, he nodded. "Very well, young captain. You have yourself a duel."

We moved to the center of the temple, where a large open space provided ample room for our clash. The Crimson Blade drew his sword with a fluid motion, the red steel catching what little light filtered through the temple's high windows.

We circled each other slowly, my mind drifting back to the fights I'd had since arriving in this world. The brawl with the Black Dog Pirates, the fight with Captain Scar, the capture of Captain Hart, our first encounter with the swordsman before me - each battle had been different, yet somehow... lacking.

The fighting styles here were rudimentary compared to what I'd known in my past life.

When all things were equal, my technique is far superior.

It was time to show the Crimson Blade what I was truly capable of.

I closed my eyes, extending my sensory vortex throughout the temple. Every movement, every breath, every shift in the air became clear as day. I opened my eyes, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Ready when you are," I said.

The Crimson Blade's eyes narrowed. "Your confidence is admirable, young captain. Let's see if it's warranted."

He lunged forward, his red blade a blur of motion. A few days ago, I might have barely registered the attack. Now, it seemed almost slow.

I sidestepped, vortex energy propelling me faster than any normal human could move. The Crimson Blade's sword sliced through empty air.

"Impressive speed," he grunted, pivoting to face me. "But speed alone won't win this fight."

"You're right," I replied, settling into a stance he wouldn't recognize. "It's time you saw what I'm really capable of."

I launched into action, my movements fluid and precise. The Kaiiki-ryu, my own martial art combining the most effective elements from my past life, flowed through me.

The Crimson Blade's eyes widened as I closed the distance between us in an instant. My palm struck his chest, a shockwave rippling through his body. He stumbled back, coughing.

"What... what was that?" he gasped.

I didn't answer, pressing my advantage. My kicks and strikes came in a flurry, each one precisely aimed at weak points in his guard. The Crimson Blade managed to block or dodge most, but a few found their mark.

He retaliated with a series of swift slashes, his blade singing through the air. I weaved between them, my sensory vortex allowing me to predict his movements before he made them.

"You've improved," the Crimson Blade said, a hint of respect in his voice.

He changed tactics, his movements becoming more erratic and unpredictable. I felt a sting across my arm as his blade found its mark, drawing first blood.

I leapt back, creating some distance between us. The cut wasn't deep, but it was a reminder not to underestimate my opponent.

"Not bad," I said, wiping the blood from my arm. "But I'm just getting started."

I focused my vortex energy, creating a swirling barrier around myself. The Crimson Blade's next attack glanced off it, his eyes widening in surprise.

I demonstrated by creating a series of small vortexes around the room. The Crimson Blade watched, his guard up, trying to anticipate my next move.

I didn't keep him waiting long. With a burst of speed, I launched myself forward, using the vortexes to change direction mid-air. The Crimson Blade barely managed to block my kick, the force of it sending him skidding across the floor.

He recovered quickly, charging at me with renewed vigor. Our exchange of blows became a blur of motion, his sword clashing against my vortex-enhanced strikes.

I felt the sting of his blade more than once, shallow cuts appearing on my arms and torso. But for every hit he landed, I countered with two of my own.

The fight dragged on, both of us breathing heavily. The Crimson Blade's movements were becoming slower, more labored. But I could feel fatigue setting in as well.

"You've surpassed my expectations," the Crimson Blade said between breaths. "But can you finish this fight?"

I wiped sweat from my brow, my muscles aching from exertion. "Only one way to find out."

I gathered my remaining strength, channeling it into one final attack. The vortex energy around me intensified, the air in the temple swirling violently.

The Crimson Blade raised his sword, preparing for whatever I might throw at him.

I moved, faster than I had at any point in the fight. My fist, wrapped in a miniature vortex, connected with the Crimson Blade's stomach. The impact sent a shockwave through his body, lifting him off his feet and slamming him into the far wall.

The temple fell silent. I stood, panting, as the dust settled. The Crimson Blade slumped against the wall, his sword clattering to the ground beside him.

I approached cautiously, ready for any last-ditch attack. But as I drew near, I saw the fight had gone out of him.

"Well fought... Captain," the Crimson Blade said, a wry smile on his face. "It seems I underestimated you."

I offered him a hand, which he took after a moment's hesitation. As I pulled him to his feet, he stumbled slightly, steadying himself against the wall.

"That last attack," he said, rubbing his stomach. "What was that?"

"A technique I call the Depth Charge Kick," I replied. "Though I used my fist this time."

The Crimson Blade nodded, a look of grudging respect in his eyes. "And the style you used... I've never seen anything like it."

"It's called Kaiiki-ryu," I said. "Ocean Current Style. I developed it myself."

"Impressive," he murmured. "Very impressive indeed."

We made our way back to the center of the temple, both of us moving gingerly. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, I could feel every cut and bruise from the fight.

"So," I said, breaking the silence. "About our agreement..."

The Crimson Blade sighed, running a hand through his hair. "A deal is a deal. I'll give your crew a chance, as promised."

I nodded, relief washing over me. "Thank you. You won't regret it."

"We'll see about that," he replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I have to admit, I'm curious to see what else you're capable of."

As we exited the temple, Aria rushed to meet us. Her eyes widened as she took in our battered state.

"Namor! Are you alright?"

I managed a smile. "I'm fine. Just a few scratches."

Aria turned to the Crimson Blade, her hand instinctively moving to her sword. "And you?"

"At ease," the swordsman said, raising a hand. "Your captain has earned my respect... and my temporary allegiance."

Aria's eyebrows shot up. She looked at me questioningly.

"He's agreed to give us a chance," I explained. "To see if he wants to join our crew permanently."

Aria nodded slowly, her hand moving away from her weapon. "Well then, welcome aboard... I suppose."

"So," I said, turning to the Crimson Blade. "I don't suppose you'd tell us your real name?"

He chuckled, wincing slightly at the movement. "Takumi. My name is Takumi."

"Well, Takumi," I replied, "welcome to the crew. Hope you're ready for one hell of a ride."

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