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5.29% Relevance and A World Flying Off The Tracks / Chapter 10: The Unwilling Listener

Chapter 10: The Unwilling Listener

It is a tale that has been told many times before.

A tale of how a world in crisis, hanging on by its last breath, summons the transmigrator, a being of godlike strength to put wrongs to right. The transmigrator receives the privileges of his station, invincible weapons and magic. The transmigrator embarks on a heroic quest meeting fair maidens and comrades of only the finest character. Before the transmigrator's might, the great evil is crushed, balance is restored and the world rejoices.

I am a transmigrator, summoned in the hour of this world's greatest need. Instead of being granted weapons and magic of legend, I was given a backpack of explosives. I am now bleeding out alone, after committing what would be considered as an act of terrorism. To say I am disappointed with how things have turned out would be an understatement.

Well, at least I am not completely alone. My would be murderer looms overhead, ready to finish me off. So being alone at this moment would probably be an improvement. I feel a burning, itching feeling rising from the wound at my side. The sirens that I heard earlier keep getting louder and louder. Eagle Claw smirks in triumph. I see his bloody sword rise again. I close my eyes.


The blow never comes. Instead I hear Eagle Claw crumple to the ground. This was someone that could take down a rampaging piece of heavy machinery. What happened?

"What a waste of time. Dealing with these weaklings."

I hear a haughty voice, a young girl's haughty voice to be exact. I open one of my eyes by a slit and spy a completely ridiculous sight. A petite girl of high school age stands over the body of Eagle Claw sheathing what looks like a cavalry saber. She is also incredibly well groomed, with shining black shoulder length hair, clear, fair skin and wearing what looks to be a stupidly fancy police dress uniform. Who in the world wears gold braid and epaulettes outside of parades?

More than all of that however, it is the sheer amount of spiritual energy that she exudes that takes my breath away. If Eagle Claw and his buddies exuded gentle halos of spiritual energy, this girl stands at the eye of a miniature blizzard. Her tiny frame literally hums and churns with power.

My heart sinks at this sight. This girl pretty much confirms it. The demon who wrecked me was just a mook. In this world I am at the bottom of a long greasy totem pole.

Magic Police Girl takes a glance at me and her face slackens just like everyone else. I breathe a sigh of relief. Once Magic Police Girl gets used to my presence, she will probably get me first aid and sent to a hospital. Not the most glamorous way of surviving and ending the mission, but at this point I would be grateful just to survive.

"Now, now Sera." I hear a matronly voice say, "Do not underestimate them just because they are not trained to the level of Legion soldiers. I sense a few power houses lurking deeper within this compound."

A woman in her early thirties steps into my view. From this angle I cannot see her features clearly but I can tell that she has her auburn hair tied into a bun and that she wears the same silly uniform Magic Police Girl is wearing, just burdened with an even heavier amount of gold braid. The spiritual energy radiating from the newcomer is also even more overpowering than what was coming from Magic Police Girl. Some kind of officer perhaps?

Magic Police Girl immediately stops looking at me when she hears the newcomer's voice and turns to give a salute.

No! Don't stop looking at me! Can't you see I am bleeding out here? I try to move my body to get their attention, but my limbs had turned to lead. Was I going into shock?

"Madam," I hear Magic Police Girl say, "These small timers are not worthy of the attention of SOPO. Something like this could be handled by ORPO without the need to bother us."

A tired sigh comes from the older woman. She turns about, probably to survey the fire raging in the distance. "Demons are involved in this Sera. You know how ORPO gets whenever there are demons. We are the only ones The City can trust to deal with this."

As the newcomer is turning about, I note that she has incredibly huge tits. Really, really huge ones. Her tits strain the tensile strength of her dark blue police jacket and are just short of breaking out of their confinement.

Big Tits continues,"Besides, I know why you are in such a bad mood tonight. You were meant to be spending the evening with him, right?"

Magic Police Girl's voice becomes flustered and she mutters, "Yes. You know how that so-called sister of his keeps hanging around him. I need to keep an eye on her so he does not get taken advantage off!"

"Mmm. I think someone wants to take advantage of him for sure. If only I was a little younger. Ha." Big Tits laughs lightly as Magic Police Girl's face goes bright red and she pouts her lips.

Yes. Yes. Do go on talking about your love life while an innocent civilian lies in front of you dying. Would it kill either of you to just look at me uninterrupted for a minute?

"Well the rest of the unit has caught up with us." Big Tits tells the pouting Magic Police Girl, "You really need to stop rushing ahead Sera."

Big Tits makes a gesture with her hand and some twenty equally ridiculously dressed police men and women assemble into formation behind her. With another gesture, the entire group marches off towards the warehouses, leaving my field of view.

I start cursing in my mind. I knew that "condition" of mine was too good to be true. Now it was coming back to bite me in the ass.

I hear a growl coming from the direction that the police marched off in. It rises into a booming shout that causes my to grind my teeth together. "The rozzers are here! Drive them back! We need more time!"

A massive explosion tears through the night and I smell the strong scent of sulfur. There are cries of pain coming from the police. Big Tits' voice breaks through the cacophony, "Brace! They are charging us!"

The clash of weapons mingle with the war cries from the demons and demands to surrender from the police. Well good luck with that, SOPO or SOBO or whatever you guys call yourselves. I will just keep lying here, an innocent man caught up in all of this, dying because of police negligence.

"Firstly, you are not an innocent party to all this. Secondly, you are not dying. Now stop babbling to yourself and head to the extraction point." says a familiar sounding rasp.

The Voice! Its back! But it somehow sounds tired, drained even.

"Hey. Nice to hear from you." I whisper as I climb back up to my feet. 'Why did you go all radio silent just now?"

"I was stabilizing your condition and fusing the jumpsuit to your wound to prevent further bleeding. Now stop wasting time."

Stabilizing? Whatever The Voice did it certainly felt a lot more than just that. I no longer feel the fatigue that had built up over the course of the mission. In fact, I feel just as fresh as when I first arrived at the main gates of the warehouse compound. Other than the big sucking wound in my side of course.

I take a look at the brawl going down between the police and the demons. Big Tits had created a giant two handed sword out of her spirituality and was swinging it with gusto at the snarling, ever increasing, mob of demons in front of her. Despite her efforts, both sides appear to be deadlocked with neither one having the upper hand. Those demons are not so weak after all huh, Magic Police Girl?

Turning my back on the entire crowd, I slip off into the night, towards the waiting black cab.

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