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Reincarnation in to M.U. Reincarnation in to M.U. original

Reincarnation in to M.U.

Author: shadowsnake_13

© WebNovel

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1) To have a spider-suit like a symbiotic but not like a symbiotic It will be like a suit made of nanotech controlled by an A.I. (the A.I. will be made up of E.D.I. and S.A.M. of Mass Effect and Tony Stacks F.R.I.D.A.Y. and J.A.R.V.I.S.) it to be tire to his blood and mind.

2) To have bones with the same properties of Uru, Adamantium, and vibration

3) To have genes from Dead pool (Immortal and healing factor), Daredevil (all his ability) Captain America (strength, reflexes, and AGI.), Susan storm (invisible), and peter parker (wall crawling, webbing, strength, reflexes, AGI, and danger sense.).

4) To change some of the things in M.U. combo all the marvel comics, TV's, and movie's into one and change will be that human experiments are impossible all superheroes and villains that got their powers through these experiments will actually be mutants. mutants cannot be detected through their DNA there is no way of telling the difference between a human or mutant unless they use their mutant powers or there's an outward difference look to them otherwise you will not be able to tell the difference between them. Their bloodline actives when they turn 15 yrs. old.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is a private mercenary and security company that was founded by a group of family that were the Stark, Potts, Parker, carter, Roger, Burns, Xavier, Watson, Stary, Moon, Strange, Darkholmes, Storm, Richards, Hardy, Romanoff, fury, Carol Danvers, and James Howlett. They were created to fight Nazis organization called hydra during world war 2 and after world war II they became a private security company run by the founding members and supported by the founding members they do not use any lethal weapons they stun their enemies and have them locked up for the crimes they committed with the evidence they provide to the courts.

Bruce Banner will have full control of the Hulk powers he can change back a forth from big and green to small and normal and Bruce will only have one personally and it will be Bruce's. Bruce banner aka the hulk aka professor hulk he will be a mutant but he will have more control over his mind and abilities like the professor hulk of the comic books but he can turn back and forth between the human shape Bruce banner and the big green shape hulk. It helps him keep his identity.

Natasha Romanoff is going to be a mutant with the power to crawl up walls, have healing factor, very strong bones at the strength of the tamper of adamantium, and invisible.

Steve Rogers parents will be founding members of shield his father will be a mutant whose Powers is where his strength is heightened and awareness is heightened he is also a tactician his mother will be a mutant as well with the healing factor and she is also a Grand martial artist of all martial arts. He will be a solider in the Iraq war. he will marry Miss Penny Carter.

Bucky Burns parents will be founding members of shield both of his parents are mutants his father will be colossal and his mother's mutant Powers will allow her to blend in with the her surroundings and she has ability to never miss a mark meaning whatever she aims at she always hits.

Sam Wilson's parents are founding members of shield they are ex-soldiers of the army who jump out of the back of Helen carriers as they're paratroopers

Miss Penny Carter's parents are founding members of shield her father is an expert interrogator her mother is a spy master she marries Steve Rogers and has one daughter who is born with her father's mutant Gene.

Tony stark's family will be, His father was an inventor and business own called stark indusedin, and his Mother will be a spy in during World War II. They'll be founding members of shield. He will be a mutant that will be like a biotech Nano-machines that are Biological more organic than machine that's a part of their DNA but are stronger than any metal known in the M.U and have second conscious which will be like the A.I. Jarvis. It comes out of their skin and coats them like suit that looks like his iron suit from the movie.

Pepper Potts family will be founding members of shield well her father will be a computer tech and her mother is an expert at driving vehicles operating all kinds of vehicles like a airplanes, Jets, tanks, jeeps, motorcycles, and anything that can move she can operate to the fullest even beyond what the vehicle is capable of doing. she will be a mutant that will be like a biotech Nano-machines that are Biological more organic than machine that's a part of their DNA but are stronger than any metal known in the M.U. will have a A.I. that is like a second conscious F.R.I.D.A.Y. It comes out of their skin and coats them like suit that looks like his iron suit from the movie.

Roadies family will be a founding members of shield his parents will be soldiers their expert in warfare and strategies. He will be a mutant that will be like a biotech Nano-machines that are Biological more organic than machine that's a part of their DNA but are stronger than any metal known in the M.U. with have a second conscious. It comes out of their skin and coats them like suit that looks like his iron suit from the movie.

Logan aka wolverine will have the same ability as in the comic books the alone difference is his bones will be strong as like it is coated with adamantium and he will not lose his memory's.

Charles Xavier aka professor x he'll still have all his powers but still be able to walk.

Emma frost will be born at the same time and place as Logan aka wolverine and her abilities are the same as the comic books but because of the ability to turn her body into diamonds because of this her aging process is slowed down so she ages about the same as Logan and to make things easier for everyone Logan and Emma frost will become lovers as soon as they meet at which it doesn't take that long they meet as soon as Logan runs from his family.

Jean grey aka the phoenix she will have full control over her powers and she will never lose control of her mind or go bad and she will be the lover of Scott summers and no one less and because of her ability she can protect Scotts and her mind from being manipulated.

Ghost-girl AKA Gwen Stacy, She has full control over her molecules where she can phase through solid matter and objects. Which makes it where she can shape shift into other woman on the biological cell? As a result she can cause her to look and sound likes the other person. Her control is so exact that she can precisely duplicate another person's retina pattern in her own eyes, finger, palm and skin-pore patterns on her own hands and skin, and vocal cords to match voices to the point of corresponding voiceprints. She can also make herself look exactly like a person who is physically bigger than herself, though she will not weigh as much as the real person does. And she has the able to touch a person and they are Penalization or Hypnosis, however those with healing factors seemed immune.

Natures Mistress Witch AKA Mary-Jane Watson, She can use the plants around her to do what she wants. She use telekinetic vine whip use weapon. The vine whip made with psionic energy in it.

Animal Mistress AKA Silver Saber, She has a Monkey tail that she can make appear when she want it to. It allows her to grab onto objects with relative ease. Her tail is strong enough to not only support her body weight but also lift an adult man completely off the ground. It is deft enough to fight with like a sword or blunt object. She can control the animals around her to do what she wants. Her senses are like an animal that function with superhuman accuracy. Telekinetic Whip: can generate a whip made from psionic energy. She can grow black bird like wings from her back that allows her to fly through the air.

Black Cat AKA Felicia Hardy, Black cat can transform into a Black Feline form giving her animal like senses, she can to transport oneself instantly from one location to another through shadows.

Rogue aka Anna Marie she will be able to control her powers ( being to turn it off and on).

Peter Parker was born as a mutant. He has the ability to cling to walls, a sixth sense ("spider-sense which is a mix of dead devil and spider-man spider senses ") that alerts him to danger, power to wall crawling, web shooting, heightened senses, superhuman durability, and invisibility.

Super-Genius Level Intellect: With his intellect He has studied Biology, Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Mythology, Geography and History. The MC gained degrees in Criminal Science, Forensic Sciences, Computer Sciences, Chemistry and Engineering by the time he was 12. He had mastered Diverse Environmental Training, Security Systems, and illusion/sleight of hand by the time he was 13. He gained even more degrees in Biology, Physics, Advanced Chemistry, and Technology by the time he was 14. He has also learned Medical Sciences and Expanded Computer and Engineering Sciences by the time he was 15. He is easily one of the smartest humans. With his intellect, He is a brilliant, virtually peerless, detective, strategist, scientist, tactician, and commander. He has hacked technology centuries ahead of his time. His mind is said to be geared towards the future, giving him the ability to predict future events through intuition. He is widely regarded as one of the keenest analytical minds on the planet. He often uses cunning and planning to outwit his foes, rather than simply "out-fighting" them.

Expert Tactical Analysis: he has a knack for tactical warfare, being able to set enemies into complex, precarious traps that they cannot escape. He commonly utilizes cunning tactics to outwit his foes, relying on his plans and experience to outmaneuver many of his superhuman friends and adversaries. The MC is known as one of the greatest strategists. Part of his skill comes from his supernatural ability to multitask.

Skilled Unarmed Fighter: Being taught by the likes of Captain America and Black Panther, he has become rather proficient in hand-to-hand. The MC was trained in 127 styles of martial arts. He uses a fighting style that merges many of these styles, including Aikido, Boxing, Savita, Silt, Tan Tue., Wuhu, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, May Thai, Jujitsu, Kung Fu, Karate, Capoeira, Kravis Magi, Yaw-Yan, and many others.

The MC has an indomitable will power that is determination and strong making him an extremely formidable opponent. This makes him able to function while tolerating massive amounts of physical pain, and also allows him to resist telepathy or mind control to the point where his mind is safe from telepathic power, furthermore completely blocking people with telepathic power has powerful as the professor. He has a Healing Factor that allows there to regenerate when damage is done to his body, such as a cut, burn, stabbing, gunshot wound, blunt force trauma or broken limb, and they can even regrow lost limbs. The healing can be instantaneous or it can take a few minutes or hours, it depends on the severity of the wound and healing also affords makes his virtual immunity to any hypnosis, gases, virus, diseases, even any poisons or toxins. Only the most potent of chemicals will affect him and only for a brief period before returning to normal. Another byproduct of his healing is that he requires no food or water to maintain his health or life. Because he can absorbs solar energy that can accumulated energy also acts as sustenance for the cells in the body which a normal human body convert energy from foodstuffs into a form of energy usable by his body, though he partake in the act for his own personal joy. it can also keeping him well rested, nourished, healthy, and reduction the aging process, As he constantly regenerate, he will be able to live for a long time up to 200 years, and addition to prolonging life, will have superhuman Stamina and prowess at peak condition at all the time to function for long periods of time without tiring or straining oneself. This power allows him to remain active for long periods of time, much longer than humans. he have Superhuman Agility with this ability he can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little effort using a combination of perfect balance, equilibrium, bodily coordination, can running a mile in less than a minute running at 60 mph, nearly twice the maximum speed achieved by the best human sprinters, superhuman reflexes drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing them to dodge bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to, Superhuman Strength with this power they have a bodies that is physical durability (ability to endure/resist damage) is extremely high, allowing him to take numerous blows of internal or external assaults before succumbing to the effects. with this ability he have much stronger body, he'll have enhances metabolic functions and prevents the build-up of fatigue poisons in his muscles, bones are strong and hard with the identical properties of Uru, Adamantium, and vibration and joints are far more durable than an average human making him more impervious to harm. This allows him to be able to bench pressing 2,000 pounds as a warm-up, hit harder and jump higher. This ability also makes him more impervious to damage. The level of strength display massive superhuman level strength, and endurance far in excess of an ordinary human being, and Superhuman Dexterity. His body can grow gills when submerged in water to breath.

5) To have the ability and knowledge of assassin creed and agent 47.

6) To have a divine library that has all the true knowledge and history of M.U.

7) To be able to choose what his looks like.

8) To make some girls to be spider-bridge with spider powers. (harem- Madame Web aka Julia Carpenter, Sage aka Tessa, Psylocke aka Elizabeth Braddock, Domino aka Neena Thurman, Nature Mistress aka Mary-Jane Watson, Animal Mistress aka Silver Saber, Silky aka Cindy Moon, Rogue aka Anna Marie, Black Cat aka Felicia Hardy, Ghost-Spider aka Gwen Stary, Invisibly Woman aka Susan Storm, Storm aka Ororo Munroe, Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff, and Scarlet Witch aka Wanda Maximoff.

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