Feeling like I had the best sleep of my life, I slowly opened my eyes.
What greeted me were 3 concrete walls and a thick steel door, and a tiny window in the middle of it, in front of me. Right now, I was lying slumped on the floor, with hand cuffs on my hands that seemed slightly different than normal ones.
<Slept well, princess?>
Looking at the system window in utter disgust, "How long was I out?"
<Two days, so you got thrown into a temporary holding cell. Now go and let the guard in front of the cell know you're awake.>
Jumping to my legs, I knocked on the door twice.
Yet after not getting a response after a few minutes had passed, I was starting to feel slightly impatient.
"Anyone there?!" I shouted somewhat loudly, probably having woken up half a neighbourhood if this was anywhere in the city.
"Aaargh! My ear drums! Shut the fuck up!" Came the reply from behind the steel door.
'Yup, there was someone there.'
"So... Where am I?"
"I am not obliged to answer that question, asshole." came the reply.
"Do you want me to shout even louder man? Do you really want that?"
"...A temporary prison until we decide what to do with you."
"See, wasn't that hard. Are you guys S.H.I.E.L.D.?"
"How the fuck- No. Don't care. Not paid enough."
"Okay. Wanna chat?"
"No. Please just leave me be."
"But I'm bored."
Hearing the silence from the other end of the door, I decided i wouldn't be too much of an asshole, so I sat down for now.
"Oh right."
Seeing the status window appear before me, I saw something great.
21 STR
2 Stat and Skill points available.
"Although, shouldn't I have gotten a reward for saving Iron guy? Or was that a one time thing?"
<You helped him escape faster, as for everyone else you saved, only Yinsen would've died, and that's it. You still however will get a point later, since you got rid of Stane way ahead of schedule and saved many lives by doing so.>
"That's great then. Now then!"
Both points flew into Dex, and I felt a subtle change to my body.
And after an hour of testing, I found out a few differences compared to before.
The biggest one is that my flexibility got enhanced further, so I could bend my limbs at odd angles comfortably.
Next, my control over my body increased, and I can now perform many different kinds of stunts easily. And to my confusion, I somehow felt physically much stronger than before.
"Yo, system, how exactly does this work, why do I feel overall my physique got better than before?"
<You now can use more than 70ish percent of your body's muscles. You're at 85% now and you've grown in power quite a bit. If you want a rough enumber, you're overall around 1.3 times stronger, due to you now controlling most of your muscles properly.>
"Ah... Thats great then. Now then, what skills do I take? Hmmm..."
I could get the rifle, and I could also get either of the pistols. Or the other shotty.
Hmmm... I guess something for range would be good, since I can toss dynamite at large distances now and the shotgun can easily take out anything within 50 meters.
<Deadshot> for explosive effect that resets on kills.
Another stat buff, <Line 'em up>.
Curving shots. <Marked for death.>
Not bothering to think about this too much, I went for the most brain dead thing I could.
<Line Them Up>
Every headshot kill results in a stacking All Stats buff. 3% for 10 seconds. No stack limit.
<No, the stacks don't refresh, they have individual timers.> As if reading my mind, the system replied.
"Bah, come o-Wait..." getting slightly hopeful, "Do explo-"
"Awww. So what's the difference between this and pistol one?"
<One refreshes, but is limited in power. The other one is uncapped but doesn't refresh. They got different use cases, and that's honestly it.>
I then postponed getting Skypiercer as I didn't have a convenient way of carrying it around. And it would be weird if a inmate got a weapon suddenly.
It only took fifteen minutes of waiting before I was finally going to talk to someone, and before me I found a guy with an eye patch.
A very annoyed guy with an eye patch, might I add, who was behind a reinforced glass wall with tiny holes in it, in a interrogation room of sorts.
"John Wesley. 25. An orphan, who after graduating from collage, joined the NYPD. Who, after quitting said department, went and slaughtered multiple crime gangs, and then went to Afghanistan to fight ten rings to 'free Tony Stark'. Did I miss anything?"
Then, with the system telling me what to say, I opened my mouth.
"Nicholas Joseph Fury. Born July 4th, 1950. Former CIA agent that ended up getting promoted to SHIELDS director due to Alexander Pierce moving to the World Security Council and the spot being freed up. With your actions in Bogota, you were the only fitting candidate. Did I miss anything?" I asked with a smile.
Looking at the dumbstruck man in front of me, I kinda started to understand the system.
It really, really, really loved annoying people to all hell and back.
"...How do you know?" he asked after a moment.
"My boss told me to say that, I didn't know any of it, nor was I particularly interested in any of it either." I replied bluntly.
"Who is your boss?" putting on a serious face, he asked.
"Boss is boss." I said with a smile.
"...Whats the name of your boss."
"Dunno. Hey boss, what's your name?" realising I also had no clue about his name, I called out.
<Hmm... Its far too long for either of you to bother with it.>
"He says his name is too long to bother with it." I replied to Fury.
"...is he in the room with us right now?"
"No? What, do you see anyone here besides us? Are you crazy?"
"Do you think this is funny?" the annoyed Fury asked.
"Na, it's hilarious."
"Alright, Wesley, I have enough shit to lock you up for life in a Island prison in the absolute middle of nowhere. Do you really think this is a game?"
"A fun game, yes. And not like you'd try to lock me up with what you're trying to do. Instead you want to use me to protect humanity. Am I wrong?"
"Yeah. You're right. Except you're currently a mass murderer."
"I've merely disposed of a few maggia strongholds and gotten rid of the entirety of ten rings in Afghanistan. Im pretty bullet resistant and durable, and I got my weapons that can make the average dumbass shit their pants, ask Stark if ya don't belive me."
"I don't need a loose cannon." he replied while crossing his arms.
Shrugging, I said "What about a loose cannon that's on your side and gets rid of other trashes along the way?"
"... Will you obey orders?"
"Most, yes I will. I have a bottom line, but other than that, I don't mind being your sword if you point me to where you need purging."
"...I'll need to consider this."
"That's great then."
"...What exactly is your goal? You took in two children unrelated to you yet you also go on murderous rampage like this." Fury suddenly asked.
"Hmm... I want to protect people, to help others... And, if it takes murder to do that, I don't mind being the executioner. I dont mind dirtying my hands so others can have a peaceful night's sleep. That's about it, really."
Thinking for a bit, Fury asked, "Did it ever cross your mind any of them weren't evil?"
"Nope, and where did you bring my two kids to?"
"I'm the one asking questions here. I've been far too lenient towards you."
"Now go back to your cell, while I consider what to do with you."
"...Whatever." irritated, I went back to my cell, deciding to play along for now.
And with that, my meeting with the director of SHIELD ended, and no other incidents happened that day.
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