When I woke I was all nice and warm I could hear voices a ton of voices it hurt my head so I focused on trying to turn off my telepathy,
Due to me have the Ultra Adaptation stuff I managed to make a mental off and on button, I soon felt tired so I fell asleep,
6 Months later: Its been about 6 months and from what I have heard from my parents that my parents hang out with the Danver Family, that must be Carol's family apparently I am suppose to be born on the same day as Carol, and other then that nothing exciting happened.
3 Months later: It should be time for my birth from what I have heard from light novels it hurts alot, then all the sudden I feel a squeezing feeling it did HURT ALOT, as I was coming out I heard
"Push! Push! You can do it!" And screaming strangely enough I heard whimpering it was something like
"Ouch ouch ouch ouch! Can you not squeeze my hand so hard?!?"
I didn't hear the rest do to the pain
When I got out I screamed and cried like a normal child should I got picked up by nurse and she wrapped me up in cloth, the pain subsided or it was more like I could ignore it easier, I was handed to my mother
and she was beautiful, straight black, hair hourglass figure you get she was beautiful, my father was handsome too It was going to be a good life,
2 years later I decided to walk at 11 months when I could've walked at 6 months I said my first words at 15 months when I could've at 10 months and during that time I fell down the stairs making my blunt resistance reach level 20 that would've hurt also they decided my name would be Christian Hale my last name is hail. Oh my mom is calling me "Christian we're going to a friends house they have a daughter your age so your gonna get a friend"
"Yaaaaa!" I replied in baby language
So my mom picked me up and and went over to the car it was a Daimler DS420 a really nice car, so we got in the car and Mom and dad started talking about politics, so I tuned them out when we got there I was introduced to Carol
"Christian, this is Carol say Hi"
I waved my hand mom then put me down on the ground and I waddled over to Carol and booped her on the nose with my finger, we both giggled I then dragged her outback and we ran around and played for a while, until it was time to go
3 years later we have played for 3 years we played on weekends and 3 times a week, I am going to my first day in kindergarten,
"Hey Christian!!" I look over to see Carol "Hey Carol, are you excited for the first day of kindergarten"
"Of course I am but I bet you arnt you are super smart and probably know all this stuff already" Replied Carol
"Shhhhhh I am keeping this a secret from my parents so I dont get sent to higher grades without you" I look to my parents which are waving and smiling at me I wave back at them
I then look at carol, and then I pull her to class
She shouts while shaking her hand "Hey! I can do walk my self you know" I just chuckle and say
"I know you can walk by yourself its just you would take years to get to class if I didn't pull you along"
So when we got to class I pulled her to the back of the classroom and sat down "So how do we make friends?" Asked Carol, "Hmm dunno dont care I already have enough to worry about with just you around I dont need another monkey running around" I replied in a lazy voice
I only act like this when my parents aren't around due to the the fact that I could probably, I never get intellectual challenge and I have Photographic and Eidetic Memory, and yes their is a difference.
Although the terms eidetic memory and photographic memory are popularly used interchangeably, they are also distinguished, with eidetic memory referring to the ability to view memories like photographs for a few minutes, and photographic memory referring to the ability to recall pages of text or numbers, [Thanks Wikipedia]
So when I got out of my inner monologue I saw Carol was talking to a black girl, with black hair, as I was studying her I heard carol call,
"Hey Christian this is my new friend Maria Rambeau, I know the last name is kinda weir-" she says in a hyperactive voice
"Its not weird you just aren't good at pronouncing names" whine Maria "I have decided you are apart of our group, My goal is to become the first female combat airplane fighter I have some models of WW1 Planes you wanna see Christian helped me make I" Declared before rambling on "And Christian is just following me around encouraging he really doesn't have a goal, so he will join the air-force too will you join us, we will be doing experiments and exercising everyday-"
I interrupted her lazily before she could continue "You guys need to learn so make sure to learn in class"
"What and you dont need to? I dont believe so sir!" Says Maria in a Tone that is like an adult talking to a child, to which I replied lazily "I have eidetic and photographic memory so as long as I have one look at it I can recall it" she snorted as Carol just laughed when I look at her my eyes soften from my usually cold and lazy eyes, and I said to her "You do whatever you want and ill be with you along the way" and so we went along the days adventuring doing experiments some of them are dangerous but I was always there to catch them if they fall so and my blunt damage and scrape resistance is now 40 and 20 respectively and I somehow got slash and piercing resistance probably due to the adventures we have had in the park and then they combined and became physical damage resistance and made it restart at level one which I managed to get up to level 50 due to the combination of all the resistances, now someone had to be at the level of a UFC and then we are finally at the end of the school year and school is out in 2 days, we decided we would go out to a place and go karting