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100% Reincarnated into DxD as a Magician / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: A 5-year-old Reincarnator's Daily Life

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: A 5-year-old Reincarnator's Daily Life

"Mal-kun! It's time to get up!" A woman says to the boy in bed.

The boy is 5 years old. He has black hair and Azure blue eyes. Hearing his mother, he opens his eyes, yawns, and replies: "Really" in a groggy tone.

"Yes, now get up mister! Irina and Issei-chan are meeting up today. Don't you want to see them?" She asks teasingly

"I'm up!" I shout jumping out of bed "I'll get changed."

"You know it was only a few years ago I was the one who was changing you," she says in a sorrowful tone "They grow up so fast!"

"Oka-San!" I yell. She just giggles and leaves the room. I can't help but sigh, look out the window, and get lost in my thoughts.

It's been a year since my memories came back to me. I thought it would be weird having another set of parents, but the natural attachment of babies to their parents happened, so not much struggle on that absolute demonic front.

I guess I should reintroduce myself. My name is Malthael Beleren. My father is Jace Beleren and my mother is Shizuku Beleren. I was quite surprised, I mean I know I made my new last name Beleren, but having my father look like the planeswalker himself was quite the shocker.

My mother, Shizuku, is Japanese while my father is American, making me half-and-half.

As for my Sacred Gear and wishes, I haven't gotten them yet. The talents aren't exactly something that I can feel and I can feel Magia Erebea in my soul, but I can't access it. Even if I could, there ain't no way I'm touching that until I get some training in.

It's the same for my Sacred Gear. Most Alpha Stigma wielders in the original universe needed to suffer massive mental scarring and damage to be unlocked, just like the Sharingan. Hope I won't have to go through that.

Anyway, monologuing aside, I better head downstairs, wouldn't want mom getting upset I was up here too long. Uh, I keep switching between Japanese and English in my head. Hopefully, I get over that.


"Are you ready Mal-kun?" my mother asks me.

"Of course I am!" I answer, my new mother just chuckles.

It's around noon now, so we're heading to the Kuoh Children's Park. Issei and Irina are likely already there. I'm mostly the last one there. I may have reincarnated, but my sin of Sloth is ever-present.

...Am I slowly becoming Ryner Lute?

I mean, that's how I was before reincarnating, but now it feels more pronounced. Maybe because this is an Anime/Light Novel world. Huh, food for thought.

Speaking of Light Novels, in a few years, I plan on publishing several from my old world. Let me tell you something, in the anime of DxD just about everyone who liked anime loved Magical Girl Milky. Do you want to know why?

It's because that's all there is. There is Drag so-ball, the Dragon Ball rip-off, but that's about it. I could probably make a fortune recreating manga. That's for the future though. For now, I should focus on the presen-

"Ow!!!" I walked into a telephone pole... The curse of thinking too much.

"Mal, you need to focus on your surroundings," I hear my other tell me while making sure I'm okay "we're you zoning out again?"

"Yeah." My mother and father know I zone out a lot. It's kind of become a thing. I think it's due to having an adult conscious in the head of a child. At least, that's my theory.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the park. It's rather crowded today, but it should still be fun. We walk over to where 2 other women are. As one would expect, they are Mrs. Hyoudou and Mrs. Shidou. Upon seeing our arrival, they both smile.

"Hey, Shizuku! Hey Mal-kun!" Mrs. Hyoudou says to both of us.

"Hello, Mrs. Shidou. Hello Mrs. Hyoudou. Do you know where Ise-kun and Irina-chan are?" I ask.

Mrs. Shidou answers "They're playing over by the trees over there." pointing over to the nearby tree line.

"Thanks" I give them a toothy grin and race over there. While most other people wouldn't do that, I did it out of reflex. Do you know the main character in 'By the Grace of the Gods', Ryoma Takebayashi? We have the same problem.

Anyway, I just go over to where the others are. The main parts of the playground are filled already, but my trio likes to be near the woods. Irina is a tomboy, Issei likes to play ball and Hide-and-Seek, while I get to be closer to nature. Should help me with Senjutsu training.

"Hey, Mal! Over here!" I hear someone call me. Glancing forward, I see my people. Both look quite similar, about the same height and same type of hairstyle, although in different shades. The only big difference is that one has brown eyes while the other has violet.

"Hey guys," I say "What are we gonna play?"

"Soccer!" yells Irina.

"Hide and Seek!" yells Issei. They both just look at each other in shock.

"I'm not playing that!" They both shout.

"We'll do hide and seek first, then Soccer next. Also," I grin "Not It!"

"Not it" Irina quickly fires.

"Alright then, I'll count to 10!" Issei says. Irina and I go hide.

Yep. It's nice to be a kid again.


"How are you so good at hiding!" Irina demands.

The 3 of us and our mothers are currently sitting at a picnic table, eating some sandwiches for lunch.

"It's an ancient Chinese Art." I reply, looking off into the distance.

"What does that mean?" she asks accusingly.

"Means I'm too good." I say giving her a smirk. She looks away and blushes.

Yeah, even before my memories came to me, I was great friends with Irina. I might not be a dense harem protagonist like the future harem king to my right, but I know that this is just a child's crush. I was the one who initially approached her to play. No, I'm not a pedo, get your head out of the gutter you perverts.

"You get along quite well." Mrs. Shidou says while placing her hand on her cheek. She makes Irina blush even harder. She loves to tease Irina about me.

"Are you all going to play soccer after this?" Mrs. Hyoudou asks.

"Yes, that was the plan." I reply

"Only for a little bit okay. Touji-Oji-san needs us to come back soon." Mrs. Shidou comments.

"Don't worry, we will" Issei joins the conversation!

"Well since we're done eating, let's go play. I'll be over in a sec. Gotta go to the bathroom." I say to my friends.

"Okay!" They say at the same time. My mom takes me to the toilet. Embarrassing as hell, but I'm 5. What can you do?

Cleaning up, I walk over towards our area. A nice way to end our little playdate. That is until I get closer and see a group of older kids harassing Issei and Irina.

"This is our spot. Go find somewhere else to play, babies!" the big one said. Bullies, of course. *Sigh*.

"Oh shit, here we go again." I can't help but reference.


Done! Finally finished this chapter. I want to get to the action scenes and magic learnig but realized that Mal would be 5. How would I bring that in so early? Anyway hope you guys like the chapter. It's pretty fun writing this. Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do.

I'm gonna be trying to write at least 2~3 chapters a week. Don't quote me on this.


Mike_987673 Mike_987673

Chapter 2 is out! The dialogue might not be the best, but I enjoyed writing it. Hopefully, there are spaces in between the paragraphs this time. I put them in the 1st chapter but it didn't work that well. Hopefully, this one will be better. Thanks for reading this chapter! Please add to Library!

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