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90.62% Reincarnated in Touhou with the Trolling system / Chapter 29: A New Starting Point

Chapter 29: A New Starting Point

As Soon as Richard had uttered any semblance of a word, the hand had entered and left his body multiple times leaving his upper and lower body looking like swiss cheese. While this is happening to him, Richard turns his head back to see who is attacking him

Richard: "I-Its you? why..."

When Richards uttered these words he had lost all of his strength in his legs and fell to the floor in a pool of his own blood

Richard: "H-how, I got so s-strong..."

His vision began to blur, and he struggled to stay conscious. The figure looming over him remained indistinct, but a chilling voice reached his ears.

???: "I've been wanting to do that for a long time"

Richard's mind raced, trying to piece together how this had happened. He had been confident in his abilities, in the barrier he had created. How could someone have bypassed it so easily?

[Sys#em &*rrer]

The figure stepped closer, finally coming into view. It was a familiar face, but the malicious intent was clear. The person knelt beside Richard, a cruel smile on their lips.

???: "Just Die so I can get the rest of it, alright?"


Richard's heart pounded as the system's error messages flashed before his eyes, mingling with his failing vision. Desperation surged within him.

Richard: "Eirin... w-why are you doing this? "

The attacker laughed, a sound devoid of any warmth.

???: "No no its not her, well its her body at least"

Richard's strength waned further, his thoughts becoming fragmented. He tried to focus, to summon any remaining energy he had.

[Error **&recovery initiated]

A flicker of hope sparked within him as the system's garbled messages hinted at some form of intervention.

Richard: "Who... are you?"

The attacker grinned, a sinister glint in their eyes.

???: "I'm nobody you need to know about kid. But ill be borrowing this chick for a bit"

Richard struggled to process the words. The realization hit him like a ton of brick Eirin had been possessed, manipulated by some dark force.

Richard: "I cant... die, Not now please"

The figure's expression twisted with pleasure

???: "That's not your choice to make kid, just stay still so I can get this damn system already"

Richard's heart raced as he felt his life slipping away. The malevolent force controlling Eirin's body was about to finish him off, and he was powerless to stop it.

Richard: "H-How do you know about the-"

[Error System re@#ced **&uthority 50%]

Richard's vision blurred as he struggled to stay conscious. The garbled system messages offered a flicker of hope, but it was dwindling fast.

[System Authority Reduced by 99%]

Richard: "...N-No"

A surge of desperation hit Richard as he felt his system's power drain away. He could barely muster any strength to keep his head up.

???: "Now that I have what I want, Time to die kid"

Just as the figure prepared to deliver the final blow, a rift opened in the air beside them. A figure stepped out, her presence exuding an aura of immense power.

Yukari: "Ara Ara~, what do we have here?"

The attacker turned, surprise and anger flashing across their face.

???: "You! Dammit!"

Yukari smirked, her eyes gleaming with confidence before looking down at Richards nearly dead body on the floor.

Yukari: "Oh my, You are aware of the punishment for not following the spell card rules right?"

With a graceful wave of her fan, Yukari created a barrier between the attacker and Richard. The malevolent force recoiled, hissing in frustration.

???: "Damn you, Yukari!"

Yukari: "You picked the wrong place to cause trouble. Now, get away from the boy"

Richard's consciousness flickered, but he felt a glimmer of hope as Yukari stood between him and the attacker.

The attacker lunged at Yukari, but she effortlessly dodged, her movements fluid and precise. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned gaps that redirected the assailant's attacks away from Richard.

Yukari: "You think you can harm someone under my watch? How amusing."

The attacker snarled, their frustration growing. But despite the frustration Yukari created a series of gaps that ensnared the attacker, preventing them from moving.

???: "This isn't over, Yukari!"

Yukari: "Oh, I believe it is. Now, release Eirin or face the consequences."

With a final burst of energy, Yukari channelled her power into the gaps but to her surprise, against her will the gaps had suddenly dispersed

Yukari's eyes widened in realization.

Yukari: "What?"

With a malevolent laugh, the attacker opened a gap of their own, mirroring Yukari's abilities. They used the gap to teleport behind Yukari, striking her with a devastating blow.

Yukari: "tsk!"

Yukari stumbled, blood dripping from her wound. She tried to summon another gap to defend herself, but the attacker was relentless, using the same technique against her.

???: "Surprised? You shouldn't be. Your powers are impressive, but they aren't unbeatable."

Yukari fought back, creating gaps to evade and counterattack, but the attacker matched her move for move. The battle raged on, the room shaking with the force of their clash. Despite her best efforts, Yukari found herself increasingly on the defensive, her strength waning against the stolen power.

Yukari: "How are you doing this?"

With a final, brutal strike, the attacker opened a gap beneath Yukari, sending her plummeting into a void. She cried out in pain and frustration as she disappeared, the gap closing behind her.

The room fell silent, the tension dissipating. The attacker turned back to Richard, a triumphant smile on their lips.

???: "Now, where were we?"

Richard's heart sank as he realized Yukari had been defeated. The attacker loomed over him, ready to finish what they had started.

Richard: "No... not like this..."

???: "GAH!"

Suddenly due to the figures guard being lowered a gap had opened inside of him, which had sent out spikes in all direction starting from his stomach before immediately retracting

Yukari: "You think you can hurt me and not face the consequences?"

Yukari's voice echoed through the room, filled with a mixture of pain and defiance. She emerged from a newly formed gap, her clothes tattered and blood staining her usually immaculate appearance.

Yukari: "I may be down, but I'm not-"

As Yukari was speaking her mind she was cut short as she fell over passed out from the blood loss

The attacker snarled, clutching their wounded stomach, their borrowed powers faltering for a moment. They glared at Yukari with a mix of hatred and surprise.

???: "You... how are you still... No I need to leave and heal right Now"

The figure's voice trembled with desperation as they struggled to maintain their composure. With a final glare at Richard, they summoned a gap beneath their feet, disappearing completely

Richard lay on the ground, barely conscious, his body racked with pain. He watched as the attacker fled, relief flooding through him as the immediate danger passed.

[Syst#m Sta#t]

Richard: "Dammit... shut up"

Near immediately as he had uttered those words. He passed out from the sheer blood lose as the only thing keeping him conscious was the large amount of adrenaline pumping through his hardly functioning body

[Sytem Starting...]


[User is given a second chance and will be given a system related to the User's life and a second chance at life, do you accept]


The familiar hologram message that displayed when Richard was still back on his original earth had displayed in front of him, once more but after a pause the system continued

[Users health condition is taken to account]

[deciding if offer will be accepted based on hosts memories]





[Congrats user you have been given a second chance at life]

[Please select System based on what you desire]


[Users health condition is taken to account]

[deciding system type based on hosts memories]





[Congrats user the system you have gained is the...]


{A/n here, or should it be Blender? I don't know , but anyway I am off of study leave tomorrow and will begin my induction into the net year of school, I think I should get my exam results back tomorrow so wish me luck (ill need it)

Also I did not forget the donations, I ignored it on purpose this time because the system is all glitchy and stuff. It will be explained fully next chapter and also the figure dude stealing the system is not the motive so don't worry your votes did count. The motive for his attack is not just that and will be explained sometime around the last chapter


{also remember to use you power stones blah blah blah}


Vote here:

1) Have the MC's new system act heroic

2) Have the MC's new system act like a delinquent

3) Have the MC's new system act ________


{DONATION PAR- wait we cant do this rn}

Don't worry donations are not going away forever, actually they will come back next chapter its just that donations will be different from now on



{pls send me more comments and gifs since it makes my brain give the good chemicals}


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