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52% Reincarnated in The Owl House / Chapter 13: Transformation and weird drawbacks

Chapter 13: Transformation and weird drawbacks

POV Change Owlbert...

As the dust cloud lingers we see Owlbert fly to the ground looking on in distress, searching for the human who foolishly let go of him. 'Was this human crazy?!' Owlbert thought in a panic as he looked around for the human. "*hoot**hoot* (human please don't be dead, I promised that you wouldn't die to Eda!)" Owlbert said frantically hooting. "Ugh, geez keep the hooting down." A deep voice came from Owlbert's right as he turned to see blood-red irises with slitted pupils like a snake.

"Hoot! (Aaahhh!)" Owlbert hooted/screamed out as he flew a bit of a distance away from the eyes failing to notice a claw coming toward him. "Watch out!" Said the same deep voice as a large partly fur-covered arm reached out before a unique-looking ice glyph appeared causing a pillar of ice to shoot out making Owlbert turn towards the pillar. "What?" Owlbert heard behind him as he turned around to see someone that looked like a mix of King and a human or witch walk out of the smoke.

Pov Change Chris...

"Ugh geez, keep it down," I said as I heard something hooting. 'Maybe it wasn't the best idea to drop from the sky.' I thought sarcastically as I opened my eyes to see Owlbert looking me straight in the eyes before flying away startled. "Watch out!" I yelled with my noticeably deeper voice as I reached out my arm before feeling something appear. "What?" I said confused seeing a strange-looking glyph appear blocking Owl Eda from Owlbert with a pillar of ice. 'What's going on, why did that glyph appear?' I thought walking out of the cloud of dust. "*cough**cough* Geez what is with all this dust, did my fall really cause that big of an impact?" I questioned before seeing the tree's around me, knocked down. "Huh, I guess I did?" I said before hearing a hoot from my side. "Oh hey Owlbert, sorry if I worried you but now that I'm in this form..." I said turning to Owlbert before turning back as I looked at myself causing a surprised look to appear on my face.

"Wait, what happened to my transformation!" I said panicked as I felt around my body. "Ow, is that a tail, and what's with my face, it feels like there's a skull on it!" I yelled out causing a wave of sound to launch out. "What the fuck was that!? Am I King or something?" I questioned still panicking before feeling a familiar twinge. 'Calm down boy, I don't have much time to explain but you are not like this King you speak of but you are starting to becomeee... similar.' A deep voice I recognized as Stalker slurred out sounding like they were tired. "Wait so you're saying I'm becoming a Titan or something?!" I yelled as waves of sound flew out of my mouth before I felt a tinge of fatigue. 'Noooot quite, becaaauuse...' Stalker said before going silent. "Because what? What gives are you going to tell me or not?!" I said frustrated before I heard a loud screech followed by a hoot causing me to turn to see Owl Eda lunging at me. "Oh shoot, I forgot that she was there!" I said as I stepped to the right dodging her lunge.

"Well whatever Stalker was going to say doesn't matter now, so let's just focus on battling each other ok?" I said looking towards Owl Eda who only screeched in response. "Alright, geez drama queen I'll get to you once I figure this out," I said before dodging another attack from Owl Eda. "Now how do I..." I said as I pointed my finger to Owl Eda causing a large glyph similar to the last one to appear and encase Owl Eda in ice before she broke out with pure strength. "Wow that was impressive, I don't think I would've been able to get out of there in any of my other forms," I said astonished by her feat of strength as I jump back about 30 feet with my enhanced mobility before feeling a twinge of pain in my legs. "Tsk, so that was a bust but how about this?" I said creating another glyph but this time as it activated a mound of earth appeared over Owl Eda before she broke out of that too with a screech.

"*pant**pant* it looks like I'll have to use force to tire you out," I said as I ran at full speed towards Owl Eda closing the gap within a few seconds causing that twinge of pain to change into an ache before grabbing onto her and badly imitating a German Suplex as I slammed her into the ground causing her to become angrier. "Screeech!" is all I heard as I felt Eda struggle against me. "*growl* come on Eda snap out of it!" I said as Owl Eda kept flailing until she broke free after clawing me in the same place as before. "Jesus, what's with your vendetta against my left eye!" I yelled before the left side of my face and noticed it was ok.

"Huh, I guess this is one of the perks of having a Cubone skull thing on your head," I said as I turned back to see Owl Eda who looked battered and bruised. "*inhale* ooooh that looks bad, did I accidentally hit you with my sound wave?" I said sharply inhaling as I looked at the wing hanging limply from her back. "Sorry about that," I said awkwardly as she fell to the ground limply. "Shit! Did I hit her too... hard.... *thump*" I said panicked before I felt a wave of fatigue suddenly hit me as my vision turned blurry as I passed out.

Time skip a few hours...

"Ugggghh, what happened?" I said opening my eyes to see the sky before I sat up, feeling an aching pain from my body before noticing Eda now back to her normal self as she sat on a rock nearby. "Ooh, that hurts," I said as I laid back down. "Seems like you're finally up?" I heard Eda say as she turned her head toward me. "Yep I'm up, now can you explain what happened while I was out?" I asked before Eda looked at me with a blank expression as a few moments of silence passed. "You're really the kid?" Eda asked me seriously as I nodded. "Yeah I am, took you a while to realize," I said as Eda stood up and walked towards me. "Haha, this is kind of funny," I said as I looked up at her.

"What's so funny about this?" Eda asked as I smiled awkwardly. "Well, I always seem to end up laying on the ground by the end of my previous fights while my enemy always seemed to be fine when I saw them again," I said before I felt a smack to my head causing the pain I was feeling to flare up. "OW!" I yelled out as I writhed on the ground. "That's what you get for worrying me and Raine all this time brat!" I heard Eda say in an angry yet shaky voice. "Huh?" I said as I turned to look at Eda's face which seemed to be tearing up. "Are you... cryi-" I asked confused before being cut off.

"Shut it brat, I'm not done talking!" Eda said as I shut my mouth before hearing a few more sniffles as Eda wiped her eyes. "You caused a lot of trouble for me and Raine you know that?" Eda said as I silently stared before feeling a smack to my head. "You know that!" Eda repeated as I nodded frantically. "Good, now that we have that mushy stuff out of the way... out of all the stupid things you could have done in the time you stayed with us, this is the stupidest thing you could have done!" Eda yelled in my face making me flinch.

"I know I should've told you guys where I was as soon as I could but my scroll didn't work in this world and-" I frantically said as I felt a finger on my lips. "I don't want to hear excuses, I want to hear an apology!" Eda said as I sighed. "I'm sorry!" I yelled in a panicked voice. "Good, now that you apologized to me, you can come back and apologize to Raine," Eda said picking me up as I squirmed in her arms. 'But I still need to get back to school or Camila will kill me!' I thought as I imagined how angry Camila would be at me traveling around without telling her. "Wait I can't go yet!" I said as Eda turned her head to me.

"And why is that?" Eda asked as I squirmed more. "I-It's because I have some people I know here that I'm staying with and I can't just leave without telling them!" I said as Eda looked at me confused before surprise covered her face at the implications of my words. "Wait you've been staying with humans?!" Eda asked surprised as I nodded. "Yeah, I have and I can't leave just yet!" I said as I tried to use magic to free myself from Eda's grip only to fail as the circle flickered out.

'W-what's wrong with my magic?' I thought as I turned back momentarily to look at my hand before looking back at Eda who had a conflicted look on her face. "Well, what do you need to tell them?" Eda asked as I thought of Luz and the start of the main plot. "I can't exactly say but I promise I will come and visit later, for now, though I need to get back to school," I said as Eda looked at me unconvinced. "Look I'll visit right after I promise!" I said as Eda looked at me frustrated. "A promise? How is that going to guarantee you'll visit when you can just run off again?!" Eda said angrily as I tried to think of something. "Wait I know how!" I yelled frantically causing Eda to calm down a bit. "Oh, and how are you going to do that?" Eda said sitting me down on a rock. 'Geez did my disappearance have that much of an impact on them?' I questioned before focusing back on Eda.

"I'll come to visit every day after school so we can catch up about everything," I said before remembering summer vacation. "Oh, and there's a part of the year I can stay with you guys," I said making Eda curious. "And what is this 'part of the year' called?" Eda asked as I smiled. "It's called summer and it lasts for about two and a half months," I said causing Eda to look at me with a thoughtful face. "Ffffine, but when you come over you better be prepared for some magic lessons 'and some manual labor' since you probably won't be able to go to Hexside now also you better not try to pull another disappearing act because I will find you and drag you back so fast-," Eda said, (whispering the part about manual labor) as I interrupted her.

"Ok ok, I got it thanks for worrying about me, I'll arrive as quickly as I can tomorrow so just tell Raine that I'm alright for now, please 'Owl mom'?" I said cheekily as she only looked at me annoyed and turned away. "Fine, whatever just make sure to get there quickly because I'm not patient enough to wait long for people," Eda said as she placed her staff in between her legs. "Sure I'll visit tomorrow after school, now get back to your boyfriend," I said as she hesitated for a moment. "Y-yeah I'll get back to him..." Eda said before flying off. "*sigh* good she's finally gone," I said as I thought about the visit. 'Will meeting Raine even go well?' I thought as I tried to imagine what it would be like only to stop myself. "I-I can think about it later!" I said with a hesitant smile as slumped against a rock before thinking about my transformation earlier. 'Why was that transformation so different from my previous one?' I thought as I sat there with my aching muscles.

"And why does my body hurt so much!" I yelled as felt a twinge in my mind. '*yawn* it's because I forced that form to temporarily age.' I heard Stalker say in my mind. "Looks who's finally awake, did you have a fun time in Dreamland?" I said annoyed before I processed what he said. "Wait, what do you mean progress?" I questioned as she slowly sat up. 'Is your knowledge that lacking? How about I go over some similar words for you so you can understand.' Stalker said before reciting synonyms of progress causing an annoyed look to appear on my face. "I know what it means, I'm asking why that form is changing at all," I said interrupting him. 'It's because you have been given my blood and therefore have the appropriate form for it.' He said causing a surprised look to appear on my face.

"Wait you're a titan?!" I yelled out before covering my mouth. 'Shoot didn't mean to scream.' I thought as I heard a scoff. 'Now this is the problem with you, my young successor, you don't know how to control yourself, screaming and yelling if you hear something that is remotely surprising.' Stalker said as I imagined him looking at me condescendingly. "So you are a titan?" I asked as I felt him mentally shake his head. 'No, I moved on from being one long ago.' Stalker said as I nodded.

"So does that mean I'm something stronger than a Titan?" I asked before receiving another no. "You are not at that point yet, you're not even at the point of being a full Titan yet since that change in your form was only caused by me stimulating a temporary change.' Stalker said making me curious. "So when do I become a full-fledged titan?" I asked curiously as Stalker remains silent. "Hello? You there Stalker?" I said before I heard a growl.

'Do not call me Stalker! I am the Great Hunter of the void, not a plebeian who watches people for their amusement!' I heard from my mind as I saw a small black mist pour from my body before it formed into a smaller version of Stalker. "Well that's underwhelming, what happened to your larger body?" I asked causing Stalker's expression to grow more annoyed. "What happened? What happened is I sacrificed a year's worth of energy to help you!" Stalker screamed out with his now squeaky voice causing me to snicker.

"You dare laugh at me, The mighty hunter of the void!?" Stalker said as I struggled to suppress my laugh. "S-sorry it's j-just I didn't expect you to be SO SMALL, hahahahahahaha!" I said before breaking into a laughing fit. 'W-what they said in the s-show is true, Titans do have massive egos!' I said as I started to calm my laughter. "Ok ok, I'm done, sorry for laughing Staaaaa..." I said before stopping mid-sentence when I realized I was about to call him Stalker again. "Could you tell me what I should call you then?" I asked while trying to think of another name that would fit him.

"Well I would like to be addressed by my official title Titus Maximillian Titan Crown the thir-" He said before I interrupted him. "Stop right there, I'm not calling you by that excruciatingly long name," I said before a mischievous look appeared on my face. "I got it," I said as he looked at me curious. "Oh, what name do you have for me?" He asks as I grin. "How about Grim? Since you seem to have a grim outlook on life." I said as he looked at me annoyed.

"No, I will not be called Grim, it is too short to represent me." He said as I looked at him annoyed before I grinned. "Ok, then how about Old Man Grim?" I said grinning at his angry face. 'Always wanted to call someone that.' I thought before hearing a growl. "You will not call me that!" Old man Grim yelled as he started to growl. "You like the name, Grim, great!" I said completely ignoring him. "No, I said-" Old man Grim began to say before I stopped him. "Look I am not calling you that long name old man, I am not feeling the best right now so just live with it," I said as I laid back on the rock. "Fine, I will forgive this transgression but do not make a similar mistake again!" The old man said haughtily before disappearing back into my mind, leaving me to rest.

Time skip, near the end of the school day ...

"I am going to be in so much trouble when I get back," I said before walking into the school as I passed by Luz's classroom, seeing her happily drawing something. "Well, at least Luz is having fun," I said as I walked into my classroom before the teacher turned to me. "Hi Mrs.Fotry, sorry for-," I said as I began to apologize before being cut off. "Finally back from the bathroom Chris? I was getting worried for a bit since you've been gone for 15 minutes." Ms.Fotry said before I looked at her confused. "What?" I said before she pushed me towards my seat. "Now go on and finish your assignment!" Mrs.Fotry said cheerfully as I just sat down without responding. 'What's going on, why does she think I was here, and why is there a worksheet that's almost filled out?!' I said feeling extremely confused before thinking back to that flash. 'Did something happen back then?' I thought before remembering that flash of light when I was teleported.

Flashback to 3-4 hours ago...

"-what the hel-heck was that!?" Mr.Fotry yelled out as he looked at where he was. "What am I doing here, I should be in the gym teaching, and what's with all these students?" He said as the students in the classroom turned to him. 'Was I watching over them or something? Whatever, it'd be best if I just sent them back to their classes.' Mr.Fotry thought before asking every student which class they were in. "Ok then let's get you kids back to your classes." He said as he lead them back to their classes. "And the last one is... Berming and Darren, here you are, get in there and make sure to pay attention in class." Mr.Fotry said as a person who looked like Chris who just smiled and nodded before walking into class with Darren.

POV Change Chris, present time...

"Well whatever, I guess it's convenient," I said as I finished the last few questions on it before turning it in and sitting back down.

"Ugh, I can't wait to get home!" I said before I saw the teacher walk up to me. 'What is it now?' I questioned as I saw her arrive at my desk. "Hey, Chris guess what?" Mrs.Fotry said as I looked at her bored. "What?" I said briefly as she held up my paper. "You got a 100 on this assignment, here's a good job sticker!" Mrs.Fotry said as I looked down at the sticker. 'This feels kind of demeaning but whatever' I thought as I turned back to Mrs.Fotry. "Uh, thanks?" I said awkwardly before she nodded politely and walked back to her desk in the corner as I occupied myself for the last few minutes of class turning my assignment into a paper airplane.

"*rrrriiing*" is all I heard before I jumped up from my desk before I ran straight out of the classroom, before noticing a student observing me in the hall. "Huh?" I said before turning around to see no one there. "That fight must have made me delirious," I said commenting on how I might've been seeing things. "Well, whatever I still have to get home," I said as I ran out the front doors of the school before seeing Luz and Mama Camila standing by the car in the parking lot. "Wow, Luz must've gotten out early because I can't think of any other way she could get there before me," I said thinking about the short amount of time it took me to run from my class to the front doors of the school.

"Or it could've been that her classroom was close to the exit... yeah probably that," I said as I remembered how little time it took me to pass her classroom after entering the school. "Well, this is more convenient anyways," I said before walking to the car where Camila and Luz greeted me as we got into the car. "So um, how did detention go?" Luz asked at the volume of a whisper to make sure Camila didn't hear. "Oh, it was fine since I got to go back early," I whispered to her causing her to look at me in surprise.

"Wait you got out early!" Luz said loudly causing Camila to glance back at us. "Chris, what does she mean by got out early?" Camila said curiously. "Well Mama Camila, Luz meant that I got out of lunch earlier than her so I had some free time back in my class-" I said as Luz looked at me confused before I nudged her with my elbow. "-Right Luz?" I said before I turned to Luz as she seems to finally realize what I was trying to do. "O-oh yeah, Chris got out earlier than m-me Mama, so I was just surprised," Luz said in a shaky voice that anyone would be suspicious of.

"Mija please don't lie, what really happened?" Camila said as Luz started to sweat a bit. 'Wow, she cannot lie at all can she?' I thought as I saw Luz start to crack under pressure. "Mama what re-" Luz started before I covered her mouth as I turned towards Camila. 'Damn it, I could've tried to avoid the subject of Luz didn't talk but now I might as well come clean.' I thought as I sighed. "Mama Camila please don't be mad but... I was sent to detention for getting into a figh-" I said before Camila stopped the car abruptly as she pulled into the driveway of the house. "What!" Camila yelled out as she looked back at me.

"You got into a fight, are you ok?" Camila said as I nodded. "I'm fine since it was just the other kid running at me," I said before Camila looked at me a bit relieved. "That's ok then but how did the fight even start?" Camila said as I thought back to what happened before then. "A fish stick," I said briefly as Camila looked at me confused. "A fish stick, did you fight over it or something?" Camila asked as I shook my head.

"No Luz was choking on a fish stick so when I helped her get it out, it went flying into the kid's face and because this kid seemed to have some kind of grudge against me, he decided to tackle me into a table," I said as Camila looked at me nervously. "Are you sure you didn't hurt anything?" Camila asked as I reassured her I was fine. "And after that-" I said before I stopped when I remembered what happened to Eda and what I promised her.

"oh shoot, I forgot I need to do something, I'll tell you the rest later but for now I need to go do something," I said as I got out of the car and ran into the house before dropping my stuff off in the basement before running out towards the back door of the house, passing by Luz and Camila who just entered the house. "HeysorryforrushingoutofthecarbutIneedtogetsomewherequickly, see you before sunset!" I said so fast I was practically rambling before running towards the back of the house where I opened the back door and ran in the direction of the shack.

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