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60% Reincarnated in RWBY with system / Chapter 38: Hey old man!

Chapter 38: Hey old man!

"Hey, Kira it's been a while!" James said as Kira once again woke up in the black void, looking at James he saw Cronus not sitting in his chair like he usually is

"Hey y'all what's up," Kira

"Oh nothing much, Cronus was just telling me about some Mafia guy," James

"Yakuza actually, but it isn't important right now, Kira I saw what you did yesterday, and I must say, impressive," Cronus

"Oh, what did he do?" James

"He and his army of demons fought and slaughtered an army of Grimm," Cronus

"Really?! that's badass bro!" James said as he threw his arm around his brother's shoulder

"Naw not really, it was actually a waste of time seeing how I killed most of them in an instant," Kira

"You just can't take a damn compliment, can you? well anyway, anything else exciting happen to you since the last time we talked?" James

"Hmm, Oh yeah I went Super Sayain!" Kira

"Really? That's awesome bro! Can you show me?" James

"Nah I can't use any of my skills here, but maybe if we ever travel to your world again yeah!" Kira

"It seems it's about time for you two to leave, be safe and remember, have fun," Cronus said as Kira began to feel a tugging feeling in his gut

"Welp I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow or whenever, I love you, bro," Kira said as he disappeared into a flash of light


Opening his eyes Kira looked around the room until his eyes quickly landed on the girl who was sleeping soundly next to him, smiling while looking at the look on Ruby's face as she slept, Kira couldn't help but feel as if any and everything else faded into the background, all he cared about at this moment was the girl who was laying on his arm, deciding to wait to move until she woke up Kira decided to look through the shop to look for something that would be cool to have

Searching the store for about an hour Kira finally to get a skill from the show One-piece, looking up the show in the shop, all sorts of item's and skills from the show appeared, looking around for about five to ten minutes Kira came across a skill he had always been cool, [Haki], looking at it for a couple of minutes Kira finally decided to buy the skill


[Skill Bought for 30,000 Shop points]

[Haki: There are three different sections of it, first is observation Haki which allows you to be able to 'see' everything around you, it's like the Byakugan from naruto except it doesn't have a blind spot, it is typically trained by being blindfolded and having to dodge attacks without being able to see them. Next is armament Haki which allows you to boost your attacks and your defense, it also allows you to hit intangible enemies after you train it to a high enough level. Last is conquerors Haki which is just you being able to exert your willpower into a kingly aura that can force people down to their knees and can knock them out from the pressure. Also if you train observation Haki to a high enough level it will allow you to see into the future how far depends on how high of a level you train it to.]


Re-reading over the skills description Kira couldn't help but get a little giddy, having seen the skill be used on the show Kira couldn't wait to get to try it out for himself, looking at the time Kira seen it was approaching 10:00 Am, seeing this he decided to wake Ruby up

"Hey Ruby, wake up, lets go out to grab some breakfast," Kira said while he began to slightly wake Ruby awake

"Hm, hm? Kira? what is it?" Ruby asked as she pushed her self up off of the bed, looking at her Kira seen she had a little bit of drool coming from her mouth

"Hey sleepyhead, how about we go grab some breakfast?" Kira asked as he wiped the drool from her mouth causing her face to turn a little red

"Y-yeah, that sound's awesome, let me go to my room and get dressed," Ruby said as she got up from Kira's bed and began to stretch, looking at her stretching form Kira had a certain type of thought go through his head

'Oh you nasty,' Venom

'Say's the one who said it's fun to break a girls will," Kira replied to Venom

Standing up behind the stretching Ruby, Kira wrapped his arms around her waist earning a surprised yelp from the girl, looking over her shoulder she looked at Kira's smiling face

"Hehehe, you know, the noises you make are adorable," Kira said causing Ruby's face to turn red, kissing her on the forehead, Kira then released her and walked into the bathroom leaving her to think about what just happened, after standing there for about a minutes Ruby finally snapped back to reality, she then exited Kira's room returning to her's

Spending about five minutes in the shower, Kira had finally finished, walking out of the bathroom Kira had gotten dressed, he had on a black Sleeveless hoodie, black cargo pants, and a pair of black boots, exiting his room he walked over to Team Rwby's room and Knocked

'Knock' Knock' 'Knock'

"Come in!" Ruby's voice came through the door, entering the room Kira seen that besides Ruby, everyone else was still in there sleeping outfits

"Hey everyone, you ready Ruby?" Kira

"Sup/ Hey/ Hello," Said Yang, Blake, and Weiss

"Yeah! so where are we going?" Ruby asked as she finished putting her shoes on

"Hmm, well I was thinking we could either swing pass the old man's pastry shop, or we could get some actual breakfast," Kira said causing Ruby's eyes to Light up

"No, let's go to the old man's shop!" Ruby

"Hehehe, alright alright calm down, let's go, hey y'all want anything?" Kira

"Naw y'all enjoy y'all selfs," Yang said before anyone else could respond, laughing at this Kira and Ruby left the room leaving the others to there own devices


Walking through the streets of Vale Kira held Ruby's hand as they walked towards the pastry shop, after about ten minutes Kira and Ruby arrived at the shop, walking inside Ruby immediately went up and said hello, seeing the two of us the old man had a smile overcome his face

"Hey-a you two, so what will it be today?" The old man

"Hmm, I'll take a strawberry crape, what about you?" Kira asked making Ruby tilt her head and began thinking

"Hmm, how about, a couple of chocolate chip cookies?" Ruby

"Hehe, yeah, so make that a strawberry crape and a dozen chocolate chip cookies," Kira

"Of course, it'll be right up," The old man

"So old man, tell me, has anyone given you any trouble lately?" Kira

"Hmm? No, thanks for asking though, here you two go, have a great day!" The old man said giving them their food

"That'll be 72 Lein," The old man

"Here ya go, Have a great day old man!" Kira said as he handed him the 72 Lein, as well as put an extra ten in the tip jar

Walking outside Kira and Ruby began to walk back to Beacon, but Kira had another idea

"Hey, how about we go take a walk through the park?" Kira

"Hmm? Yeah, sure!" Ruby replied as she held onto Kira's arm as they walked towards the park, after a two-minute walk, Kira and Ruby arrived at their destination, arriving at the entrance of the park, Kira and Ruby went in, after walking around for a while they decided to find a place to relax, so Kira found a nice spot just under two tree's, sitting down under one of the tree's Kira and Ruby began to have a conversation

"So Ruby, what do you plan on doing for the break before the tournament?" Kira

"Hmm? well I was thinking of going back home to see my dad, what about you?" Ruby

"Don't know, maybe I'll go with you and meet my future father-in-law" Kira said causing Ruby's face to explode into a deep red blush

"W-w-well t-that would be awesome, I'll tell him I'm bringing you!" Ruby said as she had a smile cover her face, Kira and Ruby than just sat there for around an hour until they decided to head back to Beacon


Arriving in front of Team Rwby's doors Kira began to say his goodbye's to Ruby

"Well then, I guess this is it for our little outing, did you enjoy yourself?" Kira

"Yeah, so much, in fact, I got something for you, close your eyes," Ruby said making Kira roll his eyes, with his eyes now closed Kira waited for Ruby to do whatever she was planning, and after a long five seconds Kira finally felt something on his lips, opening his eyes to see Ruby on her tiptoes just to give him a kiss, laughing internally at the thought Kira then began to return the kiss

After about a good five minutes Kira and Ruby separated from their Kiss, pulling his head back Kira looked into Ruby's eyes only to see them glazed over, once again Kira couldn't help but laugh, the look on her face was a mix of wonder and lust

"Hehe, I had fun today honey, let's do this again soon!" Kira said as he began to walk away leaving Ruby there to stare at his back until Kira entered his room which caused Ruby to head inside of her room


(A/N: Hello everyone!! MR_No1 here, just want to let everyone know that I'll be holding somewhat of a contest

The contest winner will get to help come up with idea's for future chapters as well as get an invite into my private server where I and my friends come up with idea's

There are only two main things that you'll have to do to be excepted

1. Be creative (Because obviously, I'm not)

2. Be apart of my Discord server

and that's pretty much it! I wish you all luck and remember only one of you will succeed

May the odds be in your favor

Sincerely MR_No1

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