An ordinary girl possess a devastating power that can shock the whole world but suddenly before she master her power she died in a car accident leading her to occupy the body of one of the general daugther. The eldest daughter who is beautiful and elegant but a waste and the family despise her because of this the elder daughter commit suicide.
She woke up telling herself since she reborn I will definitely have my revenge.
She build an army on her own, disown her family when they came back begging for her rejected them and tossing them out in her mansion. She became the youngest person becoming a general in the whole history.
Legend once said that she has the power to rule the world but she never did so and has an army that can massacre one nation but did not so but if you dare touch her friends and army get ready to be sent into hell.
© Copyright All Rights Reserved from the author itself.
This is my second time writing a story that is publish but on different platform but anyway do you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. You may never know your idea maybe added in the story!