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60% Reincarnate Into High School DxD / Chapter 13: Chapter 12 - Threatening

Chapter 13: Chapter 12 - Threatening

(Author's Note - I managed to write quite a bit for the last chapter on the trip to buying stuff from out of town surprisingly. Although I had to restart a few times because I fell asleep and my app deleted the work by itself for some reason.)

Arriving in the building Angus noticed it was completely empty.

(Angus) - "Huh? No one is here right now? Could they have had something else to do today?"

Right at that moment as Angus was standing there in confusion, a red magic circle with the Gremory clan emblem on it appeared and the members of the Occult Research Club appeared right there in front of Angus.

(Issei) - "Asiaaa!"

At this moment, Angus had already casually sat down on one of the couches in the room.

(Angus) - "Hmm? What are you shouting about?"

(Issei) - "Bucho! Why couldn't we take her with us!?"

(Rias) - "I'm sorry Issei. But, only those of my clan can jump through the portal."

(Angus) - "Well looks like now isn't a great time to talk about this. However, I guess I should go ahead and mention it since I'm here anyway. It seems that I am now going to Kuoh Academy as well. It seems it will most likely be as a second-year student as well. Hope to get along with you all in this regard."

(Kiba) - "This might not have been the best time to mention something like that."

(Koneko) - "Un."

(Angus) - "Ahh. I guess it was not the right time at all but I still had to say it. Oh well, I will give one piece of advice to the sad kid feeling sad over there. If your talking about the nun I saw you walking with before she will be fine for now. At least until they remove her sacred gear from her. Then, I shall take my leave."

(Issei) - "Wait! How do you know that she will be safe!"

As Issei's voice faded away Angus had already long gone from the room through disappearing from the shadows in the room. Hearing his cry all the way in his room Angus reappeared with just his head sticking out and left a message before disappearing once again.

(Angus) - "That's just how the rogue Fallen Angels work. They want more powers to obtain a better position in their group."


The next day was Sunday so the day was off. During the day Issei was being healed with the help of Rias' powers. After Rias released Issei who left to go out to town while the rest of the others in the club left to go do their own things. Meanwhile, around this time when Angus was thinking of what to do and thinking of leaving to search around town himself, Sona appeared in the room.

(Angus) - "Sona? Why are you here right now? Are you looking for Rias? If so, she already left the club room."

(Sona) - "Actually, I came looking for you Angus. There was a slight problem with your application to the school."

(Angus) - "A problem? What's wrong?"

(Sona) - "It turns out when they tried to add you in they asked if you didn't mind being the first-year classes instead as the second-year class is fuller than the first-year classes for some reason."

(Angus) - "That's it? They wanted to ask if I was willing to be a first-year instead of a second-year student? If that's the problem I don't mind that at all Sona."

(Sona) - "*Sigh* Thank you for making this a little easier on me."

(Angus) - "Not a problem. I look forward to our game in just a couple of days."

(Sona) - "Do you have a planned idea of when you wish to challenge me after school? I need to know to adjust my plans preferably."

(Angus) - "Let's see today is a Sunday and there is no school. Tonight is that event... How about tomorrow after school?"

(Sona) - "Can we push it back to the day after that? I have something to attend to on that day for the school."

(Angus) - "That's fine with me as well."

(Sona) - "Than I shall take my leave."

With that Sona left the club room leaving the smiling Angus behind alone in the room.

(Author's Note - I'm concluding it is Sunday because as far as I know Issei didn't go to school this day and even went on a mini-date with Asia on this day.)


Feeling bored and still a bit tired Angus decided to just take a nap and sleep through to the night. Having just woken up from sitting straight up on the couch Angus' head snapped straight up as he heard a loud noise. Even the loud sound which turned out to be Rias slapping Issei's face made Koneko stop eating out of surprise.

(Koneko) - "Ahh." *Slap* "Euh."

(Rias) - "How many times must I tell you before you understand. No means no. You must forget about her. You are now a member of the Gremory Clan."

(Issei) - "Then- Please release me from your Clan. I'll make it on my own."

(Rias) - "You know there's no way you can."

(Issei) - "But I'm just a pawn to you, aren't I? What's the difference with one little piece missing from your set?"

(Rias) - "Be silent at once!"

(Issei) - "Ah."

(Rias) - "Issei, do you think that the pawn is the weakest piece?"

(Issei) - "Un."

Hearing his grunt of confirmation both Koneko and Angus turned over to look straight at Issei and Rias who were talking in the club room.

(Rias) - "Among the evil pieces, it has special features that the other pieces don't have."

(Issei) - "Special features?"

(Rias) - "Promotion."

(Issei) - "Uh."

(Rias) - "If a master advances her pawn all the way into enemy territory, then she can promote her pawn to any piece other than King."

(Issei) - "Are you saying that I have the ability to have the same powers as everyone else here?"

At this moment, Akeno opened the door and Koneko got up then walked over to Akeno to speak to her.

(Rias) - "As long as you successfully infiltrate enemy territory. Yes, like a church for example. And let me mention your Sacred Gear."

(Issei) - "It multiplies my powers, doesn't it? Earlier today Yu- A Fallen Angel told me."

(Rias) - "Please remember. The Sacred Gear moves in accordance with the will of its master. The stronger your will, the more your Gear will work for you."

(Issei) - "The power... of my will..."

As Issei was mumbling this to himself Akeno walked over and whispered to Rias. Before Rias nodded her head.

(Rias) - "A sudden errand has surfaced. Akeno and I will be out for a while."

(Issei) - "But, Bucho, we've not finished talking-"

(Rias) - "Remember this: Even if you are a promoted pawn, a Fallen Angel is not so stupid to be defeated by one piece alone."

Leaving Issei with this message, Rias and Akeno disappeared at once in a red magic circle.

(Issei) - "I already know that, Bucho."

(Kiba) - "Are you going then?"

(Issei) - "Yeah, just try to stop me."

(Kiba) - "You'll be killed."

(Issei) - "Even if I die, I'll see to it that at least Asia can escape."

(Kiba) - "That's a good sense of resolve- is what I'd like to say to you. But, this is too reckless."

(Issei) - "Shut up, Pretty Boy-!"

(Kiba) - "I'm coming with you."

(Issei) - "You-"

(Kiba) - "The Bucho told you, 'even if your a promoted pawn," right?"

(Issei) - "Yeah?"

(Kiba) - "And she recognized that a church is enemy territory."

(Issei) - "Then-"

(Kiba) - "Naturally, there's also an option of myself and possibly others assisting you."

(Issei) - "Koneko-chan, too?"

(Koneko) - "I don't trust you boys alone."

Right as the three of them turned to look at the place where Angus was it was suddenly already empty as Angus had just left to catch up with Rias and Akeno to take start his plan.


In the forest somewhere the cackle of laughter could be heard loudly.

(Angus) - "Hahahahaha! Let the hunt begin finally!"


Right at the moment, Angus appeared Akeno transformed after a strike of lightning hit her.

(Rias) - "Akeno?"

(Akeno) - "Gladly, Bucho."

(Mittelt) - "What!? She's part of a fetish cosplay show or something!?"

Right at this time, Akeno finished activating a barrier. At that time Angus came out of the shadows. However, unlike his usual appearance, the shadows on his body were flickering almost like the flares of fire on the sun.

(Dohnaseek) - "It's a barrier?"

(Kalawarner) - "A barrier..."

(Mittelt) - "It's a pretty fierce one!"

(Akeno) - "Ufufufu, You will not escape this forest. Uhn~"

(Kalawarner) - "Damn you, that was your intention all along!"

(Akeno) - "Yes, we arrived here to cleanse the filth. Thanks for having us over."

(Mittelt) - "You watch your mouth!"

(Rias) - "Be a good girl and vanish."

(Angus) - "Rias, Akeno. Do you mind if I take care of them."

From the shadows and the darkness of the undergrowth of the trees, Angus stepped out into the open area where the five were ready to have at each other.

(Mittelt) - "Where did this guy come from!?"

(Kalawarner) - "It would be best for you to leave now while you still have the chance outsider!"

(Dohnaseek) - "Don't waste your words on them. Once the ceremony is over, they'll no longer be able to bother us. Attack them now! I'll take the shadowy man! You two take the females!"

(Angus) - "Appear before me, Lunar Vein!"

Dohnaseek who quickly flew over at Angus suddenly stopped within arm's reach of Angus.

(Angus) - "Weak old man with little potential. Fighting someone that's out of your league should have never been a smart idea to have in your head."

Saying that Angus pulled his blades out of Dohnaseek's heart as Dohnaseek collapsed on the ground in a pool of blood.

(Kalawarner/Mittelt) - "Dohnaseek!"

(Angus) - "Regardless your powers are still at a lower-tier 2 from where I came from. I can still take your shadow and use it despite how weak you are. <Shadow Revival>."

At the end of Angus' words, he stuck his hand into the shadow of Dohnaseek's dead body and it started to behave like boiling water with blue bubbles forming and becoming a mass of blue before reaching the height of Dohnaseek and reforming into his appearance. It was essentially a perfect copy of Dohnaseek's appearance.

(Angus) - "<Shadow Army> swallow."

With those words, it seemed as it fell into a bog and disappeared into Angus' shadow startling everyone there.

(Angus) - "Don't worry young Fallen Angels. You still have a bit of potential in you. You would make great pawns. Make yourself useful to me and I shall guarantee you some power and some freedom under my control in exchange for loyalty. Otherwise, I will forcibly make you my puppets."

(Akeno) - "Angus-san?"

(Rias) - "Angus-San? Why are you here?"

(Angus) - "As you heard. I'm here to use force to recruit a few people with at least some potential into my ranks."

(Rias) - "Does it have to be them though? After all -"

(Angus) - "Rias, just because they've hurt Issei doesn't mean they can't be forced to become useful."

(Rias) - "That's not what I meant!"

(Angus) - "If you mean their race then it's not a problem I assure you. I believe soon enough a peace treaty between the three sides will come to fruition. Of course, you can mean how I can make them forcibly become like puppets for me to use as well. But, I have no reason to explain how I do that to you as well Rias."

(Kalawarner) - "Do you really think we would follow you."

(Mittelt) - "Yeah! Who do you think you are!"

(Angus) - *Smile* "Someone who thinks they can kill you easily if I wanted to. I recommend you take this chance. If you do, I will also offer the chance to Raynare to live instead of doing it by force like I originally planned."

(Rias) - "Do you want to hurt Issei by letting her live!"

(Angus) - "She's already hurt him regardless."

Rias and Akeno stared at Angus with a look of slight exasperation of the fact that he was so adamant on his stance against them killing them.

(Kalawarner) - "... How can we trust you."

(Angus) - "You have no choice but to do so. There is no need for trust in our relationship other than your loyalty to me."

(Mittelt) - "You-! You really will let us live right!"

(Angus) - "Indeed. I will let you live even if I had to fight against Rias and her family themselves."

(Mittelt) - "Then- Then I will join you! As long as you keep your promises!"

(Kalawarner) - "Mittelt! Have you lost your mind! Where is your loyalty to Azazel-sama and Shemhazai-sama!"

(Mittelt) - "Kalawarner! But, if we don't do this we are dead and can't help them anyway! Go ahead and do it!"

(Angus) - "Good! Then I will let you have most of your freedom for now. If you prove yourself useful and loyal enough then perhaps you will have all the restrictions lifted off of you."

(Kalawarner) - "Do you really think I will let you take one of our members!"

(Angus) - "Do you think you can stop me Kalawarner."

(Kalawarner) - "I will even if I know I can't do it. For my loyalty towards Azazel-sama and Shemhazai-sama."

(Angus) - "Then I have no choice but to force your hand."


(Author's Note - I feel like I'm minor cliff hanging you all but I have to go do some calls to the college so I can't write much more right now even if it's freestyled right now. P.S. The reason I'm making it so they freak out about fighting Angus is that he insta-killed someone around their level without blinking an eye and because it's a natural desire to want to live if given the option of being alive after being threatened with death.)

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