Hello how are you
Let me introduce myself I am the Author of this book (reflections). This book will mainly deal with my "Reflections" and Opinions on various topics.
I started this book because I want to practice my writing and one day become an Author and make a living writing books.
I have had many thoughts and ideas; to write my own Original books. But when I sit in front of the computer I go blank
So I thought about writing a fanfic, to practice my writing, but still, I was left blank. Despite also having many ideas and story and character development. I was blank; I did not know what to write or how to put my thoughts into words.
Then one night I got the idea to write a book about my thoughts.
And so this book was born.
I decided that the first chapter would be a presentation:
To begin, I want to say that I am: a Christian, I was born in a Christian home and raised in a Christian family.
I believe that God created the Universe and everything in it.
I also think and believe that everything happens because HE allows it to happen; if "good or bad" things happen.
I really like Anime; I started watching Anime at 12 years old. The first one I saw I saw it from YouTube on my cell phone. The first anime I saw was; Rurouni kenshin or (samurai X), I saw him until the fight with Shishio, after that fight it seemed to me that he lost quality and I didn't see him again.
The second anime that I also saw from YouTube on my cell phone was Medabots. I saw all the chapters.
Later I saw inuyasha but I left him because he bothered me with inuyasha. I don't remember the reason, but it did bother me a lot XD.
Then I saw Ranma ½ that anime I liked a lot. I was surprised to learn that it was the same Author as inuyasha. I saw all the chapters. The movie and the 14 ovas. But I haven't read the manga yet.
I started looking for animes in Latin Spanish and I found Kenichi. I watched all the chapters of the anime. and some time after reading a post on Facebook an image where he posted where the anime ended to continue it in the manga. I read all the chapters of the manga
About ½ after seeing Ranma, a relative loaned us his laptop. (The reason I was watching anime with the phone was because it had no speakers and it had outdated audio drivers and I didn't know anything. I thought I had a faulty audio card, but not that it had outdated drivers. I found out in 2019. all the time thinking it was the audio card but it was the drivers when I found out I was feeling stupid and ashamed of my ignorance).
Cough cough
As I was saying after my relative loaned us the laptop, I started watching anime on animeflv.
There I found To Love Ru, an anime that became my favorite for a long time. I liked the comedy and how the characters interacted, as well as the personality of the protagonist. And I think it's an excellent anime (it's one of those guilty tastes that I have). But if there's one thing I have to say that I didn't like it was the excess of ecchi and fanservice on the part of the authors and I think this really hurts the job. Because it's as if the authors thought more about pleasing the readers than developing the characters and the story.
Then I saw Soul Eater, Rosario + Vampire, Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and many other anime.
(One Piece I saw almost 700 chapters without audio I stayed where Luffy defeats Doflamingo).
Since my computer had no audio, I started reading manga. I read them on TumangaOnline. That's when I read Kenichi, Rosario + Vampire, Re Monter. That's where I read the Manhua from Tales of Demos And Gods. In the comments I saw that someone commented that he had a novel and I liked it so much that I looked for it and that is how I started reading web novels.
I don't like watching sports on television. I find them very boring.
I like to exercise, although I am very lazy, (but it is not entirely my fault since I was born tired, after I was born the doctor had to pat me to cry) so sometimes or almost always I don't. (TT_TT)
I graduated from Bachiller of Science at the age of 15. and a few months later I passed the introductory course to study medicine. (Premedical).
And at 16 and a few months I started college. But I didn't make an effort to study, and as expected I ended up losing the year. And if he failed the last quarterly exam he ran the risk of being expelled, so requesting a temporary withdrawal from the university "accused of family problems."
As the new school term begins, I started with a slightly more focused and serious mindset. Two months after starting and being close to the first trimester exam. The teacher in charge of my year calls me and tells me that that year I cannot attend the school year, due to the withdrawal request that I had previously requested, that I had to wait at least one year before I could resume my studies.
After that I became very depressed.
After about 6 months had passed, my mother told me if she wanted to study education at another university. She told me that a friend told her that the introductory course was about to start and that few people signed up, and she asked me if I wanted to sign up. and I answered yes.
I passed the introductory with a high mark and started my first semester in the College of Education.
It goes without saying that history repeated itself, started the semester motivated but that motivation was gradually lost. Mainly because he had many free hours, due to the lack of teachers, who had left the country.
I finished spending the semester, (With some subjects postponed), but I had already lost the desire to continue so I did not continue attending.
It has been almost 5 or 6 years since I graduated from high school and I have not done anything with my life, I do not study and I do not work becoming a holder of the Neet Title.
Sometimes I wonder how my parents feel about me, they feel Disappointed. Annoying or perhaps proud, but how would they feel proud of me, if I have not done anything I have not achieved anything.
To be honest at this age I already saw myself as a successful person with a home of my own. Independent, and that I would have bought my parents a house on the beach. That I know, they would be proud of me, and I could take care of them.
Not like I am right now, the misguided and disappointing stereotype of an otaku.
But I don't want to continue as I am now. I want to be better. Beat myself.
That's why I want to be an Author making a living with what I like, writing novels, writing and exploring fantasy worlds, making people happy with my stories.
Horre my God. Honor my Parents, Honor my Family.
Doing what I like, working on what I like.
I am Latin American and the only language I know is Spanish, I am currently learning English with Duolingo.
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