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50% Reeva's Diary / Chapter 7: Chapter 6

Chapter 7: Chapter 6

A week later

We just finished writing Maths, Physics and Economics tests. Like who sets an exam timetable and combines three calculation subjects together.

My brain hurts from all the physics laws I was cracking my brain for in the exam hall and to top it up they added my worst subject Economics urrgh.

Anyways I'll ace these tests and I know it I'm pretty sure of my answers I'm just exhausted, let me go know what my friends think about the test, hope they did well.

"Hey guys" I said talking to my group  friends that are actually Stephanie's friends in science class that is Olamide, Cedar and Destinie

"This one that you are happy I know you did well" Stephanie said

"Sure" I said smiling proudly

"Look at your mouth like sure-" God this girl and her bad mouth "-you will come and play with me but won't call me when you are reading" Stephanie stated glaring at me

"It's not my fault you didn't tell me you were having problems in any subject if you told me I would have helped out" I defended myself earning an eye roll from her

"Abeg what did you get in the essay number 2 b?" Olamide asked me causing a chatter between the group.

Everyone has different answers haha, it's normal this is maths most students worst subject.

In essay you are given free will to solve your question the way you feel it's correct, most times students fill their answer booklet with trash.

I wonder sometimes when you look around the exam hall everyone is busy filling their papers writing intently but when the teachers mark the scripts a lot of people fail except for those who participate in malpractice of course.

The one Olamide asked is easy though and I'm sure of my answer, it's a set question and set is like my best topic in maths.

"I'm not asking all of you I'm talking to Reeva-" Olamide scolded her group of friends "- abeg Reeva what is the answer?" she asked me

"The correct answer is 30" I said proudly

"Abi I told you it was 30" Cedar said pointing at Olamide

"Please shut up-" Olamide told Cedar and he raised his hands in surrender "-please how's it 30 I thought it was 25" she said, at least she's close to the answer but still wrong anyways some people will get 0.0367.

"I don't like set at all so I didn't answer  number 2 I chose 1 instead" Destinie said

"Set is not that bad you just need to get the concept and practice the exercises and the answer is 30 let me explain on this sheet of paper" I explain to them, and with that start scribbling on the paper.

Stephanie has been pouting throughout guess the exam was not that good for her.

"And done" I said finishing my solving

"So it's that easy and I was busy killing my brain" Stephanie lamented

"I swear I nearly got the answer sef" Olamide said

"First of all you can't kill what you don't have I guess that's why you didn't get it and secondly nearly can't kill a bird you have failed you have failed" Cedar said infuriating the girls and then scurried away quickly.

I want to laugh but I just have to keep it in before these angry girls transfer aggression to me.

"I will kill that boy and give his corpse to vultures to eat" Stephanie said angrily, Gosh this girl can be violent with words sometimes.

"I swear" Olamide agreed to Stephanie

"I gotta go, bye" Destinie said and scurried away I guess this is my cue

"Ummm I gotta go catch up with you guys later" I said too quickly and without waiting for their reply I took off.

I can't stay with two grumpy girls that just did poorly in their tests I don't want anyone making my mood sour today I have a headache and that's enough problem for a day.

I take out my phone to call Michael and he isn't picking up.

"I think I should go to his class" I thought

"Clingy much" my subconscious throws in

"I'm not clingy just want to know how his mock exams are going and I need to show my support as his girlfriend" I spit back

I walk all the way to the last floor, cuz that is where Michael's class is.

I'm now standing at the door to Michael's class and I can't believe my eyes. Michael is kissing a girl at the back of his class.

He is so deep in the kiss that he didn't notice my presence. I left the class before he could notice me and ran into the girls washroom, I bumped into some people but I couldn't care less all I wanted was to cry out all my sorrows.

I thought I was the only one Michael will kiss that way, I thought he wouldn't want to hurt me, I thought I was different, I thought he wouldn't kiss another girl, I thought he loved me, Gosh I thought I was his only girlfriend.

So he is playing me, so his speech was his playboy thing but he sounded so sincere.

I don't know what to do and I don't know who to talk to and I don't even feel like I should tell Stephanie.

I've not known her for long the same amount of time I've known Michael and with what Michael just did to me I don't think I can trust her.

I can talk to Raphael but I can't see him until Sunday next week. "You can always call or text him" my subconscious that has been quiet my entire melt down spat in my head, glad she's been quiet.

I clean the tears from my eyes so I can leave the washroom, right now I just want to find Nathan so I can go home I guess I need my bed now *sniff*.

I am walking in the hallways looking for Nate I just hope I can see him now and then I bump into Michael.

"Hey cupcake" he said making me scream in my head angrily but I keep it in, I'm not ready for this yet I'll bring it up later but for sure I'll give him some attitude

"What?" I asked him with an attitude

"Nothing what's up? I mean what are you doing here?" he asked with confusion clear in his features

"I'm looking for Nate, I want to go home, bye" I said walking out on him

"Reeva what's wrong?" He said holding my arm firmly

"Nothing ok, if you know what is good for you leave me alone I'm tired and I want to go home" I said almost too loudly and I didn't notice the tears that have escaped my eyes already

"You are crying, what's wrong tell me maybe I could help" he said looking at me with care clear in his eyes; he most be a good actor.

He's not calling me cupcake, I am really pathetic Michael just cheated on me and I'm here craving him calling me cupcake and I mentally face palm at myself.

"Help?" I scuffed eyeing him, and that was when I saw the idiot I call brother, where was he ever since.

"What's going on?" Nate asked authoritatively

"I don't know I saw her sad in hallways she was lost in her on world and bumped into me so I asked her why she is sad and she started crying" Michael said rushing his words while sounding like he cares.

And the award winning actor goes to Michael a round of applause please.

"Nathan I want to go home" I told Nate

"We not going anywhere till you say what's wrong" Nate said authoritatively, who does this one think he is.

"It's him, he cheated on me, he- he ki-kissed another girl a girl from your class" I said sobbing, and I saw shock clear in both their features.

"I-I d-didn't know you-" Michael was about say but was cut off by Nathan.

Thanks to Nathan cuz for a moment I wanted to listen to him and thinking that maybe I should listen to him first before jumping into conclusions, what is he even going to say, that the girl bewitched him into kidding her, ridiculous right? but I can't think straight.

"-Reeva lets go home" Nathan said and we that we left my idiot boyfriend standing there thinking of the lies he will come up with next time he sees me and for a moment I wished he came after me, how pathetic.

We stopped a taxi after waiting on the road for about 5 minutes, why does the world have to be cruel to me what is making cars scarce now.

We got into the taxi, soon we got home I didn't even wait for Nathan to pay the driver. I got into the house and rushed upstairs into my room without acknowledging anyone.

I don't have the energy for anybody right now they'll probably think it's just stress from my tests. I go into my bathroom brush my teeth and take a long shower before going to sleep.

'knock, knock, knock' I wake up to the pounding noise on my door, it's 7:30pm already, gosh I've been asleep for long now I guess they're calling me for dinner.

"Yes, yes I'm coming" I said getting up to unlock the door.

"What is it?" I asked Zoe at my door almost rudely

"Ummm mom said you should come and eat dinner" she said confused with my bad mood

"Ok" I said and followed her to the dining room.

Hmmm, I can smell stew, beans and fried fish, so I guess we eating white rice, beans and stew with fried fish, God I love this food my mom is just too good.

"Good evening ma, good evening sir" I greeted my parents while sitting down at my seat on the dining table.

"Good evening" they chorused

"Reeva how was your tests today, I didn't get to ask you when you came back you went straight to your, room guessing it was exhausting or are you not ok" my dad said stuffing food into his mouth.

"I'm not ok, my boyfriend  cheated on me, he kissed another girl. He has been playing me all this while I actually thought he cared and even loved me. He had to do this when comes my feelings to him" I wanted to say out but my parents are overly religious and don't support high school relationships.

And just come to think of it my parents met in highschool *mentally face palm*

"It was really exhausting especially because we wrote three calculation subjects today but I know I did very well it wasn't hard" I tell him

"Good, so what subjects did you write today?" He asked me

"Maths, physics and Economics" I stated after swallowing my food

"So which one was the easiest?" My dad asked me

"Ma-" I was about to answer my dad and my mom cut me off

"You guys are not supposed to be talking on the dining table, it's bad manners" my mom scolded I and my dad.

On a regular day I will argue with my mom on how it's talking while food is in your mouth that is the bad manners and not talking on the dining table and that we are meant to take part in family discussions on the dining table but I don't have the energy for that now and I just want to enjoy this delicacy so I thanked her in my head.

Dinner ended and I went to my room. I couldn't sleep guess it's because I slept all through afternoon to evening.

I took my phone out and switched it on and I saw many messages from Michael but I ignored them. T

here's absolutely nothing to do on my phone and I can't sleep so I decide on texting Raphael.

Me: Hey boo 🥲

Two minutes later

Raphael: Hey sweet cheeks, xup

Me: my bf cheated on me 🥺 I saw him kiss a girl

Raphael: that asshole did that?

*For a moment I felt like I should defend him*

Me: yh

Raphael: I knew he was a player

Me: look who's talking haha

Raphael: so what did he say

Me: I didn't let him explain he's been texting me I'll listen to him later in school I have tests and I don't want any distractions

Raphael: go and read now see you on Sunday or maybe

church week days or I could take you out what do you say :)

Me: sure talk later

And with that I take out my books to read for tomorrow's subjects.

Tomorrow we have English, Visual Arts and Chemistry. It's gonna be a work over cuz I'm good at them.

I don't even have to read much what am I even saying I am good at all the subjects especially because I always prepare before my exams and read very well so I don't have problems.


Beep, beep, beep!!!

"Shit, shit,shit!!!" I wake up to the sound of my alarm cursing the night for being so short

"You were the one reading throughout the night" my subconscious fires, good thing I slept in the afternoon.

I get up lazily to do my daily routine in the bathroom, iron my uniform and get ready, as soon as I'm done I go downstairs to eat.

We finish eating and Nathan and I get a taxi to go to school.

We get to school and I rush to my class. I see a lot of people doing last minute reading trying to cram the whole book into their heads which is impossible.

It's fantasy and never gonna happen except magic, you see this is why I always prepare adequately everytime.

Stephanie doesn't usually come to school early, I see Caleb sitting with a headphone plugged to his ears at a corner probably trying to recall what he's read.

I walked to him and waved in front of his face to gain his attention.

"What's up, haven't heard from you in ages, you good?" He asked smiling at me while taking off the headphone

"I'm good, what you doing?" I asked him

"I'm just trying to recall some stuff and listening to music, I love to listen to music while reading" he shrugged

"I know right, music just makes it flow into my head especially slow music" I stated

"Hey Reeva please excuse me" a voice said, wait that's Michael

"What is it?" I asked

"I would love to see you outside in the garden if you won't mind" he said

"Ok give me a minute" I told him

"Caleb I'll be back" I said talking to Caleb

"No probs" he said and put his headphone back on

And with that we left for the garden, only about three students are here in the garden.

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