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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

It's an ugly Monday morning today *scream in my head* it's too sunny today. I'm ok with sunny days but todays own is extra and I just can't deal with it, it can literally cause you depression 😭.

Just to top it up today is my first day at a new school and I'm pretty nervous going to a new school.

This school is filled with rich kids not like I'm poor I'm not just up to their level . My parents like to give us the best education.

I'll be going to Cedel Academy where my brother usually goes to school, he can be so annoying but at least he is good at minding his business and giving me my own space.

The girls are in another school called umm is it trinity schools or something like that. I'll be in Grade 11 while my brother will be in Grade 12. Usually my mom drives the girls to school and my dad will take I and my brother but most times we take a taxi or a cab

The girls share a room while I and my brother have our own rooms each. I go straight to the bathroom before I find something to distract myself. I brush my teeth so well so that my breath doesn't stink for my first day, take my bath and dress up.

Today I have to wear my house clothes instead of a uniforms cuz I haven't gotten my uniform yet which is annoying cuz I'm going to earn a lot of stares today. So I have to dress cool. I pick out skinny jeans a white free top with a cool design on it and a pair of black boots. I quickly go downstairs I met my sisters on the way .

"Morning sis" they(Zara and Zoe) both screamed

"Morning to you two" I smiled. We went downstairs greeting our older brother and our parents.

"Morning kids" my dad begun his usual speech"-today is your first day at school Reeva you will be joining your brother in his school Cedel Academy. I know you must be nervous well I don't need to tell u everything on how to behave on your first day to avoid embarrassment. I know you all are intelligent children so I expect all of you to do well and make me and your mum proud especially you Nathan cuz this is your final year. Ok ok start eating so you won't be late for school" my dad ended his little speech

"finally" I said I'm my head obviously I can't say that out loud before my dad gives me a hell of punishment

"Nathan and Reeva you guys will take a taxi or cab to School your dad can't drop you off today" my mum said looking at us

"yes ma" we chorused. We finished eating Nathan and I headed for school in a taxi going to our school.

"Reeva you know I like to give you space but at least if anything happens like bullying or anything you can talk to me you know I'm your older brother" Nathan said smiling but I could see the seriousness in his eyes

"Yes superman"I said eyeing him mockingly and we both laughed it off

"you know I'm the golden boy of our school" he said raising an eyebrow at me

"and I'll be the golden girl of the school" I said with dreamy eyes

"you wish" he said rolling his eyes

"you'll see big head" and he rolled his eyes again you know what I roll my eyes a lot too but just hate it when I'm the victim

"your eyeballs will soon fall out nonsense" he just laughed seeing I was pissed.

Soon we arrived at school "wow so cool"I said gaping at the school Nate was already ahead of me " don't forget your jaw" he screamed looking back at me when will this boy become less annoying.

"Wait for me fat head" I screamed

"my head isn't fat I'm so good looking" he was glaring at me and then I rolled my eyes. He started avoiding me and walked really quickly then I smirked *evil me*

"Ebidouye Nathan Smith wait for me" I screamed knowing he detest being called his native name he stopped and turned back glaring at me and I smiled sheepishly showing my dimples one of the features of my pretty face.

"What??" I asked looking innocently at him

"don't call me that here" he ordered while rolling his eyes some people were looking at us saying are they a couple *aprokoo* people can't mind their business

" on two conditions" I smirked

"what do you want" he asked knowing how mischievous I am.

"Hmmm .... let's see you walk me to the principal's office and I'll sit with you and your friends during lunch"

"fine" he said with gritted teeth. He walked me to the principal's office and left

"urrgh would have told him to go in with me" I said talking to myself while knocking on the door.

"Come in" I heard the principal say and I walked in "Good morning sir" I greeted

" Good morning and what can I do for you" he said scrutinizing me I rolled my eyes in my head

"sir, I'm a new student and I will like to know my class and my schedule" I said confidently

"oh, ok what's your name" he asked

"Reeva Tamara-Preye Smith" I answered swiftly "River as in water?" he asked smiling

"no sir Reeva as in R-E-E-V-A" I said spelling it out for him

"hmmm unique name" he said

"yeah thank you sir" I said unsure of what to say with a hint of pride. He took his phone and started talking to someone while I drifted in my thoughts thinking about the most craziest things.

Few minutes later I saw a boy in the office

"Hey" he said smiling warmly

"Hey" I said blinking at the Mr cute in front of me.

"Good morning sir"he greeted the principal with his deep voice I mentally slapped myself urrgh too early to start having a crush

"Good morning please take Reeva here to her class she is in the same class with you and give her the schedule"the principal briefed Mr cute

"ok sir" he replied and with that we left.

We were walking side by side "my name is Caleb" he said

"m-my name is Reeva oh the principal already told you"I stuttered while scratching my head

"yeah, chill" he smiled, I can see he's trying not to mock my nervous situation

"ummm I'll give you your schedule after the first class, ok?" He asked

"sure" he took me to class and I sat on an empty sit.

People were talking to their friends I saw a few people look my way so much for being new. It was still 7:30am and classes begin by 8:30am.

I heard a voice coming from a speaker saying we should go to the general hall. Omo this school make o in my old school a teacher will come to announce it in class . As I was about standing I saw Caleb I walked over to him

"hey Caleb" I said while walking to his direction

"Hey" he replied to me

"can you show me the way to the general hall?" I asked him knowing he will show me

"sure it's where we're all headed follow me" he replied and I just nodded.

We went to the general hall and soon the principal started talking.

"Hello my esteemed students of Cedel Academy, I hope you all enjoyed your holidays... " The old man kept talking blah blah blah but I just don't like all these talks speeches and advice so I didn't listen. Soon he was done and we marched to our various classes. I left for my class with Caleb.

"Caleb baby I missed you" screamed a girl while flipping hair braided in brown attachment and I couldn't help but blink whoa Mr cute face is taken

"Missed you too baby" Caleb said while hugging her

"Ahem" I cleared my throat

"oh this is Reeva and Reeva this is Amara my girlfriend" he introduced us to each other.

"hi" I said shyly

"hi" she replied looking at me with disgust, already getting haters I thought

"you are new huh??"she asked me

"obviously" I said rolling my eyes

"so what is she doing here??" she asked Caleb ignoring me

"oh, the principal told me to show her around and give her her schedule" Caleb said answering her oh was all she said

"ummm Caleb see you later I've gotta go" I said walking away

"bye" he said.

I walked into class, few minutes later the teacher walked in

"Good morning class" he said

"Good morning sir" we all chorused

"My name is Mr Fred I am your form teacher I'll be taking you guys economics" he said urrgh I don't like that subject.

"I was informed that we have two new students please come to the front of the class and introduce yourselves" Mr Fred said.

I didn't even notice the other boy he had curly hair he was light skinned, good body let me just brief you he is breathtaking. I was lost in thoughts until the teacher tapped me.

Oh God see what this handsome guy has caused he had even said his name but I couldn't wrap my fingers around it obviously I wasn't listening.

I looked around the class to see Caleb smiling at me and others looking at me expecting me to say my name oh God

"Ummm sorry my name is Reeva Smith nice to meet y'all" I said quickly.

"Ok now you can go to your seats" the teacher said.

We both went to our seats. Different teachers came in they mostly just introduced themselves and their subjects and advising us God I felt like dying of to much advice.

During break I ran to the washroom I brought out my phone to call my brother he cut the call and after about two minutes which felt like forever he called back

"meet me at the cafeteria"he said angrily and then he hung up. I went to the cafeteria. The cafeteria is so big I couldn't find Nate a lot of people were staring gosh. Just then someone grabbed my hand and I saw it was Nate

"why you so aggressive?" I asked

"You called when a teacher was about rounding up his class" he said with gritted teeth oops

"I'm sorry"I said with puppy dog eyes

"don't do that again, u hear?" he asked firmly

"yes sir" I said saluting him then he chuckled lightly, oh how I know how to melt him haha.

He walked me to his table while holding my hand, I wasn't bothered maybe I could use some fame first day of school and a senior is holding my hand even though he's my brother it's just so....

"You already have a new student as a girlfriend" one of his friends said and the other's two others whistled and there was one quiet one I took note of him he's just so dreamy he has dimples like me squuuueeee.

"She's my sister" he glared at his friend

"oh well your sister's a full package" he said and he earned an intimidating glare frm my brother

"take a chill pill bro just making a joke"and Nate just rolled his eyes.

"Hey guys this is my sister Reeva and Reeva this is Chidindu" he said pointing at the one who was teasing him earlier"-Ryan, Joshua" he said pointing to two other guys "-and this is Michael" he said pointing at the dreamy one definitely my type

"Hi" they chorused and I just said hi back shyly .

We bought our food and started eating I was a bit nervous like Michael noticed this

"relax Reeva we don't bite " Michael said with a smirk playing on his lips and I just smiled at least he spoke to me he even knows my name

'Nate introduced you remember' my subconscious spat at me destroying the celebration going on in my head

"so what grade are you in" Michael asked

"grade 11" I replied. We were done eating so we started talking. I was telling the boys about how annoying my brother can be we were all making jokes and laughing it was fun.

Fifteen minutes to the end of break my brother stood up and said he'll meet his friends in class and told me to seek him after school and he left Ryan and Joshua left saying they had to do something so it was just myself and Michael the dreamy boy 🥵.

"Hey, I guess it's just two of us then"he said smiling warmly which I returned -my heart fluttered

"want me to walk you to class?" he asked

"sure" I replied. We were on our way to my class I saw some girls gawking at him I wanted to padlock their mouths for them.

"Can we exchange numbers?" He looked at me hopefully

"yeah sure" I said he gave me his phone and I gave him mine and inputted the numbers and returned each other's phone. Soon we were at the door of my classroom

"looks like we are here" he said

"yup" I said looking down at my feet shyly I was so not happy he is leaving

"see you around cupcake"he said leaving me surprised did he just call me cupcake OMG Reeva don't think that too much maybe he's the type of guy who flirts a lot.

"Hey Reeva, I'm Stephanie" a pretty girl on a fancy tinted glasses said.

"Hey nice to meet you" I said

"Yeah same here"she said.

"So you were talking to Michael one of the hottest boys in 12th grade, how did you a newbie manage that?"she said teasingly while raising an eyebrow at me I chuckled

"He's my brothers friend I ate at my brother's table during lunch so we got along that's all" I smiled

"anyways you guys look cute together" she said smiling

"so who is your -" she was cut off by a teacher who came in

"settle down class" she said and all of us to take our seats.

"I am Miss Esther I'll be teaching you guys Chemistry" not too brag I'm so good at this subject.

I was in a world of my own looking out the window when I heard the teachers voice I don't even know how many times she has called me

"Reeva" she called scowling at me how did this woman even know my name and I gulped.

"Maybe she asked someone when you were daydreaming" my subconscious spat at me

"yes ma?" I said shakily.

"What does Arrhenius theory of acid state?" she asked still angry because I was absent minded so easy I squealed in my head

"Arrhenius theory of acid states that an acid is a substance which dissolve in water to produce hydrogen ion or hydroxonium ion as the only positive ion" I said loudly the teacher gaping at me surprised the whole time

"you lucky this time don't be absent minded again sit down" she spoke quickly.

She continued teaching I don't know what happened I started feeling my head bang my head was aching me seriously so I bowed my head on my table.

"Leave my class if you want to rest your head or you sit up" the teacher ordered I didn't have time to explain to the teacher about my headache so I just packed my things and left class .

As I was leaving I heard claps and whistles of students hailing me for leaving class -not like I wanted to be an erring student. I looked for the sick bay and I told the nurse my complain she gave me pain killers and told me to lie down on one of the beds and I'll be okay.

I didn't attend classes again soon school was over and the nurse woke me up. I saw Stephanie in the hallways.

"Hey Reeva so you are a bad girl, huh?" she asked smirking and I couldn't help but ask myself did this girl not have any other friends before I came to this school that she wants to make me her bestie, hmmm maybe she's just being nice.

"I didn't mean to do that my head was banging and I needed to go to the sick bay" I laughed while telling her

"So who is your brother?"she asked

"Nate, Nathan Smith" I told her

"Omg that's my crush" she squealed happily

"what a coincidence" I smiled

"Then I should visit you a lot" she joked but I feel she's serious, we laughed

"set my pass for me o" she said

"I'll try" I replied my phone started ringing

"he's calling" I said swinging my phone at her face and she blushed while I picked the call

"hey bro" I said on my phone

"hey come to the front of the water fountain I'm waiting for you there" he ordered

"I'm on my way" I replied and hung up. I and Stephanie walked to the water fountain together. We saw him he was already walking towards us.

"Hey sis how's classes today?" he asked

"twas ok" I replied

"Hey I've seen you around before you are Reeva's classmate right?" he said talking to Stephanie

"y-yes I'm hher classmate" she stuttered

"chill I don't bite"he said smirking I assume that's a phrase he and his friends use and she just smiled

"Ummm Stephanie where do you live?" I asked her "in heaven star estate" she said

"That's exactly where we live" Nate said surprised

"really?" Stephanie asked

"yup that's where we live we are taking a taxi wanna join us or you are waiting for your parents to come pick you up?" I asked immediately I was trying to set them together she's pretty and my brother will be good to her I guess.

"I was gonna take a taxi so I think I'll just join you guys" she replied

"ok let us get going then" Nate said immediately.

We got a taxi and I was like a third wheel I purposely did not involve myself in the discussion so they could get along.

We got home went separate ways.And the rest of the day went by fast.

Author's note: I hope you guys would love this chapter please vote comment and share. Lots of love♥️💜

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