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45.45% Redemption of a White Lotus / Chapter 3: Unforeseen Obstacles

Chapter 3: Unforeseen Obstacles

"Please wait here for a moment, Miss Zhao," Zhang-mama said as they stopped outside a side entrance of Phoenix Presence Palace a few hours later. She bowed even more respectfully than this morning. "This old servant will now go inside to prepare the sedan chair, as instructed by Her Majesty."

Zhao Shuang's lips twitched upwards. Empress Ning had surely worried the afternoon sun was too strong for her.

"There's no need for that, Zhang-mama. I'd prefer to have some light exercise," she gestured towards Xiang Lan beside her, silently dutiful as always, "and my maidservant will be more than enough to accompany me to the gates."

Zhang-mama bent her knees in another bow. "This old servant must adhere to the empress's orders, young miss."

Zhao Shuang inwardly sighed. She had hoped to look at the Eastern Palace one last time.

But none of her disappointment showed as she waved for Zhang-mama to rise. "This young miss will have to trouble you, then."

Zhang-mama warmly assured her it was her pleasure. With one last bow, she finally entered the empress's palace with her two assistants following right behind her. Zhao Shuang watched them go while still maintaining that perfect smile on her lips.

Since it would likely take some time, she brought Xiang Lan with her to sit at a nearby stone bench. It was cooler there, under the shade of a large magnolia tree.

While appreciating the surrounding scenery, Xiang Lan bent down to whisper in her ear, "Young miss, should this servant make preparations once we return?"

"Yes. And inform Lin-mama and her son I will be requiring their aid as well."

There was a lengthy pause before Xiang Lan answered.

"This servant will do so, young miss."

Zhao Shuang's smile faded a little as she felt Xiang Lan step back into place behind her. She knew her request had greatly surprised her. Her wet nurse hadn't served her in a long time, and it was rare for her to even ask about her.

This time a sigh did escape her lips at the thought of the woman who had raised her in place of her neglectful mother. The woman she truly considered to be her mother.

"Young miss, someone is approaching us," Xiang Lan suddenly said in a low voice, startling her. "From her attire, it seems to be the head maid of a concubine or consort."

Zhao Shuang looked up, and saw an unfamiliar woman walking towards them. Her blue robes were embellished with swirling patterns of silver clouds, and the twin pearl hairpins holding up her elegant bun gleamed in the sunlight.

With such finery not accessible to most servants, it was most likely as Xiang Lan had deduced.

The question was, just which of the emperor's numerous wives did she serve?

But there was no time left for her to wonder as the woman had already reached them. With her customary half-smile, Zhao Shuang watched as the woman slipped into a graceful curtsey.

It was rather shallow, she noticed.

Which meant her master was someone of high rank, and if not, favored by the emperor to a significant degree.

Once she rose, the woman introduced herself in neither a haughty nor humble manner.

"Greetings to Miss Zhao, this servant's name is Mo Wan." Her gaze was steady and clear as she spoke. "And my mistress, Concubine Xu, invites the young miss to enjoy some tea with her."

Concubine Xu?!

Out of all the possible women she knew of, like Consort Han or Noble Consort Jiang, this particular concubine was not someone she'd been expecting.

It was even rather suspicious that Concubine Xu had chosen this moment, right after she finished her visit with the empress, to seek her out.

But other than a slight raise of her eyebrows, Zhao Shuang's smiling expression didn't change.

"This young miss gratefully accepts Her Highness's¹ invitation," she said, standing up. She then turned to Xiang Lan, giving her orders to inform Zhang-mama and wait for her in the carriage.

Her maid nodded, promptly leaving them in her usual brisk manner.

Now they were alone, Mo Wan didn't waste any time. "This servant will now lead the way, Miss Zhao."

Zhao Shuang gestured for her to go ahead with an absentminded wave, her thoughts full of what Concubine Xu's real intentions were.


After a few twists and turns through the palace corridors, Mo Wan led her to a gorgeous residence that didn't look to be much smaller than the empress's own. Just before they entered, Zhao Shuang glanced up at the gold-plated plaque hanging from the sloping roof.

The corners of her lips curled slightly. Endless Dream Palace... wasn't the emperor being a little too obvious with this name?

Shaking her head, she followed behind Mo Wan to a side room where an ethereal woman was reclining on an intricately embroidered settee.

She was wearing a silken dress perfect for spring, long, pink sleeves spilling over the skirt. Various dangling hairpins were inserted in her elaborate hairstyle, along with a large peony flower that looked to be freshly picked.

Her alluring eyes sparkled as she beamed at Zhao Shuang, reaching out a hand for her to take.

"Welcome, Miss Zhao. This palace² is overjoyed that you have come."

As Zhao Shuang grasped that hand, she thought to herself in awe: if Concubine Xu was this beautiful, then how much more was the original, Noble Consort Yan?

But when she was about to perform the customary greetings, Concubine Xu gently pulled her to a chaise.

"Come, sit next to this palace. Such formalities are only necessary in public."

When she had settled in the comfortable seat, Zhao Shuang thanked her with an appropriate smile. Concubine Xu merely laughed in response, turning to direct Mo Wan to serve the tea.

Meanwhile, she took this chance to examine her.

This was the first time they had met, for what reason was she acting like they were old friends?

She swept a glance over Concubine Xu's immaculate appearance, then looked around the lavishly furnished room. Each of this woman's possessions, from the precious jade bangle on her wrist to the priceless artworks hanging on the walls, spoke of the emperor's deep favor.

Not surprising, since according to Her Majesty, her appearance was extremely similar to Noble Consort Yan.

But what was truly remarkable was the fact that Concubine Xu had maintained the emperor's interest for three years so far, when in the past His Majesty had quickly discarded his current replacement for the next one.

At this moment, Mo Wan came up to them, holding a tray with two steaming cups.

Zhao Shuang accepted one from her, taking a sip to conceal her probing gaze. No matter from which angle she looked at Concubine Xu, this woman was not a simple village widow.

Maybe there was even someone behind the scenes, she mused, instructing her on how to resemble Noble Consort Yan and keep the emperor's heart tightly in her grasp.

Concubine Xu took a few sips of tea before speaking once more.

"Miss Zhao, this palace is very curious about your upcoming trip for esteemed empress dowager's sake." The smile on her lips was bright, even innocent. "Would Miss Zhao mind explaining more about it to this palace?"

Zhao Shuang lowered her teacup as she stared at Concubine Xu, her eyebrows raised. She was going to be this blatant about spying on the empress?

An unsettling feeling gripped her heart then. Whoever was behind Concubine Xu was not an ordinary person, and whatever their aims were, it might interfere with her plans.

"Your highness, there isn't much to explain," she said, as calm and unhurried as she could muster. "Her Majesty simply ordered this subject to travel to Tianshen Temple and pray for esteemed empress dowager's health."

She gave Concubine Xu an expectant look. "Is there anything else your highness is curious about?"

Concubine Xu looked down at her tea for a few moments, her lips pursed in contemplation. Then, with another bright smile, she locked eyes with Zhao Shuang once more.

"No, Miss Zhao, that will be all." Her smile widened into something more predatory. "Now, apologies for any rudeness on my part, but this palace will be making a visit to His Majesty."

With that, Concubine Xu rose and made her way towards the door, her long sleeves fluttering in her wake. Zhao Shuang's lips parted as she stared at her retreating form.

What had just happened?

But mere seconds later, she reacted. Jumping to her feet, she ditched her sloshing cup onto a nearby side table and rushed after Concubine Xu.


Disregarding everything, Zhao Shuang seized Concubine Xu's wrist in an iron grip and pulled her away from the door.

"How dare you!" Mo Wan cried out as she hurried to separate them.

Tsking, Zhao Shuang flicked one of her sleeves. The action was gentle, but it hurled the annoying servant against the wall, knocking her out. Then, no longer polite, she yanked Concubine Xu towards her, until their faces were only scant millimeters apart.

Her lips curved in a menacing manner as she stared into wide, startled eyes.

"This time, why doesn't Concubine Xu explain to this young miss why you want to visit the emperor."

She squeezed that slender wrist, causing Concubine Xu's beautiful face to twist in pain.

"This young miss can only hope you weren't planning on replacing me."

"No, no, no!" Concubin Xu shook her head, her hairpins tinkling with the furious movements. "I was only going to ask His Majesty to allow me to go with you!"

Her eyes darted all over Zhao Shuang's impassive face, glimmering with a desperate plea.

After a few, tense moments passed, Zhao Shuang finally released her, and watched with furrowed brows as Concubine Xu sank to her knees.

That smug, domineering woman was long gone, easily destroyed by just a little use of force. Had she been wrong?

Either way, nothing could deter her plans to save Zhao Luan. Not even the emperor's most favored concubine.

Turning away, Zhao Shuang tossed a final warning over her shoulder, the words freezing Concubine Xu to the bone.

"It'd be wise for Concubine Xu to remain in the palace. Or this young miss won't hesitate to crush your wrist the next time we meet."

But just after she left, a masked shadow guard materialized before Concubine Xu's fallen form, whose presence had once again escaped her notice.


Her thoughts racing, Zhao Shuang roamed the corridors of the palace in a daze.

What was Concubine Xu's aim, or more importantly, who was the person behind her and what was their aim?

If it was an official, it had to be someone truly high-ranking. Maybe it was the prime minister, or even someone from the Four Founding Families, which included her own.

Or it could be one of the other princes, attempting to influence the emperor through sneakier means.

But what could any of them gain from going to Tianshen Temple?

More worrying was the fact that she didn't know if Concubine Xu had been truly scared by her.

She grimaced, her actions had been much too rash. That woman could be a consummate actress for all she knew. But in her desperation, it was the only solution that had occurred to her.

The worst part was there was nothing she could do now but wait.

Rubbing her aching temples, Zhao Shuang hoped that Concubine Xu had indeed been frightened to death.

And that tomorrow she wouldn't be summoned into the palace by a furious emperor.

She heaved a sigh, and leaned against one of the pillars in the long corridor. But with this simple action, an unexpected cloud of dust swelled in the air, blinding her.

Zhao Shuang coughed, waving the dust away. When her vision cleared, she looked around and realized her feet had taken her to an abandoned section of the palace.

A sudden, bright glint drew her gaze to the far end of the corridor. She narrowed her eyes, then backed against the pillar with a slight intake of breath.

Why had she come here, of all places?

The next moment Zhao Shuang was striding down the corridor, her light steps moving soundlessly over the marbled floor. She soon reached a dead-end, where a large mosaic was sprawled on the wall before her.

The artwork depicted a once-glorious phoenix with its wings spread in flight, the chipping, faded tiles reflecting the afternoon light.

But what had caught her attention had been the legendary beast's lustrous ruby eye.

After taking a deep breath, Zhao Shuang reached out and pressed a few tiles in a seemingly random pattern before pushing the jewel into the wall. She stepped back and watched as the jewel rotated, until it moved back into place with a high clicking sound that echoed in the deserted surroundings.

A moment passed.

Then, the wall slid inward and scraped to the side, revealing a dark passage.

She briefly hesitated before darting inside. Almost instantly, the wall closed behind her, leaving her in complete darkness. She remained where she was for some time, breathing in the familiar earthy scent to calm the panic rising within her.

'What am I doing?!'

This passage led to the residence of the crown princess. She had found it in her past life, but only after inspecting her rooms everyday for any hidden traps or poisons.

And slowly, the passage had become her lifeline, allowing her to slip from the Eastern Palace unnoticed anytime she wanted.

But did she really want to go forward?

She had wanted to see the Eastern Palace one last time, but only from afar. As a final goodbye to the life she was leaving behind. What she hadn't wanted was to relive the memories of her time as the crown princess.

Zhao Shuang drew in a slow breath.

It might help her get some closure, to see the place she had called home the last five years of her past life.

With that decided, she started walking, not needing any light to guide her way. Her heart pounded with every step closer to the other end. Had the passage always been this long?

Eventually, she arrived at a door.

Zhao Shuang reached a hand out to it, her fingers tracing the complex patterns engraved in the wood. Then, with another deep breath, she pulled on the handle. A long creak sliced through the air as the door swung open to reveal the back of a bookshelf.

She winced. Clearly, it hadn't been used in a long time.

But before advancing any further, she closed her eyes and used her inner energy to check her surroundings.

Just as she'd expected, there was no one in the near vicinity. Not even a few guards.

After all, at this point in time, there was still no certainty Feng Hao would finally give in and marry her.

Wryly smiling, Zhao Shuang knocked on a lighter part of the wood various times, with increasing amounts of strength. Once she finished, the bookshelf shook as it moved to the side.

She slowly entered the large room, drinking in the more than familiar scenery.

The furnishings were still as simple and elegant as they were in her past life. A lot of her things were missing of course, but the room was mostly the same. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine she'd just come back from one of her many outings.

Zhao Shuang walked towards a rosewood table set near the large windows.

She ran a hand over its slightly dusty surface, a fond smile on her lips. At this very table, other than having her meals, she'd spent countless hours reading her mother's poison texts, her spies' reports, and...cheesy romance novels.

Dusting a chair off, she sat down and propped her chin on her hands to gaze out the windows.

She let out a little sigh. This place had been her sanctuary, once she finally managed to leave that wretched Great General Manor. She had never felt comfortable at Zhao Luan's residence, always reminded by the fact that no matter her schemes, she would never truly be the cherished legitimate daughter.

But here, in the personal chambers meant for the crown princess, it'd been much easier to pretend.

To the point that when the fake Zhao Luan appeared and destroyed everything she'd worked so hard to achieve, her heart had severely blackened, unable to let go of her self-delusion.

Zhao Shuang frowned at the memories of her dark actions. There was no denying, no matter how hard it was for her to admit, that she had deserved all that she'd suffered.

But as the radiant form of that man appeared in her mind, she wondered if everything that went wrong in their relationship had been her fault as well.

She still didn't know if what she'd felt for him had been love. But her ardent admiration for his righteous way of thinking and his dedication to his future subjects had made her willing to support him in any way she could.

To become his hidden weapon, and aid him from the shadows.

For him, she had managed his concubines, flattered important officials to gain their support, spied on his enemies and helped him scheme against them, and even drank poison that was meant for him on multiple occasions!

Was all of that nothing in his eyes?

She let out a dry laugh.

Since the beginning, he had never stopped to consider her.

At first, he made her the laughingstock of the capital's young misses, for taking so long to marry her. And later on, heartlessly trampled over her pride again and again when he publicly favored that fake Zhao Luan.

When her crimes had been revealed, she clung to the last shred of hope in her heart.

Not for him to defend her, no. At that point, it was hopeless. But as the crown prince, with a well-earned reputation for being just yet merciful, he had the power to ask the emperor for a lighter sentence on account of her being his wife of five years.

Instead, he had allowed the emperor to decree her execution, and later on, that fake Zhao Luan to poison her to death.

Yes, it was true she'd deserved that awful ending. But Zhao Shuang didn't think that absolved him of completely abandoning her after all she'd done for him.

Even now, she could still recall his last words to her, the sheer disgust in them piercing her like a thousand needles, all at once.

"I always knew you were ambitious, but I never thought you could be this ruthless for the sake of becoming the empress! Hiding such a sinister heart for so many years... I would have never made you my crown princess if I'd known what was hiding behind that noble exterior of yours."

She shivered at the memory of his scathing glare, just before he ordered his guards to imprison her. Even worse, Feng Hao hadn't waited until she was gone before taking the fake Zhao Luan into his arms, holding her as if she was a priceless treasure to be cherished.

That was the last time she'd seen him in her past life.

Zhao Shuang smiled, a poor imitation of one, and stood up. She smoothed down her dress, not looking around her for the last time.

It was better to leave all of this behind, just like everything else to do with Feng Hao, in the past.

But when she was about to open the secret passage again, she suddenly heard approaching footsteps. Then, a deep male voice sounded outside the room.

"Leave, this crown prince wants to be alone for now."

She froze. That was the very same one she'd recalled just now!


¹niáng niang (娘娘): A way to address or refer to the empress and imperial concubines respectfully. Translated to 'your / her highness'.

²bengong (本宫): Literally 'this palace'. Used by women of the imperial family, who have their own palaces, namely the Empress, high-ranking consorts, and princesses. (I've seen this used for the crown prince as well, however).

Rosana777 Rosana777

Whooo....this chapter just wrote itself lol. Also ZS doesn't know how scary she can be, as a former villainess lol~

Btw, does it seem the plot is moving too slowly? I'm not sure >.<

Tell me what you thought pls!! ?

-rosana ?

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