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Red Dragoon Red Dragoon original

Red Dragoon

Author: Sleepyweepy

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

Lately, should one turn on the television and watch the nightly news station, particularly in relation to world events, it wasn't uncommon to have the broadcast report about the newest mystery. Within the past three years, terrible events have been prevented by the arrival of what could be best described as a 'red blur'.

Planes landed safely after failing due to sabotage or malfunctions, invading forces in third-world countries were halted no matter what side they were on or for what reason they had to fight in the first place, to even petty robberies, muggings, attempted kidnapping and raping were stopped with the criminals being found bound in front of police stations.

Every one of the involved would report a red blur appearing out of nowhere and then disappearing as soon as it arrived. Never a life was lost when it was around.

At first, this was just assumed to be some sort of childish speculation as several theories and mythological lore swept through the internet. It wasn't until a year ago did the news media start to take it seriously.

There was a fragment of a second when this red blur had paused. And in that fragment of a second had a group of teenage tourists been conveniently taking a picture of their surroundings to record their memories.

And minutes later one of them would be calling the local authorities after having heard gunshots. It would later turn out to have been a lair of drug smugglers who had their base thrashed, and each one of the criminals would report to have seen a red blur moving far too fast for any of them to see clearly.

Though still so far away, the image of a red humanoid with a tail and fluorescent wings was captured right before its raid began.

The world was set ablaze by the surfacing of this evidence. No one knew what it was. No one could trace its movements as it continued to sweep across the world. In one moment it would be stopping pirates from the Atlantic and in less than an hour, it would be rescuing people from a storm in the Americas. The speed of its travel was truly unfathomable.

Many speculated there were multiples of this phenomenon. Governments had denied knowledge of its origin just as much as they had attempted to capture this unknown creature. Some even went as far as creating their disasters in hopes of luring it into a trap.

The creature had either adapted or grew cunning as now whenever it arrived, technology started to fail in its presence. Capturing any further pictures, let alone the creature itself, was deemed impossible.

But the photograph was the only evidence that would ever surface. Without any further leads, people eventually began to lose interest. But that is not to say they weren't still curious about this. Simply until new information could surface, there wasn't anything they could do about it.

…That is until the appearance of a white blur appeared.

Now, just as the red creature was treated as some childish myth until the picture arrived, there were rumors on the internet about other colored creatures roaming around the world, including that of a white one. There were even people across the world who reported seeing blurs of various hues during events of carnage, but of course, none of this was true.

Yet a camera crew from Germany had been able to capture the image of a white being just after a roaring forest fire had been contained. It had been floating high above the air, higher than their helicopter could reach, higher than most flying vehicles could.

It was but a speck in the distance and impossible to notice. The only reason why they had noticed it was because of the howl of rage it had unleashed. Its roar had been heard within a several mile radii. Their cameras had been able to see the speck for but an instant before its florescent wings took it away due east.

The local villagers would later report something large and red had stopped the fire from advancing to their area before taking to the skies.

Once more the world was swept off their feet by the appearance of a second winged figure. And once more the cycle of trying to locate these two beings took off but granting no results. However, the world had concluded a pattern was starting to gather.

When a disaster struck, the red one would appear. And as soon as it was concluded and the red one would leave, the white one would appear as though searching for it.

Alas, there wasn't a definite pattern as there was always something going on around the world. At times the white one would be the first to appear as though waiting for the red one. Yet never were they seen together.

It was also speculated the white one was slower than the red. It would take hours for the white being to travel throughout countries while it took a fracture of that time for the red one to travel around the world.

Their wings were also different. While the white could be described by witnesses to have wings akin to 'green mist' or 'green sparkling dust', the red was far more… radiant. Its wings never had the same description as witnesses would claim its wings were one color or the other. Even the lone photograph of its appearance a year ago produced different colors depending on who was looking at it. It was but another marvel that could not be explained.

The shape was an entirely different discussion.

Nevertheless, once more the world was left alone in the darkness as these beings were beyond their reach. Governments still attempted traps here and there, creating high tensions amongst other nations as well as their people. The red one would be seen but could not be identified, and the white one would be close behind. Close, but yet so far away.

Some began to question if the white one was looking for the red, why not just cause a disaster of its own to lure the red…?

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