Life, to some, is a symbol of love and happiness, to others, it is a looming threat destined to befall, and yet life is nothing but a chance to pursue something special. Something unique and everlasting, the goal is to become a legend forever remembered and cherished. This is a tale of a man stripped of his humanity and forced into a world of unknown, destined to face injustice and tragedy. With his tale now forever remembered and shared, he lives on through all who hear his story, his achievements, and the destiny he grasped for himself.
To begin, Earth is no more. A meteor of unimaginable proportions struck the world, but the end of humanity did not come with it. Instead, a final trial was imposed on those who had ravaged the earth—a trial of fate. Yet, no one remembers when this trial began. Life went on, with some choosing good and others evil. But one man, alone, was torn from humanity and thrust into a new existence, his fate sealed by forces beyond his control.
Nonetheless, none would remember that this trial had started, and so humanity continued in its ways, with some siding with good and others with evil. While one sole man was separated from humanity, his true name, forgotten in history, was replaced with Azrytharion.
Again, this is the story of humanity's final trial from the lens of a man stripped of his humanity and thrust into a world where nothing is as it seems.