He Xinyan smiled, "Manager Yu, I'm not here to threaten you or anything. I just want to make a deal."
Yu Lin looked up in surprise, and her eyes were slightly red.
He Xinyan looked down and pressed her lips together, "You should tell my dad that you are pregnant because there is no way you can hide it in the last few months. Even if you can, you would have to take a break from work when you deliver the baby. It is better to tell him than to get caught."
"But -"
"Don't worry about the salary. I will convince my dad to give you a salary during maternity leave, even if it is over 10 weeks."
Yu Lin looked like she was about to cry, and she stood up to bow.
"You don't have to thank me!" He Xinyan immediately said as her expression softened slightly, "You also have your part of the deal."
I can't believe February is almost over! Time really does move really fast ^o^
Love you <3