As for Yu Qi had already arrived at the Guanying General Hospital. The ambulance stopped right in front of the emergency entrance. They came out. As they pushed the patient in, a doctor rushed to their side.
"This way..." The doctor said. "What is she having?"
"A deep neck infection." Yu Qi answered. "I have already administrated the first aid treatment right before the respiratory arrest. Oxygen saturation's above 90%. " She continued.
"Prepare for the intubation." The doctor said to the nearby nurse.
Using the c-mac laryngoscope, the doctor viewed the throat. Yu Qi already could see the condition of the patient.
"Okay. We will take over the case from here. Good job in administrating the first aid." The doctor said before continued doing his job.
Yu Qi came out from the emergency room. She was suddenly surrounded by the girl's friends.
"Miss, how is Suyan?" One of the friends asked.
Daily Mini Scene
Yu Qi: You have a lot of scars.
Long Hui: All soldiers have them.
Yu Qi: Is this hurt?
Long Hui: A lot but there are in the past.
Yu Qi: Try not to get hurt will you?
Long Hui: I will try otherwise how am I going to make love with you?
Yu Qi: You always thinking about that.
Long Hui: Just when I'm with you.
Yu Qi:....