"I am sorry to let you experience this kind of thing. I don't know that she was like that." Xia Zi Qie quickly apologized to his girlfriend about Huang Yanyu.
"Don't worry about that. I don't care. However, I am kind of pleased about something." Feng Yue said.
"Pleased about something? What is it?" Xia Zi Qie was confused.
People would often dislike to be in that situation. Why did his girlfriend seem to like it?
"Because turned out, my boyfriend was so famous that he even had an admirer." Feng Yue stated.
Xia Zi Qie felt embarrassed when hearing his girlfriend put it that way.
"Stop thinking like that." Xia Zi Qie coughed to cover his embarrassment.
Xia Zi Qie pulled Feng Yue's hand and walked away. Feng Yue was smiling as she walked behind Xia Zi Qie. She liked to see the embarrassed Xia Zi Qie from time to time. It was so cute.
That night, when Xia Zi Qi was in the bathroom, Feng Yue called Yu Qi to tell her about the story.
Daily Mini Scene
Yu Qi: You abandoneded your friend on the phone yesterday. 눈_눈
Feng Yue: Hahaha... I can't help it. My boyfriend is seducing me to eat him. (#~皿~#)
Yu Qi: You are so vulgar. (;¬_¬)
Feng Yue: Humph! Take it back to you. I bet you also had your round of eating yesterday. 눈◡눈
Yu Qi: Like you said, we can not help it. (〃ω〃)
Feng Yue: Hahaha... (≧◡≦)